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Federal Labor Party discussion

Hmmm I'm struggling to think of a country that's a republic and has a federal structure.

Yes but you don't have to look far, to find Republics where centralised power, results in centralised wealth. Irrespective of where in the republic the wealth comes from.
Yes but you don't have to look far, to find Republics where centralised power, results in centralised wealth. Irrespective of where in the republic the wealth comes from.

If you're a monarchist fair enough but this argument against a republic is one of the dumbest I've heard. You can just as easily find monarchies that have relatively centralised Government (ie most of the European monarchies) as you can find republics with centralised Government.

I agree. It makes no sense. There's nothing in the republican model that changes how the states interact with the Commonwealth.

Fair enough, but I haven't seen many political systems stand the test of time, over the Westminster system.

Also you don't have many European countries trying to administer fair government, over a land mass the size of Australia.

The initial Gonski funding is a point in case, ludicruos biased funding with no regard to logistics.

Centralised government at its worst, then they came back with "we'll triple it", obscene government at its worst.

Yes, like you would want to give these sort of people carte blanche, give me a break.

When they can show they can govern maturely, I'll give them my vote.
At the moment they are rable.
Fair enough, but I haven't seen many political systems stand the test of time, over the Westminster system.

There are Westminster republics too. A monarch is not an essential feature of the Westminster system.

sptrawler said:
Also you don't have many European countries trying to administer fair government, over a land mass the size of Australia.

Canada has a far more powerful centralised government than Australia (they have an unelected senate that does not give equal representation to the provinces) and seems to do OK. We don't have the division between states that somewhere like the US or Germany does. IMO, that is a much more important factor in determining how legitimate a centralised government can be than how large the land mass is.
Canada has a far more powerful centralised government than Australia (they have an unelected senate that does not give equal representation to the provinces) and seems to do OK..
We can obviously learn a lot from Canada. Which is also based on the Westminster system.

We don't have the division between states that somewhere like the US or Germany does. IMO, that is a much more important factor in determining how legitimate a centralised government can be than how large the land mass is.

That is fine, as long as the the areas as dilineated by the states are treated equally.
In Canada they may well be treated in a fair and equitable way, unfortunately in Australia it would biased toward the political outcome required.
Obviously politics in Canada is an honourable calling, it would appear here, it is a means to an ends.IMO
In Canada they may well be treated in a fair and equitable way, unfortunately in Australia it would biased toward the political outcome required.

Government spending is always directed to achieving political outcomes. That is the nature of government.

I guess your definition and my definition of equitable differ somewhat.
Government spending is always directed to achieving political outcomes. That is the nature of government.

I guess your definition and my definition of equitable differ somewhat.

I don't know what your definition of equitable is and wouldn't presume to guess.

But you seem to know what mine is. Maybe you could enlighten me.
Maybe you could enlighten me.

It's the WA state sport...

sptrawler said:
Premier Colin Barnett says his warnings that WA's declining GST share will eventually impact on services have become a reality, flagging hits to health and education in next month's Budget

Of course I'd love the West Australian mentality across the tax system. You get back what you put in. I wouldn't be subsidising things I don't use like the dole, disability pensions, government hospitals...and on and on.
It's the WA state sport....

Can't follow your train of thought on that comment, but probably has merit.

Of course I'd love the West Australian mentality across the tax system. You get back what you put in. I wouldn't be subsidising things I don't use like the dole, disability pensions, government hospitals...and on and on.

I don't think that is the issue, I think the issue is trying to support exponential growth and increased demand for infrastructure.
Being met by a reduction of money to supply it.
Your take will obviously be different, so be it.

But then again, you have probably proven my statement by denigrating Western Australians, just shows it's hard to be fair.
So now we have a Muslim Labor MP with a Ministry.

I wonder how long it will take him to move a private members bill to introduce Sharia law?

This Ed Husic Muslim could be a sleeping log.

Can anyone explain this a little better for me to understand. Has this even been advertised to the voters here?

Please, note this from a friend who is well informed in the political area.

It is critical that all people oppose (vote NO) to the proposed change to recognise local govt in the constitution at the referendum at the Sept election. By local govt areas being recognised then Sharia law can be demanded in the local area based on the % of Muslim people in that local area. This is exactly how the Muslims obtained sharia law recognised in UK.
So Rudd finally admits to his mistake with border protection.

It is a pity he does not admit to all his other stuff ups. A list as long as your arm which everyone well knows.

And he has stuffed up within the first 24 hours of his recycled reign when he accused Abbott of a possible naval conflict with Indonesia if the boats are turned back. I would like to be a fly on the wall when he meets the Indonesian President tomorrow.
Julia should be worried. Victoria next?

I would suggest your friend is not well informed at all. Do some proper research yourself instead of just accepting one of those emails doing the rounds and you will find that is not possible here.

I will be voting no but not because of this nonsense.

Country Lad
C'mon Rudd, show us some ticker, give us an election date!

Can you suggest a link my boy?
You and Bunyip appear to have the same 'well informed friend'. Bunyip put up the same post a couple of days ago on another thread.
Remember the other stuff that did the rounds, noco, saying that asylum seekers received many times as much welfare than did our revered age pensioners? Complete nonsense, of course, but that didn't stop people gullibly accepting it as fact.

I will also be voting no, absolutely nothing to do with this silly stuff.

It's also not possible in the UK for local councils to create their own legal systems.
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