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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

I note many of the papers say assuming no water feedback.

But water vapour is as the papers say is very important to retaining heat. The maths is beyond me but what I have read is that the small incremental increases in CO2, methane and NO2 reduce the emission of heat into space and thereby through water vapour feedback increase the temperature gain.

The effect of CO2 on its own is not large but combined with the other greenhouse gases (which though shorter lived are more effective as greenhouse gases) and the feedback loops cause the temperature rise.

The truth is that we can see this is occurring and there is no alternate theory that explains it once the normal cycles caused by the earth wobbles is included in the calculations.
Trouble with this issue is that most are seeing it as something to facilitate their own agenda rather than focusing on fixing the problem itself.

Latest one I’ve seen is the nuclear power lobby promoting it as a solution to bushfires.

Now not even this “electric” Smurf is going to try and convince anyone that building a power station, of any sort, is going to prevent fires. Only possible exception is hydro - the bush can’t possibly burn if it’s now under a lake.

Sadly that’s just one of a very long list where the climate issue is merely a convenient means to promote anything from building development to consumer gadgets through to political ideologies all with little if any intention of actually fixing the problem.

That the issue keeps being hijacked is a big part of why society has thus far failed to address it and the ultimate cause of many giving up on it.
Cuuummoorn Wayne, explain this away?

The rainforests along the spine of the Great Dividing Range, between the Hunter River and southern Queensland, are remnants of Gondwana, the ancient supercontinent that broke up about 180 million years ago.

"Listening to the dawn chorus in these forests is literally an acoustic window back in time," ecologist Mark Graham tells RN's Saturday Extra.

"It's like listening to what the world sounded like in the time of the dinosaurs."

The forests are mountaintop islands that have been "permanently wet" for tens of millions of years.

But now, some of these forests are being burnt for the first time."

And it is the tree who makes the air we breathe and the fresh water we drink. We have cut too many down and now the acceleration is really going as they burn.
It may be spinning!
In any case, it appears that there has been an acceleration in the directional change to magnetic North.
It may be spinning!
In any case, it appears that there has been an acceleration in the directional change to magnetic North.

Apart from 'possisbly' helping you sharpen your razor blades under the pyramid(do you sleep under it as well?), of what relevance is your post?
Apart from 'possisbly' helping you sharpen your razor blades under the pyramid(do you sleep under it as well?), of what relevance is your post?
What pyramid?
In answer to your question:
Posts #3012- 3020
A very good article on scepticism here:-

"Have you got climate zombies?

They might pop up in your social media feed, or manifest in comments under climate change news online. They might even appear at your Christmas lunch. And they're rife in some media outlets — they often come out after dark.

They're the cases against climate science that were buried years ago, yet somehow, refuse to die.
What a tosspot of a paper.

Composition of atmosphere doesn't matter, just thickness, and he's managed to make his maths fit the results for Venus, Earth and Titan.
Truly a joke. Surely it won't be published.

Looked him up, denier from way back.
Doctor of Philosophy, the University is based in Gippsland.
It's just an indication of where those ignorant of science at this website go for their information, and then post it as if it were some sort of revelation.
Irrespective of any other factor contained in the paper, it fails to show any explanatory prowess.
In particular it fails to address how declining irradiance causes temperatures to rise and this is the very opposite of the intent of the paper.
In a world of fake news we are being constantly bombarded by fools peddling rubbish.
I do understand the difference between climate and weather yes.

It's a reality though that "extreme" weather events, if they start happening rather often, do point to a change in the climate since "extreme" is by definition with reference to the established climate. In that sense I'll draw your attention to the weather forecast for Monday 30 December 2019:

"Very Hot. Late Storms. Maximum 40"

Now that's for Adelaide? Nope.

Perth? No try again.

Melbourne? Nope.

Sydney perhaps?

Nah - the answer is Hobart.

Now as someone who was born in Hobart and has lived most of my life in Tas (now in SA) I'm rather familiar with the fact that Hobart's all time record temperature was set at 40.8 back in the mid-1970's and we had to wait until 2013 to exceed 40 again. Since then another part of the state reached 42.2, an all time record (Hobart's 40.8 was the previous state record), and if it gets to 40 on Monday then that'll be the third time this decade.

One data point proves nothing, I agree with that, but when it happens 3 times in a decade versus only two previous known occasions since European settlement well then that does raise some questions. Especially given that the same trend is cropping up right around the world.

That doesn't prove CO2 as the direct cause but the evidence that warming is taking place seems pretty clear to me. There's simply too many data points coming up which point in that direction to ignore - Adelaide's all time record was set this year among many other places.

Needless to say, there's rather a lot of things in Tas that just aren't set up to cope with the heat. Plenty of homes and workplaces which can be relied upon to be a few degrees warmer inside than out with no air-conditioning and a population that isn't used to extreme heat = pretty unbearable in practice.
Wonder why the Thwaites glacier in Antarctica is melting so fast ?Lets get under it and see what is happening at the bottom of a 600 metre glacier.

And what are the implications if it continues to let at its current exponential rate ?

Submarine to explore why Antarctic glacier is melting so quickly
Scientists reach remote Thwaites glacier, vanishing at increasing rate, for mission

...“Nobody has ever been able to drill through the ice close to where it starts to float and that is the critical point,” Vaughan told the Guardian. “If everything goes to plan, they will drill the hole and then ream it out until it’s about 50cm across, and then lower in the autonomous underwater vehicle. That will actually go into the cavity and send back images in real time so they can navigate it right up to the point where the ice starts to float.”

The 3.5 metre-long icefin carries high definition cameras, sonar, and instruments for monitoring water flow, salinity, oxygen and temperature. These can determine how much fresh water is flowing out from under the ice shelf. The robotic sub will also sample the gritty sediment shed into the water as the glacier grinds over the slab of rock it sits on. The data will feed into computer models to refine predictions about the fate of the glacier and the magnitude of sea level rise its melting will produce.
The Liberal Party offering a rationale and practical policies to tackle Climate Change ?
This young leader sets out an excellent analysis of the situation and ways to tackle the problem.

As a Young Liberal I know it's time to stop turning climate change into a culture war
Chaneg Torres
The climate change debate in Australia has become a poisoned well, but it is our generation that will face the reality of it

Thu 2 Jan 2020 15.03 AEDT Last modified on Thu 2 Jan 2020 15.15 AEDT


‘It should not be a matter of conservative vs progressive. It should be a matter of science and economics.’ Photograph: Mike Bowers/The Guardian
In early December, delegates representing Young Liberal branches across the state voted overwhelmingly in approval of a motion recognising the reality of climate change and the need for action.

The NSW Liberal party’s youth wing recognises this a particularly important issue facing our generation, as our generation will have to face the risks brought about by climate change.

It is the duty of government to be awake to the challenges of the future. As the great conservative thinker Edmund Burke recognised, current generations hold the present in trust for the future. And climate change is a significant risk that will affect the future of my generation.
I don't think it's surprising the young Libs want more done on climate change.
Its only the old Codgers holding fast.

A true Conservative doesn't want massive climate change. The British Conservative party all the way to Thatcher have been proactive on this issue.

It has suited certain powers with large oil interests, Russia, Saudi, certain interests in the USA to turn this into a culture war as it is an easy way to stop action but it can't hold forever in the face of reality.
A village in Norway,Sunndalsora,just recorded a temperature of 19C ,which is 25C above their January average.The warmest January temperature ever recorded in Norway.
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