Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does anybody here watch the Aunty?

I'd think not with the lack of posts on the brilliant doco last Sunday 'Building the Bridge' and 4 corners' report last night on the virtual reality world Second life.

Building the bridge discussed some fascinating history I never learnt at school with NSW was on the brink of civil war. The premier Jack Lang on the left side of politics and the New Guard facist sympathisers whose biggest claim to fame was De Groot cutting the ribbon during the opening.

2nd life believe it or not has a virtual stock exchange - owned by a Melbourne stock broker. Cost him $260 to setup and was offered US48K for it in a space of 6-12 months. Has about 10 stocks trading on it :)

Yes great program and also the one that followed about Stuarts Track, which, conicidentally, I am currently reading.

The ABC, now that 'born again Leftie' Maxine has left the ABC it should 'clean the stables' and give someone else the job of runnning the 7.30 Report, preferably someone who does not have the heavy left wing bias of the current presenter, a bias so heavy it would shame the Leaning Tower of Pisa!
The ABC, now that 'born again Leftie' Maxine has left the ABC it should 'clean the stables' and give someone else the job of runnning the 7.30 Report, preferably someone who does not have the heavy left wing bias of the current presenter, a bias so heavy it would shame the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

While, I wouldn't dispute the general left leaning of the ABC, especially Radio National, I think Kerry O'Brien does a pretty good job of being tough on both sides in interviews. I've never seen any other interviewer who is as persistent and invulnerable to obfuscation. Who do you think would do this job better, Bel?
While, I wouldn't dispute the general left leaning of the ABC, especially Radio National, I think Kerry O'Brien does a pretty good job of being tough on both sides in interviews. I've never seen any other interviewer who is as persistent and invulnerable to obfuscation. Who do you think would do this job better, Bel?

Tony Jones form Lateline.
Santoro has conspiracy theories about the ABC as well lol - and look where it got him ;) which (alleged) corruption/trading scandal/etc do you want to pick. He sure was speaking from the unbiased moral high ground, wasn't he ?!!! lol.
joke Joyce :2twocents

"Disgraced Santoro quits the Senate"

Notice how I use other-than-ABC reference ;)

HEY bel, were you one of the ones who closed down Glasshouse !! shame ! :)
Please bel, please leave Chasers alone. - they're only making us laugh - they're only joking - it's called satire, ok? and it's good for you - give it a try, you might like it .

hey bel, you are officially invited to post any corrections here IMMEDIATELY you hear of any bias on the ABC ok?
and I'm sure that you'll be able to find a good alternative source for your reliable counter-opinion.


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Tony Jones form Lateline.

I'd have to totally disagree here. I've seen several interviewees just walk all over Tony Jones who has failed to challenge them on many counts.

How about this idea: next time you perceive a Kerry O'Brien interview which clearly demonstrates his left leaning, post the details on this thread. I almost always watch the 7.30 Report as do a lot of other ASF members and we can then "dissect" any suggested bias in whichever direction.
I'd have to totally disagree here. I've seen several interviewees just walk all over Tony Jones who has failed to challenge them on many counts.

How about this idea: next time you perceive a Kerry O'Brien interview which clearly demonstrates his left leaning, post the details on this thread. I almost always watch the 7.30 Report as do a lot of other ASF members and we can then "dissect" any suggested bias in whichever direction.

I hardly ever watch the 7.30 report nowadays since my preference is Lateline. But some time ago when I did watch an interview between Kerry O'Brien and John Howard, Kerry's anti-Liberal anti-JH bias was so obvious it was sickening? Tony Jones leaves him for dead IMHO!
I hardly ever watch the 7.30 report nowadays since my preference is Lateline. But some time ago when I did watch an interview between Kerry O'Brien and John Howard, Kerry's anti-Liberal anti-JH bias was so obvious it was sickening? Tony Jones leaves him for dead IMHO!

Well, if you hardly ever watch the 7.30 Report, that explains why you wouldn't have seen Kerry O'Brien being just as tough on Kevin Rudd or any other Labor person.

And wouldn't you want him - or any other interviewer - to indeed be hard on John Howard? If an election were to be held tomorrow I'd vote Liberal, so am not inherently anti-Howard. Nonetheless, I still want to see him vigorously questioned on some of the dubious decisions he has made, just as I want to see the Opposition similarly held to account for their policies and proposals.
couple of my kids have gone to "Great Escape" in Sydney.
Wolfmother etc . examples....
They reckon this is good :(
post with one reads..
this is wolfmother.. they are a good band from should check them out.. they rock and play great music..they played at coachella and stuff..

Now I personally blame JJJ for this !! they are generationalist!! - blatant !!. They gave this mob their J awards, and next thing you know they get some bludy Arias award, and internationally recognised , where will it end - And Aunty should have funds frozen until they agree to take this sort of crap off the airwaves.

