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How do we deal with bushfires in a warming climate?

You are such a total waste of space Wayne.
In which xxxing universe do you actually read an analysis and respond to the content ?
Certainly not this one.
The real world, real data, real analysis... bruh.
The real world, real data, real analysis... bruh.

Your a total wanker EWayne.
1) You still lying through your teeth about the reality of global warming and trying paint climate scientists as making up increasing temperatures
2) The article I referenced was specifically about the nature and effect of hazard reduction burns.
Respond to those observations.
Re "wanker" - Ad hom.

Re 1) Bullsh1t

Re 2) I prefer to read authoritative publications, not sh1trags like The Gaurdian.

Settle down Komrade
Thanks for that Labor Party announcement, Komrade Basilovski.
Not when you include the damage to the Australian economy Labor would've wreaked on us, not even a tiny fraction of.

Ah Komrade Dumninski.. You have indeed taken a deep , deep swill of the kondies crystals.

I see the froth all over your swollen lips and the dribble just keeps falling. Perhaps you have yet to hear of our Dear Leaders plans to Out Rudd, Rudd to make our country Great Again.

I could offer a leetle peak from the hated, propagandist ragist 'Pravada" but in deference to your sore eyes and tired nureones I'll let you look up The Grande Plan yourself on your favourite rag.
*Condy's, Komrade.
Do we need to reschedule our annual holidays to deal with the bushfire season ?
I think we should at least start by abolishing the concept of a "shutdown" over the Christmas - January period. It's an antiquated concept that doesn't really fit with the modern world even without the fires so it's time for it to go.

That doesn't preclude anyone taking a break but it does mean no shutdowns and forced breaks as such, thus meaning fewer people would in practice take holidays at that time.

Logically it should have some economic benefits too with better utilisation of assets in the tourism industry and without the interruption to business in general.
The Armidale Express 15/11/2019
by Badja Sparkes, longtime resident of Wytaliba
"Over the last three years, in co-operation with NSW Forestry, National Parks and the RFS we have had very extensive controlled burning in the State forest and national park on our perimeter.....Everything that should be done was done and lots more.
The fire that came last Friday was of another order of magnitude altogether. A crown fire roaring in from the west on a hot afternoon with an 80km per hour wind. IT WASN'T ON THE GROUND, IT WAS A FIRESTORM IN THE AIR, RAINING FIRE. THERE WAS NO FUEL ON THE GROUND, IT WAS ALREADY BURNED. The heat ahead of the fire front ignited nearly everything in it's path. Before he saw any flame my neighbors car exploded..."
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