Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is political correctness going too far?

If the two major parties won't listen to what many people are thinking and you have a party that will, then so be it if the major parties suffer....It is called people power and there is a political revolution on the way.

If Turnbull tore up the Paris agreement, stopped the immigration of any more Muslims, deported the radical and extremist Muslims, cut back on Muslim welfare and took a stand on the excessive use of renewable energy, his popularity would rise over night......Over the past few years with modern communications the media are controlling the way politicians think and act.

They are gutless and always fearing popularity back lash from the media who are quick to criticize and ridicule any decisions that are made.

I don't know what type of people you hang out with noco, but I'm not sure how anyone could benefit if any of that short-list of the wishlist is carried out.

The Media don't control the politicians, they disseminate politician's messages. Politicians take their orders from those who own the country. And so far, Muslims rorting of Welfare can only afford them to buy about maybe 10% of our dear leaders and people's champions. The other owners include the Chinese and Asians, then maybe the Irish. :D
If the two major parties won't listen to what many people are thinking and you have a party that will, then so be it if the major parties suffer....It is called people power and there is a political revolution on the way.
Just be careful with the one nation mob. Pauline is having a hard time keeping a lid on her crackpot senators. They are looking after their own self interests and throwing party policy out the window. What you think you will get with Pauline will change under her senators.
They crack after the slightest bit of trolling as well.
They are gutless and always fearing popularity back lash from the media who are quick to criticize and ridicule any decisions that are made.

Interesting how even the LNP media has started rumblings about the need for a Paul Keating; I guess they are bored with the current pipe and slippers leader too:

As laced with arsenic that his speeches were he could also give credit when credit was due:

Just be careful with the one nation mob. Pauline is having a hard time keeping a lid on her crackpot senators. They are looking after their own self interests and throwing party policy out the window. What you think you will get with Pauline will change under her senators.
They crack after the slightest bit of trolling as well.

I make a point of following the political leaders/elite on twitter. Pauline is consistent in her message and desire for her mother's generation's values, as hurtful as that is for all the mice that have roared behind the shield of vilification laws and state enforced tolerance of dickh3ads.
I make a point of following the political leaders/elite on twitter. Pauline is consistent in her message and desire for her mother's generation's values, as hurtful as that is for all the mice that have roared behind the shield of vilification laws and state enforced tolerance of dickh3ads.
It's the other members of her party. They don't know- or follow party policy. They then attempt to hijack the show. Culleton isn't the only one driven by ego in the party. Culleton should never have been chosen in the first place. He ripped off farmers for millions, nothing but a con man.
She needs to choose better candidates or the party will disintegrate.
Luutzu, I have put this up before --

Our foundations is how a country is established, our laws etc.

Western culture, throughout most of its history, has been nearly equivalent to Christian culture, and many of the population of the Western hemisphere could broadly be described as cultural Christians. The notion of "Europe" and the "Western World" has been intimately connected with the concept of "Christianity and Christendom" many even attribute Christianity for being the link that created a unified European identity.

In saying that, I don't care what you believe in.

I do stand up for what I think is important, and thankfully we live in a country where we can express our thoughts, views and opinions.
Luutzu, I have put this up before --

Our foundations is how a country is established, our laws etc.

Western culture, throughout most of its history, has been nearly equivalent to Christian culture, and many of the population of the Western hemisphere could broadly be described as cultural Christians. The notion of "Europe" and the "Western World" has been intimately connected with the concept of "Christianity and Christendom" many even attribute Christianity for being the link that created a unified European identity.

In saying that, I don't care what you believe in.

I do stand up for what I think is important, and thankfully we live in a country where we can express our thoughts, views and opinions.

The countries that permit freedom of thought and expression that you, and we all, cherished are Secular ones. They're never a religious, theocratic state. And that's true whether that dominant culture/religion is Christianity, Judaism, Islamic or Scientology.

Religion does not permit any expression outside the will of God. Where God's will is what was heard, written down and interpreted into Latin.

True that Western civilisation are seen as Christian. But...

That wikipedia's "some says" that Christianity is what created a unified European identity... not true, really. Like all things, it's commerce, money, more money, and a whole lot of memories of Pax Romana and the idle Greeks and their philosophers. What with the EU states being pretty much former colonies of Rome, with the new capital being Berlin and Paris - with London being too smart to get too involved with the barbarians but not too distant as to not make a few quid out of it.

As to that unified Christian peace... Europeans has never really got along with each other. The only few times they sat at the table together was deciding which part of the world to divvy up and which part of their defeated Christian neighbour to take. True story.

As to Christian value and all that scientific advances... Two thousand years and Western sciences didn't get a free reign until maybe a couple hundred years ago. And it's not Christian enlightenment that permitted that either. Before those years, "witches" were burnt and great scientific minds were locked up and their books banned.

As to peace and brotherly love, to social welfare... these only come about because the godless commies in the USSR and parts of Europe remove a few heads of their Czars and Kaisers. The Poms and Yanks got a bit smarter about it and decided to play nicer with its great unwashed.

Since the fall of that alternative vision of world order came to an end in the late 80s, the Western christian democracies all decided to pat themselves on the back and move things back to the good old days of robber barons and slavery. This time they got Muslims and other victims of theirs to blame for the miseries. Which is kinda nice.

Sarcasm and all the good humour aside, if you love the country and want it to be great again (not that it was never ever not great)... should examine the causes of its rise and decline. Shouldn't just assume that it was Christian and its values that built and advanced the country. That would insult a lot of Muslims and coloured folks and atheists and Market-goers.
Sarcasm and all the good humour aside, if you love the country and want it to be great again (not that it was never ever not great)... should examine the causes of its rise and decline. Shouldn't just assume that it was Christian and its values that built and advanced the country. That would insult a lot of Muslims and coloured folks and atheists and Market-goers.

Can I assume you make that comment tongue in cheek, or do you really believe it ?

Personally, I don't care if Muslims are insulted about Christian values, they didn't build the country they just suck on it.

Muslims are about 2% of the population and it wasn't nearly that much untill the 1980's when Fraser started letting in the Lebanese refugees, so they had very little to do with nation building. People like Eddie Obeid haven't set a very good example have they ?

Whatever I think about Christianity (which isn't all that much), I like democracy and you will never get that under Islam.
Can I assume you make that comment tongue in cheek, or do you really believe it ?

Personally, I don't care if Muslims are insulted about Christian values, they didn't build the country they just suck on it.

Muslims are about 2% of the population and it wasn't nearly that much untill the 1980's when Fraser started letting in the Lebanese refugees, so they had very little to do with nation building. People like Eddie Obeid haven't set a very good example have they ?

Whatever I think about Christianity (which isn't all that much), I like democracy and you will never get that under Islam.

No nation is completely built at its founding. It does not remain at that original state forever either. Because if those were true, the streets of all countries that has ever existed would be greasy with blood.

So I think that it's a simple truism that all countries evolve and develop from its origin... and they are built by the masses and their labour, by their evolving vision of what ought to be.

Since that's the case, all Australian citizens contributed to the development of Australia.

Name one group of Australians who had not suckled at the t1ts of Mother Australia at one time or other.

Don't get me wrong... I'm not belittling the nation building effort of the original Australians (after the first originals)... just to say that unless the OZ is White and Christian and British, every other "Aussies" are parasites... we're not all capitalists alright?
Can I assume you make that comment tongue in cheek, or do you really believe it ?

Personally, I don't care if Muslims are insulted about Christian values, they didn't build the country they just suck on it.

Muslims are about 2% of the population and it wasn't nearly that much untill the 1980's when Fraser started letting in the Lebanese refugees, so they had very little to do with nation building. People like Eddie Obeid haven't set a very good example have they ?

