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Does anybody here watch the Aunty?
excellent site on John Curtin - and all the matters covered in that show ;)
I agree bel and ghotib that is sure ended ubruptly -
like as if they ran out of funds and said "well looks like out "3-hour-show-as- planned" is gonna stop at the 100 minute mark" . :)
But obviously we were all enjoying it, and hence when it ended felt sme disapointment - maybe the managers at ABC are tryingto get the hint across..."you want shows that reach a natural end, then we need more mulat / funding." ;)

And sheesh I'd love to know if Churchill actually "disobeyed" Curtin's instructions when Curtin had authority over Aussie deployments - including whether they go to Burma or come home. More research required , maybe tomorrow - would be appropriate at least ;)

John Curtin, the only Australian Prime Minister to represent a Western Australian seat in the House of Representatives, led his country during the most critical phase of World War II. However, like his United States (US) counterpart, Franklin Roosevelt, Curtin did not live to see the final victory. At 4 am on 5 July 1945, in The Lodge, the prime minister's residence in Canberra, he became only the second Australian Prime Minister to die in office, barely six weeks before the Japanese capitulation was announced on 15 August.


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John Curtin, the only Australian Prime Minister to represent a Western Australian seat in the House of Representatives, led his country during the most critical phase of World War II. However, like his United States (US) counterpart, Franklin Roosevelt, Curtin did not live to see the final victory. At 4 am on 5 July 1945, in The Lodge, the prime minister's residence in Canberra, he became only the second Australian Prime Minister to die in office, barely six weeks before the Japanese capitulation was announced on 15 August.
Roosevelt died 12 April 1945
Curtin died 5 July 1945
war ended 15 August 1945

Two good men :eek:

Bit like Nelson dying just before the end of the battle ;) -oops being shot just before the end, dying just after - took 4 hours to die).

And maybe - just musing over a beer here ;) - Curtin working himself to death "ignoring" his illness had something in common with Nelson putting the telescope to his blind eye , and (rumour has it) announcing "I see no ships."... ("only hardships", as a nautical mate adds) As the two fleets moved towards engagement, Nelson ran up a thirty-one flag signal to the rest of the fleet, spelling out the famous phrase "England expects that every man will do his duty". The original signal that Nelson wished to make to the fleet was Nelson confides that every man will do his duty (meaning 'is confident that they will'). The signal officer asked Nelson if he could substitute the word 'expects' for 'confides' as 'expects' was included in the code devised by Sir Home Popham, whereas 'confides' would have to be spelled out letter by letter. Another officer suggested that "England" would be more powerful than "Nelson." Nelson agreed, and the signal was run up Victory's mizzenmast.

On 1 January 1801 Nelson was promoted to Vice Admiral of the Blue (the sixth highest rank). Within a few months he took part in the Battle of Copenhagen (2 April 1801) which was fought in order to break up the armed neutrality of Denmark, Sweden, and Russia. During the action, his commander, Sir Hyde Parker, who believed that the Danish fire was too strong, signalled to Nelson to break off the action. Nelson ordered that the signal be acknowledged, but not repeated. Legend has it that Nelson turned to his flag Captain, Sir Thomas Foley, and said "You know, Foley, I only have one eye — I have the right to be blind sometimes," and then holding his telescope to his blind eye, said "I really do not see the signal!" :)

In reality, however, Nelson merely ignored the signal. His action was approved in retrospect and in May he became commander-in-chief in the Baltic Sea. As a reward, he was created Viscount Nelson, of the Nile and of Burnham Thorpe in the County of Norfolk, on 22 May 1801. In addition, on 18 August 1801, he was created Baron Nelson, of the Nile and of Hilborough in the County of Norfolk, this time with a special remainder to his father and sisters. [9]
............. (few years later)..
After crippling the French flagship Bucentaure, Victory moved on to the Redoutable. The two ships became entangled, at which point snipers in the fighting tops of Redoutable were able to pour fire down onto the deck of Victory. Nelson was one of those hit: a bullet entered his left shoulder, pierced his lung, and came to rest at the base of his spine. Nelson retained consciousness for four hours, but died soon after the battle ended with a British victory.(See #Last words.) The bullet that killed Nelson was removed from his body and is now on public display in Windsor Castle.

