Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Economic implications of a SARS/Coronavirus outbreak

I knew department stores were in decline, and have been so since well before the pandemic, but I wouldn't have guessed it was quite this drastic:

If 83% have gone since 2016, from 467 physical stores down to 79, then it would seem at least plausible that department stores will go totally extinct before too much longer at least in the UK. Indeed if there's only 79 left then, considering the population size, they must already be effectively irrelevant to most people.

Personally well here in Australia it would be close to a decade since I bought anything at all from a traditional department store unless you count discount shops like Kmart etc.
Yeah, 20 years' of slow melt done in 2.

Question now is, what to do with them?
I think most of it flipped when the intellectuals hijacked the Labor Party, then decided that the education system needed overhauling.
Back then only 5% of students went to uni, the intellectuals said that was due to lack of opportunity for poor people to go to uni.
Now we have 50% of students going to uni and we are inventing degrees for them to do.
All that has happened is uni is a career path to a baristas job, because only 5% of the students are brilliant, as was always the case.
it was an example of social engineering imploding, dumb policy, that we are still trying to justify.
We need to go back to the Junior certificate, the leaving certificate and matriculation, it has been a exercise in futility.
The problem is those who need to make the changes, are worried their ineptitude will be highlighted IMO.
But as I said something has to give soon, or else everyone will have to be on $500k a year and the dole will have to be $100k a
My call is get your debt down, batten down the hatches and prepare for a storm. ?
Hmm having been to uni myself, I certainly agree with a lot of what you're saying, but I think there's more to it:

The uni's will accept, and pass, basically anyone now. Some of the stupidest people I have ever met I have met at university. Meanwhile, politicians get up and go "Blah blah record numbers going to uni most educated workforce ever" so on and so forth.

In short, uni just simply isn't the filtering system it once was, and until there's a narrative change surrounding it (meaning that all the fuckwits running them into the ground at the moment in a classic short term benefit for long term detriment get forced out) very little is going to change.

And there's just too much money in rinsing naive young kids for anything to change here. It's a racket, and a very profitable one, and until the general public at large force the politicians' hands (and good luck with that), nothing will happen.

With the political left being hopelessly infatuated with university being the solution to everything and the "right" (they're not conservatives in anything but name) caring about nothing but money, there's no political will to "reform" (burn to the ground) the universities from either side.
some of the Taiwanese are laughing and mocking now , sadly not for the same reason ( because they are on the winning side , like China appears to be )

the more interesting part in all this was China is doing this despite BRICS seemingly a disorganized concept

i expected BRICS would have been an effective cooperation pact/trading bloc and grab dominance that way

the Western economy collapsed ( in September 2019 ) the virus is just a distraction

now they have forced us in a 'new normal ' do we need the WEF , IMF , WHO etc etc they have clearly not worked in the public interest might be time to put them into the dust-bin of history
well IMF and WEC are working quite well, thanks, for the 0.001%, who could not care less for the west as we know it ,as long as they can jet-set between London, NY, Paris and Venice
This post not for the one believing that the "vaccines" are the great saviours vs Covid.

Anyone not brain washed by TV spots and sheeple media know that these experimental jabs lead to very significant side effects and spike protein generated health issues: the immediate AZ clots and quick heart diseases for Pfizer, especially in young adults,true, but worse in numbers the on going inflammatory effects

As i have said for a while,the immediate risk benefit balance still means that people with pre conditions or older than 60-65 are better off getting the jab.
Then you add the mandatory or de facto mandatory legal travel work etc
So we end up with a huge number of people injected,willing or not,the frog family included.

Does anyone know of any way once injected, we can reduce these side effects against our blood vessels and the associated damages to organs without going straight to full blown permanent medication.?
Especially for the younger among us?
Would the standard basic vit D , Zinc be effective as well against the jab side effects.
This is a critical genuine question.
This post not for the one believing that the "vaccines" are the great saviours vs Covid.

Anyone not brain washed by TV spots and sheeple media know that these experimental jabs lead to very significant side effects and spike protein generated health issues: the immediate AZ clots and quick heart diseases for Pfizer, especially in young adults,true, but worse in numbers the on going inflammatory effects

As i have said for a while,the immediate risk benefit balance still means that people with pre conditions or older than 60-65 are better off getting the jab.
Then you add the mandatory or de facto mandatory legal travel work etc
So we end up with a huge number of people injected,willing or not,the frog family included.

Does anyone know of any way once injected, we can reduce these side effects against our blood vessels and the associated damages to organs without going straight to full blown permanent medication.?
Especially for the younger among us?
Would the standard basic vit D , Zinc be effective as well against the jab side effects.
This is a critical genuine question.
Your question is based on a dubious premise.

All my families eligible for vaccination have had x2 and are fit as fiddles. The vaccinations have a tiny incidence of side effects compared to catching Covid-19.

If you feel you are at risk of an undocumented risk maybe go to Byron when that miserable hamlet re-opens and buy some crystals.

This post not for the one believing that the "vaccines" are the great saviours vs Covid.