Whatever I think about Christianity (which isn't all that much), I like democracy and you will never get that under Islam.

There's only a handful of billionaires and multi-millionaires in Australia and the world. And by the media account and politicians love for trickling down economics, those few are the real builders of all that is good and great.

So 2% of people shrewd enough to cheat billions and billions of welfare is plenty enough to have enrich the country SirR.

Seriously, it starts with believing that a segment of the population being parasitic... and ends in a few concentration camps.

Jesus wouldn't do that.
Seriously, it starts with believing that a segment of the population being parasitic... and ends in a few concentration camps.

I think if you looked at a map of the biggest welfare suburbs and overlaid it with the highest concentration of Muslim suburbs then you will see a parallel.

Of course, not all people of a certain back ground are parasites, but it's more prevalent in some than others.
I think if you looked at a map of the biggest welfare suburbs and overlaid it with the highest concentration of Muslim suburbs then you will see a parallel.

Of course, not all people of a certain back ground are parasites, but it's more prevalent in some than others.

I'm guessing that the North Shores of Australia aren't welfare recipients.

I guess they're call "Incentives", Tax Reform, well maintained neighbourhood with new underground roads and rail infrastructure (it's good for property value to have easy access to those, but who'd wanna see and breathe the stuff in, right?)... the nation will be poorer if those roads and rails are above ground.

This is why people don't want to be poor. Aside from welfare cheques for nothing, you get blame for beggaring a country that beggared you. That and ISIS.
Could you explain how we "beggared" Muslims ? No one asked them to come here they have as many opportunities as anyone else.

Wasn't directed at Muslims alone. But directed at those on welfare.

Why are people on welfare? Beside the cheats that is... Why are people so poor that they need handouts from government (i.e. beggaring). Because the gov't have let them down (i.e. beggared them).

I know, we're all masters of our own destiny and freedom and hardwork and all that... But seriously, the ever increasing costs of everything, the lack of funding for training and the rapid changes in technology replacing manual labour. That and the poorer third world are actually manufacturing stuff they need, flooding them into our markets through Free Trades and multinationals shipping jobs to where labour is cheapest and environmental protection zero.

In some school of thought, leaders are to be blamed for the state of their country's and its people's well being. To make laws and set up policies that forces people to beg, to resort to crimes, to have to need social security... then shame the victims and lock up the crims.

What are we paying politicians for? For them charging us a free "official" trip to Queensland where they drop by a real estate agent and splurge on a $700K luxury apartment?

Maybe we pay them so they can use our money to throw a cool New Year Eve's party at the Opera House for public servants who blah blah for the community blah blah.

The buck got to stop somewhere, and so far, it stops at the lowest, weakest, poorest of the community. Not a literal buck since they wouldn't mind one or two either.

As to Muslims and Arabs migrant and refugees... Seriously, where the heck do you get these stories that they're all cheating welfare and lazing around?
That's not to say there are none that cheats welfare etc., but come on man.

For one thing, the Asians are getting away with screwing Australia while the Muslims are front page news.
Wasn't directed at Muslims alone. But directed at those on welfare.

Why are people on welfare? Beside the cheats that is... Why are people so poor that they need handouts from government (i.e. beggaring). Because the gov't have let them down (i.e. beggared them).

The government gives people an education that they can use to find a job. When you have a section of the community that is more interested in obeying their version of a Sky Fairy than learning English, Maths, Science then they have been let down by their own community not the government.

I know, we're all masters of our own destiny and freedom and hardwork and all that... But seriously, the ever increasing costs of everything, the lack of funding for training and the rapid changes in technology replacing manual labour. That and the poorer third world are actually manufacturing stuff they need, flooding them into our markets through Free Trades and multinationals shipping jobs to where labour is cheapest and environmental protection zero.

You have it right as far as changing technology goes. That makes it even more necessary to get a good education and not just prostrate yourself 5 times a day and hope Allah provides for you.

