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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

Michael Cohens testimony at Donald Trumps fraud trial.

, Faherty’s questioning prompted Cohen to reveal his familiarity with Trump’s financial statements – and state, under oath, that his ex-boss told him to come up with favorable numbers.

“I was tasked, by Mr Trump, to increase the total assets based upon a number that he arbitrary selected, and my responsibility, along with Allen Weisselberg predominately, was to reverse-engineer the various different asset classes, increase those assets, in order to achieve the number that Mr Trump had [requested,” Cohen testified.

When Faherty asked what sum he and Weisselberg came up with, Cohen responded, “Whatever number Mr Trump told us to.”

Cohen: Trump would look at total assets and say 'I’m actually not worth $4.5bn, I’m worth more like six'​

“We would take this specific list of assets and we would figure out which specific line to increase the number, again to reverse-engineer … the total assets that Mr Trump sought,” Cohen said.

Referring to the 30 June 2011 statement of financial condition displayed in court, Cohen said they would have taken this document and “mark it up by hand … in able to get the total asset number that Mr Trump asked us to achieve”.

Typically, Cohen said, these spurious adjustments would start with a phone call from Trump’s executive assistants. “I would come into the office, Allen Weisselberg would either already be there, or come with me, and the topic was the statement of financial condition.”

Trump, Cohen said, “would look at the total assets and he would say ‘I’m actually not worth $4.5bn, I’m really worth more like six.’”

“He would then direct Allen and I to go back to Allen’s office and return after we achieved the desir[ed] goal.”

Cohen describes 'gang of four' cutting insurance deals​

Michael Cohen has described how a group of Trump cronies – he, Weisselberg, the Trump Organization COO Matthew Calamari, and company executive Ron Lieberman – were assigned to work together on insurance deals.

They were referred to as the “gang of four” or “group of four” by an insurance broker who helped secure coverage for Trump’s various properties. Cohen said that this cohort came together at Trump’s direction.

“All the final decisions were done by Mr Trump,” Cohen said.

Cohen said that when brokering insurance deals, “there would be a conversation about his extensive net worth, he’s actually richer than the insurance companies … we’ve got to get a good premium”.

During sit-downs between the group and insurers, Trump would generally show up “three quarters through the meeting”; Cohen appeared to intimate that Trump’s late arrival was meant to convey his importance.

“It was coordinated that he would arrive like that,” Cohen said.

While granular, Cohen’s rundown of how Trump’s cronies handled acquiring of insurance speaks to the attorney general’s case that they conspired to commit fraud with his knowledge. Remember: Trump is accused of using questionable calculations to puff up his net worth when it suited his financial needs.

Donald Trump made another public assault on Judge Engerons Law clerk. Not a great outcome for Trump. Perhaps he should consider suing the Judge ?:D

It will interesting to see how Judge Engeron responds to Donald Trump when he gets on the stand to defend himself against the fraud charges. Has the Judge already demonstrated his prejudice against Donald Trump ?:cautious:

Judge Accuses Donald Trump of Lying Under Oath

Judge Arthur Engoron fined former President Donald Trump $10,000, finding his testimony "not credible" during a hearing about whether he violated a gag order Wednesday afternoon.

Engoron held a hearing Wednesday about whether comments Trump made to reporters constituted a violation of a gag order he imposed on the former president barring him from publicly discussing members of his staff after an attack against his clerk on social media earlier in October.

Trump told reporters that Engoron is "a very partisan judge with a person who's very partisan sitting alongside him," reported NBC News. Engoron interpreted his remarks to be an attack against that clerk, Allison Greenfield, who has been subject to criticism from the former president's legal team.

Trump took the stand under oath to defend his remarks to Engoron.

Trump argued that his comments were not in reference to Greenfield, but instead about his former attorney Michael Cohen, who testified against him this week, according to reporter Molly Crane-Newman. Engoron, however, did not believe his defense, accusing him of providing untruthful testimony, noting that his clerk is sitting "much closer" to him than Cohen.

"As a trier of fact, I find that the witness is not credible," Engoron said.

Whistling past the graveyard. How big will the judgement be in Trumps fraud trials ?

"Whistling past the graveyard": Judge scolds Trump lawyers for pushing "simply incorrect" claim​

Tatyana Tandanpolie
Wed, November 1, 2023 at 4:31 AM GMT+11·1 min read


Arthur Engoron Spencer Platt/Getty Image

In an exchange with defense attorneys over the state's expert witness, a New York judge said that leveling fines against
— one of the key issues being decided at the former president's civil fraud trial — is "clearly an available remedy" despite the defense's argument to the contrary,
ABC News reports. Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron ruled in a partial summary judgement last month that Trump had provided "fraudulent valuations" for his assets on his financial statements, setting aside the trial to determine what additional actions he might take and penalties, if any, the defendants should receive.

