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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

I didn't realise how corrupt & how much the Deep State runs the USA

Operation MockingBird by the CIA in 2023 runs deeper than l thought

Anyone surprised?


It would be difficult to find any legal official in the US who has not donated to some political party or candidate.
The legal system is very much based on politics, where judges are appointed on partisan lines, and so many state and local legal and quasi legal officials are elected.
Arresting your political opponents Bas. Wake up. who have allegedly broken the law.

Thanks Mullookintyre for correcting my correction. ;) Indeed no one should ever be found legally guilty of an offense until a full and proper trial is conducted . Clearly we must be scrupulously fair when dealing with matters such as this.

Having said that... the response I made was to all people who simply dismiss the very idea of charging Donald Trump on grounds that this is just a political vendatta. This is of course is Donalds Trump cry. "It's all a witch hunt." "Nothing happened"

To date a grand jury of 23 people have reviewed the evidence presented by the prosecutor regarding alleged crimes committed by Donald Trump. They decided the case warranted going to trial to formally present the evidence and enable the dependent all the opportunities to explain/question/defend himself.

I don't believe the defendant was also given the opportunity to publicly attack the Judge, his family, the legal system, the DA and anyone else who provided this evidence. I think you would find that such behaviour is antithetical to that fair and impartial legal process who rightly support.
It would be difficult to find any legal official in the US who has not donated to some political party or candidate.
The legal system is very much based on politics, where judges are appointed on partisan lines, and so many state and local legal and quasi legal officials are elected.

Which is why Judges do have to follow legal processes when directing a case. And there are courts of appeal.
Arresting your political opponents Bas. Wake up. who have allegedly broken the law.

Thanks Mullookintyre for correcting my correction. ;) Indeed no one should ever be found legally guilty of an offense until a full and proper trial is conducted . Clearly we must be scrupulously fair when dealing with matters such as this.

Having said that... the response I made was to all people who simply dismiss the very idea of charging Donald Trump on grounds that this is just a political vendatta. This is of course is Donalds Trump cry. "It's all a witch hunt." "Nothing happened"
Bas, all your posts previous to this effectively branded trump as guilty.
You are just as biased as the ones who you accused of simply dismissing the very idea of charging Donald trump.
I don't have an opinion on his guilt as I have not seen any of the evidence.

To date a grand jury of 23 people have reviewed the evidence presented by the prosecutor regarding alleged crimes committed by Donald Trump. They decided the case warranted going to trial to formally present the evidence and enable the dependent all the opportunities to explain/question/defend himself.
As I pointed out a while ago, the grand jury system is a complete farce that is so completely one sided, as to have little bearing on Justice.
Have a read of The Conversation article about grand juries. In this case, a left wing organisation is complaining about a decision NOT to indict a policemen for murdering a black man.
I don't believe the defendant was also given the opportunity to publicly attack the Judge, his family, the legal system, the DA and anyone else who provided this evidence. I think you would find that such behaviour is antithetical to that fair and impartial legal process who rightly support.
I don't really understand that last bit. Are you saying the defendant should have been given the opportunity?
Because of its political nature, the USA legal system and the actors within it will always be open to attack, some of it deserved, some of it not.
You only have to look at the farce that goes on with every supreme court appointment.
Your outrage should be directed at all previous occurrences, its a bit late getting on the ethical horse now, it bolted a long time ago.
Arresting your political opponents Bas. Wake up. who have allegedly broken the law.

Thanks Mullookintyre for correcting my correction. ;) Indeed no one should ever be found legally guilty of an offense until a full and proper trial is conducted . Clearly we must be scrupulously fair when dealing with matters such as this.

Having said that... the response I made was to all people who simply dismiss the very idea of charging Donald Trump on grounds that this is just a political vendatta. This is of course is Donalds Trump cry. "It's all a witch hunt." "Nothing happened"
No one said "nothing happened". Something might have happened. But it comes down to if that something was indeed illegal.