Anyone not brain washed by TV spots and sheeple media know that these experimental jabs lead to very significant side effects and spike protein generated health issues: the immediate AZ clots and quick heart diseases for Pfizer, especially in young adults,true, but worse in numbers the on going inflammatory effects

As i have said for a while,the immediate risk benefit balance still means that people with pre conditions or older than 60-65 are better off getting the jab.
Then you add the mandatory or de facto mandatory legal travel work etc
So we end up with a huge number of people injected,willing or not,the frog family included.

Does anyone know of any way once injected, we can reduce these side effects against our blood vessels and the associated damages to organs without going straight to full blown permanent medication.?
Especially for the younger among us?
Would the standard basic vit D , Zinc be effective as well against the jab side effects.
This is a critical genuine question.
I follow health sites and unfortunately I have not come across anything that says you can reverse the spike protein factory that our body’s become once it is introduced via a vaccine.

Reports are that nobody including the vaccine manufacturers know the consequences of the spike protein long term. Some people make more of them with very bad consequences while others do not. Nobody knows if it will flare up or continue in the future because they have no idea what triggers it in some people.

Russian roulette imo.
Your question is based on a dubious premise.

All my families eligible for vaccination have had x2 and are fit as fiddles. The vaccinations have a tiny incidence of side effects compared to catching Covid-19.

If you feel you are at risk of an undocumented risk maybe go to Byron when that miserable hamlet re-opens and buy some crystals.

Sure sure Gg based on the good doctor Young sciences.or the ABC?
I feel for your kids ..but good on you, easy way to get happy.
GG's logic.

I drank a carton of tinnies last Saturday and I'm fine.

But what if those 10 tinnies that you drink last Saturday continue to manufacture alcohol in your system, every day, ad infinitum, like the so-called vaccinations appear to do with spike proteins?

That may be drawing a long bow, but then again, maybe it isn't. And antibody dependent enhancement has been a well discussed, real, and recorded phenomenon.

Are these things a danger to the "vaccinated" long-term?


As Mr Frog said above, not even the drug companies know that.

The psyop program to try and convince, cajole, or coerce people to get to these jabs; the subjugation, misinformation, or downrite non-disclosure of data and ingredients of these things is making me increasingly suspicious, rather than more likely to put these substances in my body.

I would much rather take my chances with a six pack of Guinness tinnies every now again.
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I follow health sites and unfortunately I have not come across anything that says you can reverse the spike protein factory that our body’s become once it is introduced via a vaccine.
Given this does not happen, you need to read from more informative sites.
Reports are that nobody including the vaccine manufacturers know the consequences of the spike protein long term.
They do. It causes an immune response. That's why it's called an mRNA vaccine.
Some people make more of them with very bad consequences while others do not.
What are you talking about? Lies?
Nobody knows if it will flare up or continue in the future because they have no idea what triggers it in some people.
They know it's an immune response. Do you understand what actually happens?
Given this does not happen, you need to read from more informative sites.

They do. It causes an immune response. That's why it's called an mRNA vaccine.

What are you talking about? Lies?

They know it's an immune response. Do you understand what actually happens?
yes i do , among my other little quirks i have chronic asthma ( or is it acute sinusitis ?? )

but of course i don't see any ads for the jab saying it reduces immune hyper-sensitivity

ACTUALLY technically it ISN'T a vaccine , it is a medical device which is currently been injected ( if you really stretch the definitions it might even qualify as a therapy )

now the Russian and Chinese offerings do qualify as a vaccine because they actually use a modified virus , although that is new tech as well because they use a different virus family ( not a closely related one ) to deliver the payload , so maybe it works better against the common cold or some flus , because that is the bulk of the virus presented as 'hostile '

and whom is 'informative ' the WHO is labyrinth , of changing guidelines , you have seen massive changes in scientific thinking WITHOUT new evidence and solid data presented .

and i believe wine or maybe mead are better against virus , than beer ( although Guinness dark stout is the only beer i like drinking )

although vodka and whisky might work before the virus infects the lung tissues ( might be why pubs are closed .. can't have them accidentally self-curing )

not IF alcohols does not work , all that hand sanitizer isn't doing much either ( which would be a shame i hold PTL and that is coping quite nicely in this scenario )

Mexican researchers say they created facemask that neutralizes COVID-19​

now personally i would have sprayed tequila or mescal on the mask , but at least the Mexicans realize that masks don't work well
Anyways, post Covid will be the same as post Oil Crisis of the 70's.

