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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Does anyone know what happened to @basilio Did she get sick of Tis flirting with her?
Forum needs more posters with a social conscience. You can't have Ying without Yang or something.
Does anyone know what happened to @basilio Did she get sick of Tis flirting with her?
Forum needs more posters with a social conscience. You can't have Ying without Yang or something.

I think she's warming herself on a sun soaked beach somewhere
Also found this science site that examines a range of global warming elements in the environment. This piece looks a a number of historical events where there was a big injection of CO2 into teh atmosphere.

When you get to the fine print however we discover that none of these events had anywhere near the amount of CO2 we are currently adding to atmosphere.

Hyperthermals - insights into our warm future from past rapid changes in climate
September 04, 2018

There are few, if any, direct analogues for anthropogenic climate change in the geological record. This is because it is occurring at a pace that is rarely seen naturally, short of those rare times when the Earth is hit by an asteroid (e.g. 66 million years ago). There are events that occur natural that are however relatively similar - these are known as the “hyperthermals”. These are geological rapid, relatively short events (<1 million years) characterised by rapid warming and caused by the injection of carbon to the climate system – typically a doubling or more of CO2 (see table below for a list of the most recent ones).
I seem to recall someone carrying on like a mad women with set free underpants when I used the word "analogue".
I seem to recall someone carrying on like a mad women with set free underpants when I used the word "analogue".
Could you clearly explain the meaning of the word "analogue" in your intended context here?
Could you clearly explain the meaning of the word "analogue" in your intended context here?

Why? You are more than capable of learning the different uses without having me tutor you on wordsmithing spatial concepts.
Why? You are more than capable of learning the different uses without having me tutor you on wordsmithing spatial concepts.
Typical deniers rhetoric, bla bla for confusion. and endeavour to belittle down those in opposition.

Answer the question put to you Tisme
Typical deniers rhetoric, bla bla for confusion. and endeavour to belittle down those in opposition.

Answer the question put to you Tisme

Do you need time to confer with Bas and come up with a different game plan? A few drone "likes" to each other to bolster the old hate and ego problem?

I repeat you can educate yourself without trying to bait me into one of the games you two like to play poorly.
Simply answer the question and we can then move on in the debate.

Your meaning of the word "analogue"?
Simply answer the question and we can then move on in the debate.

Your meaning of the word "analogue"?

You're behaving like a petulant child who demand his parents answer to him. It's not going to be a debate when it's patently obvious you intend to ambush me with some left field snipe.

Here's a few variations of analogue algorithms I use frequently :

Does that satisfy your insatiable desires?
Your meaning of the word "analogue"?

If you ever watched Mythbusters, "buster" was a human analog; ie an object that provided human characteristics in some respect without actually being one.
If you ever watched Mythbusters, "buster" was a human analog; ie an object that provided human characteristics in some respect without actually being one.

There's medical analogues, industrial analogues, time based control analogues, electrical analogues, continuous variable analogues, etc even climatic analogues as it turns out from the article I referenced.

To know one is to love one.
"There are few, if any, direct analogues for anthropogenic climate change in the geological record"

This means there few if any direct comparisons for what humankind is doing to the climate compared to what has occured through a range of non human CC situations.

Tizzie is just doing his normal sxxx of being as obscure as possible.

Also manages to divert discussion from the paper I quoted e.g
"Also found this science site that examines a range of global warming elements in the environment. This piece looks at a number of historical events where there was a big injection of CO2 into the atmosphere.
(and the outcomes)
When you get to the fine print however we discover that none of these events had anywhere near the amount of CO2 we are currently adding to atmosphere.
Tizzie is just doing his normal sxxx of being as obscure as possible.


No he's not, he's avoiding having to school negative agenda pedants and the inevitable squeals that come from finding out they aren't as clever as they think they are.

Here's a freebie: analogue signal = real world proportional variable, usually a continuous signal. In fact guess what "analogue" derives from .......... ta da it's a derivitation of the Greek word for proportional.... shock horror. You see analogues everyday e.g. a dial faced clock or watch, you car has an analogue engine, when you wind your light dimmer switch you are winding an analogue, swinging your arms, temperature, humidity, pressure, light levels, etc.

The algorithms I previously posted are P+I+D outputs = proportional + integral+ derivative. But you knew that because you know more than I do about something I've been doing for over 45 years.
Elon Musk covers off on climate change in his interview with Joe Rogan recently. As someone who is super intelligent, and with wide ranging connections in the science community, his view carries substantial weight in my view. I know many do not like him, but his track record speaks for itself.

He indicated that there is now near 100% consensus and overwhelming evidence showing link between warming of the planet and burning of fossil fuels. It’s that simple. Debating this fact is simply detracting from the debate about what can be done and how fast. Ie accelerating the move away from internal combustion engines and electricity generation from fossil fuels is already happening so this is where the focus should be.

Are you a instrument tech or process engineer?...............might explain a lot
Are you a instrument tech or process engineer?...............might explain a lot

Across quite a few disciplines .. digital automation, logic and telemetry is one that semi grandfathered in this country and used to lecture actually and I keep my hand in now and again out of suit and into jeans to keep my brain active.
Be interesting to see at which point the reality of climate change in Australia, particularly in the rural sectors, hits home with the current government.

Drought-stricken farmers challenge Coalition's climate change stance in TV ad

‘We need to stick to the Paris agreement, we need to stop burning coal and we need to commit to more renewable energy,’ Longreach farmer says

“This drought has really hit our family hard,” says Longreach farmer Jody Brown. “Climate change is making the droughts more severe"
Those two sentences are the opening lines to a new advertisement challenging the federal government’s stance on climate change and the drought in Australia’s eastern states.

The 30-second ad will begin airing on commercial channels this week and will be beamed into politically important suburban areas of Australia’s three largest capital cities during the NRL grand final on 30 September.
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