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Coronavirus vaccine news

But not nearly as dangerous as not taking vaccines during a pandemic. The stats prove it.
The stats need time in regard to this. Your point may well prove to be true, but in the fullness of time, it may not.

Then there is the phenomenon of damn lies and statistics.

Happy for you lot to provide the true stats over time.
The stats need time in regard to this. Your point may well prove to be true, but in the fullness of time, it may not.

True, but unlikely to be different to any of the other vaccines that have been introduced in the last hundred years or so. They have overwhelmingly been successful at eliminating or greatly curtailing the diseases they were designed against while at the same time proving comparatively safe (never 100%). Their efficacy tends to increase over time as the viruses are better understood, while the risk of their use reduces.

There is very little reason to think that those COVID vaccines being produced (in the West) under proper supervision and mainly free of political interference will be any different. Scientific advancement in virology is growing by leaps and bounds.
dk why people would get a second jab, when we're not seeing the virus at all around us
But not nearly as dangerous as not taking vaccines during a pandemic. The stats prove it.
U reckon? Some points from the mRNA inventor:
their technical databases aren't available to truly know so he can't say, but possibly not better off taking the vaccine is implied
vaccines are experimental
he stresses that younger people should definitely not be taking it

from that clip (but there is more) , it would seem detrimental . he's also censored a fair bit

really don't know why some are eager for a second jab
some Clive Palmer ...

COVID-19 VACCINE – 210 deaths, 24,000 adverse reactions. When will they stop?​

Men and Women of Australia,
I feel duty-bound to bring the following to your attention.
The Australian Government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration report confirms 210 deaths and 24,000 adverse reactions after the COVID-19 vaccines. There are over 5,000 deaths in the USA attributed to the Covid Vaccines including Pfizer.
While I support the use of vaccines that have approval for general use, I am very concerned by the use of this vaccine on the general population.
My understanding is that emergency use of a medicine is only authorised in the US if the person receiving the treatment is in immediate danger of dying. This is not the case with millions of Australians who are not ill. The simple fact is that we don’t have one-year safety data, three-year safety data, or five-year safety data for the use of the COVID-19 vaccine on humans or animals. Over 50% of animals in the animal trials have died.
I do not understand why it is that millions of Australians should be subject to a medical treatment that has not complied with normal practices.
There is no pandemic in Australia – only one person has died of COVID in 2021. The TGA and the government have spread misleading information designed to create fear in the population. TheCenter for Disease Control website in the United States confirms the following effects that their vaccine program has had using the same vaccines that the TGA has approved in Australia – over5,000 deaths, 3,900 disabled, 571 miscarriages, 1,500 Bell’s Palsy, and 1,900 heart attacks.
The Governments around Australia have done a great job in protecting all Australians from COVID-19 and for healthy Australians to receive such a treatment is, as I understand it, unprecedented.
I don’t understand why Australians need to rush or take risks with their lives.
And I don’t understand why the Australian Government has granted the pharmaceutical companies a complete indemnity should their COVID-19 vaccines cause illness or death. It would appear that these pharmaceutical companies lack confidence in their own products, which makes them ask for such an indemnity. No one will be successful in court if the government has indemnified the pharmaceutical companies.
We need to maintain the very high standards Australia has set for itself in the approvals of vaccines.
The COVID 19 Vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting COVID and it doesn’t stop you from passing it on. Does it serve any real purpose?

For the TGA report and more information go to:

God bless Australia, Clive Palmer
phizer x VP:

(variants are political scariants, asymptotic nonsense, other falsehood)
@grah33 should be rewarded for bringing us the truth.
I don't know if he ever will, as the dribble he has posted above deserves condemnation.
At least we know why some people refuse to accept and act on health advice from health professionals, and prefer instead to put the rest of the community in potential harm due to their wilful ignorance.
The below snapshot of rate of vaccine rollout rates across the world still sees Australia sitting below the global average:

This article exposes the litany of bungles and lost opportunity we suffer under our most inept PM in living memory.
i'm not talking about Americas frontline doctors but the Phizer guy. he's quoted not just by them but all over the place.
The x Phizer VP and the inventor of mRNA technologies are health experts.

I'm surprised you have so much trust in these experimental vaccines. A "Mob rules" government may soon try to force it on us
You don't have to have it.
If you want to catch Covid and risk it, its your call. Because we will reopen the economy which is looking like June next year. Fortress Australia has to end. The sooner the better. No lockdowns anymore.

Firstly though, we know in that famous NSW party that all members caught it except the vaccinated ones.

Secondly, a warning. A colleague at my work's Dads best friend caught covid and died of a stroke caused by a blood clot to the brain two weeks later a few days after leaving hospital. This is a known effect.

In his early 60s, fit, no health problems. Not even sure he appeared in the covid stats. Its your call. But I don't want to hear you whinge on this site later saying you weren't warned should you find yourself paralysed on one side or with permanent lung damage.

It a bit of a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. ?
Everyone has an opinion, but only one gets to wear the outcome. When something goes wrong Scomo wears it, when Scomo makes an executive decision, the States tell him to sod off.
There are a lot of contradictions going on.
It will be really interesting, if they find out there are long term issues with nRNA vaccines as opposed to the AZ, that would put a cat among the pigeons IMO.

From the article:
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and WA Premier Mark McGowan have both spoken out against advice issued by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, saying they do not believe the under-40s should be given the AstraZeneca vaccine.