As for SBS!! I tuned in the other day, and they were talking some foreign language !!! In Australia !!. Everyone in Australia should speak Australian, not this other mumbo jumbo.

disgraceful bias, Aunty .
(good way to get into an argument with the kids I can tell you, :) )


Well, if you hardly ever watch the 7.30 Report, that explains why you wouldn't have seen Kerry O'Brien being just as tough on Kevin Rudd or any other Labor person.
Agree Julia,

I think Kerry O'Brien is pretty even handed.
I also agree with you Julia - a tough interviewer, whoever he's dealing with. The problem is of course that the pollies try to slither out from any question, (sometimes it's unbelievable - the answer they give has absolutely nothing to do with the question lol) - and Obrien (or Jones or anyone else) has to be persistent and fairly determined to get even half the question answered.

I find both Obrien and Jones fantastic. Gotta feeling the commercial fellas are a bit tamer, (Ray Martin even) probably reflecting their predicament, conscious or otherwise, to a certain reliance on political favours to "thrive" / fight off foreigners etc.

Needless to say, the opposition (as is the way of oppositions) are always more inclined to cooperate with the press, answer their questions. And likewise, needless to say, the incumbents (as is the way of incumbents) carry on as if they are god, obviously have a fair bit of incompetent bureaucracy to defend ( difficult in itself) , and take on the attitude that they will sack the interviewer as soon as they get out of the studio for bias. , i.e. John Howard has claimed ABC bias more and more loudly ever since he became PM. IMO :2twocents

And who else but the ABC would be honest enough to put on a show like Media Watch - and include self criticism ? Certainly not the commercials.

At least also ABC is commercially unbiased. So often the channel 9s , 7s and 10s of the world ( or for that matter the commercial radio stations, John Laws, Alan Jones etc) have a commercial barrow to push. (then of course there's Jones's involvement in the Cronulla thing :( - in short, I'd prefer to watch or listen to ABC :) )

The day we lose the ABC is the day we lose a big chunk of our best quality and most unbiased journalism. (IMO)

PS Channel 9 has openly proclaimed in the past that their "news" has more to do with "entertainment" and less to do with "passing on information" - and for once I would agree with them lol.
And who else but the ABC would be honest enough to put on a show like Media Watch - and include self criticism ? Certainly not the commercials.

At least also ABC is commercially unbiased. So often the channel 9s , 7s and 10s of the world ( or for that matter the commercial radio stations, John Laws, Alan Jones etc) have a commercial barrow to push. (then of course there's Jones's involvement in the Cronulla thing :( - in short, I'd prefer to watch or listen to ABC :) )

The day we lose the ABC is the day we lose a big chunk of our best quality and most unbiased journalism. (IMO)

Agree 100 percent. For a few cents per day, ABC Radio and Television offers up a broadly interesting and informative mix, with the odd absolute treasure thrown in. It's especially valuable when one lives in a regional area and can't access the stimulus of a main city on an every day basis.
Well, if you hardly ever watch the 7.30 Report, that explains why you wouldn't have seen Kerry O'Brien being just as tough on Kevin Rudd or any other Labor person.

And wouldn't you want him - or any other interviewer - to indeed be hard on John Howard? If an election were to be held tomorrow I'd vote Liberal, so am not inherently anti-Howard. Nonetheless, I still want to see him vigorously questioned on some of the dubious decisions he has made, just as I want to see the Opposition similarly held to account for their policies and proposals.

There is no point in watching a program if you consider the interviewer (Kerry O''Brien) is biased and very very combatative. He is in the same mould as John Laws and Alan Jones from the commercial channels, in that they want to impose THEIR point of view on the interviwee. This is where Tony Jones (and John Faine on radio) are so superior to Kerry and their Sydney radio counterparts.

I don't watch these interviews to see who 'wins or loses' but to learn about the pollys that are being interviewed. I used to love Amanda Vanstone being interviewed by Tony Jones and you could state that, on a number occassions, 'she got the better of him'.

Both Tony Jones and John Faine have the ability to carry ouit an interview in an intelligent, firm manner without sounding aggressive to the point of being rude, and trying to impose their personality and point of view on the political interviewee.

Probably KB is piqued by the fact that Howard and Costello are intelligent speakers in their own right and not easily overawed by Kerry's standing in the world of the ABC. As a consequence his questions sound rather strident and demanding.

If I had any doubts about Kerry's (and Maxine's) political leanings, they were very evident when, for a brief period they thought that Labour had won the last Federal election.They both had smiles so broad a Cheshire Cat would have been jealous!