Engoron's statement came as Trump's attorneys attempted to impede the testimony of the attorney general's expert witness. While denying their effort, the judge also rejected their argument that disgorgement, or fining Trump for illegal profits, isn't an option for the former president. "For reasons this court has explained ad nauseam, that view is simply incorrect," Engoron said. "Disgorgement is a clearly available remedy." But Trump lawyer Chris Kise disagreed. He countered that the state has failed to prove that banks would have acted differently if they had known Trump's statements were fraudulent.

Kise then cited Deutsche Bank executive Nicholas Haigh's testimony, during which Haigh deemed loaning money to the former president a "good credit decision." Engoron again rebuffed Kise's point. "Several witnesses have testified that they would have acted differently had they known the statements of financial condition were fraudulent," the judge replied, adding, "I think, to a certain extent, the defendants are whistling past the graveyard here."

CNN accidentally caught a lady stuffing a ballot box on live TV in 2020.​
They went on to call it the most safe and secure election in history™​
And if you have any questions, you are a dangerous threat to democracy.​

CNN accidentally caught a lady stuffing a ballot box on live TV in 2020.​
They went on to call it the most safe and secure election in history™​
And if you have any questions, you are a dangerous threat to democracy.​

View attachment 165162
It is quite straightforward for people to put other peoples in ballot boxes. Just to be clear "stuffing a ballot box" means multiple illegal votes. A person just putting in a number of votes on behalf of a local aged community group is not ballot stuffing

Laws allowing ballot collection are designed to make voting more convenient, and to make it possible for people who can’t travel to deliver a ballot on their own. Political groups and campaigns from both parties have run ballot-collection programs with the goal of boosting turnout and helping older, homebound, disabled or rural voters get their ballots returned.
It is quite straightforward for people to put other peoples in ballot boxes. Just to be clear "stuffing a ballot box" means multiple illegal votes. A person just putting in a number of votes on behalf of a local aged community group is not ballot stuffing

Laws allowing ballot collection are designed to make voting more convenient, and to make it possible for people who can’t travel to deliver a ballot on their own. Political groups and campaigns from both parties have run ballot-collection programs with the goal of boosting turnout and helping older, homebound, disabled or rural voters get their ballots returned.
Ballot harvesting you mean.

They go through the old people's home and sign them up. Problems with paid votes or coerced votes. Huge problem
Bas, your going to need counseling soon.....

Trump was right on big calls and accusations. Proven time and time again. The biggest one is that DC is a dirty swamp.
Trump - peace and stability, lots of jobs, price of oil stable, life was fine, mean Tweets, walked into North Korea alone

Biden - Ukraine War, Middle East War, disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, record inflation, price of oil/fuel record high, can't even walk up a flight of stairs (AIr Force One)

Fraudulent Elections have consequences

The Deep State (CIA/NSA/FBI) are woke swamp rats
I'm showing you evidence of Election Fraud, and you still brush it off

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
I'm proving that people putting in multiple ballots is quite legal. Moxjo calls it ballot harvesting. It is done by both parties. It is done everywhere that older people cannot reach ballot locations.
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How delusional can you get ?

Donald Trump claims he won all 50 states in 2020 US election in Florida speech ahead of New York court appearance​

Indeed. So what was the response of his audience ? How many Republicans will say this is not true ?
I wonder if one of the first questions Donald is asked at his fraud trial is "How many States did you win in the 2020 election ?"

I thought Liz Chaney nailed it .
"I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible. There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain,"

Chris Christie made a similar point
Donald Trump takes the witness stand in his criminal fraud trial on Monday. I suppose the critical question would be
"How credible is Donald Trumps testimony?"

I suggest the AG starts the proceedings with 2 questions. He is now under oath. Lying could/should result in a perjury charge

1) Mr Trump how much do you weigh ? If he says 215 lbs ask again and then produce a new set of scales from a sealed box.

2) Mr Trump you publicly stated in Florida that you had won all 50 States in the 2020 Election. What evidence do you have for this statement ?
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But Anderson Cooper said the 2020 Election was the most secure in history™

Here’s how they covered up the overthrown of the US government on Nov 3 , 2020,​

Surveillance reveals 2 Maricopa County officials, Data Admin, Brian Ramirez and Election Services Asst. Kristi Passarelli deleting Dominion files from the 2020 server before turned over to auditors.​
