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Coronavirus vaccine news

This is a really good discussion which FWIW, doesn't carry a particular narrative IMO.

Smart dude, this Eric Weinstein.

Well, that would be like saying you're naturally immune to a cold or flu.... doesn't happen. Personally haven't seen that claim.

However one can expect extra trouble from any virus if the immune system is not up to scratch, the corollary of which is, a healthy immune system will be able to defend against the virus more successfully.

People who argue for vitamin d and all the other strategies are arguing for a better immune defence against the disease if one catches it.

That is a whole 'nuther argument.

Hence I reckon that article is using an argumentative fallacy, similar to the fallacious argument that those who prefer to wait for better data are in fact anti-vaxxers.

Subtle propaganda.

FFS you do not know if you have an underling condition but COVID will find it for you repeat FFS you simply don't know.

How many examples from the States do you need of anti vaxers who get COVID and then realising it was a bad decision not to vax.

Its coming and you will almost certainly get COVID just like the rest of us why listen to fringe BS and outliers?.
The outliers are the fatalities, being in the order of greater than 3 standard deviations.... FFS

And so called "fringe bs" I listen to are along the lines of the vid I posted earlier, the interview with Eric Weinstein.

If that's fringe to you, then you are further left than Trotsky, Komrade.

You are welcome to failed Twitter opinions complete with agendas that you keep posting buts its the last place for objective reasoning.
Grist for the mill

Only if you cannot understand maths, don't care about who dies, and toss in data that not actually show what is suggested regarding vaccine deaths - all issues previously covered in this thread.
Grist for the mill

Definitely grist. According to his stats one in 200 die if they catch the virus if they are between 50 and 69 (not to mention long term effects).
I am glad not to have those odds now.

Just another pathetic anti vaxxer, I reckon the real Mick Jagger would give him a donk to the nose if they met up. I hope he is not a Stones fan.
The thing is Mick Jagger is extremely intelligent unlike this wannabee who is a dullard.

Mike Jagger is a Fun facts.

Mike Jagger had a chem degree, Mick Jagger is an elderly drug addled musician.

Those with PhDs are among the most vaccine-hesitant.

Ad hominem and using the term anti vaxxer makes you the dullard, Knobby.

If you want to disagree with this point try some data and facts rather than emotion.
He published the data himself and doesn't understand it. Just a dullard. 1 in 200 dead not to mention the other guff he showed. Honestly thick as two short planks.

The real Mick Jagger is a genius. He got into Uni but didn't finish it as he was too successful in every facet of his life.
The real Mick Jagger wouldn't clean his boots on this loser. Maybe you should listen to his new song or read that article I published.
Personally I would much prefer to listen to the real Mick Jagger.

If you want to disagree with this point try some data and facts rather than emotion.
Doctorates (PhDs) are not only are the "narrowest" of all professional qualifications, they generally only account for a little over 1% of a nation's total population and comprise a very small share those who hold degree and higher qualifications - eg. USA data below).

In the USA those holding the higher level and more rounded Masters qualification are the least hesitant of all educated groups, by a significant margin.
So the data is unequivocal in that the least vaccine hesitant are also those with higher levels of qualifications.
It's no surprise that people who post as @wayneL does will have an unusual view of what facts actually mean when presented in a proper context.
Got the second dose of Pfizer today. Literally got over the inflammation that ended up in my knuckles yesterday... Yay.

The new covid facility was very well set-up.
So many nurses that I had one literally directing me where to go every 5 steps. This is probably an understatement. Looks like they are getting ready for high numbers.

Mentioned the inflammation and how long I've had it and they freaked a bit. Bit reluctant to give me another dose. But I honestly couldn't care at this point, just get it over with.
The mentioned to "see a gp". I have never had a decent answer from a gp. I can narrow the advice down already:
" Let's see what happens in a few days".

Today I was helping out some roof tilers (which is possibly the shittest job on earth). So that was fun. God I hate friends, they have all asked for favours at the same time.

Anyway the extreme activity seemed to lessen the side effects. Well at least so far. Everyone has told me the second shot is bad. Last time I went home and slept.

I had the 2nd AZ today as well Mo no side effects so far no sore arm nada, keep an eye on the inflammation could well be some thing else.
I had the 2nd AZ today as well Mo no side effects so far no sore arm nada, keep an eye on the inflammation could well be some thing else.

Soon AZ will probably be no more. Name change to Vaxzevria is in the pipeline. Guessing the bad vibes may have had something to do with it. What to call it now? Vax, VZ, RIA?
Soon AZ will probably be no more. Name change to Vaxzevria is in the pipeline. Guessing the bad vibes may have had something to do with it. What to call it now? Vax, VZ, RIA?
The name is changed to Vaxzevria. It is to bring it in line with the naming conventions in Canada and Europe. The issue wasn't the efficacy or risk factors of the vaccine, but things like border control and the introduction of vaccine passports of sorts, where those vaccinated using AstraZeneca were been classified as unvaccinated.
The narrative seems to be changing on the news now. At 80% places open up , and even then we'll be locked down.
Just saw on the news NSW recent vaccination rate is now similar to the record holders Denmark and Canada.
A good sign for Australia as a whole as vaccination becomes more available.
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