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No short cuts or free lunches in life, when something is easy there's always a catch somewhere I've found especially when it comes to making money.
Whether the work be physical or mental, that is the only true way to get that "free" lunch.
Though, I have been fortunate enough a few times to be on the receiving end of a "free" lunch when working away from home.
It’s crucial to remember that if something resonates with us, it can significantly influence our trading outcomes. By doing so, we can continually refine our strategies and improve our chances of success in trading.

Discovering an Effective Trading System
Many system traders often face challenges in discovering or coding a profitable trading system. The essence of successful trading systems lies in their ability to pinpoint opportune moments for entering positions in an upward trending market. To achieve this effectively, a blend of technical indicators is crucial. These indicators guide informed decisions about the optimal times to buy.

Finding simple indicators to improve a trading system
The 'Pulsing Progress Strategy' that I recently posted about uses a variety of technical indicators such as Average True Range (ATR), Support Level, Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs), Relative Strength Index (RSI), Stochastic Oscillator (SD), and Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD). These simple easy-to-use indicators help assess market volatility, trend direction, and potential reversals.

Every trader wants to know 3 things
(1) What to buy, (2) When to buy and (3) When to sell. Previously, I discussed the indicators I use to find breakouts in an up-trending market. Using these indicators helps me define "favourable conditions". To generate a buy signal the "Conditions" must include the price being above support levels, EMAs crossing over, trend direction based on MACD and RSI, and confirmation of market direction. The combination of these conditions forms the "Buy Condition", determining when the strategy can generate buy signals.

The 'Pulsing Progress Trading Strategy' employs a systematic approach to identify optimal entry points in an up-trending market. By leveraging a mix of technical indicators and market conditions, it aims to capture favourable trading opportunities while minimising risk. The strategy's effectiveness depends on the parameter values chosen and how well they align with market dynamics.

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The Final Puzzle Piece - “Deciding When to Sell”
I’ve often emphasised that while buying is straightforward, determining when to sell is the most challenging aspect of the trading equation. This complexity is precisely why I choose to employ a variety of exit strategies. Utilising a Take Profit Stop, a Stale Stop, and a safety net Trailing Stop each play a crucial role in this process. These tools collectively aid in making informed decisions, ensuring a balanced and effective trading approach.

Utilising a Take Profit Stop, a Stale Stop, and a safety net Trailing Stop each play a crucial role in this process.

Understanding the ‘Take Profit Stop’ Feature
The ‘Pulsing Progress Trading Strategy’ incorporates a ‘Take Profit Stop’. This feature is designed to secure profits once the price attains a specified level. The ‘Take Profit Stop’ employs a multiplier for calculating the profit target, which is based on the Average True Range (ATR), a widely used metric in trading.

Utilising a Take Profit Stop, a Stale Stop, and a safety net Trailing Stop each play a crucial role in this process.

Understanding the ‘Stale Stop’ Feature
The ‘Stale Stop’ function is designed to exit positions after a specified period, mitigating the risk of maintaining underperforming or ‘stale’ positions. This feature is activated either by a certain number of bars since the entry or when a predefined level is reached, depending on which happens first. This ensures a 'proactive approach' to trading, keeping your portfolio fresh and responsive to market changes.

Utilising a Take Profit Stop, a Stale Stop, and a safety net Trailing Stop each play a crucial role in this process.

Deciphering the ‘Trailing Stop’ Feature
My exit strategy features a ‘Trailing Stop’ mechanism, engineered to protect profits and limit losses, regardless of the market’s direction. This dynamic tool, unlike static stops, adapts to market changes. It allows users to set the percentage that triggers the trailing stop, whether the market is ascending or descending. Additionally, users can tailor the trailing stop to their trading style by choosing whether it’s based on the closing price or the highest price of the price bars. While I employ a standard setting of 20%, you have the flexibility to adjust this percentage according to your risk profile.

Understanding Exit Conditions
The multi-exit conditions I’ve outlined encompass several scenarios. The triggering of the trailing stop, the fulfilment of the stale stop condition, or the activation of the take-profit stop. Should any of these conditions be met, the strategy promptly issues a sell signal, closes the current position, and updates the necessary variables. To further enhance trading efficiency, the code is designed to invalidate any existing buy signals upon the generation of a sell signal, thereby preventing immediate re-entry post-exit. This comprehensive approach ensures a balanced and effective trading strategy.

The Significance of Looping in Exit Strategies
The looping mechanism plays a pivotal role in managing these exit conditions. It sequentially navigates through each bar in the dataset, vigilantly monitoring the position and updating exit conditions as needed. The loop checks for the emergence of buy signals and verifies if the position is currently engaged in a trade. Upon detecting a buy signal and confirming that the position is not yet in a trade, it kick-starts the trade and commences tracking the exit conditions. This iterative process ensures a dynamic and responsive trading strategy.

Summing It Up
Implementing a multi-exit strategy is designed to safeguard profits and control risk. This is achieved by dynamically modifying stop levels, timely exiting of stale (stagnant) positions, and securing profits via a take-profit stop. The market conditions are constantly fine-tuning the exit strategies to enhance performance and curtail losses. This comprehensive approach ensures a balanced and effective trading experience. (well for me it does)


Celebrating a Significant Milestone in My Investment Journey
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve reached a new landmark in my investment journey. Today, I received my final dividend payment from WDS for this financial year, marking the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.


Expanding My WDS Share Portfolio
In keeping with my investment strategy for the year, I’ve systematically increased my stake in WDS by an additional 418 shares, bringing my total to 15,598. This increase, funded by today’s dividend payments from WDS, is a strategic step towards achieving my investment goals and broadening my portfolio exposure.


Reflecting on My 2024 Dividend Income and Investment Strategy
I’m taking a moment to reflect on my investment journey and the dividends I’ve received so far. The outcome aligns seamlessly with my investment strategy, reaffirming my approach and decisions.

i might suggest if you keep this strategy going after 2024 , that a different recipient of the dividend income be chosen , maybe a different share already in the portfolio , or a new share added to the portfolio ( funded by div. income )

And let's add that this is quite specific to trend followers.
an investor might be quite happy with a stale share price and on going dividends in a falling market ..but a trend follower would not
Any wise suggestion of satisfactory holding how many stocks to achieve a satisfactory retirement lifestyle?
I am starting to do this personal individual challenge, hoping to last out at best 8 to10yrs before my life expiry date.
I owned BHP, FMG, WDS, TLS where most of my bulk money, there are other with lesser pot.
? WBC, SOL..what's your thought or wld you even include these.
This is not a financial advise from gurus but it's something that I am interested to try it out with my pot excess to leave behind for the kids to see. Holding good Shares in Stock can built wealth too n of course while I am still breathing n able, it will be my luxury holidays funding.
I had proven to the kids that buying/ owing properties is one of my 2 wealth creation tips to them...they never learn until they are in the late 30s. Now, we are selling our properties portfolio to tie up loose ends n I am going to do the above testing.
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of those mentioned , i currently hold BHP , WDS , SOL , and WBC ( and have previously held FMG and TLS )

so thoughts ?

WBC i hold a trivial amount ( from a poorly timed exit ) , i intended to abandon WBC because it was heading up the 'Woke path of Madness ' AND i could not see any sensible paths of growth for it , i might suggest ANZ ( i have held in the past ) as it has found a way to grow ( via the SUN bank acquisition )

SOL i bought in 2011 , so have a very nice capital gain now , however for me the rel value was the annual report which analysed the other businesses SOL had investments in ,

i think of SOL as an investor news letter that pays some divs ( i have invested in several companies where SOL has a major holding , partly on those annual reports , and have done very nicely with those chosen stocks , so far , except for AIS )

BHP , i hope is a business that is 'too big to fail ' although @qldfrog thinks it is a business 'too big to run efficiently ' and despite recent divestments , i am starting to worry he is correct

logic says BHP will face headwinds as the global economy shrinks/weakens , so will BHP use profits to repay shareholders , buy back shares , reduce debt , buy new assets , develop recently acquired assets ( say the OZL portfolio ) or throw money at ' the Green New Dream ' , or a combination of these

WDS now as a WPL holder , i found WPL as a promiser of dreams only partly delivered , given now BHP has now helped it to virtually double in size , has it now got critical mass ( the grow much bigger ) or too many moving parts to focus on the priority targets

TLS , in fact i was thinking of buying back in to TLS as a 'bond proxy ' the logic 'too big to let fail' and pays some divs. and franking , but good luck if wishing for capital gains long term

FMG now if one company can wrong-foot me , it is FMG , i had a nice ride in the past , but now worry it will become a R&D black hole

i prefer other iron plays , thank very much

A Real-life Investment Strategy
The objective of this 12-month real live experiment is to explore the feasibility of deriving a sustainable income from a portfolio of five investments, based on three key principles: (1) Dividends, (2) Franking Credits, and long-term (3) Capital Gains.

Pleasure and pain
The ASX this week has been a rollercoaster ride, a mix of pleasure and pain. It’s a reminder that the market is always changing. Here’s to hoping for more pleasure and less pain in the weeks to come.

As of the close of trade today Friday the 5th of April 2024, the investment strategy had netted a gain of $145,367 being made up of Open Profits of $71,252, Dividend payments of $51,881 with attached Franking credits of $22,235.

After 17 weeks of this experiment
# Strategy Progress = $145,367
# Dividends and Franking credits = $74,115
# Capital Gains = $71,252
# Weekly Average = $4,191

I Fear there will be NOWHERE to HIDE! - We are all well trained and we will weather this Storm

Navigating the Waves of an Investment Portfolio
@Captain_Chaza warned all weak that there was a turn on the way. This week’s investment journey has been akin to sailing on stormy seas, with the thrill of high waves and the challenge of deep troughs. However, the sea proved to be unpredictable. This week saw a downturn, with a loss of $24,215. This was a stark contrast to the weekly average profit of $4,191, reminding us of the volatility of the market.

The investment strategy had a promising start. Currently, the open profits stand at a robust $71,252, a testament to the favourable winds of the market. Despite the stormy weather, the ship’s sturdy build held firm. The passive income, a steady and reliable source of revenue, amounted to $74,115. This was further bolstered by dividends of $51,881 and franking credits of $22,235.

As week 17 closes, the ship remains afloat with a total strategy progress of $145,367. This figure, despite the week’s losses, is a reminder of the resilience of investing in a handful of sound companies.

In conclusion, this week’s journey was a mix of highs and lows, pleasure and pain. It served as a reminder that while the sea of investment can be unpredictable, a sturdy ship and a sound strategy can weather the storm. Here’s to smoother sailing in the weeks to come!

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