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Coronavirus vaccine news

They might be lying to us now, only to later on use coercion forcefully once most of the country has been vaccinated.
Decades ago we sent our finest to fight for this principle. Are we really prepared to give it away so cheaply?

I think our finest from decades ago would be shocked at the whinging today about the small sacrifices people are being asked to make for the common good, compared with what they were asked to do when they were called upon.
I think our finest from decades ago would be shocked at the whinging today about the small sacrifices people are being asked to make for the common good, compared with what they were asked to do when they were called upon.
Not the ones I know who are still alive. They are furious.
Written by one of the lead inventors of mRNA vaccines........

Robert W Malone, MD, MS1

I provide this brief essay for the TrialSite community because you are involved or at least interested in human subject clinical research. By way of background, please understand that I am a vaccine specialist and advocate, as well as the original inventor of the mRNA vaccine (and DNA vaccine) core platform technology. But I also have extensive training in bioethics from the University of Maryland, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, and Harvard Medical School, and advanced clinical development and regulatory affairs are core competencies for me.

Wrong school mate
Perhaps, but in so doing we will be kissing our Western Liberal democracy goodbye

Decades ago we sent our finest to fight for this principle. Are we really prepared to give it away so cheaply?
Decades does that include WMD?
I think our finest from decades ago would be shocked at the whinging today about the small sacrifices people are being asked to make for the common good, compared with what they were asked to do when they were called upon.
You can ask them their rolling out the vaccines
Decades does that include WMD?
While I dips me lid to the ADF personnel involved, I'm not sure the motive on the political level was the same. Maybe a discussion for another time
While I dips me lid to the ADF personnel involved, I'm not sure the motive on the political level was the same. Maybe a discussion for another time
Its always political......always
Its always political......always
Yes of course. But the politics *may at times be more sincere (at least on one side of the equation) than others. No?
We have gone ( Morrison) very American the big lectern, standing in front of flags and uniforms.

Complete tossers.
We have gone ( Morrison) very American the big lectern, standing in front of flags and uniforms.

Complete tossers.
Probably more Pinochet than USA, FWIW
I think our finest from decades ago would be shocked at the whinging today about the small sacrifices people are being asked to make for the common good, compared with what they were asked to do when they were called upon.
Pretty sure a lot of them are whinging. "Good of the country" is damn well subjective.
very techy , but good for a browse. one feels they have to warn/inform people.
Pretty sure a lot of them are whinging. "Good of the country" is damn well subjective.

As what they went fighting for was also subjective. Many would not have accepted they were there to fight the war to end all wars or whatever the mantra was for the war they were in, but they did it. Even though many today may not accept that being vaccinated and being limited due to social distancing and mask wearing may be for the good of he country, those measures are trivial compared to what those generations fo young people did.
Probably more Pinochet than USA, FWIW

Every time I see the US politicians doing this I think tin pot Latin dictators seen a few.

Went to Chile when Pinochet was in power, all through Latin America you could have political conversations except Chile no one and I mean no one would talk politics such was the danger.

Crossed from Chile into Peru with a couple of Chileans and a Peruvian in a "colectivo" not a word spoken on the Chilean side once we crossed the border you couldn't shut them up.

On a high light best over night bus ride ever, on board had two hostess's, played bingo, server dinner, watched a movie and then virtually tucked in for a sleep. Cost $14 USD from Puerto Montt to Santiago.

Sorry for off topic.
Right now we have millions of small businesses doing it for "the good of the country". Foot traffic in many shopping centres is down 80% rents of $30000 plus a month and millions of employees.

Lockdowns are having real consequences so yeah whinging to ensure the governments are actually following science backed protocols is damn important.

Big thing I'm noticing is the affect on the younger kids mentality.

As for wars, we damn well should be questioning governments.
Anyway they had to crank the ventilators.

Get your oldies vaccinated or vaccinate if you are 60+. I'm reading that once we hit a certain number of vaccinated, the rest will be left to the wolves as we reopen.
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