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Talking state mps above.
Only one female Victorian mp at Federal level. Zoe McKenzie.
First term. Held seat well
It would certainly be interesting for someone to do a study, into the percentage of men and women actively involved, in pursuing a career in politics at the rank and file level.
Most ot the women in my circle of family and friends, aren't interested in politics at a conversation level, let alone actively pursuing a career in it.
However I find men in the same group discuss and argue over politics with great enthusiasm, so if for example a study found as a percentage there is an 80/20 bias toward men wanting a career in politics, wouldn't that be reflected to some extent in the numbers in office?
IMO it is a bit like comparing the number of men Vs women in any careers, I worked in the trades and there were far more males than females worked in them, however every girl that applied for an apprenticeship actually obtained one, that was the case in all the heavy industries I worked in.
Just a thought.

Very good point.

I saw a report the other day that female aged care workers wanted more men in that industry because of the heavy lifting involved !

And all the fems were saying that women can do anything men do.

Some people should take a reality check, men and women are sometimes interested in different things, you can't expect equal numbers in every area.
That is exactly the same issue, my wife worked as an RN in aged care and it is true what they say about the lifting, but it is also true that women have more of a caring nature. The wife enjoyed working there, because she felt she was making those older people's lives better, in a small way.
Would she want to work on the tools in a Powers Station, No, as simple as that.
Would I want to work in an aged care facility? Be a teacher in a primary school? Be a nurse? No.
Everyone to their own IMO, it is hard enough getting the right people into jobs, who want to do them because of the love of it.
Without pushing those who don't want to do the job, or aren't proficient enough to do the job, into them IMO.
I would rather see an aptitude, psychological and background check done, prior to anyone entering politics. ?
I used to be on the interview panel for electrical apprenticeships in a government organisation.

Long story short, males accounted for the overwhelming majority of applicants so it's no surprise they accounted for the majority of those who were successful.

It's a reality that gender stereotypes are still rife in society and that goes for both genders.
Gender isn't a stereotype, it's a biological reality, even if there is a substantive overlap.

Take my job for instance. There are some woman in it, and some that do a damned good job of it too. But there will never be more than about 10%, no matter how the social engineers try to pretend we are all equal.

Most girls that try just physically break down.
They employed a female apprentice at my sons work as an apprentice electrician.

Terrible worker who the company and other employees bent over backwards to try and accommodate.
Caused problems, then left to go get knocked up her bf without saying she quit.

I agree with Waynes aassessment that it's a small % that will fit the role and do well in.
Scomo believes there is a marketing solution to every problem. Personally I think that the party needs to go back to what it used to stand for which is not high spending, look after big business in front of small business Republican style tactics.
The reason he lost is because people are sick of marketing tricks and want a genuine government that will solve problems.

Morrison and his lot need to be out at least two terms to change the laundry and regain trust.

Dutton is not the man for the job with his bull headed approach.
The reason he lost IMO, is because people think the opposition will give them a better deal, time will tell.
Dutton should give Labor 3 terms but then again I said the same thing about Abbott
The reason he lost IMO, is because people think the opposition will give them a better deal, time will tell.
Personal opinion: It shouldn't be the government's job to give us a "deal". This is the problem with democracy and why the irrevocable path is to self destruction.

The job of the government should be restricted to maintaining Law and order protecting borders, provide infrastructure and a *basic* safety net, and to stay out of our f****** lives and let us create.
I don't know if you haven't noticed, but everyday there seems to be another cause with their hand out, for the Government to pour money into.
The days of people wanting to have the Government out of their lives , is long passed, now the mantra is get the Govt into your life and problem solved.
I just looked at the forms I have to fill in, to get the Commonwealth Seniors Health Care card, they can keep it.
I can now see where my 90 year old MIL is coming from.
I just looked at the forms I have to fill in, to get the Commonwealth Seniors Health Care card, they can keep it.
I can now see where my 90 year old MIL is coming from.
Have the forms changed in the last 3 weeks? I doubt it.

Realistically, it's probably just a case of you expecting a magic carpet ride.

Actually the biggest recipient of handouts are corporations starting with $40 bil blown to the wind 1/2 weren't even Australian.
Have the forms changed in the last 3 weeks? I doubt it.

Realistically, it's probably just a case of you expecting a magic carpet ride.
No actually not looking for a ride at all, did you apply?
The job of the government should be restricted to maintaining Law and order protecting borders, provide infrastructure and a *basic* safety net, and to stay out of our f****** lives and let us create.

There was a time in the past when we had far less governing overall but we had fit for purpose energy infrastructure, a first rate health system and those who legitimately needed public housing could obtain it.

Now we've got far more government as such but we've got an energy crisis, ambulances being ramped at hospitals and people literally living in tents.

The change being not the size of government per se but the composition of it. We've got far more rules, regulation and bureaucracy but far less actual doing.
Hehe... I seem to remember taking part in removing the government out of our lives by voting yes for SSM
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