Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ELECTIONS - Labor or Liberal

Who do you think will win the next election Labor or Liberal?

  • Labor (Kevin Rudd)

    Votes: 221 51.8%
  • Liberal (John Howard)

    Votes: 206 48.2%

  • Total voters
Not that Labour have been exemplarary in "the territories"
Labor and Aborigines need to talk, says Tilmouth
Aboriginal leader Tracker Tilmouth says Indigenous people have a lot of talking to do with the Labor Party about its law and order policies in the Northern Territory.
Labor won a landslide victory in the election in which it campaigned hard on law and order issues.
Tracker Tilmouth is a long-time member of the party but has been critical of its policy aimed at locking up habitual drunks.
"Call it what you like but at the end of the day we've got a process where we've got legislation for 150 people out of Darwin, now that's a lot of detail because you know I think the number of drunks habitual number 150 all up, so we've got a problem," he said.
Mr Tilmouth has called on both parties to make a commitment not to use Aboriginal race issues in future campaigns.
Of course Garrett could try that same plastic Surgeon that Paul Hogan used - As the old joke goes, all those wrinkles would look much better as a pony tail at the back ;) (If you look under his ear, you can just see a bit of it)


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How can you keep Howard in when he has slashed education funding, put up HECS fees, Dumped workers needs/rights/working conditions/Pay.

Pumped millions into a useless war.

Lied to the public and allowed 8 interest rate rises to occur

Introduced the GST, a tax on a tax!

Kick the bastard out!

1) Unemployment below 4.5% and at 30+ year lows

2) Interest rates HALF of what they were in a last labour goverment (ie ~16%) If you knew how to manage your money and not debt yourself to the max an interest rate hike would not hurt you.

3) Union disruption at all time lows ... work actually gets done now .. unless your advocating a strike because there are only two flavours of ice cream.

4) "If your slack - you get the sack" ... NO employer would sack a productive member of its work force ... if Australian business is NOT competitive with the rest of the world ... you will all lose your jobs anyway as its cheaper to move overseas. Thats what you call a free market .... eventually cheap labour in other countries will be able to afford a car, will want a house, good education, hence thier wages increase .... and the whole cycle starts again ... companies move to where they will make the most profit .... that is called good smart business ... survival of the fittest and natural selection at its most beautiful form ....

5) Rudds wife (Why is her last name not rudd? - answer she's a femenistic capitalist with a 150million dollar business) -

Rudd's Wife = Capitalist
Rudd = Communist

Capitalist + Communist = BIG DISASTER
BIG DISASTER + Socialist Labour Party = Weapon of Mass Destruction
a few more on AWAs and the like - going back as far as Beaconsfield obviously


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This cartoon was done about Beazley, (way back), but would be just as relevant now with Rudd


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miscellaneous "SLEEPER" election topics ;)
oops I notice one of the ones I said was about AWAs was really about AWBs :2twocents


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rarely have i heard of so much rubbish as your last post zt3000. who are you? general manager of caltex? chairman of 'Razor wire's r us'?
i'll assume for a moment that you have a modicum of intelligence.
a) unemployment is low and the economy is raging along because why...demand for our minerals and energy on a global scale.
b) not even gonna bother. learn the facts, look at rba interest rate figures, allow economists much smarter than me to explain. rates were 8% when johnny got in. (hint-think global economics)
c) union disruption is low. maybe they're happy because of huge wages due to shortage of skilled tradies, miners etc, thanks to criminal short-sightedness by this regime. a mate is on $130 000 a year. a fitter. why would he complain.
d) whats globalisation got to do with johnny? except to prosper in the decades to come we need to be smart, invent things for asians to make. but no. uni's are forced to sell our knowledge. soon we will be too expensive and relatively stupid.
e) her name is none of yours, or my, business pal.

