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International markets traders banter

China is once again coming through with some good news. The oldest of old players, Japan is also not bad. We cannot forget South Korea as well. These three players are some of the active economic players in the world. We have got some source of stability. Frontier markets are in the initial stage of their economy and capital market developments. Some emerging markets and developed markets may have some volatility. Overall we may see gradual demand for some commodities. The trend has shifted in stock, commodity and currency market. Therefore new sectors, out of favour commodities, currencies and stocks including emerging stocks, currencies and commodities will lead markets in the coming years. Emerging markets will readjust again.

If we believe in stronger economic growth, then it is time to increase our exposure to the good commodity stocks.

As I said before I believe this is the time to identify the next most bullish markets, sectors, stocks, commodities and currencies before others.

The current environment has opportunity. We can see the extremes of undervaluation for commodity stocks and some emerging markets now.

I think that the commodity stock rally is just getting started, and they should outperform the broader stock markets at least for some selected commodities including emerging commodities.

Some emerging market stocks trade at attractive valuations relative to developed market equities. Some Chinese Stocks And Commodity Stocks Are Bargains now.

Value orientated contrarian investors may identify cheap valuations in emerging and frontier world including Indian and Chinese equities and commodity stocks combined with extreme negative sentiment and improving fundamentals.

During last couple of days we saw lot of activities in emerging markets including Indian market. Among Asian developed market we saw lot of activities in South Korea. Tapering will benefit commodity producers in Asia.

South Korea Stocks Lure Record Foreign Inflows of $3.6 Billio

My ideas are not a recommendation to either buy or sell any security, commodity or currency. Please do your own research prior to making any investment decisions.
Noticed your dp, you trading on a linux machine? If so what are you using to do so?

No, trading on a couple of Windows 7 machines. I use Interactive Brokers TWS and ZeroLine Trader which both have Linux versions that work well. Unfortunately I need Amibroker as well which only has a native Windows version. It mostly works in Wine but I haven't got it working well enough for day trading

Pity it's not more developed for in the trading world, I love it

Yeah, trading is the only thing I use Windows for. Everything else is done on Linux machines. Linux Mint with Cinnamon desktop is my favourite at the moment. One of the beauties of Linux, so much choice (Not to mention very few worries with Malware, Viruses, Trojans etc.)

I started off with a Knoppix CD about 8-9 years ago after a friend pointed me in the right direction. I think I've tried every flavour distro available since then Gotten used to the Debian/Ubuntu way of doing things and find Linux Mint does every thing I need (apart from trading unfortunately).

Yeah same, tried pretty much all of them and have ended up with Mint too, but stuck on windows for all the trading stuff
Yeah same, tried pretty much all of them and have ended up with Mint too

Yeh, Mint is great, everything just works out of the box. Using Mint with XBMC for my media centre as well although hoping to pick up a RaspberryPi soon to try out with OpenElec or Raspbian with XBMC.
I didn't know the market was that upset about the potential of Summers...

It was interesting to see how it behaved as he is considered a taper fan a real market man.
The talk all over market land has been that the market has priced in tapering and that it is not really needed any more any way.
So it was interesting to see that that assumption on sentiment was not reflected in the Summers bow.
Yeh, Mint is great, everything just works out of the box. Using Mint with XBMC for my media centre as well although hoping to pick up a RaspberryPi soon to try out with OpenElec or Raspbian with XBMC.

Yeah I've got 2 Raspberry Pi's, I love them, got one set up as my media center with XBMC, its the best! Got the other to play with, was hoping to make one into a fully portable system, but just need the time to get it all together

I think the possibility of a strongish downturn after tapering starts is higher than most people like to think. It took a week or two after QE1 and QE2 finsihed for the market to fall... and like the debt ceiling talk a couple of years ago - everyone knew it was coming, yet the market still shaked quite violently afterwards.

Probably a good breather in response to the current strength anyway.

Yeah I've got 2 Raspberry Pi's, I love them, got one set up as my media center with XBMC, its the best! Got the other to play with, was hoping to make one into a fully portable system, but just need the time to get it all together

What OS are you using on the Pi? I've been told that OpenElec is quite snappy with XBMC.

Get a room, you two
What OS are you using on the Pi? I've been told that OpenElec is quite snappy with XBMC.

Raspbian version of XBMC, runs pretty nice, it's fantastic with the extra programs you can download via wifi through the pi, and all works through the TV remote for user input too, pretty neat system, gotta love open source/linux

haha skc, we can't now we're on a roll, the juices are flowing! Nah we'll shut up now.........crude is heading back up everyone!! There we go, back on topic

Awesome post

When you've run 600 billion worth of deficits added to a Trillion of QEs and achieved growth around 300 billion.
Ya gotta be geten a little shaky with ya bluff and all those chips on the table.

Might be time to head for the Bar and ask for a short of DAX
Raspbian version of XBMC, runs pretty nice, it's fantastic with the extra programs you can download via wifi through the pi, and all works through the TV remote for user input too, pretty neat system, gotta love open source/linux

Thanks for that, perhaps we need to start the ASF Traders

- - - Updated - - -

Get a room, you two

lol, sorry SKC, the Kospi is closed for the rest of the week so I'm off to the beach for a holiday, no more Off-Topic posts
The tension is palpable!!

(I know that's a very small post but even throughout the GFC I don't think there was so much focus on a single event before the fact.)
However markets say 'meh' and even the Ausi $ which is quite a good barometer of risk sentiments is hanging around even slightly positive.
I get the feeling throught the minutes the Fed's been trying to beat the market over the head, so to speak, that the taper will come and it will come because of overall good reasons. If everyone knows its coming, more likely that its priced in - but no one really knows how all the 'rational decisions makers' will act
This is the time to make some vital adjustments globally. Now is not the time to run and hide and it is time to take some bold action.

Actually tapering is good for some sectors globally. In addition different markets will benefits different sectors. For example emerging market and frontier markets including India will benefit their export sector and some commodity producers. Some Financial institutions in USA, Corporate Pension Funds, money market funds and some foreign markets etc should benefit from tapering. We need more study to identify clear winners in the market. Globally consumer staples sector may shine after tapering. I believe after tapering Money will flow back from gold, corn, soya bean and oil to other bull commodities and other bull stocks globally.

Bull Sector hunting is a must now. We should avoid coming bear sectors, bear commodities and bear currencies and should identify bull sectors, bull commodities and bull currencies before others. USD will shine strongly from 2015 onwards.

My ideas are not a recommendation to either buy or sell any security, commodity or currency. Please do your own research prior to making any investment decisions.
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