Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

You would expect the Labor MPS to come forth?

They would not have the balls to speak out in public for fear of being ostracised by the Labor Party hench men. They are like puppets. They must toe the line or get kicked out on their ears.

No just waiting on confirmation from the other rags
I know local unions in my area are p*ssed at labor and Gillard and there is a lot of heated discussion going on. I have not talked to one person locally that supports labor. Even the owner of the service station down the road blasted me with how much he hated Gillard.
Personally I hope it is the beginning of the end but don't want to get my hopes up.
If the ALP's % approval rating hits the 20's, the backbenchers will get very nervous, especially if that % goes across to the Coalition. The backbenchers are the ones out there hearing what Joe and Jill Public are saying.

Another two years of this, and with the Greens calling the shots in the Senate? I now have real doubts that this will last the full journey. It will come from within.
I can see the papers screaming this headline now


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No just waiting on confirmation from the other rags
I know local unions in my area are p*ssed at labor and Gillard and there is a lot of heated discussion going on. I have not talked to one person locally that supports labor. Even the owner of the service station down the road blasted me with how much he hated Gillard.
Personally I hope it is the beginning of the end but don't want to get my hopes up.

Does anyone believe in miracles? Because that is what we need to happen.

An Indy defection maybe!!

A by-election created by a resignation or death.

Yes, miracles do happen.
They can't dump her, can they? It will make them look totally ridiculous. The rhetoric from the Coalition if they tossed her out would be intolerable to the government.

And who would you suggest would take her place?

Sadly, I think she - and the government - are there up until the next election, two years away, because they certainly won't accede to any calls for an early election and the Independents have too much at stake personally to desert Labor, however disturbed they may be at the confusion that is the government.

Gawd they are getting really desperate. Gillard just bought Hawkie in to back her up on TV tonight.. Remember Hawkie. No child will live in poverty by 1990.
Just listened to SBS world news and Gillard was speaking about the Taliban in relation to the death of the Aussie soldier. She said: "The TalibanD are very canny....."

Don't you think after all this time one of her minders would tell her that their name doesn't have a D at the end. She has been adding the D now for months.

Maybe it's part of her "brand" to add the "d" like her dyed red hair (apparently in Lindsay Tanner's book) - and maybe "hyperbowl" too...:D
I tuned into Parliament question time today and I can truthfully say Gillard could not and would not answer any question with relevance. She always waffled on about Tony Abbott always aying no and how Abbott keeps mounting a scare campaign.
Even when it was pointed out to the speaker on numerous occassions, she did not answer any question which made any sense what so ever.
Swan was no better.
I tuned into Parliament question time today and I can truthfully say Gillard could not and would not answer any question with relevance. She always waffled on about Tony Abbott always aying no and how Abbott keeps mounting a scare campaign.
Even when it was pointed out to the speaker on numerous occassions, she did not answer any question which made any sense what so ever.
Swan was no better.
Correct Noco, Question Time is 'Bizarro World' these days. Truly awful. The impression made on the overseas delegations may scarcely be imagined. You can almost hear them thinking, '..this is what we should aspire to?..'.
Rare agreement between the Opposition and the Greens, and Alan Jones.

The agreement doesn't last long with the greens. Seems like they will just go along with labor. From the article you posted (bold is mine):

But despite criticising the Government, Senator Hanson-Young said the Greens would continue to support it.


"She (the PM) also said the human rights of these people would be respected and yet the two words that Malaysia wants to take out of the agreement, two minor little words, [are] 'human rights'."

Cracks are becoming obvious amongst the faithful.

Labor MPs voice opposition to Malaysian deal

A number of West Australian Labor MPs have signed a letter opposing plans by the Federal Government to send unaccompanied children to Malaysia under an asylum seeker deal.

Specific comments from WA state Labor MP's include,

That has outraged a number of West Australian Labor MPs, including Martin Whitely, who says it is a ridiculous concept.

"On this issue I think they have lost their moral compass, and I think the Prime Minister should intervene immediately," he said.


Fellow MP Ben Wyatt also lashed out at his federal colleagues over the Malaysian deal.

"I'm embarrassed and hugely disappointed that we now see a federal Labor government penalising, brutalising children in an effort to assuage their fears about the ghosts of John Howard," he said.

One wonders whether this could be the downfall of Julia Gillard as Labor leader and hence PM. Julia herself, minus makeup, looks a little under the weather.


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Interesting editorial from the Australian:

AS Julia Gillard approaches the first anniversary of her prime ministership, she is mired in a series of paradoxes of her own making.

Constantly trying to outline what she stands for, Ms Gillard has failed to demonstrate her beliefs and leaves the nation nonplussed. When she can utter the words, "It's time for me to make sure the real Julia is well and truly on display", or break a core election promise, she displays an alarming lack of authenticity. It is possible the nation has stopped listening because she has shown more pretence than conviction.

Full article: After almost a year, the Real Julia is a mystery
Interesting editorial from the Australian:

Full article: After almost a year, the Real Julia is a mystery

Sails, somehow I don't think Gillard even believes in a major part of what she is preaching. She does not seem to bring reality into debate on any subject she is involved in, so someone behind her must be a major influence on her decisions. No doubt the Greens and the Indies will be her stumbling block, resulting in her downfall.

Does she really believe that a carbon dioxide tax will make one atom of difference to climate change or global warming?
Sails, somehow I don't think Gillard even believes in a major part of what she is preaching. She does not seem to bring reality into debate on any subject she is involved in, so someone behind her must be a major influence on her decisions. No doubt the Greens and the Indies will be her stumbling block, resulting in her downfall.

Does she really believe that a carbon dioxide tax will make one atom of difference to climate change or global warming?

I think she wants the
I think Labor is going to make an historical statement of "having the most number of
PM's while in a period of continuous government." e.g. at least 3 in this period.:eek:

I think Gillard is fighting to stay a term to pick up the perks.

She must be starting to get lonely, as most of the establishment is against her.
She has lost the meaning of "We labor" and has substituted "I labor", and from that position, the direction is down, down,......down & out.;)

I think Gillard is fighting to stay a term to pick up the perks.

She must be starting to get lonely, as most of the establishment is against her.
Will she last the month ?

Wheels are going everywhere.
Will she last the month ?

Wheels are going everywhere.

Members of the party are worried about brand labor being damaged beyond repair and the greens gaining more of their share of votes. They really need to reconnect with their base.
I doubt they will cast Gillard aside as PM. They need a visible clean out and call an election to save face from any further stuff ups and voter hate.
Liberals are not much better at the moment and make me just as sick at times. Are they even ready to govern?

On a side note I went to my son’s school to attend an award he was getting. The teachers and parents had to sit outside the back door as the hall is too small to fit everyone in, awesome :rolleyes:
On a side note I went to my son’s school to attend an award he was getting. The teachers and parents had to sit outside the back door as the hall is too small to fit everyone in, awesome :rolleyes:
Is this one of the new supa dupa BER school halls that came with the extraordinary price tag?