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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

Bas, you think Biden won 2020???

Biden Speech Empty 01.jpeg

Over this.....

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Trump v Biden Crowd.jpeg

Keep watching CNN/ABC and MSNBC.....





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Judge Engoren has started the clock on closing down Trumps business in New York. Trump has been given 7 days to list all the companies and their officers. And the Judge is making sure they are properly dissolved and not just flicked into new a new pair of safe hands.

Trump given seven days to submit list of firms that will lose New York business licenses

Judge issues order for ex-president after pre-trial ruling found ex-president and others created false financial statements

Lauren Arataniand agencies
Fri 6 Oct 2023 05.34 AEDTFirst published on Fri 6 Oct 2023 04.56 AEDT

Donald Trump has seven days to give to a state court a list of companies that will lose their New York business licenses after a judge ruled last week that he had committed financial fraud.


On Thursday, New York judge Arthur Engoron issued an order that will carry out Trump’s punishment for a pre-trial ruling he made that found Trump and others within the Trump Organization created false and misleading financial statement that inflated his net worth.

Engoron ruled that the former US president will lose his business certificates in the state, essentially limiting his ability to run his real estate company. The list of companies will be given to retired federal judge Barbara Jones, currently the court-appointed monitor overseeing the Trump Organization.

It emerged on the fourth day of the trial that Engoron is now giving Trump’s lawyers until 26 October to submit a list of names of potential receivers. The receiver will oversee the dissolution of the companies’ business licenses.

Seeking to prevent an end run around his ruling, Engoron told the defendants to give Jones advance notice of any application for new business licenses in any jurisdiction and any attempts to create new entities to “hold or acquire the assets” of a company that’s being dissolved under the ruling.
How much is Mars a Lago worth ? This guy details the extensive list of restrictions that Trump wanted and accepted that make a mockery of the $1.5 billion value Trump ascribes to it.

Of course if someone wanted to get into bed with the Big Boy and had suitably deep pockets the the odd Billion would be fine.;)

Popok can’t take Trump’s lawyers’ lying to the people about how much his “trophy” properties are worth anymore.
In his Hot Take, Michael Popok who has lived and practiced law in Florida and New York and visited Mar-a-Lago back in the day, explains why the trial team of Habba and Kise are “undereducated” when they discuss Trump’s businesses and his properties value, starting with Mar a Lago.”
Update on Donald Trumps "creative accounting genius". Specials stuff.
One piece of good news for Trump . His property empire won't be dissolved in the next few weeks. He gets a chance to rig his books for a bit longer to see what he can spin off before the boom falls.:)

Trump fraud trial live updates: Judge doesn't stop trial, but pauses dissolving of Trump Organization

The former president is facing allegations of defrauding lenders.

Controller valued Mar-a-Lago at $500M despite deed restriction​

Longtime Trump Organization controller Jeff McConney continued to value Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club in excess of $500 million -- on the basis that the property could be sold as private residences -- despite knowing that Trump has signed a deed in 2002 with the National Trust for Historic Preservation exclusively limiting the property to being used as a club.

Mr. Trump had deeded away his rights to use the property for any purpose other than a social club," prosecutor Andrew Amer said while questioning McConney, who initially claimed he was unaware of the requirement but subsequently testified that he was aware of the 2002 deed.

Despite the requirement, McConney -- according to Trump's financial statements -- valued Mar-a-Lago as if the property could be sold as individual residences, every year that he oversaw the statements, between 2011 and 2017.

Golf club's purchase price was inflated to cover refunds​

When the Trump Organization purchased their golf course in Jupiter, Florida, in 2013, they paid $5 million for the club, longtime Trump Organization controller Jeff McConney testified.

But when they put the property in their books, they listed the purchase price at $46 million, said McConney.

The $41 million jump in price was attributed to the potential that Trump would have to pay back the purported "refundable" fees paid by each of the club's members, according to McConney.

While listing $46 million as the total purchase price, the Trump Organization failed to account for the $41 million dollars in fees on the liability side of the company's books, said prosecutor Andrew Amer.