As to Muslims and Arabs migrant and refugees... Seriously, where the heck do you get these stories that they're all cheating welfare and lazing around?
That's not to say there are none that cheats welfare etc., but come on man.

It's well known that a very high percentage of refugees remain on welfare for a long time.

For one thing, the Asians are getting away with screwing Australia while the Muslims are front page news.

Now you are sounding like Pauline. ;)
The government gives people an education that they can use to find a job. When you have a section of the community that is more interested in obeying their version of a Sky Fairy than learning English, Maths, Science then they have been let down by their own community not the government.

You have it right as far as changing technology goes. That makes it even more necessary to get a good education and not just prostrate yourself 5 times a day and hope Allah provides for you.

It's well known that a very high percentage of refugees remain on welfare for a long time.

Now you are sounding like Pauline. ;)

Shouldn't really quote anything from Murdoch's press regarding Muslims and immigrants SirR.

Don't know if, other than the black overalls shown on TV, you've seen a wider range of traditional Muslim women clothing but let me tell you, they're sexy as heck. I'd go for those modest, curvy looks over the bikini and short-short any day. Well... I'd go for the short shorts too.

Not sure why we have problems with people being pious and observant to their faith. Isn't that a good thing? Take some time off every few hours, relax a bit, whine to some God for a while. Pray for some good luck and peace in the world.

Not if their religion is evil, right?

Am I being trolled here?
Shouldn't really quote anything from Murdoch's press regarding Muslims and immigrants SirR.

Don't know if, other than the black overalls shown on TV, you've seen a wider range of traditional Muslim women clothing but let me tell you, they're sexy as heck. I'd go for those modest, curvy looks over the bikini and short-short any day. Well... I'd go for the short shorts too.

Not sure why we have problems with people being pious and observant to their faith. Isn't that a good thing? Take some time off every few hours, relax a bit, whine to some God for a while. Pray for some good luck and peace in the world.

Not if their religion is evil, right?

Am I being trolled here?

You are not being trolled, but maybe you are trolling :)

Just kidding, I know you are sincere in what you say, you just can't look at facts. o_O

You are tarting to sound like noco, shooting the messenger if you don't like what is being reported.

Expecting God (and someone elses taxes) to provide for your large family instead of putting in to society yourself is the reason that people get walked over by the religious hierarchy whatever the religion.
You are not being trolled, but maybe you are trolling :)

Just kidding, I know you are sincere in what you say, you just can't look at facts. o_O

You are tarting to sound like noco, shooting the messenger if you don't like what is being reported.

Expecting God (and someone elses taxes) to provide for your large family instead of putting in to society yourself is the reason that people get walked over by the religious hierarchy whatever the religion.

Rumpy, you are sounding more like the mezzo-soprano in the church choir with megalomania.
You are not being trolled, but maybe you are trolling :)

Just kidding, I know you are sincere in what you say, you just can't look at facts. o_O

You are tarting to sound like noco, shooting the messenger if you don't like what is being reported.

Expecting God (and someone elses taxes) to provide for your large family instead of putting in to society yourself is the reason that people get walked over by the religious hierarchy whatever the religion.

Hard to tell facts from commentaries these days.

Some 21 year old American kid flipping pancakes was interviewed on Youtube and he said his opinion on Fake News is that it's designed to enforce the idea that any news that's not from the mainstream could be "fake".

But I'd ignore some dumb kid's opinion over a good looking, well paid, prompter reading "journalist" any day.

Back to the topic of Muslims and other welfare cheats ruining the country... While you and I are honest hardworking Australians who know the facts but haven't the influence on politicians to do much about anything... I can't imagine a James Packer or a few CEOs down our Mal's streets can't drop by their neighbour's place to raise the issue.

I mean, come on Mal... this welfare system is going too far Mister PM sir. I work hard all day managing all those hundreds of millions and billions, and these welfare cheats just come in and take my money. And the good it does them too! Still poor after all these years of living off of welfare.