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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

If Trump gets in, multiple agencies and people will be investigated. Biden and the fbi will be first off the block. Doesn't surprise me we have push back
Good thread

It is happening in that den of iniquity they call Russia.
FromThe Conversation
There is growing concern about Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny who is reported to have disappeared from the Russian prison colony in which he has been serving a lengthy sentence. Lawyers for the 47-year-old dissident said he had last been in contact two weeks ago.

Navalny’s imprisonment has been condemned by human rights organisations as “politically motivated” and he was due to face fresh charges. But it was announced on Monday that seven criminal proceedings that were pending had been put on hold. This has fuelled fears about his whereabouts and also his health, which has reportedly deteriorated due to the conditions in which he was being held.

There has been speculation that he may have been transferred to a harsher prison. Dmitry Peskov, press secretary to Russian president Vladimir Putin, declined to comment, saying he had “neither the intention nor the ability to track the fate of prisoners”.

Nalvany’s apparent disappearance comes as Putin has launched his campaign for a fifth term of office. Elections scheduled for March 2024 are generally thought to be no more than a formality, given the lack of any real opposition.

"1)Trump was never convicted of “insurrection”
2) No one involved in Jan. 6 was convicted of “insurrection”
3) Trump was never charged with “insurrection”
4) No one involved in Jan. 6 was charged with “insurrection”
5) Trump was acquitted on the 2nd impeachment on charges that related to the events of Jan. 6
6) The 14th Amendment Sec. 3 does not apply to the President.

That is all anyone needs to understand"

- Viva Frei
I like rfk ( prefer him over Trump). Straight shooter that was slandered as a conspiracy loon.
I think he'd attempt a clean out. But imo they need Trump to break the eggs of the current system.
It's simple. She egregiously contravened the ABC charter to such an extent, even the ABC had no choice.

Tough titty, cop it sweet.

SCOTUS will reinstate trump

More on X, follow the thread....

The attempts to remove Trump from the primary ballots in Colorado are being compared to a another event where a Republican Candidate was not even on the ballot.
In the the 1860 election 13 pro slave states in the deep south did not allow Abe Lincoln to appear on the ballot.
As a result, Lincoln only got about 40% of the national vote, but because the vote had so many fractured candidates, he won cos he still had the most votes.
Less than a year later, the American Civil war started.
Lets not hope history is repeated.
Sources ( Here , Here , Here and Here )
The attempts to remove Trump from the primary ballots in Colorado are being compared to a another event where a Republican Candidate was not even on the ballot.
In the the 1860 election 13 pro slave states in the deep south did not allow Abe Lincoln to appear on the ballot.
As a result, Lincoln only got about 40% of the national vote, but because the vote had so many fractured candidates, he won cos he still had the most votes.
Less than a year later, the American Civil war started.
Lets not hope history is repeated.
Sources ( Here , Here , Here and Here )
Trump was convicted to have participated in an insurrection in a lower court in the State and it is is written into the Constitution 155 years ago that he can be struck out based on this. The law is the law.

I have read and heard a few lawyers on this and what the Supreme court decides to do is probably the most significant decision in a generation or longer as this sets a precedent.

If it turns out the Supreme court decides Trump is ineligible to run then it will be momentous, especially as they are politically seen as Republican.

If the Supreme court decides to dump the issue i.e. ignore it, then the result is less momentous but still cause waves.

if the Supreme court overrules the issue then this sets a precedent also.

The decision has to be made quite quickly so we won't have very long to see what happens. Very interesting.
Trump was convicted to have participated in an insurrection in a lower court in the State and it is is written into the Constitution 155 years ago that he can be struck out based on this. The law is the law.
I don't know where you got the source for that, but I had a good search and could not anything confirming that.
But I did find a number articles suggesting that he has not as yet been found guilty of insurrection.
Here are two, one by Reuters nand one by WAPO .

And agin, the whole thing may be bypassed by the Colorado Republican Comittee not having a Caucus rather than a ballot ( see Zero Hedge ).