From the article:
The president of the Australian Medical Association, Dr Omar Khorshid, says he does not endorse the prime minister’s announcement that anyone under 40 can receive the AstraZeneca vaccine from their GP, adding it took him by surprise.

From the article:
The European Medicines Agency authorised Astra Zeneca’s SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for use in all adults aged over 18 on 29 January, just days after German newspapers suggested that the vaccine would be limited to adults aged under 65 because of poor efficacy in older people.

The EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use announced that the AstraZeneca and Oxford University vaccine was safe and effective at preventing infection in people from 18 years of age, on the basis of data from four clinical trials conducted in the UK, Brazil, and South Africa. The two doses can be given between four and 12 weeks apart.

The vaccine’s safety was shown in all four studies, which included around 24 000 people, but the efficacy decision was based on results from only two of the trials. Results from two others were excluded because each had fewer than six cases of covid-19.
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I have to say I'm pretty horrified at the argument of the Chief Health Officer in Queensland regarding the the Astra Zeneca vaccine for younger people.

We always follow the advice of the chief health officer. We follow the medical advice and the medical advice is very clear … under 40s should be offered alternatives to AstraZenica vaccine.

In response to questions, Young said: “I do not want under 40s to get AstraZeneca”. (This is Chief Health Officer Dr Jeanette Young)

“I don’t want an 18-year-old in Queensland dying from a clotting illness who, if they got Covid, probably wouldn’t die. We’ve had very few deaths due to Covid-19 in Australia in people under the age of 50, and wouldn’t it be terrible that our first 18- year-old in Queensland to who dies related to this pandemic died because of the vaccine.”

My issues with the argument are :

1) The blood clot risks associated with the Astra jab are real but very small. However there have been many deaths and serious illness suffered by younger people having COVID when the disease gets out of hand overseas. The fact that very few younger people have died in Australia to date has no bearing on the effect of a mass outbreak which could easily happen if the Delta variant gets away.

2) The vaccination of many more people is a way to slow/limit the spread of COVID across the whole community. So effectively allowing hundreds of thousands of people to become vaccinated protects them and many others as well.

3) The use of a hypothetical 18 year being the first to die in the pandemic as a result of a vaccine wantonly undermines public confidence in the need to be vaccinated if we are to protect the whole community. Frankly I can see her words being echoed across every anti-vaxxer rag in the country. The medical community appreciates risks and risk management. Every drug, every procedure, every intervention or non intervention carries risks. To reduce the question of using the Astra Zeneca vaccine to the possibility that a poor 18 year might just possibly become the first COVID victim to die and only because of the vaccine is unconscionable and destroys the principle of risk management.

In a better situation I can understand why younger people should be getting the Pfizer jab. But right now we have xxxx all Pfizer vaccines, a large supply of AstroZeneca and a grave risk of an out of control Delta fueled COVID outbreak. And this is an environment with an extremely low vaccinated population.

I can only agree with Scott Morrison again.
AstraZeneca is not perfect. But it will protect hundreds of thousands of people who are otherwise at risk and if infected will spread the disease to any even riskier community.

slightly more sophisticated? he's a virology guy who knows way more.

regs the debunking, that's going back and forth. check out the twitter page of the inventor of mRNA technology . he falsifies fact checkers who speak nonsense against him.

many reports of people getting it who have taken the vaccine. vaccines don't work like this.

i have investigated 2 people overseas who got it. all recovered. no prob at all. one was just recently infected.

also, report of an old man who got the vaccine, and a little later, at the shopping centre here, he dropped to the ground . was terrible
still learning, but apparently they had a global meeting a few months b4 the pandemic. were rehearsing what they'd do (role play) , and now this has happened. is it really a coincidence? remember the 'weapons of mass destruction' lie. might be the same thing here
Spot on Bas, it isn't as though Morrison is saying younger people have to have it, he is just saying that if they want it and have a discussion with their doctor they can have it.
Which makes sense if there is a supply problem with the Pfizer vaccine, some people want to be vaccinated, it should be their choice.
Now we have NSW saying they can't have it, even if they want it, yet it will be Morrison who is blamed for the slow roll out.

From the article:
NSW authorities have held firm on health advice regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, saying the state’s vaccine clinics will not administer AstraZeneca to under-40s.
Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant said on Wednesday that state-run clinics, including the mass vaccination centre at Sydney Olympic Park, would not change their protocol.
slightly more sophisticated? he's a virology guy who knows way more.

regs the debunking, that's going back and forth. check out the twitter page of the inventor of mRNA technology . he falsifies fact checkers who speak nonsense against him.
If you want to claim something that has a basis in science then offer the evidence supporting it.
The available evidence suggests you are promoting nonsense.
Also, Yeadon is not a virologist.
The medical advice is don't give AZ to those below 60, as people are not dying in Aus from COVID run away (yet) then the risk from AZ would out weigh the risk of getting COVID.

Problem is there is not enough Pfizer with the current out break and every state politician calling for more vaccinations. What does Morrison do to solve the problem? Dumps it into the GP's hands to vaccinate and take the heat when peoples keel over from blood clots.

The UK has seen 10's thousands die of COVID with 49 deaths attributed to AZ clearly the risk of AZ is worth it.

Not saying don't vaccinate, but if I was under say 50 in Australia right now given 12 weeks between AZ shots I would be waiting for Pfizer same as Morrison had.

Note McGowan and his health minister in WA had AZ.
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