Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ELECTIONS - Labor or Liberal

Who do you think will win the next election Labor or Liberal?

  • Labor (Kevin Rudd)

    Votes: 221 51.8%
  • Liberal (John Howard)

    Votes: 206 48.2%

  • Total voters
mime said:
Keating put Australia into recession.
Most economists agree that this paved the way for the exceptional growth we have seen in the last 11-12 years. Even Ian Macfarlane says so.
CanOz said:
The Unions have been pricing Australia out of the manufacturing business for years. Now demand for labour has outstripped supply, making labour even more expensive in Australia (he should've done more for skilled labour though). Without industrial reform there will be no manufacturing left in Australia. At least he's has the guts to see it and do something about it. If Rudd gets in it will be final nail.


Rudd is actually making noises about an industry policy to help manufacturing.
If you think that Howards been doing well in manufacturing then you need to get out more. Port blockages, lack of apprenticeship training, lack of incentives for manufacturing to set up in Australia, free trade policy with the US has rmoved final vestiges of protection. The US have even taken the rights for Ugg Boots and forced the original Aussie manufacturers to close down!

He is now trying to correct the first two but too its too late.

The Liberals can take plaudits for some of the things they did but thats not one of them.
Knobby22 said:
Rudd is actually making noises about an industry policy to help manufacturing.
If you think that Howards been doing well in manufacturing then you need to get out more. Port blockages, lack of apprenticeship training, lack of incentives for manufacturing to set up in Australia, free trade policy with the US has rmoved final vestiges of protection. The US have even taken the rights for Ugg Boots and forced the original Aussie manufacturers to close down!

He is now trying to correct the first two but too its too late.

The Liberals can take plaudits for some of the things they did but thats not one of them.

What I said was at least he's trying to reform industrial relations and work place laws to help Manufacturing. I didn't say that the liberal gov't had done heaps for manufacturing other than this.

Off course Rudd is making noises, there is an election coming up and he wants business to think he's serious about not taking it up the bum from the unions....hardly a likely truth.
Here's a thought - get rid of them completely. Why not have true democacy and vote directly on legislation ourselves. If we trust the banks with internet banking, why not internet voting?. We could even propose legislation via the internet, then get the professional buerocrats/bureocrats/ ah! the fat cats in Canberra to do the legal stuff then submit it for electronic voting by the public. Those that don't have internet go down to the post office. Then all we would have to do was vote for 'country representatives' for official duties, but they would have to be qualified for the job, unlike the insider appointments currently.
Dr Doom said:
Here's a thought - get rid of them completely. Why not have true democacy and vote directly on legislation ourselves. If we trust the banks with internet banking, why not internet voting?. We could even propose legislation via the internet, then get the professional buerocrats/bureocrats/ ah! the fat cats in Canberra to do the legal stuff then submit it for electronic voting by the public. Those that don't have internet go down to the post office. Then all we would have to do was vote for 'country representatives' for official duties, but they would have to be qualified for the job, unlike the insider appointments currently.

Sounds good however then we would be at war with Indonesia over Schappelle Corby!
insider said:
I'd like this thread to be concerned with the up coming election. Out of Labor or Liberial who will win the election? Why? Who would you vote for? How would the party you voted for benefit you in the sharemarket?
I think that the Liberals will win, but it will be a nail biter. At this stage Mr Rudd is performing well, but Mr Howard is more experienced and cunning. A lot of people out there vote Labor at the State Elections (I voted for MR Bracks at the last state election and go for Howard at the federal level. I feel that Labor is better at handling services (education and health) whilst the Liberals are stronger on economic and national security issues, despite the Iraq disaster. To put Labor into power federally would result in there being no governemnts being Liberal at the state or federal levels. I would only vote for Mr Rudd at the next election should Mr Costello become PM. Costello is very arrogant and reminds me too much of Keating. I hold uranium shares so it doesn't really matter at the federal level who wins. However, from a speculator's perspective it would be good to get rid of Mr Carpenter in WA, even though he seems a pretty decent man.
Kauri said:
He's still in with a chance, I hear they have spotted another leaking refugee boat off the north west coast..

Spot on Kauri. Just be patient... It will come.
It could come in many guises - but I'm sure the scaremongering will come. Especially if it's looking bad for the Libs or even close.

