Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

David Hicks protests

Stop_the_clock said:
He still deserves the right to a trial
STC - yep .
PS maybe that bloody neck of yours influenced me to post that post last Friday night - (after a few beers) ;)
I no doubt owe moXJO an apology - then again, I'm just too happy with the "new attutudes" by Canberra on
a) Hicks and
b) Global warming concerns.
This election year will be a beauty. Forget the lack of sincerity, and the fact that they've been 180 degree turnarounds, (in a matter of a couple of months), at least they are saying the right things.
Yeah he deserves that, maybe he deserves to be returned home even more. He has already been punished before being sentenced, its justice backwards, so no matter if he is guilty or innocent he has already earned compensation

Stop_the_clock said:
He still deserves the right to a trial
vida said:
Yeah he deserves that, maybe he deserves to be returned home even more. He has already been punished before being sentenced, its justice backwards, so no matter if he is guilty or innocent he has already earned compensation

Compensation??? What do you have in mind?

moXJO said:
Its more like money ,news Ramps and how pollies interpret public opinion. Check out the Bilal Skaf case and tell me public opinion on the pollies didn’t influence that decision.When the public cares enough the pollies will probably do something.

Given its an election year I would bet the government will kick up a stink about it this year. And the fact the opposition will attempt to use it to damage the government, then out of concern or compassion. And that Howard usually reads the public well enough to nip it in the bud before it gets past the point of the tide turning against him.

Im not a supporter of throwing away the key. And if he were to get another 2 years on time served I'd say that was enough. As for compensation book deals and tv appearances will probably be enough.

2020hindsight said:
mercenary on big bucks

Those guys were earning crap by the way.
Two years is no where near enough, if Hicks is released and let loose on society who is to be held accountable when he blows up train in Melbourne or Sydney when the mufti tells him thet he'll go to paradise for doing his thing for islam. I'm looking for some politicians to make it difficult for these radicals and say enough is enough of moslem activists, send them back to whereever they come from. porkpie
You can't lock up a man indefinitely for something he might do. You can only convict him for what he has done, and they are yet to do even that.
When investing in mining companies you way up the risks and take action, the same goes for hicks, he is a known moslem extremist there is evidence of him training in Pakistan with recognised terrorists, how can anyone take the risk of letting him loose in society and killing innocent people, that risk MUST not be taken.porkpie
The photo that we are constantly shown of hicks, is him with a bazooka on his shoulder which is taken out of context The full shot shows him and his mates all holding weapons having a good time, A common thing for most foreigners to the middle east is to have their pictures taken with all these weapons. You pay $$$ and you get to fire what ever the F%$K you want (Is my French allowed on these forums please pull me up if it offends). Like a kid at a candy store caught with your hand in the cookie jar, He was in the wrong place at the wrong time :banghead: . Like a drug bust going down at your mates house and you where just there saying hello and having a coffee. :banghead:
Re: Who cares .

chops_a_must said:
It goes against everything our "free" society is based on.

If someone is prepared to "run with the wolves", then they can only expect to be treated by the free society as such.
porkpie324 said:
Two years is no where near enough, if Hicks is released and let loose on society who is to be held accountable when he blows up train in Melbourne or Sydney when the mufti tells him thet he'll go to paradise for doing his thing for islam. I'm looking for some politicians to make it difficult for these radicals and say enough is enough of moslem activists, send them back to whereever they come from. porkpie
2 years on top of what he has served thats about 8 years all up.Given that asio will make his life hell here I doubt he will be much of a problem
The photo that we are constantly shown of hicks, is him with a bazooka on his shoulder which is taken out of context The full shot shows him and his mates all holding weapons having a good time, A common thing for most foreigners to the middle east is to have their pictures taken with all these weapons. You pay $$$ and you get to fire what ever the F%$K you want (Is my French allowed on these forums please pull me up if it offends). Like a kid at a candy store caught with your hand in the cookie jar, He was in the wrong place at the wrong time :banghead: . Like a drug bust going down at your mates house and you where just there saying hello and having a coffee. :banghead:

He did join the KLA ,and he went to afghnastan to fight.And was at training camps.He didnt just get caught with a gun being a yobo.
Stop_the_clock said:
He still deserves the right to a trial
That's basically the point that I'm trying to make. Irrespective of any alleged offences, he has the right to a fair trial. The sooner the better.
porkpie324 said:
Two years is no where near enough, if Hicks is released and let loose on society who is to be held accountable when he blows up train in Melbourne or Sydney when the mufti tells him thet he'll go to paradise for doing his thing for islam. I'm looking for some politicians to make it difficult for these radicals and say enough is enough of moslem activists, send them back to whereever they come from. porkpie

Well, after five years in Guantanomo Bay without charge, who could blame him for being a "little" unstable and angry with the society that left him there. Basically they have made him a terrorist, havent they!
Re: Who cares .

brickwalls said:
If someone is prepared to "run with the wolves", then they can only expect to be treated by the free society as such.

What free society would incarcerate a man for five years without charge. Good grief, if that is free society then beam me up Scotty!
I think Prospect your completely missing my point, Hicks is a suspected terriorist he's incacerated for that reason, also to prevent such people from commiting acts of terror on innocent people. If everyone thought like you we would'nt have seat belts in our vehicles or sprinkler systems in high risk buildings. People such as hicks should be locked up until such a time as the authorities consider it safe to release them.And I don't want any "flakey touchy touchy" politicans interfering.porkpie
porkpie324 said:
Hicks is a suspected terriorist he's incacerated for that reason,
porkpie, I think the point that has been resoundingly made during the Bush era, is that, if everyone thought like you, there'd be a lot more terrorists.
You say yourself he's a suspected terrorist.
minor correction - I would say he was a suspected terrorist.
unless you know something that the rest of us dont of course. :2twocents

(PS there are degrees of "terrorist" are there not?)

"locked up until the authorities decide its safe to release them " - bet you a fiver it coincides with election year ;)
Mind you , who knows which way the USA political interests will go now that John Howard has been so vocal about the Democrats being the "terrorist's party of choice" - and Obama. Hicks could become a scapegoat for escalating the perceived threat to USA.
porkpie324 said:
I think Prospect your completely missing my point, Hicks is a suspected terriorist he's incacerated for that reason, also to prevent such people from commiting acts of terror on innocent people. If everyone thought like you we would'nt have seat belts in our vehicles or sprinkler systems in high risk buildings. People such as hicks should be locked up until such a time as the authorities consider it safe to release them.And I don't want any "flakey touchy touchy" politicans interfering.porkpie

Um, sorry I'm having a blonde moment but what do seat belts have to do with this?

People such as Hicks should be locked up? If his issue was so cut and dry, why did it take 5 years to charge him, and with attempted murder :confused: Howard wont/cant bring Hicks back to Australia because there is no crime he can be charged with. That is why the US has Guantanamo Bay.

Hicks has probably been involved with some 'unacceptable behaviours' - problem is, until he has a legitimate trial, we dont know with what.

Oh, and those WMD that we were PROMISED/ASSURED/SWORN ON A BIBLE that were in Iraq, just as we are told Hicks is a terrorist. Slight credibility issue methinks.
anon said:
New Girl,

It had been frequently reported in the media that the suicide bombers, or "martyrs" as the radical muslims regard them, are rewarded with 72 (seventy two) virgins up there in heaven. My mind boggles that some rational people would think that any male could service so many virgins without doing some physical damage to himself. To me this would be a punishment and not a reward. Kill them by kindness, but kill them all the same. Some would say - what a way to go. My own view is to stay alive and enjoy sex for a lot onger.

What I want to know is whether this 72 virgins reward promise is a fact or is fiction of the western media.

Any comments???


What if they heard it wrong... what if it wasn't 72 virgins?... what if it was a 72 year old virgin? :eek:

Suddenly being a Martyr ain't so cool now... LMFAO :D