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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

This is a very uncomfortable read. It resonates personally on many levels. It goes to the heart of how human minds cope with seeing very dark realities. Check it out if you will.

I picked out a salient quote.

The Climate Crisis Is Worse Than You Can Imagine. Here’s What Happens If You Try.​

A climate scientist spent years trying to get people to pay attention to the disaster ahead. His wife is exhausted. His older son thinks there’s no future. And nobody but him will use the outdoor toilet he built to shrink his carbon footprint.

.. George Marshall opened his book, “Don’t Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change,” with the parable of Jan Karski, a young Polish resistance fighter who, in 1943, met in person with Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, who was both a Jew and widely regarded as one of the great minds of his generation. Karski briefed the justice on what he’d seen firsthand: the pillage of the Warsaw Ghetto, the Belzec death camp. Afterward, Frankfurter said, “I do not believe you.”

The Polish ambassador, who had arranged the meeting on the recommendation of President Franklin Roosevelt, interrupted to defend Karski’s account.

“I did not say that he is lying,” Frankfurter explained. “I said that I didn’t believe him. It’s a different thing. My mind, my heart — they are made in such a way that I cannot accept. No no no.”


Good point. I don't know if China will be the sticking point in terms of environmental regulations. I suspect China will be very much in tune with tackling CC and will work with the legislation.. Probably Russia and the US and maybe India will be difficult countries. ? Australia may also be in the gun.

It will be interesting to see how discussions between now and June shape these proposals.
Bill Gates has always been aware of the cataclysmic impact of CC and the need to move very quickly across everything we do to turn the ship.
He has now written a book that highlights the issues and perhaps the solutions. Makes very strong points on the need for green steel and cleaning up cement as well as cow farts !

Excellent overview of Bill gates as well as the book.

Bill Gates: ‘Carbon neutrality in a decade is a fairytale. Why peddle fantasies?’

After putting $100m into Covid research, the billionaire is taking on the climate crisis. And first he has some bones to pick with his fellow campaigners...
.... All of these aspects come together in Gates’ new book, How To Avoid A Climate Disaster, which, as he tells me, grew out of two things: his interest in the sciences and what struck him as an irresistible challenge – the fiendishly difficult problem of how to further global development while reducing emissions. For the past few decades, much of Gates’ focus has been on expanding access to electricity in the remotest parts of the world. “And yet,” he says, “the idea of adding new electricity capacity – you can’t just go build coal plants. And understanding how expensive it needs to be, and how this is going to work, had me doing a lot of reading.”

I don't know if China will be the sticking point in terms of environmental regulations.
It really depends on what their long term intentions are regarding Antarctica.

Suffice to say mining would be made very much easier if all that pesky ice could be made to go away. Note there that it's China and Russia which have blocked moves to further protection of the Antarctic:


Serious emphsis here on Green Steel.... This is on a disruptive aspect ... close; but yet tantalisiningly close...
Mr Gates has put a few million( he can afford it) into 'Boston Metal' a project working on 'Moltent Oxide Electrolysis' MOE... The serious possiblity of Zero emmision Steel. Tragicallly (for minister Angus Twat' & others) negating Hydrogen in the process.
As the reality of cost superioity renewable energy works it way into every project of the future; And as an International Carbon impost introduces consequences to trade, and this seating itself into the investment actions of all involved. The work of the type Boston Metal is involved in is of serious consequence.
DYOR.....or don't.
Australia is dealing with multiple climate related disasters in very short time spans. It is not an accident. This report brings together many of the factors that will make much of Australia virtually unlivable if we and the rest of the world doesn't get on the collective bike and reverse our direction.

Global heating of 3C would more than double the number of annual heatwaves in some parts of Australia, leave properties uninsurable due to flood and fire risk, and make many of the country’s ecosystems “unrecognisable”, according to Australia’s leading scientists.
Scientists have sent a mini sub under Thwaites glacier in Antarctica. There have been concerns about it's stability as global heating has raised the temperature of the ocean under the glacier.
Not good news.

Glaciers all over Antarctica are in trouble as ice there rapidly melts. There’s no Antarctic glacier whose fate is more consequential for our future than the Thwaites Glacier, and new research shows that things aren’t looking good for
This is an amazing story of an 18 year student in the US who has been invited to join the Biden government advisory panel on CC. How did he get there ? What was his journey ?
CC is going to dramatically affect Jeromes entire life. "We" on the other hand are far closer to the end of our lives. He understands what is at stake if we allow global temperatures to increase at the current rate.

‘I’m hopeful’: Jerome Foster, the 18-year-old helping to craft US climate policy

Jerome Foster, 18, a climate change activist and virtual reality developer, poses for a portrait in Manhattan. Photograph: Elias Williams/The Guardian
The New York teenager has been included among a group of advisers to the president – a remarkable journey from protesting in front of the White House

Oliver Milman

Tue 13 Apr 2021

If a week is a long time in politics, the past year has been an eternity for Jerome Foster. In the opening stanza of 2020, the 18-year-old was holding forlorn weekly protests outside the White House calling for action on the climate crisis. Now, he has been ushered into the seat of American power to help craft climate policy.

Good to see Victoria committing to a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030, when you consider 75% of Australia's total emissions are created by NSW, Queensland and Victoria, if Queensland and NSW follow suit that will be a big reduction in Australia's emissions.

Global warming uncovering yet more history.
From the article:
Now rising temperatures are shedding new light on their daily lives, according to Stefano Morosini, a historian and coordinator of heritage projects at Stelvio national park.

"The barracks is a time capsule of the White War that helps us to understand the extreme, starving conditions that the soldiers experienced," he told The Guardian.

"The knowledge we're able to gather today from the relics is a positive consequence of the negative fact of climate change."
Updating the impact of Global Warming on melting of the Antarctic ice cap.

In a nutshell.

In 2015, governments from across the world committed to the Paris Agreement and its goal of limiting global warming to 1.5C or 2C. Yet, the emissions pledges that those governments have since proposed put the world on course for as much as 3C of warming.

Such a mismatch between ambition and action could have huge ramifications for the world, not least for global sea level rise, which is already accelerating.

In a new modelling study, published in Nature, we show what the difference between meeting the Paris goals and overshooting them could mean for the melting ice of Antarctica.

At 1.5C or 2C, we find that Antarctic ice melt continues at similar levels as today – albeit a contribution that would continue for centuries.

However, at 3C, we find significant risks of rapid, irreversible sea level rise before 2100. Our model incorporates glaciological processes observed over the past several decades, including the impact of ice shelf loss on outlet glaciers and subsequent marine-based “ice cliff” collapse.

We also show that our model is able to accurately reproduce sea level changes in Earth’s ancient past, which increases confidence that they can simulate long-term impacts beyond 2100. Significantly, our model demonstrates threshold behaviour once warming passes 2C, revealing the risks of overshooting the Paris goal and the apparent limits of carbon removal to halt these processes once they have started.

Why 10's of thousands of young people marched across Australia today.

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