The supreme court has to make a decision on whether it will even hear the appeal, which may take some time.
Then the appeal has to be scheduled, then proceedings begin.
In the meantime, the original decision is stayed.
Hence it is possible that the ballot might take place even before the Supreme court has made its decison on whheter to hear the case, much less conduct the appeal.
In that case, the ballot will go ahead with Trumps name on it.
If subsequently the Fed court decides not to hear rhe case, or does hear it and dismiss the appeal, the Colorado state court decision would stand, but in retrospect.
The state could then declare the primary null and void.
What happens after that would be subject to further appeals, and in the likely event that the presidential election has already been held,
what would the federal court then do?
If the result had no material effect on the result, they might just close it all.
And finally, I doubt that Colorado would be
Colorado is entitled to ten Electoral college votes, about 0.5% of the total.
Given its a mostly democrat state , the most that trump could expect is two, and most likely one vote.
The whole thing makes great publicity , but is largely immaterial in the end.
Now if other states tried to do the same thing, it might get interesting.
I have no doubt that the Supreme court would intervene quickly one way or the other.
According to Barnes & Frei whom I follow on X, there has never been any charge nor conviction for insurection anywhere in the United states.

Both are Attorneys in the US FYI
If the democrats keep pursuing this Avenue of third world politics, there's no doubt in my mind that there will eventually be civil war. If there is and in 20 years looking back, they will have adjudicated that it has already started in the present day.

People are openly talking about it and there is even a movie about to be released about Civil war in the near future ( and they always soften up the public with movies before anything happens).

I don't know where you got the source for that, but I had a good search and could not anything confirming that.
But I did find a number articles suggesting that he has not as yet been found guilty of insurrection.
Here are two, one by Reuters nand one by WAPO .

And agin, the whole thing may be bypassed by the Colorado Republican Comittee not having a Caucus rather than a ballot ( see Zero Hedge ).

The supreme court has to make a decision on whether it will even hear the appeal, which may take some time.
Then the appeal has to be scheduled, then proceedings begin.
In the meantime, the original decision is stayed.
Hence it is possible that the ballot might take place even before the Supreme court has made its decison on whheter to hear the case, much less conduct the appeal.
In that case, the ballot will go ahead with Trumps name on it.
If subsequently the Fed court decides not to hear rhe case, or does hear it and dismiss the appeal, the Colorado state court decision would stand, but in retrospect.
The state could then declare the primary null and void.
What happens after that would be subject to further appeals, and in the likely event that the presidential election has already been held,
what would the federal court then do?
If the result had no material effect on the result, they might just close it all.
And finally, I doubt that Colorado would be
Colorado is entitled to ten Electoral college votes, about 0.5% of the total.
Given its a mostly democrat state , the most that trump could expect is two, and most likely one vote.
The whole thing makes great publicity , but is largely immaterial in the end.
Now if other states tried to do the same thing, it might get interesting.
I have no doubt that the Supreme court would intervene quickly one way or the other.
This is the court case where he was found guilty of insurrection but was let off because he was President. Very dodgy out hence it also explains how the top court in Colorado was dragged into it.
This is the court case where he was found guilty of insurrection but was let off because he was President. Very dodgy out hence it also explains how the top court in Colorado was dragged into it.
My appologies, you are correct.
This is the court case where he was found guilty of insurrection but was let off because he was President. Very dodgy out hence it also explains how the top court in Colorado was dragged into it.

Generally I stay away from politics as emotions tend to get heated. However, I found it very interesting retired Judge Michael Luttig entered the fray with his legal opinion the former President is not eligible to hold office under the Constitution.

Luttig is about as far right as they come and a member of the Federalist Society. Yet he also teamed up with Laurence Tribe who is on the left to pen a joint opinion the former President is prevented from holding office due to the operation of the 14th Amendment. I believe he also signed his name along with others, including legal scholars, to a notice to the Supreme Court submitting that view. A number of the members of the Supreme Court are also members of the Federalist Society and know him well, some having been his law clerk.

Fascinating times.
Generally I stay away from politics as emotions tend to get heated. However, I found it very interesting retired Judge Michael Luttig entered the fray with his legal opinion the former President is not eligible to hold office under the Constitution.

Luttig is about as far right as they come and a member of the Federalist Society. Yet he also teamed up with Laurence Tribe who is on the left to pen a joint opinion the former President is prevented from holding office due to the operation of the 14th Amendment. I believe he also signed his name along with others, including legal scholars, to a notice to the Supreme Court submitting that view. A number of the members of the Supreme Court are also members of the Federalist Society and know him well, some having been his law clerk.

Fascinating times.
it will of course become a little academic if the federal supreme court overturns the conviction for insurrection.
I like rfk ( prefer him over Trump). Straight shooter that was slandered as a conspiracy loon.
I think he'd attempt a clean out. But imo they need Trump to break the eggs of the current system.

Nah absolute drop kick.