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Coronavirus vaccine news

Caravan Park owners on the banks of the Murray announced they would soon be requiring all patrons to be double vaxxed.
Took 15 seconds after for their Facebook announcement to cop the wrath of COVID denialists and anti- vaxxers.

Key points:​

  • The Curlwaa Caravan Park announced on Facebook it would only accept people fully vaccinated against COVID-19
  • The owner's father lives on the park site and is at a greater risk of serious illness from the virus
  • Feedback on social media for the park's vaccine policy has been fierce
gotta catch up on these posts . my new work at home job required some intense (out of hours ) training.
feel sorry for the tradies
gotta catch up on these posts . my new work at home job required some intense (out of hours ) training.
feel sorry for the tradies
I think my trade, here in Perth, is an interestin case study. There is a critical shortage of my trade here... Especially with my skills, I can basically pick and choose who I want to work for. Nobody actually gives a crap, apart from in general conversation, what my vaccine status is (and I really don't give a crap what my clients is either).

And here is the thing thatt I am getting at: If anyone wants to get petty and pedantic about me being vaccinated or not, I will just wave goodbye, au revoir, auf wiedersehn, adios, ta ta, pip pip, and all that rot; never to cross their path again.... Their likelihood of replacing me... Buckley's chance, and they know it.

Even if because of a critical shortage that I have more power than usual in that regard, all trades have that power, if only their collective IQ was > moron status.

Tradies have the cookie, they just don't realise it.
In NSW, Gladys passed a law that said if you are working in a nursing homes then you must be vaccinated.

This is fair as we all know that when you are elderly your immune system is weak and you expect the staff to be vaccinated for the flu and Covid.

A receptionist was sacked for refusing to be vaccinated. She went to Work Choices to appeal. She lost today.

A win for the common good against the selfish.
Monash and Melbourne Universities have ruled that all staff are to be vaccinated and students that are vaccinated only will be allowed to return.

Word is that there is a very tiny number of students that may not want to get vaccinated (expected to be less than 1%) and the Unis will probably offer them alternative courses run remotely. Obviously this means though that in some cases their degrees cannot continue. Degrees like Medicine though are filled with educated students so there is not expected to be any withdrawals.

I expect other Unis around the country to follow their lead.
It's probably a real affidavit, but it's written by a person who has no competencies in immunology and is a joke from a medical perspective.
Like most material championed by fruitcakes who pander to conspiracies this one is full of the best ingredients:
  • It's in Deep Capture (born out of conspiracy theories - read about Patrick Byrne)
  • It makes silly and baseless claims, eg
    • @ #25 - polyethylene glycol (“PEG”) may well be close in molecular makeup to Propylene Glycol, a common ingredient in antifreeze, but it's analogous to saying we can put plastic in our fuel tank instead of petrol.
    • @ #26 - her opinion is debunked by medical experts
    • the idea @ #31 that natural immunity after infection gives immunity defeats the purpose of increasing immunity so one is not infected (truly stupid point)
    • her claim @ #32 that she is "not aware of the Comirnaty available within the DOD" is based wholly on the conspiracy theory that Pfizer's covid vaccine is not really Comirnaty!!!
    • @ #33 she relies on renown anti-vaxxer Bart Classen's totally discredited work for many of her ideas.
Once again @wayneL shows his conspiracy theory links in the dribble he offers up.
Interesting conversation today with a (now ex) client.

Backstory: I was brought in on this remedial case and nobody either has the capacity or the capability to take this person's case on.

Kind of out of the blue, the person medic comment about "irresponsible anti-vaxxers".

I asked her what's the definition of an anti vaxxer (see my posts on this topic elsewhere) is and why she thought such people irresponsible.

It was her opinion that the unvaccinated were a risk to the vaccinated... LMAO

As I was packing my tools up, halfway through the job, I explained my responsibilities as I see them, and that it is not the responsibility of people who are unvaccinated to protect the vaccinated but that is the job of the vaccination.

I've got quite enough money now to retire to the south-west and tell everybody to get f*****. I keep working because I enjoy it and also that there is a need for my services... Covid apartheid may just force me out of a game to the detriment of many people who need my services.

Mrs, who astonishingly does enjoy my company, is encouraging me to quit now and go and live our our dotage away from the frickin insanity, ride our nags, and be elderly ******* hippies down south somewhere.

