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DYL - Deep Yellow

The Directors of Deep Yellow Limited (DYL) are pleased to announce the receipt of chemical assay results from the first batch of RC percussion drill samples from the Tubas uranium project that is held 100% by its wholly owned Namibian registered subsidiary Reptile Uranium Namibia (Pty) LTD (RUN).

The powder XRF results are highly encouraging ranging to 1,790 ppm U3O8 over a one metre interval.

Where intersections and drill holes coincide and duplicate percussion drilling of Anglo American carried out in the 1970s and early 1980s the RUN assays closely replicate or exceed the historical published information thereby lending early confidence in the historic data.
A detailed review of the assay results will be provided in the June Quarter Activities Report which will be released shortly.
It is recommended that shareholders and readers view the historic Tubas project data as described under Section “The Tubas Uranium Deposit” in Chapter 7“ Uranium by H. Roesener and C. P. Schreuder” in “The Mineral Resources of Namibia 1992” (available by clicking in the following link, as reference to some of the information made in the discussion below for comparative purposes.
To date a total of 112 holes (totalling 4,193 metre) of RC percussion drilling has been completed.
Initially a 4 kilometre N-S line was drilled across the palaeochannel coinciding with the Anglo American (Anglo) N-S line number 8 on Figure 29 in the above report. This line was drilled at 50 metre intervals to basement to get a better understanding of the channel morphology, distribution of mineralisation and thickness of cover (maximum depth to basement 104 metre).
After the completion of these 81 holes, drilling was restricted to a 50 by 50 metre grid pattern over the best area of mineralisation outlined by Anglo so as to allow for future statistical comparisons to be made and give confidence in planned wider spaced drill patterns.
Present drilling is being carried out on a 100 by 100 metre spaced grid and where mineralisation is absent intervening holes are drilled to delineate the extremities of the mineralisation.
All holes are being radiometrically logged with a calibrated probe (inside the drill rods); drill chips are isolated from other anomalous samples and checked with a hand held spectrometer; at the Company’s Swakopmund laboratory anomalous samples are checked in a sealed lead discriminator box and radioactivity measured; and, finally all anomalous samples (above a nominal 100 ppm U3O8 cut-off are chemically assayed by powder XRF by an external contract laboratory.
This routine is being carried out to build the confidence level on uranium disequilibrium prior to releasing equivalent U3O8 values from down hole logging on an ongoing basis. All anomalous samples will be routinely sent for chemical assay.
Additional drill rigs are being sought and additional personnel sourced to speed up the conversion of the historical estimates to JORC compliant resources.

Can anyone who understand the Namibia results just released comment on it. The funny thing about mining results is that everytime I read them they are up beat even when they are bad
Noticed todays price rise in Dyl. Paladin seemed pretty happy to make up the shortfall on the recent placement.
Hows the director of DYL, also on the board of PDN

Has like 50,000,000 DYL shares, and 6 million PDN shares.

Talk about having far too much cash.

Well over $50 million dollars in his kitty.

Dr Leon Pretorius

How much more value is in DYL?

Wouldn't PDN just buy them out now? Or is it not worth the takeover hassels?
After today the company should consider a name change, the DEEP is fine the YELLOW could be changed to BROWN!

Today i'm in Deep Brown!

Drilling Summary 31 August 2007

Previous drilling intersected 1 to 4 m thick mineralisation rarely averaging more than 300 ppm U3O8.

Present drilling is regularly intersecting thicker zones of up to 13 m at much higher grades, notably:-

Hole No Depth (m) Interval(m) Lithology U3O8 (ppm)
A2.80/7.5 0 to 12 10 Red sand 1,638
A4.80/5.5 3 to 15 12 Brown sand 1,036
A6.50/0.5 7 to 20 13 Brown sand 1,050

The uranium mineralisation occurs as recent secondary concentrations of carnotite in gypcrete from the surface (in places) that quickly grades into aeolian and fluviatile sands. Mineralisation is typically restricted to a maximum depth of 30 m and historically was reported by Anglo American to rarely exceed 4 m in thickness and rarely exceed an average of 300 ppm U3O8 over the mineralised zone.