since you mentioned w.o.m.destruction...
estimated - 700 000- 1 million iraqis dead. 3500 us troops dead, 134 brit soldiers dead. 350 000 us soldiers maimed, crippled, ****ked up. trillions spent. world stability- gone. australia- target. someone mentioned lie. how about the Bush/cheney lie that johnny stands behind to this day. fair dinkum!!!! i wont go into the myriad of issues that others have mentioned or may mention in posts to come.
if you live your life caring only for yourself at this point in time, and rate the success of a government solely on how much YOU get paid, then good on ya. just dont ever run into me on the street.
rarely have i heard of so much rubbish as your last post zt3000. who are you? general manager of caltex? chairman of 'Razor wire's r us'?
i'll assume for a moment that you have a modicum of intelligence.
a) unemployment is low and the economy is raging along because why...demand for our minerals and energy on a global scale.
b) not even gonna bother. learn the facts, look at rba interest rate figures, allow economists much smarter than me to explain. rates were 8% when johnny got in. (hint-think global economics)
c) union disruption is low. maybe they're happy because of huge wages due to shortage of skilled tradies, miners etc, thanks to criminal short-sightedness by this regime. a mate is on $130 000 a year. a fitter. why would he complain.
d) whats globalisation got to do with johnny? except to prosper in the decades to come we need to be smart, invent things for asians to make. but no. uni's are forced to sell our knowledge. soon we will be too expensive and relatively stupid.
e) her name is none of yours, or my, business pal.

since you mentioned w.o.m.destruction...
estimated - 700 000- 1 million iraqis dead. 3500 us troops dead, 134 brit soldiers dead. 350 000 us soldiers maimed, crippled, ****ked up. trillions spent. world stability- gone. australia- target. someone mentioned lie. how about the Bush/cheney lie that johnny stands behind to this day. fair dinkum!!!! i wont go into the myriad of issues that others have mentioned or may mention in posts to come.
if you live your life caring only for yourself at this point in time, and rate the success of a government solely on how much YOU get paid, then good on ya. just dont ever run into me on the street.

Thats exactily the irrational reposone i'd expect from a labour voter. You see you think too much with your ***** .... not with your head ... enjoy
Well I was rather apathetic with regards to the Labour/Liberal circus.

But after hearing the Ron Paul message has had on me is that I am really p1ssed off at the Howard Government

These w4nkers have been following the exact same policies and have been in cahotes with the current United States Administration, participating in illegal wars, creating money like there is no tomorrow, sending asset prices and inflation through the roof, and systematically dismantling our civil rights under the guise of Fighting Terrorism, when the real terrorists are the Bush/Blair/Howards and central bankers of the world.

I am definitely not voting for the Liberals.
topics by the dozen :-


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more (sorry lib supporters , very few available against labour - dont blame me blame the Australian ;)


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these a-political ;)


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THis one would make more sense ( surely) if they said "will set us back 100 years? " or "200 years?" instead of 2000 years :confused:


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Unaffordable housing...

Rising costs every time you go to the supermarket...

All part of the same game. Inflation.

Funny how neither of the major parties are willing to go anywhere near the subject. :rolleyes:
2020, are all those cartoons about Labour v Liberal?

Funny though, Thanks! :D
2020, are all those cartoons about Labour v Liberal?

Funny though, Thanks! :D
kennas, All available on Australian Newspapers website - hundreds of em.,29221,20581,00.html

Here's that site, and anyone is obviously free to find the ones that they think would push the Libs barrow better ( but rare as I said)

Plenty more here on the Sheridan Thread (this post and the two subsequent and / or previous ones:-

Here's today's lol

PS there must be more on the SMH etc websites - I just haven't fully checked em out

PS As I said back there , "How clever are these cartoonists ?" ;)

PS To capture and post , I recommend "Alt + Print Screen", then paste into Irfanview or whatever, then crop, then reduce width to 420 so that two fit side by side (850 max total width) - over to you ;)


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2020, are all those cartoons about Labour v Liberal?
Funny though, Thanks! :D
Kennas , sorry missed your point - you were asking are they relevant to thread i.e. political issues -

depends on your perception ;)
for instance looking desparately for water and finding oil implies
a) water management, which is surely a topic; and
b) the resources boom , which is allegedly what has filled the economic hole that the drought etc has left. :2twocents - all those questions of what will happen if the boomgate comes down etc

Certainly one set of 5 back there I openly said was a-political (which I think means nothing to do with thread) BUT I just posted em regardless - I'll blame the lateness of the evening as you just did lol.

(and in any case , the aboriginal issue , uranium- "not in my back yard " - "not in aborigine's back yards?" - they have, since that cartoon, agreed to receive nuclear waste after all :2twocents)

again - who's to say these won't be major issues by Sept of Oct ? ;))

If Labour made one P Garrett Minister for Ab Affairs - make that "Minister for Affair Gofor Abs" - then I would probably vote for them on those grounds alone - but I'm me and you're you. (and everybody else here is everybody else here.)

And btw, I personally have no probs with abs taking nuclear waste and getting paid for it - I hope they get paid handsomely that's all - because the rest of us NIMBY's would never let nuclear power get off the ground otherwise - plenty of hot air - too much radio, and not enough activity etc