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Federal Labor Party discussion

The Demise and Fall of Labor since the heady days of Gough can indeed be in no small way attributed to the demise of the common term "labourer".

Who in today's swarms of young talent wants to be referred to as a "labourer"?

Yet, the struggles of workers PROUD to be known as "labourers" was the entire reason for the painful birth of the "Labor" Party in the first instance. Now it seems many young/middle aged voters with more experience of labour rather than labour are supporting Labor's corpse - while even larger masses of others who knew more about labour than labour are deserting the sinking stateless ship. Thanks to JuLiar, that dynamic has turned from a relative tidal wave into a Tsunami of ex-Laborers..

If one of the core tenets for the party's existence has been thrown out the door (the word "labour" and its meaning in the traditional sense), is it any wonder that membership of this dying political entity is plummeting? The one thing the pathetic ragtag mob of survivors has to do to try and survive a few more years is....change the name.

LABO(U)R just wont cut it anymore...:horse:

In a broadcast that aired on June 25, 2012, Hadley claimed that children visiting Canberra's Parliament House would no longer be offered fruit snacks and bottles of water due to budget cuts. Hadley based his assertions on a story in that morning's Daily Telegraph.

However, before Hadley went to air with his claims, Mr Swan had issued a statement to all media outlets saying the story was “completely wrong” and that not a “single dollar” was being cut from the schools hospitality program.

Hadley ridiculed Mr Swan's statement, telling listeners: “It appears Mr Swan has not read what he needs to read in relation to all of this."

Rather than taking Mr Swan's word that the story was inaccurate, Hadley described the then federal treasurer as one of the “most dishonest politicians ever to govern this country”.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority judged that Hadley failed to make “reasonable efforts” to broadcast factual material.

The ACMA also found that, in later broadcasts, Hadley failed to properly correct the record and did not clearly acknowledge that his original statements were wrong.

I doubt any of the ASF Labor haters will feel that Hadley did anything wrong though. At least Brandis and Joyce have been criticised for something they actually did.

I think you are getting 'Labor Haters' confused with 'Inept Government Haters'.

I for one, will and have had no problem voting for Labor, when I felt they were the best option.

The goon show was given two terms of office, I was not enarmoured with or by their performance.
Obviously you were, and I hope the current government performs well enough to change your mind and prove my choice was warranted.

However if they perform badly, I will have no hesitation voting against them.
So let's just give it 6 months and see how it pans out.
It's fortunate it's so easy to copy and paste.

Otherwise you will find Labor's generation in opposition very painful indeed.
It's fortunate it's so easy to copy and paste.

Otherwise you will find Labor's generation in opposition very painful indeed.

It's Syd's stated aim to ensure that the Abbott government and especially Malcolm Turnbull fulfill their promises, and that will require a lot of burning the midnight oil. It's a pity he wasn't so diligent during the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd era. However I am sure he looks up to Bill Shorten who never breaks promises or betrays those who trust him.

Please read my link and comments posted on the thread "IS SHORTEN P M MATERIAL".

Well worth the read.
I think you are getting 'Labor Haters' confused with 'Inept Government Haters'.

So you were unhappy about the factual reporting of Brandis and Joyce, yet don't feel it warrants condemning when someone in the media seemingly goes out of their way to make false statements about the Government?

The current Govt has already gone back on (at least) 2 pre election promises, but once again not important eh.

It's fortunate it's so easy to copy and paste.

Otherwise you will find Labor's generation in opposition very painful indeed.

Your point? Do you want media personalities to get away with making factually incorrect statements purely for political purposes?

You do well enough crticising the ALP that there's really not much left for me to highlight Calliope. Keep up the good fight
So you were unhappy about the factual reporting of Brandis and Joyce, yet don't feel it warrants condemning when someone in the media seemingly goes out of their way to make false statements about the Government?

How you arrived at that, from my post, is beyond me.
How you arrived at that, from my post, is beyond me.

Because my post was about Hadley making false statements about the previous Labor Govt and the only thing you commented on was the previous Labor Govt.

So the only time you complained about the media reporting was when it was against the Coalition, even though it was factually correct. Hadley went out of his way to lie, and you don't seem to think it was wrong, possibly because it was about Labor?

3 responses to my posting, not one saying if they agree or disagree with what Hadley did.

Seems media bias is only bias if it's about the Coalition, otherwise say what you want.

I don't agree with dishonesty, corruption or poor behaviour by any politician. However, as politicians come under such close scrutiny, I seldom comment on what is reported untill the matter has run its course.

If there is a misdemenour or an illegal act, it comes out eventually as per Craig Thomson.
When the story first hits the media, it is sensationalised and is seldom based on fact.IMO

Having said that, I must admit I have been very busy and haven't been keeping up with current affairs recently.

I just read up on the Hadley article.

Just another big mouth, shoot from the hip radio 'jock' by the sounds of it.
No different to Allan Jones and Howard Sattler, they all seem to get an over inflated opinion of their own importance. I can't be bothered listening to them, the days of accurate informative news are long gone.
Also it has nothing to do with which party is coping the brunt of it, radio and t.v presenters in Australia are appalling.IMO
It doesn't matter whether they are commenting on politics, sport or most other things, they still think their opinion is what matters, it's a disgrace.
The Australian Labor Party has been the biggest joke for over six years now.

But they are not finished yet!

They keep giving more and more laughs every day.

Electing Shorten as their leader, Lol Lol Lol

Go Roxon - tell it as it is (by the way where is that Gillard file again?)

Kevin, come on, you have more to give, especially your wisdom, guidance and people skills.

Thanks ALP, I have not needed to go and pay to see a comedy act for ages.
Why does the Labor Party persist in telling lies about the CARBON DIOXIDE TAX and the ETS. The trading schemes operating in other countries are never elaborated on by Labor and when you read into what is going on around the world Australia is the most disadvantged.

The Asian Pacific region are delighted to learn that Abbott is about to repeal the Carbon tax.

I will post this link on the ABC IS pOLITCAL also.
Noco, perhaps if you're referring to items in The Australian, you could copy and paste the article.
It's no longer possible to get around their paywall.
Noco, perhaps if you're referring to items in The Australian, you could copy and paste the article.
It's no longer possible to get around their paywall.
it's more difficult now but the pay wall can be partially bypassed by deleting cookies (Internet Explorer). This effectively resets the accessible article count back to 5. This though doesn't provide access to some editorial articles such as the one above.

Third party News sites such as Andrew Bolt's blog often posts part of the contents of the editorials from The Australian.
Released today by new Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, possibly the worst Opposition front bench in the history of the Australian Parliament.

Why isn't Anthony Albanese the Deputy PM.

It's a national embarrassment.
Released today by new Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, possibly the worst Opposition front bench in the history of the Australian Parliament.

Why isn't Anthony Albanese the Deputy PM.

It's a national embarrassment.

I thought the front bench looked OK except for Conroy.

All of the members can at least perform in public without being muzzled as is the case with the Abbott government and here in WA with the Barnet government.

The inner cabinet will be very strong.

Over all they all deserve to be there based on merit.

In contrast I thing Abbott will have problems down the road with the Coalition front bench as a large number are not the party's shining lights or have been selected on merit Kelly O'Dwyers omission a case in point.

Oddly enough its the factions and infighting in the Liberal party thats caused that situation where as Labor have managed that aspect far better.......except for Conroy.

The Labor faithfuls are like your icon....they are given their lines daily and repeat them like parrots.

What Liberal Party in-fighting are you referring to you have a link or is it just supposition on your part.
Oh dear how kind of Labor people to assist the Libs next campaign strategy.
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