RUN's grid drilling has varied from 50 m spacing to 100 m and lately to 200 m spacing as can be seen on the attached map and is aimed at augmenting the historical data to allow Deep Yellow's consultants to determine JORC resources on an ongoing basis which will eventually encompass the entire 14 by 4 km area of known mineralisation at Tubas. Initial resource numbers are expected within two months.

It is very encouraging that not only is the RUN drilling returning higher grades on average to those that Anglo reported in general; but it is also finding much thicker zones of mineralisation (as depicted above) at much higher grades than Anglo ever reported.



The commencement of targeted RC percussion drilling in the Mt Isa district is a milestone in DYL's strategic plan for the region. From a logistical base in Mt Isa the Company has the resources in place to carry out both regional and detail exploration programmes on its existing tenements and to actively seek out other opportunities.

Assay results received from the first 15 holes of an initial 39 hole RC drill programme at its 100% owned (EPM15070) Queens Gift Prospect (Mt Isa) have confirmed the presence of broad zones of uranium mineralisation within Quartz-Haematite Breccia altered rock.

Significant intersections include:

50 m at 400 ppm U3O8 from 1 m in hole DQRC-0032

10 m at 760 ppm U3O8 from 34 m in hole DQRC-0006

6 m at 1,528 ppm U3O8 from 19 m in hole DQRC-0013

A 10,000 m Aircore drill programme commenced on Western Gawler Project tenements. Prospective channels containing redox fronts and lignite beds have been intersected in the first phase drilling (7,214 m in 102 holes).


Reptile Uranium Namibia (100% owned DYL subsidiary) now has a full complement of technical and support staff (totalling 13) operating out of Swakopmund. RC percussion drilling on both regional targets and known resources has commenced with early results confirming the nature of the Tubas resource discovered by Anglo American. The Company has engaged consultants to commence JORC evaluation of the historical mineralisation and present grid drilling.


The one for twelve Non Renounceable Entitlement Issue at 50 cents which closed on 20 July raised a total of $25,614,062 with a take-up by 63% of shareholders.

The shortfall from the recently closed Non Renounceable Entitlement Issue which equated to 37% of the issue or 31,673,949 shares was placed with Paladin Resources Limited at 50 cents per share raising an additional A$15,836,975.

DYL now has cash reserves and liquid assets of approximately $70 million to fund its ambitious exploration programmes in Namibia and Australia.

The Directors have approved exploration budgets totalling A$15m for the 2007/2008 financial year.

Two new Non-Executive Directors joined the DYL Board in August. This reflects the rapid growth in the Company and will allow the Executive Directors to accelerate the exploration and development of the
This piece of rock, or one like it, supposed to be around 29,400 ppm. Picked up off the ground somewhere near Mt Isa!

see ann


  • DYL rock chip.GIF
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Hi guys, what do you think of the new IPO of Uranio Ltd (in which DYL hold 9.8%)? Capital raising approx.$4mill with 20cts/share. I dunno if it's irrelevant to post here just because DYL is one of its major shareholders. Anyway, would love to hear if anyone has any interest on it. Thx

PS : Prospectus can be downloaded on
Deep Yellow's 39m lbs uranium in Namibia
09:27, Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Sydney - Wednesday - Nov 21: (RWE Australian Business News) -
Deep Yellow (ASXYL) advises that Geomine Consulting Namibia CC
(Geomine) has provided its wholly owned Namibian subsidiary Reptile
Uranium Namibia with an Inferred Mineral Resource estimate (reported to
JORC Code standard) for the Tubas project based on the historical data
reported by Anglo American Prospecting Services from its work on the
deposit during the 1970s and early 1980s which ended in a feasibility
study being undertaken.
The Inferred Mineral Resource totals 77.3 million tonne at
0.023% (228 ppm) U3O8 at a cut-off grade of 100 ppm U3O8 for 17,600
tonne or 38.8 million pounds of contained U3O8.
This resource estimate refers to mineralisation occurring within
a 14 by 8 kilometre (96 km²) channel system referred to as A-Block that
contains widespread shallow secondary uranium mineralisation in the form
of carnotite. Within the A-Block area 384 holes were drilled on a 1,000
by 250 m grid. Data was also available for two more detailed grids
within A-Block, namely BBlock and D-Block.
B-Block covers 3 km² within which 90 holes were drilled on a 250
by 125 m grid. D-Block covers 4 km² within which 199 holes were drilled
on a 200 by 200 m (and later partially in-filled to 100 by 100 m) grid.

