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Another domino falls. Took the jury just 3 hours to decide that Trump was a liar who had sexually abused Jean Carrol and then repeatedly defamed her by branding her a liar.

Donald Trump found liable for sexually abusing writer E Jean Carroll in civil trial

Posted 10h ago10 hours ago, updated 6h ago6 hours ago

A jury has found Donald Trump liable for sexually abusing E Jean Carroll in the 1990s.(AP: Seth Wenig)
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Former US president Donald Trump sexually abused magazine writer E Jean Carroll and then defamed her by branding her a liar, a jury in a civil trial has decided, but the jurors found he did not rape her.

Key points:​

  • Ms Carroll alleged Mr Trump raped her in a dressing room at a New York department store in the mid 1990s
  • A finding of sexual abuse was enough to establish his liability for battery
  • Mr Trump is the frontrunner in opinion polls for the Republican presidential nomination

The nine-member jury in Manhattan federal court awarded Ms Carroll about $US5 million ($7.4 million) in compensatory and punitive damages.
Although the finding of sexual abuse was enough to establish his liability for battery, the jury did not find that Mr Trump raped her.
After the verdict, Ms Carroll said her victory was "not just for me but for every woman who has suffered because she was not believed".
"Today the world finally knows the truth," she said.

Re. The E Jean Carrol assault/defamation case.

Trump has one overarching defence to every accusation made against him. The rest of the world is in a giant conspiracy to get him. He has never done anything wrong. "They" are all schemers and liars working in cahoots to take him down.

That bubble was burst by 9 very ordinary jurors who looked at the 10 witnesses and evidence presented by Jean Carrols attorney and decided Trump was the sexual predator and liar. Lets see how the world conspiracy defence works in the next 4 cases.
Re. The E Jean Carrol assault/defamation case.

Trump has one overarching defence to every accusation made against him. The rest of the world is in a giant conspiracy to get him. He has never done anything wrong. "They" are all schemers and liars working in cahoots to take him down.

That bubble was burst by 9 very ordinary jurors who looked at the 10 witnesses and evidence presented by Jean Carrols attorney and decided Trump was the sexual predator and liar. Lets see how the world conspiracy defence works in the next 4 cases.
Yeah, no third party witnesses, 9 people testified taylor old them all about the rape?
The jury does not believe that a rape took place, but something worth a cupla million did.
Would like to hear what an appeal judge says about it all.
Yeah, no third party witnesses, 9 people testified taylor old them all about the rape?
The jury does not believe that a rape took place, but something worth a cupla million did.
Would like to hear what an appeal judge says about it all.
At least least bas finally got to get an 0rg@5m after all these years :)
If they keep running cases against Trump in NY Trump will be in trouble the juries know him well they wont be kind appeal process will be interesting.
This is pretty funny: I sense an appeal is imminent, if that is possible in these civil cases.

I often think CNN is loving Trump being back. Their ratings jump as soon as they mention him. It's like all those outrage click bait articles. CNN deliberately triggers their audience for views.
I often think CNN is loving Trump being back. Their ratings jump as soon as they mention him. It's like all those outrage click bait articles. CNN deliberately triggers their audience for views.

Yeah Fox business model eh.
Who would have thought...???

The weaponization of the FBI (and other 3 Letter Agencies) against Trump was blindingly obvious

Obama used the FISA Courts to go after a political candidate (Trump) with made up claims of Alfabank ties

Hillary made up fake Russian connection claims (Steele Dossier) and spied on a sitting POTUS (via Fusion GPS) and the Secret Serivce was also in on it as they are to protect POTUS (including incharge of POTUS Comms).

It's (D)ifferent - imagine any other person doing this, it would be on the CNN/NBC 24/7 and they would have been doing time already.

John Durham releases final report, concludes FBI had no verified intel

when it opened probe on Trump

The FBI has long defended its conduct in probe, but Durham said his probe provided a "sobering" look at misconduct.

Special Counsel John Durham released a damning final report Monday after more than three years investigating the Russia collusion probe, declaring the FBI had no verified intelligence or evidence when it opened up the Crossfire Hurricane probe of President Donald Trump's campaign in the summer of 2016. The prosecutor, however, recommended no new criminal charges.
"Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation," Durham wrote in a 300-plus page report sent to Congress and others and obtained by Just the News. DOJ was slated to make the report public later Monday.
The prosecutor faulted the FBI and Justice Department for failing to follow their own standards and allowing a probe to persist, including the surveillance of an American citizen without basis under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
"Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we concluded the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report," Durham wrote.
"The FBI personnel also repeatedly disregarded important requirements when they continued to seek renewals of that FISA surveillance while acknowledging -- both then and in hindsight -- that they did not genuinely believe there was probably cause to believe that the target was knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of foreign power."

Merrick Garland (DOJ) should be booted out. He's a disgrace.

Never thought I'd see the day where CNN uses the words "exonerate Trump" in the same sentence

@DB008 even the ABC is running the story, just shows how easy it was for a narrative to be falsely started, then get the pitchfork crew onboard.
I love the term confirmation bias, fits well with the narrative. ?
I doubt the media will revisit this issue and the mob are too dumb to work out they have been roped in yet again. ?

The FBI lacked evidence to investigate Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and relied too heavily on tips provided by Mr Trump's political opponents to fuel the probe, US Special Counsel John Durham concluded in a report released on Monday.

Key points:​

  • The FBI launched its Crossfire Hurricane inquiry into potential collusion between Mr Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and Russia

  • The Special Counsel probe found the FBI had insufficient evidence and "confirmation bias"

  • His findings are likely to become political fodder for Mr Trump's 2024 campaign
He also accused the bureau of treating the 2016 Trump probe differently from other politically sensitive investigations, including several involving Mr Trump's Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

For instance, he said Ms Clinton and other officials received defensive briefings about being the possible targets of foreign interference, whereas Mr Trump received no such briefing before the FBI opened probes into four members of his campaign.

"Senior FBI personnel displayed a serious lack of analytical rigour towards the information that they received, especially information from politically affiliated persons and entities."

In response to the report, the FBI said it has already implemented dozens of corrective actions that have been in place for some time.

The report criticised the FBI for opening a full-fledged investigation based on "raw, unanalysed and uncorroborated intelligence," saying the speed at which it did so was a departure from the norm.

It said investigators repeatedly relied on "confirmation bias", ignoring or rationalising away evidence that undercut their premise of a Trump-Russia conspiracy as they pushed the probe forward.
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