Footnote. You state "Well, if you hardly ever watch the 7.30 Report, that explains why you wouldn't have seen Kerry O'Brien being just as tough on Kevin Rudd or any other Labor person.
My answer is :Why should I watch Kerry conducting interviews with pollys when I know he has a biased and combatative nature and there is another, much better interviewer, in Tony Jones, even though it is in a much later time slot. He has interviewed Rudd many times over the years in his role as the the opposition's Foreign Affars spokesman.

Kerry has had his time.The King is dead, long live the King!
Australian Sory looks good - introduced by Cosgrove ;) about East Timor and an Aussie who has immersed himself into its life. - a household face for East Timorese.
there are none so blind as those who will not watch :confused:

PS that last one should read Australian Story
repeated later in the week - worth the watch ;) - an Aussie Army officer in Timor doing a great job.
There is no point in watching a program if you consider the interviewer (Kerry O''Brien) is biased and very very combatative. He is in the same mould as John Laws and Alan Jones from the commercial channels, in that they want to impose THEIR point of view on the interviwee.

Except that he's never been accused, let alone proved, of adapting his point of view according to who is paying for it. And except that any ABC employee who did such a thing would be out in the street so fast you'd hear the sonic boom.

I don't watch these interviews to see who 'wins or loses' but to learn about the pollys that are being interviewed.

Yes, and seeing them under pressure is an important way of learning, just as you don't see how good a tennis player really is until they get a good enough opponent. That said, direct challenge isn't the only way to put an interviewee under pressure, and different methods work better with different pollies (also true of sport). Most good interviewers have more than one approach, but people have different strengths and that's why we need more than one format and more than one interviewer.

Both Tony Jones and John Faine have the ability to carry ouit an interview in an intelligent, firm manner without sounding aggressive to the point of being rude, and trying to impose their personality and point of view on the political interviewee.

Probably KB is piqued by the fact that Howard and Costello are intelligent speakers in their own right and not easily overawed by Kerry's standing in the world of the ABC. As a consequence his questions sound rather strident and demanding.

If I had any doubts about Kerry's (and Maxine's) political leanings, they were very evident when, for a brief period they thought that Labour had won the last Federal election.They both had smiles so broad a Cheshire Cat would have been jealous!

Footnote. You state "Well, if you hardly ever watch the 7.30 Report, that explains why you wouldn't have seen Kerry O'Brien being just as tough on Kevin Rudd or any other Labor person.
My answer is :Why should I watch Kerry conducting interviews with pollys when I know he has a biased and combatative nature and there is another, much better interviewer, in Tony Jones, even though it is in a much later time slot. He has interviewed Rudd many times over the years in his role as the the opposition's Foreign Affars spokesman.

Kerry has had his time.The King is dead, long live the King!
Speaking of good interviewers/compares - I think that the ABC has a gem in Barry Cassidy on Insiders/Offsiders.

He has a natural credibility factor that commercial networks just cannot generate for their journos.

Great show that provides a wonderful wrap up of the week that was in politics. Having the Ducklings around means that the News and 7:30 Report is not always watched on a regular basis.

By the way - Barry has a great chiselled, knarly, weatherbeaten face that would make for a great Archibald Prize entry. It just oozes character and life experience. Take note any artists on ASF!!!!


(PS - I heard Tony from "The Nightlife" talking about where he and his "partner" went for holidays the other night but he doesn't give much away - still can't tell if it's "Sam" or "Samantha".)
Speaking of good interviewers/compares - I think that the ABC has a gem in Barry Cassidy on Insiders/Offsiders.

He has a natural credibility factor that commercial networks just cannot generate for their journos.

Great show that provides a wonderful wrap up of the week that was in politics. Having the Ducklings around means that the News and 7:30 Report is not always watched on a regular basis.

By the way - Barry has a great chiselled, knarly, weatherbeaten face that would make for a great Archibald Prize entry. It just oozes character and life experience. Take note any artists on ASF!!!!


(PS - I heard Tony from "The Nightlife" talking about where he and his "partner" went for holidays the other night but he doesn't give much away - still can't tell if it's "Sam" or "Samantha".)

Hi Duckman

I like Barry Cassidy too. A very laid back approach covers an astute mind.
And with the members of the weekly panel, at least they always include one obviously right leaning journalist, e.g. Andrew Bolt.

Hope the ducklings are properly excited about the coming additional duckling.

notice chasers also picked up on $2.40 /ML water
funniest (bravest ?) I thought was offering Hillary Clinton a cigar :2twocents

(PS agree entirely about Barrie Cassidy , and versatile - equally at home with politics and sport , Insiders / Outsiders / Offsiders etc - guess you've gotta be multi dexterous to keep a job in the ABC these days. ):eek: