Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Did you know?

1. Ships emit twice as much CO2 as planes.
2. A bear named Voytek helped carry ammunition for Polish troops in World War II. A campaign has been launched to raise a permanent memorial.
3. Using a mobile phone before bedtime can delay you getting to sleep.
4. Super-fast broadband fibres are laid in the sewers.
1. prove it ;)
2. and some bulls no doubt - yin-yan m8 - everything in balance :)
3. specially if its someone telling you the Dow did another nosedive
4. that explains the reception I get sometimes. :eek:
The man that invented the Eveready battery gave away the company so that he could play with his model trains. As foolish as this may sound, it was the best decision that he ever made.
I was a bit amused to hear on the news yesterday that a team of medical researchers at one of our universities has done an extended study (I think with rats) which has "proved that junk food diminishes stress levels".
Well, whoop de do!!! Who'd have thought it? Haven't we known for eons that fat and sugar are comforting? Why else would people in our stressed society be consuming ever increasing quantities of rubbish rather than plates of broccoli?
Couldn't the research dollars have been spent on something a little more useful?
I heard on the radio today that an extensive study has just been completed in western countries to discover "at what age are humans most unhappy".

Well the answer is back - age 44 apparently. They said it was very consistent across all nations. It works like a big U curve. We start life happy, go through mid-life and hit rock bottom at 44 then do a sharp rise up to old age.

The only proviso was health. The researchers said the most important aspect of the happiness test was "health".

Looks like a decade of downward spirals still ahead of me.


I heard on the radio today that an extensive study has just been completed in western countries to discover "at what age are humans most unhappy".

Well the answer is back - age 44 apparently. They said it was very consistent across all nations. It works like a big U curve. We start life happy, go through mid-life and hit rock bottom at 44 then do a sharp rise up to old age.

The only proviso was health. The researchers said the most important aspect of the happiness test was "health".

Looks like a decade of downward spirals still ahead of me.


Yep, just better believe it, Duckman. All downhill from now on.
Seriously, though, the proviso above that one's emotional happiness is largely dependent on health is something I'd totally agree with. If you're feeling physically fit, it's pretty easy to feel happy, regardless of the creeping years.
Perhaps you could ask Noirua to consult his Astrology Gods and then tell you that there lies ahead a happy, healthy life, with ten more little ducklings!
Perhaps you could ask Noirua to consult his Astrology Gods and then tell you that there lies ahead a happy, healthy life, with ten more little ducklings!

Hi Julia

I'm happy to consult Noirua, but if he mentions anything about ten more little ducklings.........Mrs Duckman and myself are definitely going to go out and get Pay TV installed in the nest!!

We have teething and constipation issues with the youngest duckling at present. Very difficult to "cherish the moment" when your eyes are popping out of your head!!

Worse than humans???????
Cancer wins at the moment, if you can say it's a form of life.

The analogy in The Matrix of humans being a cancer of the planet has some legs...

We're not really creating much at all, yet. Just consuming and transforming.
Hi Julia

I'm happy to consult Noirua, but if he mentions anything about ten more little ducklings.........Mrs Duckman and myself are definitely going to go out and get Pay TV installed in the nest!!

We have teething and constipation issues with the youngest duckling at present. Very difficult to "cherish the moment" when your eyes are popping out of your head!!

Oh, I guess this isn't the time to be looking for, umm, romantic moments then.
Hope the moments to cherish return soon.
Cancer wins at the moment, if you can say it's a form of life.

The analogy in The Matrix of humans being a cancer of the planet has some legs...

We're not really creating much at all, yet. Just consuming and transforming.
As much as I really try to avoid going down that line of thinking, a perusal of Google Earth offers some empirical evidence of such. :(
As much as I really try to avoid going down that line of thinking, a perusal of Google Earth offers some empirical evidence of such. :(
Another take is that we need to sort out a way to get off this rock because we're destined to smash into the sun in a few million years anyway. So, science is the answer to halting the descent into that big ball of hydrogen, or we start catching the bus to Mars, until it too smashes into Inti. We're all going to eventually die anyway....

Hmmmm, nice and positive kennas! As usual....:eek:

Best I put a comedy on......:)
I heard on the radio today that an extensive study has just been completed in western countries to discover "at what age are humans most unhappy".

Well the answer is back - age 44 apparently. They said it was very consistent across all nations. It works like a big U curve. We start life happy, go through mid-life and hit rock bottom at 44 then do a sharp rise up to old age.

The only proviso was health. The researchers said the most important aspect of the happiness test was "health".

Looks like a decade of downward spirals still ahead of me.



Yes, the happiest part of a humans life is when they are in their 20's and 70's. The 40's are a very unhappy period of time. In a survey in 2004, four times as many males committed suicide aged 15 to 19 than women. Ages 19 to 24 showed this rose to 6 times.
Yes, the happiest part of a humans life is when they are in their 20's and 70's. The 40's are a very unhappy period of time. In a survey in 2004, four times as many males committed suicide aged 15 to 19 than women. Ages 19 to 24 showed this rose to 6 times.
Was it discovered why people are again happy in their 70's?
Do you know the name of the England captain who did three tours of Australia and failed to score a single run?

I'm guessing some English captain of a sailing ship rather than a cricket team. Don't know of any English captains other than Cook
The happiest people in the world are those who love ducks. Ten is a very lucky number for siblings for obvious reasons or is it ducklings.
The stars, infact every star sign shows, that a Duckman is likely to have very good fortune. Indeed, everyone should have at least ten ducks.
If you also have a duck billed platypus in your near vacinity as well, then your luck is in for the whole of 2008 and onwards to 2012.
However, if you have eaten a duck then your future is dim, infact you are doomed my friend. Unless of course you rear 10 ducklings quite quickly.

As China has sadly had desperately fowl, sorry foul weather recently, and they have announced that the celebrations for the new year will begin 7 days late and be renamed "The Year of the Duck".