Skate made an explanation in Dollar terms between Skates exit and Willoneau exit for MGX - maybe Willoneau was implying Skate do the same for NEA which shows that perhaps a stale exit doesn't always maximise the profit outcome. . .
Skates Dollar outcome for NEA
1. A $25K position in NEA @ $0.745 buys 33,557 shares
2. 1st exit @ $0.655 results in capital of $21,980 (a loss of $3,020)
3. Using capital of $21,980, 2nd entry @ $0.92 buys 23,891 shares
4. 2nd exit @ $0.96 results in capital of $22,935 (a gain of $955)
5. Using capital of $22,935, 3rd entry @ $1.075 buys 21,334 shares
6. 3rd exit @ $1.665 results in capital of $35,521 (a gain of $12,587)
7. Using capital of $35,521, 4th entry @ $2.43 buys 14,617 shares
8. 4th exit @ $3.32 results in final capital of $48,528 (a gain of $13,009)
Skates result - $25K capital has grown to $48,528 a total gain of $23,528
Willonea Dollar outcome for NEA
1. A $25K position in NEA @0.745 buys 33,557 shares
2. No exits, his trade is still running @ $3.33 for capital of $111,744 (an unrealised gain of $86,744.
Willonea result - $25K capital has grown to $111,744 a total unrealised gain of $86,744
A difference of $63,216 and that is after only one trade.
We are all different and we all choose to trade according to different rules which produce different results.
Your comparison is a tad short of being valid as I would doubt that @Skate keeps his spare cash in his back pocket when he is not in a NEA trade.