"Even if they do have to repay at some point in time, that is way out in the future, correct?" Amer asked, which McConney conceded was the case.

Estate's valuation included 7 mansions that weren't yet built​

When the Trump Organization valued its Seven Springs compound in New York's Westchester County at $261 million, the company included seven mansions, estimated to be worth $23 million each, that had not been built, longtime Trump Organization controller Jeff McConney testified.

In contrast, an appraiser had said Seven Springs was worth $56 million, excluding development rights for the property, which hadn't been awarded.

McConney testified that he did not factor into the valuation when, or whether, the homes would be built.

"You have treated, for the purposes of this valuation, a profit of $23 million per home as if it were realized immediately?" asked Andrew Amer with the New York attorney general's office.

"Correct," McConney said.
Trump is in for 2024. A man of the people

Biden can't even walk up a flight of 3 steps.......

Trump is in for 2024. A man of the people

Biden can't even walk up a flight of 3 steps.......

Indeed a man of the people. He should feel right at home in a yellow jump suit.

But lets get back to how his current fraud trial is playing out ?

So far we just have the who's who of the Trump organisation acknowledging that the valuations for Trumps properties were simply made up/adjusted to because Donald Trump always wanted his personal wealth to go up.

Ex-CFO wanted inflated value for Trump Tower, exec says​

Firm mulled using presidential 'premium' to boost net worth​

Trump Organization executive explains valuations​

The various Trump sock puppets attempting to protect Trump and themselves in this sticky fraud trial are also coming apart.

"Highly problematic": Ex-Trump CFO's testimony abruptly halted after he's accused of perjury

Former Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg's testimony came to a screeching and unexpected halt Thursday afternoon just hours after a Forbes writer accused him of perjuring himself during an earlier day on the witness stand, The Messenger reports. Weisselberg testified Tuesday that he "never focused" on calculating the square footage of former President Donald Trump's three-floor penthouse in an effort to distance himself from Trump's false computation, which sized the property nearly three times greater than its actual square footage.

On Thursday, however, Forbes' senior editor Dan Alexander reported that emails and reporter notes not currently in the New York attorney general's possession contradict Weisselberg's testimony. "Weisselberg absolutely thought about Trump’s apartment—and played a key role in trying to convince Forbes over the course of several years that it was worth more than it really was," Alexander wrote, adding that considering their discussions continued for years and the ex-CFO was very hands-on, "it defies all logic to think he truly believes what he is now saying in court."

Hours after the story's publication, New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron convened privately with attorneys for both parties in a huddle but details of the discussion remain unknown. Weisselberg was excused for the day shortly after the meeting. A source close to the New York attorney general, who brought the suit against the Trumps, Weisselberg and another company executive, confirmed that her office is looking into Forbes' report. "Weisselberg testimony seems highly problematic-and the AG elicited evidence of his substantial monetary reasons he may have to tailor his story- he is still owed hundreds of thousands of dollars as part of his agreement with the Trump co," former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Weissman wrote of the revelation on X, formerly Twitter.

I have this thread on ignore but this is pretty big news in my view.
Prosecutors now have an insider. Will she be the only one? Some of the others may want a deal.
And DBs little comment above is pretty lame.

I have this thread on ignore but this is pretty big news in my view.
Prosecutors now have an insider. Will she be the only one? Some of the others may want a deal.
And DBs little comment above is pretty lame.

I wondered who would roll over 1st more to come I would think Trump is in trouble longer term.

This should keep Trump awake at night. Sidney Powell will just be disabarred​

Trump’s ex-lawyer Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election case

Plea agreement includes fine, restitution to the state as well as an apology letter, six years’ probation – and testifying at trial

The former Donald Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, charged alongside the former president for conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results in the state of Georgia, has pleaded guilty as part of a cooperation agreement with prosecutors just days before her trial was scheduled to start.

The conversion of Powell into a cooperating witness marks a major victory for the Fulton county district attorney, Fani Willis, given Powell’s involvement in some of Trump’s most brazen schemes to reverse Trump’s election defeat – which she could now testify about.

...The most far-reaching consequence of Powell taking the plea deal could be her agreement to testify in future trials, given her proximity to Trump in the final weeks of his presidency and her close involvement in various schemes to reverse Trump’s election defeat.

Among other episodes, Powell was a key player in a contentious December 2020 meeting at the White House, where Trump named Powell a special counsel to investigate supposed election fraud, after she pitched a plan to suspend normal laws and use military force to seize voting machines.

The meeting, details of which were previously reported by the Guardian, involved Trump, his White House counsels and Rudy Giuliani, the former Trump lawyer who has also been charged with seeking to overturn the 2020 election results by Fulton county prosecutors.

In that sense, legal experts said, Powell’s cooperation marks a significant moment in the case because the threat of Powell testifying against Giuliani could compel him to take a deal in turn to testify against someone such as Trump himself.

Powell was also involved in the Coffee county conspiracy, which involved Trump allies hiring a team of forensics experts gaining access to voting machines and copying virtually every part of the election systems, before uploading it all online.

A day after the Capitol attack in Washington, surveillance footage showed data experts from SullivanStrickler, a firm that specializes in “imaging”, or making exact copies, of electronic devices, arrive at the Coffee county election office.

What happened inside the elections office is only partially captured on surveillance video, but records show the SullivanStrickler team imaged almost every component of the election systems, including ballot scanners, the server used to count votes, thumb drives and flash memory cards.

Bit late to the party Bas. Read my post above.
Your post was just lying rubbish DB. Absolutely no different from normal of course given the sources you quote. :rolleyes:

Sydney Powell pleaded guilty to her charges to enable a plea bargain. In theory she could quite well have gone down for all the charges on the ticket. In practice the Prosecutor is after the main criminal, the force behind the various elements to overthrow the properly elected government. Mr Donald "Treason" Trump himself.

We may now see a clearer picture of how this plan was put together with Sydney Powell prepared to testify honestly at the trial.
Your post was just lying rubbish DB. Absolutely no different from normal of course given the sources you quote. :rolleyes:

Sydney Powell pleaded guilty to her charges to enable a plea bargain. In theory she could quite well have gone down for all the charges on the ticket. In practice the Prosecutor is after the main criminal, the force behind the various elements to overthrow the properly elected government. Mr Donald "Treason" Trump himself.

We may now see a clearer picture of how this plan was put together with Sydney Powell prepared to testify honestly at the trial.

Mean while

Mean while

Another piece is taken in the giant chess game. In fact it could be seen as a prosecutors pawn reaching the other side of the board and being turned into a Queen. How many more co-conspirators have to turn before it becomes clear that the most powerful elements of the States case will come from minions who are throwing Trump under a bus/off the cliff/into the clink.

Of course the worst part of Kenneth Chesebros guilty plea for Trump is there will be no trial. Thus the Prosecutors can keep their legal arguments dry while adding more and more evidence to their case.

I wonder. At what stage would Trump consider pleading guilty and trying for a plea bargain ? If it was all going to trial early next year and the case was going to be dominated by the frank evidence of Powell, Chesebro and co wouldn't it make sense to cut losses early ?

For the sake of justice I hope not. The American people need to see this case played out in public. The determined efforts by Donald Trump to overthrow the election results of 2020 with all the attending lies and duplicity have to be seen.
Insight into Trump . As if we didn't already know. Couple of extra interesting things though.

Donald Trump calls billionaire Anthony Pratt ‘red haired weirdo from Australia’ as he denies discussing submarines

Ex-president lashes out at ‘fake news’ amid reports Pratt used wealth to cultivate close relationship between the pair

  • Pratt said Trump also told him about a phone call he made to Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskiy asking for him to investigate Joe Biden’s son Hunter. Trump said: “You know that Ukraine phone call, that was nothing compared to what I usually do.”
  • Pratt also said Trump pushed the boundaries in his dealings as president and that “he knows exactly what to say and what not to say so that he avoids jail 
 but gets so close to it 
 that it looks like to everyone that he’s breaking the law”.
