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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
I suggest that if you do get very sick that you head to the hospital and don't rely on remedies but its your decision.
The "booster" most likely gives people an added short term "protection" against infection etc etc (accepted )

I think it is not the protection against infection that is so important with Omicron, as we are all likely to get it at some stage, but the protection against getting severe symptoms that may lead to hospitalisation and death. Severe symptoms are not only dangerous to the patient in the immediate term and possibly long term if long covid is acquired, but it additionally puts a strain on our hospital system that can cause problems for others that may need treatment for issues unrelated to covid.

The statistics are overwhelming in favour of being boosted. As we have seen in other countries, Omicron can wash through the community in just a few months and even if the vaccines and booster begin to wane after 4 or 5 months, that may be sufficient to protect our hospital system from collapse.

OMICRON STEALTH causes massive increases in cases in France as well as an increase in Denmark.
20 January 2022
In France, there were 436,167 new cases yesterday, and the infection rate is still rising.
While cases are low in the U.K., BA.2 accounts for nearly half (45%) of Danish Covid-19 cases, according to Denmark’s Statens Serum Institut (SSI), part of its ministry of health, a jump from just 20% in the last week of 2021.
21 January 2022
Reports indicate BA.2 is also spreading in parts of France, India and Norway.
A good study on the effectiveness of vaccines in respect to Omicron from an infection, transmission and hospitalisation basis. Sources of this nature is what people should be basing their opinions on.

Unfortunately, many here use this person as their source.

”Unfortunately” you are full of shyte @bellenuit. You're playing the classic Alinsky style BS and have zero chance of getting accolades from anyone except those in your own echo chamber.
A complete superficial response devoid of any facts. But I guess if anyone knows about being full of shyte it would be you. Isn't that your day job? Putting your hand up horses behinds to clear blockages etc.? Or am I wrong? In any case it provides you with a knowledge of Covid and vaccines that surpasses the collective knowledge of the CDC and other national organisations, NOT.

Thanks Noirua for checking it out and informing us of the errors. Regurgitating sh¹t that one comes across on the internet without checking its veracity and without any care for the effect it might have on others, such as sowing distrust in the worldwide efforts to eradicate this virus, is pretty despicable.
Wife the Pharmacist just got notification about the "free" Rat tests from Pharmacies.
The government have announced that they will fund pharmacies for 10 bucks a pop plus a 4.30 dispensing fee.
The problem is as usual, the realities don't match the headlines.
Firstly, the Pharmacy has to buy the rat tests themselves on the open market.
The 'Free' kits are not part of the 32 million kits that the feds have ordered.
The headline price does not match the reality of trying to source them.
If the kits costs more than 10 bucks to buy, they won't bother ordering them.
The wife reckons it will be at least weeks before the supplies of RAT tests will be sufficient that they flow thru to smaller pharmacies that don't belong to one of the big chains.
Secondly, it will last for three months only, so she recons one month of it will be over before stock arrives.
Thirdly, because it is not linked to any of the government approved dispensing programs, the pharmacies are going to have to keep detailed records as to who bought the kits, as the rebate is only available to concession card holders. There has been no word as to what the procedure will be for pharmacies to recoup the money from the government. If past activities are any indication, it will be a costly convoluted data matching exercise that may end up costing more than its worth.
Fourthly, after many years of dealing with concession card holders, they will demand the RAT tests because they are free whether they need them or not. There will be hundreds of thousands of RAT tests sitting in cupboards unused, just in case.
Another brilliant thought bubble turned into policy on the run.
Here's a first. Maybe.
News Ltd debunking fabricated COVID stories being circulated on Facebook.
In fact it is a very convincing story. Lot's of detail. I'm certain it has had it's effect and equally sure that the believers will not back down.

Truth about 7-year-old boy who ‘died after receiving Covid-19 vaccine’

A Sydney father has shared how his son died in an ambulance days after being vaccinated against Covid-19 — but authorities say it’s not what it seems.

Natalie Brown

3 min read
January 24, 2022 - 6:51PM

A Sydney father’s declaration that his “beautiful” seven-year-old son died in the back of an ambulance of a “massive heart attack” days after receiving his Covid-19 vaccine has been labelled a hoax by authorities.
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A Sydney father’s declaration that his “beautiful” seven-year-old son died in the back of an ambulance of a “massive heart attack” days after receiving his Covid-19 vaccine has been labelled a hoax by authorities.

In a lengthy Facebook comment that swiftly drummed up thousands of likes, comments and shares, “Steve Leary” claimed he lost his son “Lachlan” last Wednesday “to the vaccine”.

Here's a first. Maybe.
News Ltd debunking fabricated COVID stories being circulated on Facebook.
In fact it is a very convincing story. Lot's of detail. I'm certain it has had it's effect and equally sure that the believers will not back down.
Perhaps your antipathy to all things even remotely related to Rupert Murdoch may be slightly misplaced.
Perhaps your antipathy to all things even remotely related to Rupert Murdoch may be slightly misplaced.

I totally despise the guy for the way he uses his media empire on a number of fronts.
But that doesn't mean every story or every writer for News Ltd is wrong. I just look for corroborating evidence or enough evidence in the story to warrant accepting it as reasonably accurate.

On the other hand if Andrew Bolt has his name at the top - all bets off.
There are those who would say something similar about the Guardian, or the Age, or The Conversation, but from a different political perspective, or anything written by Peter Fitzimmons.
But then again, we all have our inherent biases, even me.
In fact it is a very convincing story. Lot's of detail. I'm certain it has had it's effect and equally sure that the believers will not back down.

That's the way it is with the worst of the anti-vaxxers. Just put it out there and damn the consequences. The feeble minded believers will just keep spreading it. It will be enough to deter some people contemplating vaccination for themselves or their children to hold back after reading the article.
Firstly, a disclaimer: I did get sucked in by that image I posted above... mea culpa.

However there is much politicisation and misinformation/disinformation on both sides of this coin, regarding news reports of the deaths from both the wuflu and gene treatments.

However I try to verify the so called data (much of which conflicts with each other), with my real-world observations of what is going on around me and what I can ascertain for real from contacts further afield.

While most people so far haven't seemed to have adverse effects beyond feeling a bit crap for a few days, there are enough people that I know personally that have been very severely affected, including FIL who had to be taken into hospital after AZ 2.

So once again I come back to the risk vs benefit for myself and my wife.

We both have very low BMI indexes and have no underlying health issues... apart from injuries we have never had any need for doctors or hospital and I'm not on any sort of medications whatsoever.

So it seems to me that we probably have a greater risk from the injections than the virus, especially the current iteration.

Add in the still the unknown long term effects of these injections and we both still remain resolutely hesitant... *hesitant, not anti.

Additionally, we have satisfied ourselves that we pose no risk to the wider community by remaining unjabbed, any greater than the jabbed.


You just can't tell some people...
Tell some people what, Horace?
Scientific evidence Wayne.

Other people have tried but it hasn't got through, so I won't try, but all the best to you and your misses and I hope you manage to avoid any repercussions from your position.
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