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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

Ah yes. Balance of probabilities.

He said, she said.
Not to mention the host of other witnesses who she told what had happened at teh time , as well as the three other women who alleged that Donald Trump had groped them in similar semi public situations.

And of course hearing from Donald Trump himself. Boasting about how when you are a celebrity you can just grab em by the pussy.

Yeah . After listening to all the evidence and hearing the cross examinations of the defence on these parties the jury decided who was the most credible.

Of course if Donald Trump had decided to speak up, as he had every right to, he could no doubt have convinced the jury he never knew the woman (proven false) , never been in the store (proven false) and never ever, ever tried to grope/assault anyone.

Of course Trumps legal trials will still roll on essentially because he insists on lying and lying and then lying about his lying. In the end I think he will get done for perjury as he insists he has done nothing wrong despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Trashing Jean Carrol again a day after the defamation trial is just the most recent example of this behaviour

Trump hush money trial set for March 2024 during Republican primaries

Video hearing follows news that E Jean Carroll seeks new damages over ex-president’s comments in CNN town hall

....Trump renewed his abuse of Carroll on social media on Monday. As he did so, George Conway, a conservative lawyer and Trump critic, told MSNBC: “The complaint that she’s been amending this time was actually the original complaint from the first lawsuit that she brought in 2019, when … Trump … from the bully pulpit of the Oval Office … basically accused her of being a liar.

“And she got $3m for the second libel, in 2022, when he was dumb enough to repeat the first libel. And that time, he wasn’t president, so he didn’t have this legal argument. That’s why the first case went off on a wild goose chase in the appellate court, and now it’s come back.”

The 2019 case, Conway said, “already had more damage potential [for Trump] than the case that [Carroll] already won … because he was president at the time.

“It was the very, very first libel that he made on E Jean Carroll. And now the fact that he has repeated the libel after being found to have sexually abused her is really, really outrageous. And it is supportive of punitive damages.

“This verdict could be greater than the $5m that she got in the first place. Frankly, I hope it is, because I think, at some point he’s got to stop lying about this and stop lying about her. How many times [are we] gonna have to go through this?”

Really ? So exactly why did a jury decide that on the balance of probabilities they believed that Donald Trump had sexually assaulted Jean Carroll and then lied, and lied about the entire incident ?

Of course this wasn't a criminal trial was it ? It was a civil case to decide who was telling the truth. And in 3 hours a jury decided who was believable.

Good luck with Trump trying to overturn this verdict. Even better luck when the judgment is doubled becasue that piece opf merde decided he would slander Jean Carroll again. I'm hoping the next Judge decides that any further comments would be treated as contempt of court and acted upon accordingly.
He wasn't found guilty of rape. Literally look back a few pages. It was defamation.
He wasn't found guilty of rape. Literally look back a few pages. It was defamation.

Let me spell it out MoXjo. Just so we can all be on the same page.
The jury found Donald Trump sexually abused Jean Carroll. They believed her when she said he slammed her against the wall, dragged down her tights and shoved his hand up her vagina. Jean was quite clear about those events

Jean Carrol then said she thought Trump had stuck his xick up her. She felt something. But she didn't see it. She couldn't be as certain of what happened then as when she knew he had digitally raped her.

The Jury decided that this level of uncertainty stopped them from agreeing on the rape charge which required evidence/certain belief that the accused did penetrate her with his xxxk.

Given the juries agreement that the attack and sexual abuse took place they found that Donald Trump repeatedly defamed Jean Carrol in his repeated insistence of "nothing ever happened" "I don't know her " , "She is just making this up" "She is a nut job".

Does that sound like a better outcome ?

Let me spell it out MoXjo. Just so we can all be on the same page.
The jury found Donald Trump sexually abused Jean Carroll. They believed her when she said he slammed her against the wall, dragged down her tights and shoved his hand up her vagina. Jean was quite clear about those events

Jean Carrol then said she thought Trump had stuck his xick up her. She felt something. But she didn't see it. She couldn't be as certain of what happened then as when she knew he had digitally raped her.

