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Is political correctness going too far?

I was watching the latest series of Dr Who a couple of days ago. The latest episode hits some hot spots with regard to racism in the US and the efforts to challenge the laws that kept blacks well and truly in their place (even if that was on the end of rope.)
The Dr and crew are cast back to Nov 30th 1955 in Montgomery Alabama. The meet Rosa Parks. The rest is history.
Interestingly, apart from the introduced Dr Who elements, all the details of Rosa Parks, the incidents, the atmosphere in Montgomery, the social and legal structures of the time are spot on.

Series 11 Episode 3 Rosa
The Doctor and her friends find themselves in the Deep South of America. As they encounter a seamstress by the name of Rosa Parks, they begin to wonder: is someone attempting to change history?
Ahh, so lets invoke the unrepresentative Kkk to justify anti white racism.

Bit by bit, your extreme left whittles away western magnanimity.

I'll tell you a story, grasshopper. A friend of ours invited us to her son's schools music night. The performances ranged from cringe worthy to actually very good.

But what my wife and I did notice was the broad range of races and cultures represented there. In that little microcosm of society it worked very well. We sat next to an absolutely gorgeous Chinese lady from Beijing who was delightful to speak to. The music Captain was quite obviously a Muslim lad and we'll integrated into Australian society, really nice young chap, and so on and so forth.

It all worked because there was mutual goodwill and the obvious efforts of integration, a really positive image of multiculturalism.

Yet the extreme left, your mob of malcontented agitators, seek to undermine that picture by the exact toxicity that you have portrayed in your post above. That is feckin shameful mate.

Your narrative of portraying Western civilization as some sort of toxic fascist, Nazi white supremacists is so far from the reality it is pathetic and an absolute assault and betrayal of our goodwill.

It is a shame that you are so programmable, that the NPC meme is so devastatingly accurate, that you cannot see the wood for the trees and it will ultimately be at your cost.

Who's anti-White?

How does a women's group, a women of colour group, or any minority group getting together for those self-help session, counselling, guidance and group hugs... how are they being anti-White or anti Western civilisation or "whittling" away the good stuff?

Maybe they're just there to help those in need, those they perceive as most disadvantaged.

Does it stop White groups helping one another? Does it mean no White people can join?

And how do you think that multicultural, mixing of ethnic groups you and your wife found so delightful came about?

Maybe made possible through such peaceful and "leftist" movement that remove the White Australia policy, ended segregation and apartheid.

And how does a peaceful, justice and equality seeking movement by a bunch of hippies going to turn and destroy the peace and equality of the culturally dominant race? They'd need to be psychotic and well militarised for that.

Psychotic people do not set out to seek equality and justice for anybody.

So they might, despite what we're told, just be seeking to set the disadvantaged on a somewhat equal footing.

Without that kind of activism, all the praise and fawning of Western civilisation are nought.

Think about it.

You reckon only Western countries know how to do imperialism? Only the West know how to exploit and enslave? Only the West have billionaires and sycophants? Or fine arts, culture, music, philosophy?

Being fair and equal does not mean everyone should treated all the same. I know, contradictory right?

To treat people all the same regardless of their situation... that'd be like not feeding the poor and hungry because the well-fed aren't being given the same nutritional package.

No society had ever been destroyed by those who seek justice and equality.

All society that collapses did so because those at the top take everything, blame it on minorities and scapegoats, and the masses believe them.
You have the center, the center left, and the center right, all willing to have reasonable discourse and generate goodwill.

Then you have the extremes, the Marxists and the true fascists who have no interest in generating goodwill, preferring to sow discord and dwell on sins of 7 decades ago in one group in one or two isolated regions, all the while ignoring the overall picure of humanity and the West's role in actually leading the world in reasoned social justice (not meaning the extreme lunacies of the extreme left of today).

As I say, one day, our collective patience will wear out.
You have the center, the center left, and the center right, all willing to have reasonable discourse and generate goodwill.

Then you have the extremes, the Marxists and the true fascists who have no interest in generating goodwill, preferring to sow discord and dwell on sins of 7 decades ago in one group in one or two isolated regions, all the while ignoring the overall picure of humanity and the West's role in actually leading the world in reasoned social justice (not meaning the extreme lunacies of the extreme left of today).

As I say, one day, our collective patience will wear out.

If by "the West" you mean the general, ordinary, population in the West, then yes. The decades after WWII were incredibly liberal and progressive in all of human history. All due to the population rising up and demanding good deeds from their representatives.

But if you mean "the West" as the ruling elite, those masters of mankind, those wise elder statesman bringing Plato, Socrates and Shakespeare to mankind... that's just propaganda.

So we plebs in the West are very free an privileged, we can do a heck of a lot, changing the world - if we want it enough. And these freedom and privileges weren't given or handed down by the magnanimity of Western philosopher statesman... they were wrested from their greedy, blood soaked hands by ordinary people.

Now, instead of seeing those history and emulate the bravery and decency of previous generations, some snowflakes start b|[tching about how unfair it is for Aboriginal students to have a dedicated computer room [what, don't we all have laptops and computers at home? Really? Not all could afford it?]... or whine about some minority getting offer for hep and assistant if they needed it.

As said elsewhere, there is real and genuine hardship among White working poor in the West. Rising poverty, rising unemployment, homelessness, drug abuse, crime, suicide etc. etc.

Real solution require knowing the real cause of it. Finger pointing, blaming minority and less fortunate people ain't going to solve it.

And if it's hard to see how White politicians could possibly enact policies that hurt White peasants, then look overseas to see how it is very possible and very real that Yellow, Black and Brown politician have no problem doing the same butchery on "their own kind".
You can't hide your anti white racism via obfuscation with BS, grasshopper.
We have to protect kids from hurting themselves.

Leave them on the couch with the playstation, and give them heart disease and type 2 diabetes instead.
I used to be a cub leader and my kids are scouts, my eldest has just put in for the Queen scout award.
I really respect scouts, they get to do stuff they can't at school and aren't allowed devices at camps or scout nights.
They also gain leadership skills and have a different set of friends away from school.

Even there though you get some leaders and parents that want to pin their wings.
As a cub leader one of the games is the match relay. They run, light a match then douse the flame in a bowl of water. A big deal for this deprived generation.
If anyone needs a cause to be upset about well then here's one:

What's the big deal?

A woman chooses to sell naked photos of herself to raise money for a very worthwhile cause.

Problem? It's not like she's putting them up outside the nearest primary school etc. :2twocents

No problem as far as I'm concerned.

It may be a problem for the prudes and feminists but let them say what they have donated to the relief efforts.