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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Ditto.. The analysis of the "The Great Global warming Swindle" opened up (at least) 8 separate issues where graphs were doctored, completely false information used to support the hypothesis, scientists words taken totally out of context, and date used that at the time was known to be wrong because of readjustments made to temperatures measured by global satellites.

Why would one ever accept anything else proposed in such a program when you can see such overt deceptions ? They have trashed their credibility. It just doesn't make sense.

By the way CO2 is not the only culprit in global warming. There are other Greenhouse Gases which trap heat.
The atmospheric concentrations of some greenhouse gases are being affected directly by human activities namely carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) (cow farts !!), nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone (O3), and synthetic gases, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).

PS Principa Scientific is a climate denier website intended to provide a fig leaf of "Science" to presentations that attempt to deny the cause and reality of current global warming.
Why isn't convection relevant?
What is weather if not basically heat effects creating convection? How are clouds formed? There are only three methods to spread heat, they are conduction,radiation and convection.
To ignore the effects of convection within air is just ignorant or a willful lie.
Just to remind everyone the heating up thing is actually not the end game painful but wont end humans acidification of the oceans will and its not a big step to get there.
Just providing an opportunity to recognise
1) What are the natural and human caused impacts on climate
2) How these interact to create the current temperatures around the world
3) What is the current trajectory of global temperatures .

Coming from the US Global Change Research Program, a team of 13 federal agencies, the Fourth National Climate Assessment was put together with the help of 1,000 people, including 300 leading scientists, roughly half from outside the government.

It's the second of two volumes. The first, released in November 2017, concluded that there is "no convincing alternative explanation" for the changing climate other than "human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases."

How the World Passed a Carbon Threshold and Why It Matters
By Nicola Jones • January 26, 2017

Last year marked the first time in several million years that atmospheric concentrations of CO2 passed 400 parts per million. By looking at what Earth’s climate was like in previous eras of high CO2 levels, scientists are getting a sobering picture of where we are headed.

Last year will go down in history as the year when the planet’s atmosphere broke a startling record: 400 parts per million of carbon dioxide. The last time the planet’s air was so rich in CO2 was millions of years ago, back before early predecessors to humans were likely wielding stone tools; the world was a few degrees hotter back then, and melted ice put sea levels tens of meters higher.
Gave you a tick up for your last two posts Bas, it's a sad shame that some see CC as some sort of joke. Felt really bad about some comments overnight but one must hang in and try to get more to understand the dire situation the world is in from man made climate change.
And yet, alarmists do nothing except propose taxes

Actually... that's just another lie Wayne. Another one to add to the list.

People who understand what is happening re CC are looking to address the issues practically.
1) How do we reduce the future impact by reducing GG emissions in the many ways possible
2) How do we deal with the now inevitable effects of the CC that is happening and will continue to happen.

The latest US report developed by 13 agencies with input from thousands of scientists is quite explict in what the consequences are and will be.

The Three Most Chilling Conclusions From the Climate Report
Thirteen federal agencies agree: Climate change has already wreaked havoc on the United States, and the worst is likely yet to come.

On Friday afternoon, the U.S. government published a major and ominous climate report. Despite being released on a holiday, when it seemed the smallest number of people would be paying attention, the latest installment of the National Climate Assessment is, as told to my colleague Robinson Meyer, full of “information that every human needs.”

Read: A grave climate warning, buried on Black Friday

The report traces the effects climate change has already wrought upon every region of the United States, from nationwide heat waves to dwindling snowpacks in the West. In blunt and disturbing terms, it also envisions the devastation yet to come.

The document’s dire claims, backed by 13 federal agencies, come frequently into conflict with the aims of the administration that released it. Where the Trump administration has sought to loosen restrictions on car emissions, the report warns that vehicles are contributing to unhealthy ozone levels that affect nearly a third of Americans. Whereas the president has ensured that the United States will no longer meet the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement on climate change, the report says that ignoring Paris could accelerate coral bleaching in Hawaii by more than a decade.
Read the study I posted somewhere here bas.

I stand by my comment. Most alarmists do SFA.
And yet, alarmists do nothing except propose taxes
I think that reflects the era we live in and political thinking more broadly.

Just about everything these days needs to be a "market based solution". Can't give orders anymore or decree what's going to happen, it's all just persuasion via price or other encouragement.

So far as I'm aware the military would be the only thing of significance, possibly also police, where that doesn't apply at least to some extent.
467 ways to die on a warming globe
Clive Hamilton
While most people in most countries accept the truth of climate science, they reject its implications. What can be done to change that?