Copyright © 2007 RWE Australian Business News. All rights reserved.
Tubas Project Inferred Mineral Resource of 77.3 million tonne at 0.023% (228 ppm) U3O8 at a
cut-off grade of 100 ppm U3O8 for 17,600 tonne or 38.8 million pounds of contained U3O8
(ASX announcement 21 November 2007).
Following on from this announcement the Deep Yellow Limited (DYL) Board wishes to announce
significantly increased exploration activities for its wholly owned Namibian subsidiary Reptile
Uranium Namibia (RUN).
Target now 50,000 tonne (110 million pounds) contained U3O8
within known areas of mineralisation.*
Presently RUN operates one RC drill rig on Tubas. Contracts have been signed with two
additional Namibian drilling companies to each supply two RC drill rigs. The first two will arrive
early December and two in late January.
Each rig is expected to drill 100 m per day, so with five rigs operational this should produce around
15,000 m per month. All of the drill holes will be radiometrically logged and anomalous samples
submitted for chemical (XRF) assay.
The Tubas Project is one of five areas of known uranium mineralisation within RUN’s Namibian
tenement holdings (see Figure 1) for which historic estimates exist as a result of international
company exploration programmes in the 1970’s and early 1980’s, three of which were taken
through to feasibility study. RUN’s increased level of activity will enable the data from redrilling of
known mineralised areas to quickly convert these historic estimates to resource status.

The RC rig presently drilling at Tubas will remain there for the foreseeable future to enable the
determination of Indicated Resources within the announced Inferred Resource block.
RUN has now accessed enough of the Falconbridge 1970’s and early 1980’s data to allow its
consultants to estimate a JORC Code Inferred Mineral Resource. This estimate should be
available during the first quarter 2008. Redrilling of this project area will commence during the first
quarter of 2008 using the two rigs that arrived in December after they have completed planned
regional drilling programmes (see Primary Targets below).
Although RUN has detail maps of Elf-Aquitaine’s exploration and drilling activities, it does not have
sufficient information to meet JORC Code standards to determine an Inferred Mineral Resource.
The 14 km long mineralised zone will be redrilled in its entirety using the two rigs arriving late
Interrogation and interpretation of the detailed airborne radiometric and magnetic data acquired by
the RUN survey in conjunction with geological mapping and remote sensing has led to the
generation of four high priority areas for reconnaissance drill testing to evaluate their potential to
host “Rossing-style” primary uranium mineralisation. The two rigs arriving in December will be
used to conduct the first pass drill evaluation before relocating to Tumas.
Interpretation of the radiometric data is complete and it is apparent that less than 50% of the near
or at surface uranium anomalism was evaluated (see Figure 1) during the exploration conducted
in the 1970’s and early 1980’s. Two very significant observations:
• Previous drilling of surface radiometric anomalism (mineralisation) always found
subsurface uranium mineralisation.
• Historic tenement boundaries precluded evaluation of complete mineralised
Discoveries made by Gencor (Langer Heinrich), Elf Aquitaine (Aussinanis) and Falconbridge
(Tumas) precluded full investigation of all their tenement holdings due to concentrating on project
feasibility studies. RUN has scheduled two teams of two geologists to visit all the surface
radiometric anomalies by helicopter during December and January to generate new drill targets.

