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Coronavirus vaccine news

news a few days ago reporting increased numbers in hospitals because people weren't fully vaccinated (only had one shot). sounded like bull. and before that, reporting that sick people had no shots
It seems that NSW and Victoria are closing down their mass vaccination centres because they are getting so close to double vaxxing everyone.

Sure. However all the medical advice to date is that every citizen will need a booster vax about 6 months after the the second jab. That time will start in January 2022 (if not earlier). Australia effectively needs to jab 20-22 million people over a three-four month period if we are going keep COVID protection . This doesn't even take into account new variations .

This is around 6 Million jabs a month. I sincerely hope some thought has been given to the logistics of this happening by osmosis so to speak. IMV the process of have mass vaxes in schools, community halls, Football clubs, Church centres offers a far quicker more community orientated approach to what is a community issue. An intense 3-4 program would reinforce widespread support for the program. And I think it would be cheaper than 20 million plus individual medicare consultations.
Yet nobody is going to hospital because of the vaccine in WA. Speaks for itself. Just because she is a nurse doesn't mean she isn't stupid.

30 out of 38 persons in hospital are currently vaccinated. That is just short of 80%. But that is the national average for vaccinations, so for non covid related illnesses, that is what one should expect. If the illnesses were due to the vaccine, then the number in hospital should be greater than the national average of those vaccinated.
The California governor is rumoured to have a severe vaccine injury, apparently hasn't been sighted for a couple weeks.
I know of at least two people who've been to hospital from vaccine injuries, one in ICU.

Somebody is lying
The California governor is rumoured to have a severe vaccine injury, apparently hasn't been sighted for a couple weeks.

Zero fact checking. That sums you up totally. Throw out some unsubstantiated innuendo and then pretend innocence that you are only searching for the truth, when you could have proved your own misinformation to be false within seconds as I have done.

Dude, I specifically said it was a *rumour*

For your edification:

a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.
"they were investigating rumours of a massacre"

the grapevine
the word on the street
piece of gossip
on dit

hard facts

be circulated as an unverified account.
"it's rumoured that he lives on a houseboat"


Now, the politifact article does indeed deny the rumour, but it at this stage is only that, a denial.

Bearing in mind that there have been a number of other high-profile vaccine injuries it is not unfair speculation, and also reiterating that I stated it it was a rumour....

And also, as for the last 4 years you and your Trump deranged brethren have been spouting absolute bulshit as fact, you can take your disparaging comments about me and stick them up your puckered up @ss.

Throw in some Latin
Dude, I specifically said it was a *rumour*

What difference does that make? Do you post every rumour you hear, even when applying just a minuscule of investigation would tell you it is false? When it comes to covid vaccines, you do obviously, as you are willing to grasp at anything that might add credence to your anti-vaccination stance, even though you claim to be open minded. Just throw it out there and let others do the work to check its veracity. What do you care. Grah is exactly the same.

The article didn't just deny the rumour. It explained his absence. He was out and about during the period he was supposedly seriously ill. But who didn't give any evidence is those who put the rumour out there. They know that all they have to do is put out anything that is anti-vaccine without any supporting evidence and there will be thousands of cretins willing to regurgitate the rumour further in the community.

You think labelling something a rumour obviates you from any responsibility regarding any consequences that might ensue? And borrowing Cynic's thesaurus to come up with alternative words doesn't impress.
As both a point of order and also to illustrate how stupidly asinine (tautology intentional to intensify my point) your categorising me as anti-vaccination, alarm me to illustrate how freaking unintelligent you are (the redundancy again intentional).

I am not anti-vaccination. as I have put it out numerous times on this forum I have had the whole gamut of vaccinations... Tetanus, cholera, smallpox, TB, Yellow fever, etc.

in fact as I have detailed, once again on this forum, I have recently had a tetanus booster... A vaccination.

Once again as I have detailed on this forum I am not actually against a vaccinating against sars-cov-2.

if I thought such a vaccination was both effective and safe, then get me in farking line, bro and stick that sh¹t in my arm.

However I have developed a hypothesis about the current crop of vaccines which will evolve around a number of points.

1/ they are being used under emergency approval or whatever the hell its called. In other words there is no long-term safety and efficacy data to support full FDA/TGA approval.

2/ hey do not appear to operate like a normal vaccine. That do not seem to offer genuine immunity such as a tuberculosis or smallpox vaccine does. Therefore, I question whether these could be rightly termed as vaccines.

3/ That there are an enormous number of adverse effects and injuries from these injections is incontrovertible, whether or not the Newsom rumour is true or false.

4/ The risk/benefit ratio does not appear to be adequately quantified. I believe that the current injections *may indeed be a good risk/benefit proposition for the elderly, morbidly obese, and those with comorbidities. however I do not believe the risk/benefit ratio adds up for normal healthy people of young and middle age.

These can other factors are making me want to sit back and wait, either to be proven wrong or for a superior comma or indeed genuine vaccine to appear.

Science operates, at least in the latter part of the scientific process, to attempt to disprove one's hypothesis. Therefore excuse farking me for putting up issues for discussion, debate and allowing myself to disproved or verified.

Anything else, as we have seen with the climate change debate and indeed this vaccine debate is nothing more than a cultish following of the "approved" narrative.

Antivax??? Pfffft. Go straight to Hell, brownshirt.
I am at a loss for words!

Maybe it's because somebody borrowed my thesaurus!!
And what a low grade pathetic pejorative by the likes of this @bellanuit clown, Cynic.

It is really scraping the bottom of the barrel to criticize someone for using a vocabulary greater than 250 words (my sometimes dodgy grammar, notwithstanding)
Antivax??? Pfffft. Go straight to Hell, brownshirt.

Really uncalled for, you are against the vaccine, I believe your term is hoisted with your own petard or some thing.
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