The Fact remains that these charges seem to have been upgraded to a felony for Trump and simply a misdemeanour for all the other politicians who did the same thing.

These charges have also been stacked

They were not pursued at a federal level so it obviously smells fishy.

This is your 5000 time of pushing "Trump is going to jail" based off very little.
I'd bet against you just on the % play.
The Fact remains that these charges seem to have been upgraded to a felony for Trump and simply a misdemeanour for all the other politicians who did the same thing.
Indeed they were. It will be interesting to see if the DA can make a case for the felony charge. This Politco analysis goes into the weeds on the elements of the various charges.

Thought this was priceless. Stormy Daniels interview with Piers Morgan. I have highlighted some choice comments

Stormy Daniels took hush-money because she was embarrassed by Trump tryst: ‘I’ve had sex with some way hotter’ celebs​


As for accusations that it has all been a political plot to bring down Trump, Daniels threw a spanner in the theory — stating that she’s a registered Republican who has never voted Democrat.

“Still am,” she told Morgan of her right-leaning views.

“You just made a whole bunch of people watching this pee their pants because this just blows their whole thing up,” she said of the theories she’s behind a leftist political hit job.

The adult actress also maintained that she has “no political aspirations,” saying she “didn’t even know about” a “Draft Stormy” campaign in 2009 aimed at a potential run for the Senate.
Still, she accepted Morgan’s praise for what he called a “brilliant slogan” for that campaign: “Screwing people honestly.”

Daniels also wisecracked that she doesn’t need to screw anyone to derail Trump’s 2024 run to get back in the White House.

“He doesn’t need my help for that. He’s going to do that on his own,” she said.

The drama facing Trump over the hush money issues were not a surprise. From the time he decided to run for President the issue of "The Women" was top of screen. If you read the other story which highlights the 26 women who have to date come forward with stories of unwanted sexual harrassment one could understand his concern.

Trump’s indictment and the return of his biggest concern: ‘the women’

The former president paid hush money to an adult film star and a Playboy model and faces looming trials over a rape allegation


Martin Pengelly

Sun 9 Apr 2023 02.00 EDTLast modified on Sun 9 Apr 2023 02.38 EDT

In August 2015, at Trump Tower in New York, Donald Trump met with Michael Cohen, then his lawyer and fixer, and David Pecker, then chief executive of American Media, owner of the National Enquirer. According to the indictment of the former president unsealed in New York this week, Pecker agreed to help with Trump’s campaign for the Republican nomination, “looking out for negative stories” about Trump and then alerting Cohen.
'It felt like tentacles': the women who accuse Trump of sexual misconduct
Read more

It was a “catch and kill” deal, a common tabloid practice in which Pecker would buy potentially damaging stories but not put them in print.

Pecker “also agreed to publish negative stories” about Trump’s competitors. The media this week seized on that passage in the indictment, noting how the Enquirer baselessly linked the father of Ted Cruz, the Texas senator and Trump’s closest rival for the nomination, to Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who killed John F Kennedy.

Last year, however, a New York Times reporter got to the heart of the matter. In her book Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America, Maggie Haberman says that around the same time as the meeting with Pecker and Cohen, Sam Nunberg, a political adviser, asked Trump for his “biggest concern” about running.

“Trump had a simple reply: ‘The women.’”

Seems "Actblue" was possibly being used as some kind of laundering service for the democrats.

There's a bit of news around this. But basically they were illegally using names of donors to wash through tens- hundreds of thousands of dollars to dem campaigns. Very possible that it was overseas money, government recycling money.
Donors often had thousands of donations attached to their name.

If anyone remembers the Obama years, acorn did a similar thing then dissolved to hide the books (allegedly).

Actblue is looking at doing the same thing.
Interesting if it pans out. There were definitely ridiculous donor payments going on.
When you have to DOJ and FBI running cover for you, you can literally do whatever you want.....

Here is a nice little summary

Screenshot for future reference