The Jury decided that this level of uncertainty stopped them from agreeing on the rape charge which required evidence/certain belief that the accused did penetrate her with his xxxk.

Given the juries agreement that the attack and sexual abuse took place they found that Donald Trump repeatedly defamed Jean Carrol in his repeated insistence of "nothing ever happened" "I don't know her " , "She is just making this up" "She is a nut job".

Does that sound like a better outcome ?

Heresay in a hostile jurisdiction, already proven to have fabricated BS over a number of years, which is similarly ignoring real crimes committed by prominent Dems.

Get in the sea ya pelican.
Let me spell it out MoXjo. Just so we can all be on the same page.
The jury found Donald Trump sexually abused Jean Carroll. They believed her when she said he slammed her against the wall, dragged down her tights and shoved his hand up her vagina. Jean was quite clear about those events

Jean Carrol then said she thought Trump had stuck his xick up her. She felt something. But she didn't see it. She couldn't be as certain of what happened then as when she knew he had digitally raped her.

The Jury decided that this level of uncertainty stopped them from agreeing on the rape charge which required evidence/certain belief that the accused did penetrate her with his xxxk.

Given the juries agreement that the attack and sexual abuse took place they found that Donald Trump repeatedly defamed Jean Carrol in his repeated insistence of "nothing ever happened" "I don't know her " , "She is just making this up" "She is a nut job".

Does that sound like a better outcome ?

It literally says it wasn't rape in the article you posted.
It's based on hearsay
Heresay in a hostile jurisdiction, already proven to have fabricated BS over a number of years, which is similarly ignoring real crimes committed by prominent Dems.

Get in the sea ya pelican.
Do you actually believe that dribble Wayne or do you just quote it because your committed to the cause ?
Or maybe just committed full stop ? :rolleyes:
Oh c'mon Baz. The others are just as bad as Trump, people go into Politics because they want the power.
Some of the other Republicans are as bad as Trump yes. :)

Biden has been great for Australia with the subs deal and now concessions under the IRA for Australian manufacturers. There is no certainty Trump would honour either of these deals.

Biden is the best thing Australia has going for it in the big wide nasty world.

If you want the best for Australia, pray Biden wins.
Read the Durham Report please



It's very interesting.

Hillary cooked up the Russia collusion hoax, manipulated the FISA Courts, Biden and Obama knew about it, they still went with it.

The Steele Dossier was fake/fabricated

The Alfa Bank connections was fake/fabricated

Pee Pee tape fake/fabricated

Trump lunged at the wheel in the Presidential motorcade - fake/fabricated




The Mainstream Media cobbled it up, fed lies by the CIA too.

Imagine how much the average Joe in America feels - all they saw for 6 years (and counting), was fake hate Trump propaganda.... Meanwhile, you actually have a sitting US President who has been caught with his pants down, nothing, absolutely nothing will happen to him. The USA has gone woke, more interested in kids gender than education.
Could Trump end up on Contempt of Court charges ? He is facing the upcoming trial in March 24 on the fraud and hushmoney allegations. The Judge set the trial date a couple of days ago and was very clear about Trump not leaking trial documents before the case. This is a red line as far as the Judge goes. Trial information stays in house until the trial. If it gets out Trump is in the firing line for contempt charges regardless of the trial itself.

I reckon the Sun Dog will see this a trap. Everyone knows he can't help himself when it comes to breaking the rules. "And now the xastards want to punish me for my Dog given Right to do What I Like "

New York

Trump’s latest liability: Refusing to remain silent​

The former president’s habit of publicly denigrating his courtroom adversaries may be catching up with him.

...On Tuesday, Trump appeared by video in Manhattan criminal court to hear directly from another judge: Justice Juan Merchan, who is presiding over the hush money case. Merchan — who reportedly received threats last month after Trump publicly called him a “highly partisan judge” — issued a protective order on May 8 limiting how Trump can use and review evidence in the case, which stems from his alleged role in a scheme to falsify records of payments that covered up a potential sex scandal during the 2016 presidential campaign.