A new study published in Nature has found evidence for 467 ways in which climate hazards due to global warming are making life on the planet harder for humans. It confirms that we are witnessing a shift in the functioning of the Earth system as a whole, a shift to a new state that is unsympathetic to the continued flourishing of human life.

Broad threat to humanity from cumulative climate hazards intensified by greenhouse gas emissions

CamiloMora plus 23 other others

The ongoing emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) is triggering changes in many climate hazards that can impact humanity.We found traceable evidence for 467 pathways by which human health, water, food, economy, infrastructure and security have been recently impacted by climate hazards such as warming, heatwaves, precipitation, drought, floods, fires, storms, sea-level rise and changes in natural land cover and ocean chemistry. By 2100, the world’s population will be exposed concurrently to the equivalent of the largest magnitude in one of these hazards if emmisions are aggressively reduced, or three if they are not, with some tropical coastal areas facing up to six simultaneous hazards. These findings highlight the fact that GHG emissions pose a broad threat to humanity by intensifying multiple hazards to which humanity is vulnerable.
There has been insuufficient action since the 2015 Paris climate summit. Too much hot air.

World must triple efforts or face catastrophic climate change, says UN

Rapid emissions turnaround needed to keep global warming at less than 2C, report suggests

Fiona Harvey Environment correspondent

Wed 28 Nov 2018 03.45 AEDT Last modified on Wed 28 Nov 2018 04.46 AEDT


The drought-stricken La Sorrueda reservoir in Gran Canaria, Spain. Rising emissions could trigger extreme weather events around the world, the UN says. Photograph: Reuters
Countries are failing to take the action needed to stave off the worst effects of climate change, a UN report has found, and the commitments made in the 2015 Paris agreement will not be met unless governments introduce additional measures as a matter of urgency.
The current weather could be greatly improved by sharing.

Instead of dumping huge amounts of rain over Sydney and flooding the place, instead send it to Qld to put the fires out. A simple and effective solution.

On that point I note that Sydney is the second Australian state capital to have floods this year, Hobart being the other one.

Coincidence? Possibly but there’s rather a lot of these weather “coincidences” lately it would seem.
It's not summer yet and Qld is burning up in record heat and Sydney is being washed away.

My fault I suppose as my advice has been to "just party"
It sounds as though Sydney had a real soaking, the most amount of rain in a November day since 1984, not quite a 100 years but a real down pour.
There has been a viewpoint that actually links the Sydney rainfall to the QLD fires due to the smoke induced pyromaniac clouds that moved to the south. I had initially dismissed the flood warning but it was very accurate. So if you're up for a bit of drought breaking cloud seeding, start a bonfire in a strategic location - preferably an uninhabited one

Just one more point. If this phenomenon is the real deal it leads to the obvious question... if smoke can influence the weather a thousand k's away to that degree what happens when other crap gets released into the atmosphere globally on a daily basis ?

I don't have the answer to that but I find it hard to believe it's totally inconsequential
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I would re read that story from the ABC PZ. You might realise there are some discrepancies in your understanding of the weather systems.

But this is where we are now...

The world has just over a decade to get climate change under control, U.N. scientists say

“There is no documented historic precedent" for the scale of changes required, the body found.

Your totally right. Which of course is the basis for recognising the impact of a range of factors on climate
1) Huge volcanic eruptions have poured enough dust into the atmosphere to dim the sun and effectively lower temperatures for a year or so. Well documented. And they can also spew a xxxload of CO2 and SO2 into the atmosphere

2) Human produced SO2 and other aerosols have also reduced the heat from the sun and lowered temperatures. In fact the gross industrial pollution during the 50's , 60's and 70's was responsible for lowering global temperatures despite increasing GG.

3) The steep increase in Green House gases in the Industrial era and in particular the last 50 years has trapped more and more heat. CO2 certainly but also Methane, Nitrous Oxide (from cars) CFC's and HCFC's
The concept of smoke blocking the sun and changing the weather patterns, at the extreme lowering the earth's temperature by many degrees, has previously been looked at and considered plausible by the relevant scientists etc at the time.

Those in the older half of the population may recall this concept as the "nuclear winter", the concept being that massive scale fires would be a likely consequence of a real nuclear war (as distinct from tests at carefully chosen sites that aren't forests) and would kill whatever life wasn't wiped out by the nuclear weapons themselves. That concept was somewhat known to the general public some time ago.

Cloud seeding to increase rainfall is also a well understood concept which has been applied commercially in a number of places, most notable in the Australian context being Tasmania and to a lesser extent the Snowy Mountains.
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