Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Will she last the month ?

Wheels are going everywhere.

Julia Gillard has only got to do two things to stay in power.

1 Take a deep swallow and see if she can swallow some self importance.:banghead:

2 Start to repair her mistakes by," a "admitting them, then allow the other two parties
to help contribute some ideas.( the good ones). Start with boat people.:cool:

It is that simple!!!

Julia Gillard has only got to do two things to stay in power.

1 Take a deep swallow and see if she can swallow some self importance.:banghead:

2 Start to repair her mistakes by," a "admitting them, then allow the other two parties
to help contribute some ideas.( the good ones). Start with boat people.:cool:

It is that simple!!!


I really don't think it matters a hoot which way Gillard goes, she is so hamstrung with the bloody Greens, the independants and the lefties in her own party. Each unit is trying to pull her in different directions and in doing so she is attempting to appease them all and look where it has got her.

It is of her own making for the situation she has found herself in ATM.

Tony Abbott may have been one step ahead of her after the last election, for if he had negotiated the same deal with the indies, he may have found himself in a similar predicament.

A good one for Abbott to have lost IMHO..

It is unfortunate, in the mean time, that the voters have had tp put up with the 'crap' that is going today.
I really don't think it matters a hoot which way Gillard goes, she is so hamstrung with the bloody Greens, the independants and the lefties in her own party. Each unit is trying to pull her in different directions and in doing so she is attempting to appease them all and look where it has got her.

It is of her own making for the situation she has found herself in ATM.
Agree entirely. She really can't win.
She should have considered all the ramifications before she did the deal with the Greens.
A fair assessment from Milne.

Interesting his canvassing of Stephen Smith as a possible successor, they could do worse, notwithstanding recent scandals, which hopefully he has learned something from.

Be alright having a PM from WA, in context of mining and carbon taxes he might have a more enlightened view?
A fair assessment from Milne.

Interesting his canvassing of Stephen Smith as a possible successor, they could do worse, notwithstanding recent scandals, which hopefully he has learned something from.

Be alright having a PM from WA, in context of mining and carbon taxes he might have a more enlightened view?

If Stephen Smith became PM, I believe Parliment would emerge out of the gutter that it has fallen into.
The pollies might even have a sensible debate.
I have never heard Smith attack anyone like Gillard and Combet.
I believe Smith could turn the pols, but would he take the job.?
On his media releases, he certainly conveys, confidence and integrity.
I guess we don't know a lot about Stephen Smith, but agree with others here that he could be the best to bring things back into line for labor. I don't think we would see his true colours until he got into that very powerful position in the ALP where no consultation with MPs is necessary. Labor MPs have to toe the line - except at the moment when no ALP leader would dare to suspend a member.

Is it possible that Gillard herself could threaten to resign if her leadership is challenged? Perhaps she has labor with a gun to it's head - figuratively, of course!
Stephen Smith is one of the few Labor ministers for whom I have respect.
But I don't really see the point of the discussion because dumping Ms Gillard would make them even more of an object of ridicule than they are now.

Sometimes I suspect they wish they'd never rushed in with the declaration that we will have a carbon tax in an impulsive decision to accommodate the Greens. Now that global interest in any carbon abatement measures is apparently diminishing, and especially that the US, China, Japan et al are clearly not going to be participating in any sort of ETS, the utter pointlessness of Australia going ahead is second only to the potential damage to our economic competitiveness.

Tony Windsor has done a bit of muttering to this effect, so perhaps it's just possible that he will refuse to back the legislation. If this were to happen, the government would be able to say "well, we did our best, but we just couldn't control the outcome" and secretly feel immensely relieved.

I might be quite wrong in this line of thinking.
Somewhere in a paper I read on the weekend, there was a hint that Gillard will be given
to Christmas, and Combet was on the exercise bike warming up for the job. But then that's the media.
I am a bit worried about Combet, because he reminds of someone from the 'Munsters".
my :2twocents

I have grown weary of her legalise slipperry talk that means nothing.

Suppose that should have been expected considering her work background.

Given that what she says seems to be meaningless, I cant really see how she would command sufficient authority in her party or respect in the electorate to get the job done.

I actually dont even bother listening to what she says anymore, cause I feel likely it will just be a bunch of listless poli-speak.

Compared to Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, John Howard or Mal Fraser, she is uninspirational ( to me anyway )
Ah, a prediction by Bolt and Milne.
Hardly a complete reflection of intra-Labor politics!

Julia, if you read into that link a little more closely, you will note Bolt and Milne were reflecting on another link from the Australian National Affairs with the headlines :-


Hardly a prediction by Bolt and Milne.
Julia, if you read into that link a little more closely, you will note Bolt and Milne were reflecting on another link from the Australian National Affairs with the headlines :-


Hardly a prediction by Bolt and Milne.

Just read in the weekend Australian where even Bob Hawke believes Gillard will be replaced within 3 months.
The title should read does Abbott inspire more confidence than Gillard?

The sad fact is that as bad as Gillard is going Abbott is not travelling any better.

Bad for Australia because we have no choice. The opposition is a joke. They operate in a policy free vacuum with nothing positive to offer those seeking an alternative government.
Julia, if you read into that link a little more closely, you will note Bolt and Milne were reflecting on another link from the Australian National Affairs with the headlines :-


Hardly a prediction by Bolt and Milne.
I've had another look at your earlier link and don't see anything about "Winter of Discomfort". Perhaps you could post a link to this?
Meanwhile, my earlier comment about the blog article representing Bolt's and Milne's take on how they see things stands. They are, to be quite fair, less than objective.

Bad for Australia because we have no choice. The opposition is a joke. They operate in a policy free vacuum with nothing positive to offer those seeking an alternative government.
I agree. They would definitely get my vote if an election were held tomorrow. But that's a measure of how disgusted I am with Labor, rather than a strong belief the Coalition is about to be Australia's salvation.