ANd incidentally "AUSTRALIA EXPECTS EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD TO DO HIS OR HER DUTY" would have fitted right in there with one of Curtin's speeches ;)


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Chasing the chasers....the war on everyone 'cept the sponsors brought to you by Toyota was brilliant. Don't think these guys will sell out.

If life was a musical at Bunnings!!! had me in stitches so too being put on hold at Telstra, Optus and CBA...the outsourcing to an Indian at the end!!!!

Taking a dump on a McDonalds grill thankfully has put me of maccers for a while...

Anyone catch their program a while back on SBS called CNNNN?

re: Curtin and Churchill disobeying, can't recall if it was the ABC program 'Australians at war' or another doco around Anzac day a few yrs ago is where I got this info, along with the British lie that their navy was unsinkable and then Singapore happened. Australia looked to the US and McCarthy was given control over all of Australia's military.

Anyone watch Spicks and Specks? Good for a laugh. I don't mind that 'ginger' female comedian who comes on after chasers...the politically incorrect grandma character is the funny. too being put on hold at Telstra, Optus and CBA...the outsourcing to an Indian at the end!!!!
2. Anyone catch their program a while back on SBS called CNNNN?
3. re: Curtin and Churchill disobeying, can't recall if it was the ABC program 'Australians at war' or another doco around Anzac day a few yrs ago
4. Anyone watch Spicks and Specks? Good for a laugh.
5. I don't mind that 'ginger' female comedian who comes on after chasers...the politically incorrect grandma character is the funny.
totally agree rookie lol
1. ohh man - that was hilarious ;)
2. yep
3. must check
4. yep and
5. yep-to-a-point (but her comedy gets really old really fast IMO, and before long I happily turned her off :eek: )

Chaser taking the mickey out of Alan Jones was also good (thank goodness someone is prepared to take him on - the pollies are too frightened to) - Chasers seems to follow hot on the heels of Media Watch - and cover similar points, but each in their own respective inimitable styles (and both excellent, imo anyway ;))
I look at the ratings of TV in Australia and cant help think its rigged, ABC harrdly rates ????? but so many people seem to watch some of there shows ??????????????????????????, take the Chaser, Kath and Kim, The Bill, Parkinson, Spicks and Specks to name but a few.

I go to work and many watch these shows and talk about them but look at the ratings and its all 7,9 and 10 that we all apparently watch ?.

Even the News which both ABC and SBS do alot better is way down the list compared to the commercial tabloid counterparts.

Stinks IMO.


Chasing the chasers....the war on everyone 'cept the sponsors brought to you by Toyota was brilliant. Don't think these guys will sell out.

If life was a musical at Bunnings!!! had me in stitches so too being put on hold at Telstra, Optus and CBA...the outsourcing to an Indian at the end!!!!

Taking a dump on a McDonalds grill thankfully has put me of maccers for a while...

Very funny episode this week. My wife very promply left the room after the McDonalds send up.......hehehe.

On a serious note Murphys' Law is a great show in my opinion.

That is one television half hour that goes so fast.

I just loved the Bunnings "Musical" especially the bemused expressions on the faces of the staff.
And then putting on hold the counter staff of all those infuriating organisations who do it to us all the time was brilliant.

These guys are great to just think up this stuff.

Now if they could just bring back "Backberner" life would get even better.
Just watched "Bastard Boys "

Been an avid supporter of the ABC for all my viewing life (30 years)

In two minds,actually ..on the one hand my immediate reaction is what a brilliant depiction of events.

On the other how bloody biased it was! Hardly saw anything from the government side..Lets hope there is some balance.

After all it is so very immediate!