This probably should have been in the economic effects of COVID thread, because even though I have only been here a short time the withdrawal of my services will have an economic affect... But it is the vaccine and the insanity surrounding which is the motivator.

I'm just going to see how many idiots I have to sack.
It was annoying when it was book burning and cancel culture. It's something else when it becomes 'coercion' and loss of body autonomy.
This blending of the facts so that the actual truth is so obscure (from either side) is ridiculous as well.
I found this USA Facebook page amazing, firstly because there are over 100,000 replies, mainly citing bad reactions to the vaccines.

I am also amazed that it is allowed to continue...............................

Edit: I posted a link, then clicked on it to check and now my wifes facebook account is suspended.

Facebook may be upset with me but I am more worried about my wife
Medical whistleblowers

Anti- vaccination movements

Plenty of historical precedents for the current arguments over COVID vaccines. I found an excellent source on the topic.

History of Anti-vaccination Movements​

Health and medical scholars have described vaccination as one of the top ten achievements of public health in the 20th century.[1] Yet, opposition to vaccination has existed as long as vaccination itself[2] (indeed, the pre-vaccination practice of variolation came under criticism as well: see our timeline for details). Critics of vaccination have taken a variety of positions, including opposition to the smallpox vaccine in England and the United States in the mid to late 1800s, and the resulting anti-vaccination leagues; as well as more recent vaccination controversies such as those surrounding the safety and efficacy of the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTP) immunization, the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, and the use of a mercury-containing preservative called thimerosal.

Smallpox and the Anti-vaccination Leagues in England​

Widespread smallpox vaccination began in the early 1800s, following Edward Jenner’s cowpox experiments, in which he showed that he could protect a child from smallpox if he infected him or her with lymph from a cowpox blister. Jenner’s ideas were novel for his time, however, and they were met with immediate public criticism. The rationale for this criticism varied, and included sanitary, religious, scientific, and political objections.


The “Natural Immunity Is Better Than Vaccine-acquired Immunity” Misconception​

Some people argue that the immunity gained from surviving a natural infection provides better protection than that provided by vaccines. While it’s true that natural immunity lasts longer in some cases than vaccine-induced immunity can, the risks of natural infection outweigh the risks of immunization for every recommended vaccine.

For example, wild measles infection causes encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) for one in 1,000 infected individuals, and, for every 1,000 reported measles cases, two individuals die. The combination MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine, however, results in encephalitis or a severe allergic reaction only once in every million vaccinated individuals, while preventing measles infection. The benefits of vaccine-acquired immunity extraordinarily outweigh the serious risks of natural infection, even in cases where boosters are required to maintain immunity.

Additionally, the Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae type b) and tetanus vaccines actually provide more effective immunity than natural infection.

Some mornings I go for walks with a friend, one of the few things we can do in Melbourne.

He has a close friend who is a bit of a genius and now lives in the UK and is a virologist (and actually has had hand developing one of the vaccines).

He explained to my friend the difference between mRNA and AZ vaccines as an analogy in building terms so we mortals can understand.

Basically if you imagine we are house and on one side is an assailant, Delta.

When you take up AZ you are creating a single brick wall. When Delta attacks it mostly works but its only a single brick wall so sometimes it gets damaged and it gets you however the wall is easy to fix and so you are OK.

When you take mRNA you are creating a double brick wall. Really hard for the virus to break through but if it does you cannot fix the double brick wall as easily and may get quite sick.

AZ has been shown to be not as effective in preventing catching Delta variant however extremely effective in preventing hospitalisation. It also more effective long term.

So personally I now think generally AZ is the way to go if you are over 50. mRNA under 50.
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I wonder how we are travelling one month on, from this post? Any chance of putting up a recent graph Rob?
Below is a table of fully vaccinated - randomly chosen nations:
Globally we rank around 50th at the moment, but are a bit further ahead with first doses.
Most European nations are ahead of us, a fair bit of the Middle East, plus a smattering of Asian and South American countries.
Given NSW just hit the 70% fully vaccinated (over 16s) and plans to further ease restrictions, I suspect other States will not want to be left far behind. Today my locally pharmacy was for the first time offering jabs, and was chokka. I reckon this would have been the case months ago had we had vaccine supply as vaccine hesitancy drops significantly as more people get jabbed.
I thought Israel would be higher.
A discussion on the Indian Bar Assoc taking on WHO over Ivermectin.

This supposedly dangerous drug has been used since 1975 and over 4 billion doses have been taken

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