Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

David Hicks leaves prison today

i think to make a decision as to whether someone or any organisation is good or evil would be to over simplify the situation.
.... ;)


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Fraser, right! the same Fraser who supported Mugabe and is silent now even as millions starve deliberately.

Tell me do we only worry about human rights if the abused is white and Australian but turn the other cheek if the abuser is black and so is the abused.
yep those libs are a real worry
So... does that mean you are a supporter of rape, widespread murder, food hoarding and corruption amongst opponents of the Taliban? Lets face it, both sides in Afghanistan are just as bad as each other. Hence, neither have majority support. We just don't hear the massive abuses committed by opponents of the Taliban because they are allied to us, and it is not a good look to admit that.

But what you are saying, seems to suggest that you are a supporter of these human rights abuses. Especially as you attack people who remain neutral. Yes, the Taliban are horrible. But, the opposition are no better. You don't seem to realise that.

chops you are incoherent, better have a lie down and rest a bit, maybe you'll get up refreshed and more clear headed
Who guest speaks at Human Rights Conferences etc
don't worry visual - you wouldn't understand..

I am delighted this Human Rights Education Conference is being held, it is timely, it is important. The more understanding there can be about basic human rights for men, women and children, for people of all religions, for minorities, for the disadvantaged, for all people, the better it will be and the sooner our society will return to one of decency and charity.

This forum will cover a wide spectrum in human rights. From the origins of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights itself to the class room, how to inspire students with ethical leadership, etc

PS I'm still waiting for you to equal Hick's record of applying to join the military at least once ;)
Who guest speaks at Human Rights Conferences etc
don't worry visual - you wouldn't understand..

Oh dear is that hypocrisy I smell, I don't qualify as human, well seeing that I'm not even worth having a discussion with that involves disagreeing with you. Just to recap human rights are vitally important as long as people agree with you. Otherwise they may as well be left to rot. I'll remember that should I ever undertake traitorous activities against my country
visual said:
traiterous etc
and so -
on a completely different topic
what do you think about fighting with the Taliban against the Northern Alliance -
and being captured by the NA , without weapons, in the back of a truck, trying to leave the country when it got competely out of hand.

and for that matter fighting in Kosova with the KLA - with whom "we", the west , sided (eventually and belatedly)
and so -
on a completely different topic
what do you think about fighting with the Taliban against the Northern Alliance -
and being captured by the NA , without weapons, in the back of a truck, trying to leave the country when it got competely out of hand.

and for that matter fighting in Kosova with the KLA - with whom "we", the west , sided (eventually and belatedly)

No hindsight, not so fast, human rights-for all or only for those who agree with you or you agree with!
I'll remember that should I ever undertake traitorous activities against my country
I was commenting on this statement visual
obviously I disgaree with your assumptions.

Since you disagree with Fraser, I assume you disagree with (most/) much of what he has to say in that article from which I have now posted 3 excerpts.

and again ... when are you gonna catch up to Hicks on the matter of applying for military service?
I was commenting on this statement visual
obviously I disgaree with your assumptions.

Since you disagree with Fraser, I assume you disagree with (most/) much of what he has to say in that article from which I have now posted 3 excerpts.

and again ... when are you gonna catch up to Hicks on the matter of applying for military service?

Who guest speaks at Human Rights Conferences etc
don't worry visual - you wouldn't understand..

Actually whatever is right, this above is more important than your 3 posts, answer or .................................................
chops you are incoherent, better have a lie down and rest a bit, maybe you'll get up refreshed and more clear headed


You are saying we shouldn't treat Hicks with decency because the side he supported wouldn't. What I am saying is the main opposition to his "side" are just as bad, yet, by implication, you are supporting them. Once again, given your logic, we should treat yourself accordingly as well.

P.S. - I don't think it is necessarily prudent in using out of context political support 25 years down the track. After all, Mugabe was a popular, democratically elected leader at the time. You can't tell what is going to happen 25 years down the track, and not allowing someone to change positions in that time is silly. You could go through endless examples of this sort of political support, e.g. Mandela and Suharto etc etc. that has no real relevance to current matters.
as I say - don't worry about it

Please give me at least, the benefit of your leadership skill or inspiration or whatever I really need to understand are human rights for all or just the people you agree with or agree with you, unlike you I've kept the question the same , no chopping or changing here and definitely no smoke screens as changing subject.
Please give me at least, the benefit of your leadership skill or inspiration or whatever I really need to understand are human rights for all or just the people you agree with or agree with you, unlike you I've kept the question the same , no chopping or changing here and definitely no smoke screens as changing subject.
ok - here'e your answer
somewhat similar to what I've said on other threads like Abs and Global Warming etc -

but obviously human rights for all.

should we get such human rights, even you, visual, will be entitled to share the benefits.

but note that Fraser warns that there is every chance that anti-terror laws are gonna be destructive rather than helpful. :2twocents

PS I'm sure you recognise this picture...


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ok - here'e your answer
somewhat similar to what I've said on other threads like Abs and Global Warming etc -

but obviously human rights for all.

should we get such human rights, even you, visual, will be entitled to share the benefits.

but note that Fraser warns that there is every chance that anti-terror laws are gonna be destructive rather than helpful. :2twocents

PS I'm sure you recognise this picture...

should we get such human rights, even you, visual,

so grudgingly even I benefit, no leadership skill there!2020hindsight!
As compared to who Julia? CNN, ACA? Would you class the BBC as having a left bias?

The thing that I guess would swing most people's opinions, is that we simply aren't allowed to know anything. That in itself speaks volumes. What are the US and probably, more importantly, ex Australian governments and diplomats got to hide when it comes to this? Perhaps because they knew he was being tortured, and did nothing about it? Hmmm....

OK. So he is still on the run is he? Hmmm.... I guess we are all in "hiding" then aren't we?

Prawn... totally agree with you.
Chops: You have included the phrase above "Ok. So he is still on the run is he?
Hmmm. I guess we are all in "hiding then aren't we?" after quoting my post from earlier in the thread, clearly giving the impression that I made this latter comment. I didn't. I don't know who did.
Please make it clear who you are quoting and don't attribute to me something I have not said. You might like to make a correction, stating whom the quote was actually from.
should we get such human rights, even you, visual, will be entitled to share the benefits.
I realise Visual can speak for herself, but (nothing to do with your actual argument which has become somewhat silly), I find the above comment unnecessarily condescending, patronising and personal.