Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Re: Gillard abandons mining towns

It's O.K everyone wanting to live in the cities, and I do, but when the resources end. The cities will become slums when there is no money to support them, we need to diversify while we have the opportunity.
Food is the logical product to develop as we need more as populations increase. Also the north is very rich soil just requires consistant water it will grow anything.
The Americans and Israelies had an experimental farm project going at Camballin 40years ago. The problem they had was the Fitroy used to take it out every couple of years. But they still perservered as they knew the potential was there.
Re: Gillard abandons mining towns

when Rio came to central highland in Joh,s day the mine built sports grounds ,pool ,sale yards ,dam ,housing ect
Now new mines fly in fly out road s are a disgrace and dont buy anything localy
Re: Gillard abandons mining towns

when Rio came to central highland in Joh,s day the mine built sports grounds ,pool ,sale yards ,dam ,housing ect
Now new mines fly in fly out road s are a disgrace and dont buy anything localy

Don't worry breaker, you won't need to use the road when you get your high speed
But as you were saying, nothing gets pumped into the local towns, except illegal refugees. We may as well give them the towns obviously australians and the government don't want them. :eek:
Gillard now has a direct line to Barry O'Farrell (NSW) on infrastructure.

Poor old Albo (Albanese) must have his nose pushed out with the PM by-passing him.
Does she inspire confidence? No. Rudd was even worse. Remember up in the Queensland floods? He was helping people move stuff out of their flooding houses. That's right, instead of being a leader, he was more concerned with trying to look like a "good Aussie knock around bloke", wasting time on tasks that would be far better left to others.

Obama is even worse again! When he went to Ireland, for example, he was too busy cracking jokes and trying to have everyone think he's cool, like some angst-ridden teenager. When will he grow up into an adult? Confidence is not created by speaking confident-sounding words and smirking at the camera. It is created (or destroyed) by who you are. And when he behaves like a teenager, he's making everyone very nervous. What's the result? We're seeing it now.

Then you have Jintao, probably one of the most corrupt, despotic, cruel bast.ards in the "wannabe wetern" world.

Most leaders have no clue about leadership. Most of them speak confidence while quaking in their boots, hoping desperately that no one is noticing how desperate to hang onto control. ****, where the hell are the real leaders??????
Does she inspire confidence? No. Rudd was even worse. Remember up in the Queensland floods? He was helping people move stuff out of their flooding houses. That's right, instead of being a leader, he was more concerned with trying to look like a "good Aussie knock around bloke", wasting time on tasks that would be far better left to others.

Obama is even worse again! When he went to Ireland, for example, he was too busy cracking jokes and trying to have everyone think he's cool, like some angst-ridden teenager. When will he grow up into an adult? Confidence is not created by speaking confident-sounding words and smirking at the camera. It is created (or destroyed) by who you are. And when he behaves like a teenager, he's making everyone very nervous. What's the result? We're seeing it now.

Then you have Jintao, probably one of the most corrupt, despotic, cruel bast.ards in the "wannabe wetern" world.

Most leaders have no clue about leadership. Most of them speak confidence while quaking in their boots, hoping desperately that no one is noticing how desperate to hang onto control. ****, where the hell are the real leaders??????

On last question!

Coaching the Dragons and Qld State of Origin side.:D

Does she inspire confidence? No. Rudd was even worse. Remember up in the Queensland floods? He was helping people move stuff out of their flooding houses. That's right, instead of being a leader, he was more concerned with trying to look like a "good Aussie knock around bloke", wasting time on tasks that would be far better left to others.
Yes, that vision of Mr Rudd bravely wading through the flood waters with a suitcase on his head, camera crews at the ready, will live forever in my mind as amongst the most nauseating stunts ever.

Most leaders have no clue about leadership. Most of them speak confidence while quaking in their boots, hoping desperately that no one is noticing how desperate to hang onto control. ****, where the hell are the real leaders??????
Agree. I'd be happy to see either Paul Keating or John Howard back in charge.
At least it was clear who they were.
We need to have faith in the government's sums

From Graham Bradley president of the Business Council of Australia.