On four video screens placed around the courtroom, Trump appeared seated in front of two American flags and beside his attorney Todd Blanche. Merchan asked Blanche if his client understood the requirements of the order and the possible penalties of his failure to comply, specifying that they include being held in contempt of court.

“Because President Trump is running for president of the United States … he very much is concerned that his First Amendment rights are being violated by this protective order,” Blanche told the judge. “I have explained to him that that is not your honor’s intention … and that this is not a gag order.”

Merchan agreed that he wasn’t seeking to impose a gag order, a measure that would require Trump to refrain from making any public comments about the case. “It’s not my intention in any way to impede his ability to campaign for president of the United States,” the judge said.

“He’s free to do anything that does not violate the specific terms of the protective order,” Merchan added. That order prevents Trump or anyone else who reviews evidence provided by prosecutors from sharing it, including on social media. It also restricts Trump to reviewing certain evidence in the presence of his lawyers and bars him from photographing it or copying it. And it prevents the disclosure of the names of certain district attorney’s office staffers to the defense until jury selection.

Christian, the former Manhattan prosecutor, said the purpose of the court appearance was “to hit the nail with a hammer — to make sure there’s no doubt, so Mr. Trump can’t say, ‘Well my attorneys never told me about this.’”

The protective order specifically prohibits sharing any evidence and would prevent Trump from, say, “reading from Michael Cohen’s grand jury testimony” at one of his rallies, Christian added, referring to Trump’s former personal attorney who likely will be a key witness against him. (Christian is not involved in the hush money case.)

Trump’s expression was fixed in a scowl as he listened to Merchan. When the judge set a trial date of March 25, 2024, and asked Trump and the lawyers not to make commitments that could conflict with the date, Trump lowered his head and shook it. And he spoke just three words publicly during the hearing: When Merchan asked him if he had a copy of the protective order, he answered, “Yes, I do.”

Imagine if Trump had spied on a political candidate before the 2020 Election, it would be on the CIA Controlled Media 24/7​
Haven’t read the #DurhamReport? OK. Here’s the CliffNotes:​
- The FBI and CIA KNEW Hillary was about to frame candidate Trump.​
- Comey and Brennan BRIEFED Obama and Biden on her plot Summer 2016​
- There never was ANY evidence of “Russian collusion”​
- The US Government nevertheless illegally spied on the Trump campaign and the Trump White House​
CONC: The Deep State is real, but Durham didn’t have the balls to arrest any of its leaders or their masters, Hillary, Obama, or Biden.​

Could Trump end up on Contempt of Court charges ? He is facing the upcoming trial in March 24 on the fraud and hushmoney allegations. The Judge set the trial date a couple of days ago and was very clear about Trump not leaking trial documents before the case. This is a red line as far as the Judge goes. Trial information stays in house until the trial. If it gets out Trump is in the firing line for contempt charges regardless of the trial itself.

I reckon the Sun Dog will see this a trap. Everyone knows he can't help himself when it comes to breaking the rules. "And now the xastards want to punish me for my Dog given Right to do What I Like "

New York

Trump’s latest liability: Refusing to remain silent​

The former president’s habit of publicly denigrating his courtroom adversaries may be catching up with him.

...On Tuesday, Trump appeared by video in Manhattan criminal court to hear directly from another judge: Justice Juan Merchan, who is presiding over the hush money case. Merchan — who reportedly received threats last month after Trump publicly called him a “highly partisan judge” — issued a protective order on May 8 limiting how Trump can use and review evidence in the case, which stems from his alleged role in a scheme to falsify records of payments that covered up a potential sex scandal during the 2016 presidential campaign.

On four video screens placed around the courtroom, Trump appeared seated in front of two American flags and beside his attorney Todd Blanche. Merchan asked Blanche if his client understood the requirements of the order and the possible penalties of his failure to comply, specifying that they include being held in contempt of court.

“Because President Trump is running for president of the United States … he very much is concerned that his First Amendment rights are being violated by this protective order,” Blanche told the judge. “I have explained to him that that is not your honor’s intention … and that this is not a gag order.”