Will be watching tomorrow's finale'

Cheers Ya'll;)
I enjoy watching a number of programs on the ABC including The Chasers War on Everything (the funniest TV show), the 7:00 News, Lateline and Business Lateline. IMO the ABC provides the best news coverage. Its also great to watch shows without commercials.
Dawkins was on ABC - 9.30pm - you WA sandgropers can still see it -
Seriously worth watching. (Part 2 next week).
Root of All Evil? : The God Delusion Time: Sunday, May 20, 9:32 PM
Channel: ABC Duration: 53 minutes
I think the thing that most terrified me was the small group of American "freethinkers" who believe in evolution and who are forced to gather in small meetings - risk of not being employed etc . (terrifying)

And of course he goes on to point out the connection between faith and current trends to war. (ditto)
Just watched "Bastard Boys "

Been an avid supporter of the ABC for all my viewing life (30 years)

In two minds,actually ..on the one hand my immediate reaction is what a brilliant depiction of events.

On the other how bloody biased it was! Hardly saw anything from the government side..Lets hope there is some balance.

After all it is so very immediate!

Will be watching tomorrow's finale'

Yeah this mini-series looked like a life and times of a former secretary of the ACTU that's been given a safe Labor seat in NSW to get himself into Canberra...

Good to see Chasers back on track after 2 weeks of mediocrity...the UN peacekeepers and visualising a spare car park spot were corkers!

Anyone watch 'Grass Roots'? about being a fly on the wall within a local council,this is brillant tv, unlike that crime crap that dictates commercial stations.
Watching 'Crude' tonight has made me depressed :(

Didn't really tell me much more that I didn't already know, but it was a 'slick' (pardon the pun) doco :p:
Must be getting close to the final episode ;)

As It Happened : Churchill's Bodyguard - Love Him to Death
Time: Friday, June 1, 8:30 PM
Channel: SBS

April 1945 saw the death of Roosevelt. Following Churchill's cabinet resignation, Walter was asked by his superior to resign his duties for a rest. He and Mary, Winston's favourite secretary, had married in secret three months earlier. Thompson talks of the important role Mrs Churchill played in her husband's life and the many times she had offered moral support to him in the early difficult days of the war. Walter regarded Churchill as his friend as well as his boss, but he had no illusions. "I loved him" Walter says, "despite his obstinacy, his selfishness and his inconsiderate attitude to those who were close to him. I understood his way in the end, but I know that he never understood mine." Walter published his memoirs - it was a bestseller.
might be worth a watch ;)
behind every successful man is a woman -
including it seems Popes :2twocents
Lost Worlds : Dangerous Liaisons: Famous Mistresses - Part 1: The Pope's Mistress
Time: Sunday, June 3, 7:30 PM
Channel: SBS
Duration: 60 minutes
Rating: PG
Type: Documentary

This three part film is a mixture of documentary and elaborate re-enactments that examine the role that mistresses played throughout history and the influence they yield behind some of the most prominent men in history - including Popes, Sultans and Kings. The series explores the rise of the mistress from humble beginnings to the upper most social circles and how this has fascinated the public for centuries. Throughout time, these women have served a crucial role acting as confidants, mentors and sources of strength to some of the most influential men. The past in all its glory is reflected in the featured palaces, tombs, fortresses, churches, baths and mosques.
This one put up as comedy ;)
John Safran Vs God : Xtreme Mormons/Vodouism/Gods & Guns
Time: Sunday, June 3, 11:20 PM
Channel: SBS
Duration: 30 minutes
Rating: M
Type: Comedy

John learns about the blossoming niche cinema market of Mormon films and travels to Mormon heartland - Salt Lake City, Utah - to get a piece of the action. Next he travels to political hot-spot Haiti and participates in the day of the dead voodoo ceremony. Then John winds up shooting the breeze in LA with a gun-toting rabbi.
WA watchers...
A seriously brilliant show just finished
Cutting Edge ( 2 x 1 hour programs on SBS.)
Strongly recommended - even if you miss the first hour, try to get the second one -
Osama BL 's rise and why he is as strong as he is. :(
great panel discussion - (on as we speak ;))
Difference of Opinion
Time: Thursday, August 23, 9:25 PM
Channel: ABC
Duration: 55 minutes
Type: Talk Show

With the APEC summit a fortnight away and the Haneef case still fresh in peoples minds, host Jeff McMcMullen and a panel of experts discuss Australia's anti-terror laws and whether they've made us safer from a terror attack.