Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Did you know?

...the greatest foreign rose gardens are: Parc De La Tete D'or, Lyons, France; Westfalenpark, Dortmund, Germany; Parc De La Grange, Geneva, Switzerland; Munical Rose Garden, Rome, Italy; Valbyparken, Copenhagen, Denmark; Westbroekpark, The Hague, Holland; Parque del Oeste, Madrid, Spain; Park of Roses, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A; and Queen Mary's Garden, Regents Park, London, England.
Hollywood strike has been announced as over. The writers will get a share of profits from the studio from downloads. Oscars have been saved.

Flooding in Bolivia: Waters are still rising.

President of East Timor - Jose Ramos Horta - has been shot and wounded in the stomach and has been flown to Australia.
Rebel leader, Alfredo Alves Reinhado has been confirmed as having been shot dead:
South Korean police arrested a 69-year-old man who admitted to setting fire to the Namdaemun and burning down one of the country's national treasures. A 600-year-old gate in Seoul.
Known as Chae, the man said he did it over a grudge with the Government over a land dispute. He planned the arson over a period of several months.
The wood and stone gate was left a charred hulk by the fire.
...the Archaeopteryx was a prehistoric bird that lived during the Jurassic Period (200 to 135 million years ago).
About the size of a large crow, it had jaws with teeth, like a lizard, and feathers on its back and wings.
...that Richard Branson, the much hailed British Billionaire and owner of Virgin Group, has registered over 130 companies in the British Virgin Islands, where tax rates are low.
Living People do not Outnumber People Who Have lived

The human population has swelled so much that people alive today outnumber all those who have ever lived, says a factoid whose roots stretch back to the 1970s. Some versions of this widely circulating rumor claim that 75 percent of all people ever born are currently alive. Yet, despite a quadrupling of the population in the past century, the number of people alive today is still dwarfed by the number of people who have ever lived.

...that the average price of a property in the UK's, Courtney Avenue, London, N6, is AUS$15 million.
In a survey in 2004, four times as many males committed suicide aged 15 to 19 than women. Ages 19 to 24 showed this rose to 6 times.

Maybe that's because this is the age when males start to discover what fickle creatures women are!!

Ok ladies.....OK OK OK, don't all jump on me - I was just joking!
That Zimbabwe's inflation rate is now 66,000 %
That right, sixty-six thousand percent!
That's what was just reported on the ABC midday news, anyway. Hard to believe.
Magabe is on borrowed time.
That Zimbabwe's inflation rate is now 66,000 %
That right, sixty-six thousand percent!.
I met a girl from Zimbabwe at airport the other day..
Her grandmother had to pay a bill for some sort of medical test -
she wrote a cheque in the morning
had it sent around to the doctor by express courier
- by the time it arrived the cost had increased four-fold. :eek:

As someone else said - It's getting to where their dollars might as well be written on toilet paper. :eek:
That Zimbabwe's inflation rate is now 66,000 %
That right, sixty-six thousand percent!
That's what was just reported on the ABC midday news, anyway. Hard to believe.
Magabe is on borrowed time.
I'm waiting for the next move when a new currency is issued, printed on one side only. One Zimbabwean New Dollar equals 100 million old dollars.
When the millionaire Nicholas Van Hoogstraten was arrested recently he had 20 billion Zimbabwean Dollars worth US$3,333, and that was about 4 weeks ago.
I'm waiting for the next move when a new currency is issued, printed on one side only. One Zimbabwean New Dollar equals 100 million old dollars.
When the millionaire Nicholas Van Hoogstraten was arrested recently he had 20 billion Zimbabwean Dollars worth US$3,333, and that was about 4 weeks ago.

I heard this morning that the inflation has increased to 100,000 % - wow, what an absolute disaster. I wonder is this is the worst inflation rate on record??
I heard this morning that the inflation has increased to 100,000 % - wow, what an absolute disaster. I wonder is this is the worst inflation rate on record??

No, it was over 6 million percent in China. Along came he from the long march and said "If you raise prices your head will be lopped off", or words to that affect. Inflation was thus cured. Between 1945 and 1949 inflation was over 23 million percent. ( ****I may have hit too many noughts on my calculator here, back to try again later).
...that if you always stop eating when you are 80% full, you will, on average, live a much longer life.