Merchan agreed that he wasn’t seeking to impose a gag order, a measure that would require Trump to refrain from making any public comments about the case. “It’s not my intention in any way to impede his ability to campaign for president of the United States,” the judge said.

“He’s free to do anything that does not violate the specific terms of the protective order,” Merchan added. That order prevents Trump or anyone else who reviews evidence provided by prosecutors from sharing it, including on social media. It also restricts Trump to reviewing certain evidence in the presence of his lawyers and bars him from photographing it or copying it. And it prevents the disclosure of the names of certain district attorney’s office staffers to the defense until jury selection.

Christian, the former Manhattan prosecutor, said the purpose of the court appearance was “to hit the nail with a hammer — to make sure there’s no doubt, so Mr. Trump can’t say, ‘Well my attorneys never told me about this.’”

The protective order specifically prohibits sharing any evidence and would prevent Trump from, say, “reading from Michael Cohen’s grand jury testimony” at one of his rallies, Christian added, referring to Trump’s former personal attorney who likely will be a key witness against him. (Christian is not involved in the hush money case.)

Trump’s expression was fixed in a scowl as he listened to Merchan. When the judge set a trial date of March 25, 2024, and asked Trump and the lawyers not to make commitments that could conflict with the date, Trump lowered his head and shook it. And he spoke just three words publicly during the hearing: When Merchan asked him if he had a copy of the protective order, he answered, “Yes, I do.”

That's all they have?

You literally have the fbi, Hillary, Biden and Obama pulling off the largest political fraud of all time.

But Trump is "too mouthy"?

We had the most suspect goings-on against Trump. In fact outright lies and treasonous behaviour.

Meanwhile everyone has put Trumps entire life under the microscope and could only come up with him allegedly paying a hooker.

Democrats are making Trump look like an angel. That should tell you something.
That's all they have?

You literally have the fbi, Hillary, Biden and Obama pulling off the largest political fraud of all time.

But Trump is "too mouthy"?

We had the most suspect goings-on against Trump. In fact outright lies and treasonous behaviour.

Meanwhile everyone has put Trumps entire life under the microscope and could only come up with him allegedly paying a hooker. :laugh:

Democrats are making Trump look like an angel. That should tell you something.
Which world do you live in Moxjo ? If this is how you see the last 7 years it must be in another dimension entirely.

Its certainly not in the realty where

1) Trump repeatedly denied any relationship with a pr0n star (or other mistresses) but still paid them off and then tried to call it a business expense. (That fraud is what he's up for at the moment)

2) Been shown to have acted dishonestly across multiple business dealings and accrued a range of tax fraud charges

3) Trashed and defamed as a liar a woman he had sexually abused (like the other 25 woman who made similar accusations) and after a court decided against him -- trashed and defamed her again. Cool stuff eh ?

4) Waltzed out of the White House with hundreds of classified documents and had the bald faced nerve to say it was his right to do so. It wasn't. He will soon face the consequences of that piece of chutzpah .

5) Lied, lied and lied (and still does to this day) about the results of 2020 election he decisively lost. Geed up his wild eyed followers to storm Congress and stop the transition of Government. The key leaders of that day are now facing 18 years jail for seditious conspiracy. It will be interesting to see if Trump finds himself on similar charges as the prime mover of that event.

6) Attempted to pervert the results of the 2020 election in Georgia. He was taped on a 60 minute call trying to cajole/force the Secretary of State to find the 11,000 plus votes required to turn the results.
For the current details of the civil and criminal charges Trump is facing check out this list at Forbes.

Tracking Donald Trump: The Lawsuits, Cases And Investigations Involving The Former President

Mar 30, 2023,06:11pm EDT

Last update: May 18, 2023, 05:03pm EDT​

Donald Trump became the first president in American history to face criminal charges, after a grand jury voted to indict him March 30 over hush-money payments made to a pr0n star named Stormy Daniels, according to a person familiar with the proceedings. That case is just one of dozens of lawsuits and investigations threatening the 45th president. To keep them all straight, Forbes assembled a one-of-a-kind tracker following Trump’s legal troubles. We’ll continue to update it as the cases continue (and new ones arise).

By Zach Everson

For the current details of the civil and criminal charges Trump is facing check out this list at Forbes.

Tracking Donald Trump: The Lawsuits, Cases And Investigations Involving The Former President

Mar 30, 2023,06:11pm EDT

Last update: May 18, 2023, 05:03pm EDT​

Donald Trump became the first president in American history to face criminal charges, after a grand jury voted to indict him March 30 over hush-money payments made to a pr0n star named Stormy Daniels, according to a person familiar with the proceedings. That case is just one of dozens of lawsuits and investigations threatening the 45th president. To keep them all straight, Forbes assembled a one-of-a-kind tracker following Trump’s legal troubles. We’ll continue to update it as the cases continue (and new ones arise).

By Zach Everson

Yeah, funny that. How many were as fake as the previous news articles, that have now been debunked.

Which world do you live in Moxjo ? If this is how you see the last 7 years it must be in another dimension entirely.

Its certainly not in the realty where

1) Trump repeatedly denied any relationship with a pr0n star (or other mistresses) but still paid them off and then tried to call it a business expense. (That fraud is what he's up for at the moment)

2) Been shown to have acted dishonestly across multiple business dealings and accrued a range of tax fraud charges

3) Trashed and defamed as a liar a woman he had sexually abused (like the other 25 woman who made similar accusations) and after a court decided against him -- trashed and defamed her again. Cool stuff eh ?

4) Waltzed out of the White House with hundreds of classified documents and had the bald faced nerve to say it was his right to do so. It wasn't. He will soon face the consequences of that piece of chutzpah .

5) Lied, lied and lied (and still does to this day) about the results of 2020 election he decisively lost. Geed up his wild eyed followers to storm Congress and stop the transition of Government. The key leaders of that day are now facing 18 years jail for seditious conspiracy. It will be interesting to see if Trump finds himself on similar charges as the prime mover of that event.

6) Attempted to pervert the results of the 2020 election in Georgia. He was taped on a 60 minute call trying to cajole/force the Secretary of State to find the 11,000 plus votes required to turn the results.
Where's your Russian collusion?
Funny how most of his charges have to be put in front of certain NY judged.

Biden had a car full of documents as well.

They can't even pin him on charges. The above list is weak compared to the bs that was sprouted for years of these out of control trump conspiracies that were led by guys like schiff lying their hole out.

It was plain to see from the start that the democrats stories about Trump were bs. If you go back through the previous Trump threads, I pulled apart a lot of those bogus stories. Not because I gave a sht about Trump. But because it was clearly bs.

Now the democrats have literally raised him from the dead and given him a chance again.

So Trump knew exactly what he was supposed to do regarding classified documents - but took them anyway

Trump Caught On Tape Admitting He Kept Classified Docs: Report

The DOJ reportedly has a recording of the former president saying he knew he couldn’t simply declassify documents after leaving the White House


Donald Trump speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Aug. 6, 2022 in Dallas, Texas. Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Donald Trump’s claim that he had declassified the massive trove of government documents he took to Mar-a-Lago was dubious from the start. Well, CNN reported on Wednesday that federal prosecutors overseeing the probe into the documents have obtained a recording of the former president admitting that he kept a classified document containing information about a proposed attack plan against Iran.

The meeting in question reportedly took place in July 2021 at Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey. The former president met with biographers for his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who was not present, and members of his own staff. Several individuals participating in the conversation lacked security clearances.

Multiple sources who described the recording to CNN say the president indicated that while he wished he could describe the contents of a document to attendees, he was both aware he had retained classified materials and that he could not flat-out declassify documents following his departure from the presidency.

Worth repeating the above story again. When a Court hears a post President Trump speaking of classified document he has in his possesion "that he can't show you" which he shouldn't have and has been told he shouldn't and he is speaking to that document on film.. good luck with your defence.