Boom times for all.

they will milk this for all they are worth ( free money to pet agendas )

BTW i don't remember the 80's as particularly 'boomy' maybe it was a QLD thing , the state has never been the same without Joh and the band of sycophantic criminals
yes i do , among my other little quirks i have chronic asthma ( or is it acute sinusitis ?? )

but of course i don't see any ads for the jab saying it reduces immune hyper-sensitivity

ACTUALLY technically it ISN'T a vaccine , it is a medical device which is currently been injected ( if you really stretch the definitions it might even qualify as a therapy )

now the Russian and Chinese offerings do qualify as a vaccine because they actually use a modified virus , although that is new tech as well because they use a different virus family ( not a closely related one ) to deliver the payload , so maybe it works better against the common cold or some flus , because that is the bulk of the virus presented as 'hostile '

and whom is 'informative ' the WHO is labyrinth , of changing guidelines , you have seen massive changes in scientific thinking WITHOUT new evidence and solid data presented .

and i believe wine or maybe mead are better against virus , than beer ( although Guinness dark stout is the only beer i like drinking )

although vodka and whisky might work before the virus infects the lung tissues ( might be why pubs are closed .. can't have them accidentally self-curing )

not IF alcohols does not work , all that hand sanitizer isn't doing much either ( which would be a shame i hold PTL and that is coping quite nicely in this scenario )

Mexican researchers say they created facemask that neutralizes COVID-19​

now personally i would have sprayed tequila or mescal on the mask , but at least the Mexicans realize that masks don't work well
One ingredient in their mask is silver. I have personally used colloidal silver for several years and my family has too. It is amazing in its healing speed with blistered burns, with any infected wound, for killing virusses internally such as herpes (cold sores), for bad toothache and many other ailments. It is the ingredient in many of the more expensive burns bandages and wound dressings used in hospitals. The reason is that it is nature's antibiotic, no germ or virus is resistant to it, not even antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Many people make it at home like I do with silver electrodes in distilled water. Not as good as laboratory produced product, but plenty effective enough. The talk about it turning people blue is mostly bs. It can only happen when people introduce other materials into the water like gelatin and use it for a long time.
I read in 2020 that a company that I thought was Australian made a room fumigating fog that was more effective than others available and that they had a big order from China. Their fog contained colloidal silver among other things. Pity I cannot find the article.
i would have liked to see the research/data on copper/silver against live viruses ( but then again a virus isn't 'alive' until it has infected a cell , so go figure that anomaly )

but research/data seems to be so yesterday in the last couple of years , a positive note to shareholders seems to be enough , and micro-fine particles of inhaled silver and copper compounds properly aren't worse than motor vehicle exhaust gases

it will be interesting to see if the masks get long term use ( that is stay in production for 10 years and more )

the really interesting thing to see was the Mexican company did try to create a better mouse-trap ( well mask , this time ) ,
ACTUALLY technically it ISN'T a vaccine , it is a medical device which is currently been injected ( if you really stretch the definitions it might even qualify as a therapy )
Vaccines serve to develop an immune response to disease prior to occurrence irrespective of platform used. On the other hand a therapy is a treatment for a present ailment.
and whom is 'informative ' the WHO is labyrinth , of changing guidelines , you have seen massive changes in scientific thinking WITHOUT new evidence and solid data presented .
The opposite is actually true, and public mask mandates were an outcome of continuing scientific evidence.
Vaccines serve to develop an immune response to disease prior to occurrence irrespective of platform used. On the other hand a therapy is a treatment for a present ailment.

The opposite is actually true, and public mask mandates were an outcome of continuing scientific evidence.


never worked in a hazardous environment , say dealing with fungus , mould spores and bacteria being made airborne , cleaning activity ( or even sand-blasting ) have you ??

Work Place Health and Safety require you to wear a DECENT mask ( not something made in an Asian sweatshop )

seems very strange those government regulators worrying about peasants dying from the workplace , have higher standards the most hospital wards ( you should be AT LEAST the plastic visa as well as an N95 mask or BETTER , if the virus is that deadly or infectious )

remember all those early hospital workers caught without adequate PPE ( it was only 15 months back ) have they all died yet ???

never worked in a hazardous environment , say dealing with fungus , mould spores and bacteria being made airborne , cleaning activity ( or even sand-blasting ) have you ??

Work Place Health and Safety require you to wear a DECENT mask ( not something made in an Asian sweatshop )

seems very strange those government regulators worrying about peasants dying from the workplace , have higher standards the most hospital wards ( you should be AT LEAST the plastic visa as well as an N95 mask or BETTER , if the virus is that deadly or infectious )

remember all those early hospital workers caught without adequate PPE ( it was only 15 months back ) have they all died yet ???
Can you translate that into a meaningful sense on topic please.
the first word should be ** ever **

if you don't understand the rest , nature will teach it to you

if you are really interested go to your local panel-beating workshop and ask about breathing gear in the spray booth ( and you can see about half that paint as it is being sprayed , it is much easier to find than a virus )

that wonderful N95 mask will not do enough even within 5 minutes
I certainly agree that these "medical" masks are laughable when compared to anything used in an industrial situation. They're below the level of what would be acceptable even for relatively unharmful nuisance dusts.

Not seeing what it has to do with the economic implications of the pandemic though.
wasted resources , and distraction from productivity comes straight to mind , stuff like extra signage ( and not biodegradable either )

folks standing outside doing nothing but checking peoples faces , looks as funny as hell when entering , say a bank or jeweler

in a cratering economy we are wasting time and productivity