Johnny is an expert fear tweaker, liar and US groveller. Sure Aust is in boom times but IMO thats got more to with the current resources boom/cycle which is driven by external factors.
Just my :2twocents :D
Anybody else think Howard is losing his marbles? What the hell is he thinking with all this Barack Obama stuff? Then there was that gaff in parlament about global warming, not to mention the transparent jumping on the "I love the environment" bandwagon, does anyone buy that?

Strange times indeed! :cautious:
Buy low said:
Anybody else think Howard is losing his marbles? What the hell is he thinking with all this Barack Obama stuff? Then there was that gaff in parlament about global warming, not to mention the transparent jumping on the "I love the environment" bandwagon, does anyone buy that?

Strange times indeed! :cautious:
I did mention the word cunning in my comments.

I will vote the other way, I voted Liberal at state level and Labor at Federal!
Must be more doing it your way!
A strong education reform is the future of this country and that is why i will vote labour. We need investment in the future something i think labour is better at. Its time for a younger generation to lead this country.
Dr Doom said:
Here's a thought - get rid of them completely. Why not have true democacy and vote directly on legislation ourselves. If we trust the banks with internet banking, why not internet voting?. We could even propose legislation via the internet, then get the professional buerocrats/bureocrats/ ah! the fat cats in Canberra to do the legal stuff then submit it for electronic voting by the public. Those that don't have internet go down to the post office. Then all we would have to do was vote for 'country representatives' for official duties, but they would have to be qualified for the job, unlike the insider appointments currently.
Would you trust the bureaucrats that much. Did you ever watch "Yes Minister"
greggy said:
I think that the Liberals will win, but it will be a nail biter. At this stage Mr Rudd is performing well, but Mr Howard is more experienced and cunning. A lot of people out there vote Labor at the State Elections (I voted for MR Bracks at the last state election and go for Howard at the federal level. I feel that Labor is better at handling services (education and health) whilst the Liberals are stronger on economic and national security issues, despite the Iraq disaster. To put Labor into power federally would result in there being no governemnts being Liberal at the state or federal levels.
Generally agreed about Labor and services. All the Liberals do is sell everything off and wonder why it stops working 5 or 10 years later. There's a reason some things are historically in public rather than private hands but the Liberals just don't get it.

The Liberals thought that rivers (you know, the ones with water in them) would compete against each other on the basis of price 9 years ago down here in Tas. Somehow we were going to have more water in the cheaper rivers and less in the more expensive one thus bringing down overall costs. Yeah right! Biggest load of bull**** I've ever heard from anyone anywhere. And that was the centrepiece of Liberal policy in Tas at the time that was supposedly going to fix everything from the roads to hospitals. Of course, everything had to be privatised as a condition of their policy - a rather blatant attempt to hand control of publicly owned natural resources to their mates that most thankfully saw straight through.

So I'll be sticking with Labor as far as state governments are concerned until such time as the Liberals come up with some sensible policies based on something other than pie in the sky theories that clearly don't work in practice. :2twocents
Knobby22 said:

I will vote the other way, I voted Liberal at state level and Labor at Federal!
Must be more doing it your way!
Its all about balance. I even voted for the Democrats in the Senate before they fell apart and went to the Left. Too much power for one party worries me too much.
I've heard that here in Victoria according to the poll results that around 10% of voters who vote Labor at the state level vote for the Liberals at the federal level. The trend is also stronger in NSW apparently. Despite all the scandals Labor will probably still win at the next state election there. Mr Debnam comes across as clueless. The Liberals should have elected a leader who was more moderate as NSW is traditionally a progressive state.
Its good to hear Paul Keatings view on the Right Honourable John Howard on the radio....
He's like an old dessicated coconut.... and... He's got araldite on his pants, just doesn't want to get out of the chair...
The Mint Man said:
Have you ever read the Boyer lectures?

Anybody else think Howard is losing his marbles? What the hell is he thinking with all this Barack Obama stuff? Then there was that gaff in parlament about global warming, not to mention the transparent jumping on the "I love the environment" bandwagon, does anyone buy that?

Strange times indeed!
Did anyone see that censure motion attempted against him today? Howard sounded like a bumbling old fool when he stated his defence. That Obama attack is becoming an internation scandal. He's already a disgrace internationally, this is just another international liberal party blunder on the list.

Farkin' busted ass countries!
drgonzo said:
Was the question Who do you THINK will win the election or who do you WANT to win the election..?

The question was who do you THINK will win the next federal election.