THE recent federal budget should be applauded on two counts: for its first steps towards spending restraint and for its investment in productive capacity, especially skills development, which will help us take full benefit from our lucky position as a major supplier to developing Asia.
We need to have faith in the government's sums

From Graham Bradley president of the Business Council of Australia...

Graham Bradley is entitled to his own opinions. Many Aussies wouldn't agree with him. This government has told more lies than I can ever remember from either side of politics. Nothing can be trusted, imo.
We need to have faith in the government's sums

From Graham Bradley president of the Business Council of Australia.

Thats a terrific Quote when the outgoing CEO of Woodside says Ferguson has a clue. But inferes Swan is an idiot, not that we needed any convincing, he is the best ventriloquist dummy I have ever seen.
He is an absolute f . No how does the saying go, if you can't say something good don't say anything. OK OK OK.:banghead:
Just listened to SBS world news and Gillard was speaking about the Taliban in relation to the death of the Aussie soldier. She said: "The TalibanD are very canny....."

Don't you think after all this time one of her minders would tell her that their name doesn't have a D at the end. She has been adding the D now for months.
Does Gillard inspire confidence? Clearly not in these two Labor MPs.
Julia Gillard's own MPs launch an attack on her ability to be Prime Minister
(Simon Benson from: The Daily Telegraph June 02, 2011)
"Two senior Labor MPs have unloaded on Julia Gillard, openly admitting to Coalition MPs at a function that she did "not have what it takes to be Prime Minister".
The alleged conversation, which shocked several Liberal frontbenchers, took place on Tuesday night at a party in the office of the Deputy Speaker Peter Slipper.
The MPs were angry at the PM for not showing enough support for the Labor Speaker Harry Jenkins, who was almost forced to resign when Labor lost a vote in parliament to uphold the Speaker's ruling..."

But never fear. It won't receive the same media prominence as 'Malcolm-gate'. Probably won't even rate a mention on 7:30 Report or Lateline.
Does Gillard inspire confidence? Clearly not in these two Labor MPs.
Julia Gillard's own MPs launch an attack on her ability to be Prime Minister
(Simon Benson from: The Daily Telegraph June 02, 2011)
"Two senior Labor MPs have unloaded on Julia Gillard, openly admitting to Coalition MPs at a function that she did "not have what it takes to be Prime Minister".
The alleged conversation, which shocked several Liberal frontbenchers, took place on Tuesday night at a party in the office of the Deputy Speaker Peter Slipper.
The MPs were angry at the PM for not showing enough support for the Labor Speaker Harry Jenkins, who was almost forced to resign when Labor lost a vote in parliament to uphold the Speaker's ruling..."

But never fear. It won't receive the same media prominence as 'Malcolm-gate'. Probably won't even rate a mention on 7:30 Report or Lateline.

Logique, you beat me to the punch,for I was about to connect to the same link.

Yes you are so right, it will barely receive the attention from the media.

I think we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg within the Labor Party's internal problems.

It will interesting hear what I-Focus has to say on LABOR'S INTERNAL PROBLEMS whiich are certainly more imploding than what we have recently seen on the Liberal side of politics.

It is now very obvious, Gillard's authority is waning fast. Just a matter of time before she has to go.
Was the source the libs though?
Normally the rest of the media jump all over stuff like this, and the tele is the only one with it running.
It is now very obvious, Gillard's authority is waning fast. Just a matter of time before she has to go.
They can't dump her, can they? It will make them look totally ridiculous. The rhetoric from the Coalition if they tossed her out would be intolerable to the government.

And who would you suggest would take her place?

Sadly, I think she - and the government - are there up until the next election, two years away, because they certainly won't accede to any calls for an early election and the Independents have too much at stake personally to desert Labor, however disturbed they may be at the confusion that is the government.
Was the source the libs though?
Normally the rest of the media jump all over stuff like this, and the tele is the only one with it running.

You would expect the Labor MPS to come forth?

They would not have the balls to speak out in public for fear of being ostracised by the Labor Party hench men. They are like puppets. They must toe the line or get kicked out on their ears.