Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


It's those pesky Brazilian feminists TS. Now Brazilian Butt Lifts and Bum-Bum contests have taken the world by storm.

Itt must be global deforestation is the cause ? Years ago there were huge forests. Think of the Amazon. Moisture producing fertile tracts of land. Logged out and burned to farming land. The alleged photography can be found all over the Internet ... Miss bum bum had a very unfortunate accident so I read. FEMINISM / when do you relinquish control and let the "better half" do the thinking and organization skills required to be a man. The world is my toilet cause I stand up to pee. ... map skills is another problem yet to be resolved. But in fact I celebrate the difference between man and woman. It's finding the right combination of personality to make it work.

End blog

P.S. landing strip for me
In February, this powerful short French video showed men what it feels like to be subjected to sexism and sexual violence. “Oppressed majority” takes place in an alternate reality where women jog half naked and work while the men take care of the kids and endure daily sexual harassment. Directed by Éléonore Pourriat, it shows a father taking his child to kindergarten and going through the rest of his day facing catcalls and sexist remarks.


Sheryl Sandberg is on a mission to change the sexist stock images we have been saddled with (anybody who has ever looked for depictions of working mothers would understand the difficulty of navigating image libraries.) Sandberg is partnering with Getty Images to create a special stock-image file that evades many of the sexist traps in stock images now, and to properly represent modern women.

sexist pic.jpg

In January, a 1981 Lego ad made the rounds on Reddit and social media. For some, the ad illustrated how ads back then adhered less stringently to gender roles. The story behind the ad is even more compelling. It's not only the brainchild of a female creative director, but the model herself is also a living embodiment of female empowerment. That little girl grew up to be Rachel Giordano, a now-37-year-old naturopathic doctor.

A consenting audience... Many of those likely married men. I wonder if their wives are consenting too. Men fulfilling their lustful desires outside of their marriage. It makes he wife feel inadequate and can often make them not measure up in the husbands eyes. This is the slippery slope which can lead to divorce and splitting up families.

Quite a few of them are also heterosexual women. Nothing too unusual about that in such places.

Strippers don't bother me really, they're a long way down the list of evils in society. Alcohol, violent video games, violent films, religion, cigarettes, illicit drugs and dangerous driving are all examples of far more problematic things in my view.

To be balanced, I do know a couple (well, I know him not really her) who did split up over that very issue. Group of us went to a concert, went into the city (Adelaide) afterwards and ended up in a pub fist then a strip club. Both males and (with one exception heterosexual) females in the group. All went inside except one woman who split with her partner there and then. That said, I very much doubt that was the only issue, sound relationships don't end over a single incident like that so there must have been more too it. The rest of the women had no problem with it at all.

Everyone's views are different on subjects like this. I don't think there's a "wrong" and a "right" so long as everyone is consenting and no real harm is being done. Personally, I find the pushing of religion far more offensive and a much greater cause of harm than a strip club but that's just me. :2twocents
just a gentle reminder that not all women get to live in the modern world

According to the International Transport Workers' Federation, a major trade union group, female flight attendants can only be hired by Qatar Airways if they're single. They must remain so for five years after starting work. If they want to marry, they have to ask the airline's permission. If and when they get pregnant, they must notify the airline as soon as they know. Pregnancy is a breach of contract and can lead to firing.

In much of Asia, airliners use majority-female - and young - cabin crews, and their roles fall somewhere between cheerleaders and brand beauty symbols. China Southern Airlines holds an annual, televised American Idol-style competition for its potential female crew that includes a swimsuit pageant. VietJet, a Vietnamese low-cost carrier, three years ago held a bikini contest of its own - while on board a flight.
Imagine a male host carrying on like Julia Morris, drooling over the male host and contestants in I'm a Celebrity.. on Network Ten.

Not a peep out of Tim Blair's Frightbat brigade. They'd run a bloke out of the country for the same behaviour.

It's only sexism if a man says it.
Imagine a male host carrying on like Julia Morris, drooling over the male host and contestants in I'm a Celebrity.. on Network Ten.

Not a peep out of Tim Blair's Frightbat brigade. They'd run a bloke out of the country for the same behaviour.

It's only sexism if a man says it.

The "drooling" is for comedic value, I don't think anyone thinks it's serious, it's is simply sarcastic humour.
It's only sexism if a man says it.

Careful there Logique, your last sentence does sound just a wee bit sexist!

Having said that, I've certainly noticed that some (not all) "feminists" freely express some unsavoury opinions of the stereotypical male.
It's as though nobody wants to call such people to account for making such sweeping generalisations.
(Perhaps I only see it that way because I'm just a wee bit sexist!)
Imagine a male host carrying on like Julia Morris, drooling over the male host and contestants in I'm a Celebrity.. on Network Ten.

Not a peep out of Tim Blair's Frightbat brigade. They'd run a bloke out of the country for the same behaviour.

It's only sexism if a man says it.

Yeah, I remember a - male! - commentator calling Olympian ice skater Katharina Witt a "good sort".
Boy! was he copping it from the fem brigade! And he didn't even "drool" :rolleyes:
Careful there Logique, your last sentence does sound just a wee bit sexist!...
Yes fair enough, I know Julia M. is just trying to supply a bit of colour and excitement, and often does. It goes more to the show's producer, who needs to 'mentor' her a little bit.

She has enough talent to steer clear of the Sunday morning RSL stuff.
The sisterhood won't be too happy with this. Browsing their invective thesauruses as we speak.

The era of fainting couch feminism

What fragile wilting flowers we women have become, with our jazz hands and trigger warnings, our “fainting couch feminism”.

We are under attack from the patriarchy, hostage to a rape culture, all at risk of domestic violence, held down by the glass ceiling, and not paid as much as men for equal work.

Pity none of this is true, and in fact women in Australia have more freedoms and equality than at any time in our history...
I wasn't sure whether to post this in the freedom of speech thread or here --

As many of you might have heard, Bruce Jenner (Caitlyn) was recently named “Woman of the Year”.

Germaine Greer, a feminist, has been silenced on this issue, and giving her opinion.

The Australian feminist author is scheduled to appear at Cardiff University for a public lecture, Women & Power: The Lessons of the 20th Century.

"What they are saying is because I don't think surgery will turn a man into a woman, I should not be allowed to speak.

"I do not know why universities cannot hear unpopular views, and think about what they mean."

The petition was initiated on Friday by Rachael Melhuish, women’s officer at the Cardiff University Students’ Union.
This award is probably just another PC nod to a minority group.

The whole question of "Person whatever" awards is a matter of opinion anyway.

Barrack Obama got a peace price for what ?

Means nothing.