RUN has been awaiting a suitable helicopter to conduct the electromagnetic survey. It is now
apparent that one will become available in January. Once the survey is complete and data
interpreted it is proposed to conduct reconnaissance drill evaluation of any palaeochannels located
for “Langer Heinrich-style” mineralisation. This is scheduled to commence during the second
quarter of 2008.
RUN has been actively recruiting staff for the planned expansion and by January should have a full
compliment of around 40 personnel (excluding contractors). It is pleasing that it appears all but 3
will be Namibian citizens. RUN is planning to be self-sufficient wherever possible. It is operating a
full sample preparation and chemical laboratory including XRF (shortly on 24-hour basis);
environmental division; computer programming and data manipulation; differential GPS surveying;
and, mechanical workshop amongst others. This will streamline many of the processes and
eliminate delays previously experienced.
DYL is entering an exciting new phase in its short life. The increased levels of exploration and
drilling will result in a steady flow of JORC Code Resources from three separate project areas
within RUN’s tenements.
Given the extent of the Inferred Resources at Tubas alone, other areas of known 1970’s and early
1980’s mineralisation and the vast untested areas of outcropping carnotite mineralisation, the DYL
Directors are now confident of achieving their target of 50,000 tonne contained U3O8 within the
four Namibian EPLs by end 2008. This total does not include any greenfields primary (Rossingstyle)
or palaeochannel (Langer Heinrich) discoveries that could be made.
* In accordance with JORC Code 2004, the quantity & grade is conceptual in nature as there is insufficient
exploration to define a Mineral Resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the
determination of a Mineral Resource.
Any one on this Thread - have you seen the last few anns that DYL has put out on Namibia in Dec and Jan???

Has come on quite strong since lows from Tuesday, not sure if that's related to those anns or not.
Was once again great to see Buyers returning to DYL, after last Fridays run and seems upward movement will continue tomorrow after Todays opportunistic Buy up on Todays Close, to which took the market including myself by surprise

Here's some insight into Todays Wed 20th Trading.

No. of Trades: 115
Volume:......... 1,414,131
Opening Price: 0.320
High Price:..... 0.325
Low Price:...... 0.310

Todays Close 0.325

Closing Buy Market Depth: 0.315 (5,126,478)
Closing Sell Market Depth:. 0.325 (2,206,655)

Todays final 10 Trades
16:10:53..0.325... 10,000..... $3,250.00
16:10:53..0.325... 40,969..... $13,314.93
16:10:53..0.325... 50,000..... $16,250.00...XT
16:10:53..0.325... 106,500... $34,612.50...XT
16:10:53..0.325... 75,000..... $24,375.00
16:10:53..0.325... 10,000..... $3,250.00.....XT
16:10:53..0.325... 10,000..... $3,250.00
16:10:53..0.325... 56,944..... $18,506.80
16:10:53..0.325... 1,458....... $473.85.......XT
16:10:53..0.325... 100,000... $32,500.00

6-month High: 0.510

5-day EMA: 0.307
10-day EMA: 0.299
15-day EMA: 0.297
30-day EMA: 0.307
Avg Volume: 1,779,367

Cheers To All DYL & PDN Holders from grant64
Here's Todays Intra-Day Trading Chart for Wed 20th FEB displaying period between 10.00a.m. to 4.11p.m. Close NOTE The Accumulation Buy of 510,000 on the Close at .325


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And Here's Yesterdays Intra-Day Chart for Tues 19th FEB displaying period between 10.00a.m. to 4.11p.m. Close Note also the Accumulation Buy on yesterdays Close of 451,728 at .315

Cheers once again to all DYL & PDN Holders from grant64


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Very detailed drilling update released to the ASX this morning - all on the Namibian tenements.

Looks very interesting.
To be honest, the market response has not been all that great. Im not too sure what it will take for this share to go back to its previous highs.
Personally, I think it would take a couple things for these guys to get back to their highs.

1. U to come back into favour, at least a little.

2. More focus on drilling specific tenemanats rather than acquiring heaps of tenaments and then having their drill rigs spread very thinly. Choose the best 1 - 2 prospects and focus soley on them. Farm out the others if they want...

3. As with 2, they need to begin from explorer to developer/producer. Its all well and good putting holes in the ground, but if its not pulling cash in, or preparing to pull cash in, the market does not like it these days.
Paladin owns 159,058,461 shares in Deep Yellow Ltd
(14.34% interest) with a market value of US$39.2 million.

They're not selling the shares and they're not buying anymore at the moment??

I wonder what Paladin will do with DYL???
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