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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
I always thought that the VAERS self reporting system was going to get abused. It was bound to happen.

Had a booster the recently, so l guess my antibodies are good for another ~5 months and with Omicron lurking around it's only a matter of time before l get covid-19 (like everyone else). Once l've had Omicron and now my booster, that's it, I have longer lasting antibodies with natural immunity than the jab (combination of both now). For me, Covid-19 is then over and l won't be taking any more 'boosters' unless a strain with a 50% death rate appears.

Omicron has also shown to give antibodies which can fight off Delta

Senjaya Senanayake, infectious diseases physician ANU, is saying evidence suggests that catching Omicron does protect against Delta.

Also he stated most hospitalised infections of Omicron in NSW are unvaccinated.

Hospitalisation however isn't ventilator, so far this variant appears much less harmful.
When this report came out (below), it was ridiculed by most people in the media.

It will happen

Omicron cases could hit 200,000 a day, modelling shows

Surging Omicron infections will overwhelm the health system unless some restrictions return, according to modelling prepared for national cabinet that also recommends bringing coronavirus vaccine boosters forward.​
The Doherty Institute modelling predicts that without low-to-medium restrictions such as density and visitor limits, waning vaccine protection against the Omicron variant puts Australia on track to hit about 200,000 cases a day by late January or early February.​
“Boosters alone will not be fast enough to halt the spread of Omicron,” the modelling, seen by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, says.​
The modelling by a team of researchers including professors Jodie McVernon and James McCaw says rapidly growing case numbers would lift hospitalisation rates to 4000 a day. This would push emergency departments to capacity and fill the nation’s intensive care units, with between 8000 and 10,000 patients admitted to ICUs.​
It assumes only baseline public health safety measures – no stay-at-home-orders, low density requirements, no retail restrictions, schools open – and the partial test, trace, isolate and quarantine responses of a strained contact tracing system.​
The modelling also assumes that, in addition to being much more transmissible than the Delta variant, Omicron causes equally severe disease, stating that “all international modelling groups are using this conservative assumption”. This is despite early data out of South Africa suggesting Omicron may be less severe.​

US sets new record for daily Covid cases as Omicron spreads across country

A startling 488,000 cases were reported Wednesday, but even that figure is likely an undercount of the true number
The United States set a new record for daily infections of Covid-19 after reporting almost half a million positive cases as the surge of the Omicron variant spreads across the country.​
On Wednesday there were 488,000 cases of the virus in the US, according to a New York Times database. However, even that figure is likely a serious undercount of the true numbers of positive cases, due to the rising popularity of home tests and people who are infected but asymptomatic.​
The seven-day rolling average of cases in America is also soaring to a new high of more than 265,000 per day on average, a surge driven largely by the highly contagious Omicron variant.​
“It’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen, even at the peak of the prior surges of Covid,” Dr James Phillips, chief of disaster medicine at George Washington University Hospital, told CNN.​
New cases per day have more than doubled over the past two weeks, eclipsing the old mark of 250,000, set in mid-January during the height of the last winter peak of the pandemic, according to data kept by Johns Hopkins University.​
Record case counts are being logged in states and cities across the US, including New Jersey, New York and Chicago. In Georgia, 200 national guard troops are helping staff testing sites and hospitals and in Arizona and New Mexico, federal medical personnel have deployed to bolster the local health services.​
The fast-spreading mutant version of the virus has cast a pall over Christmas and the new year, forcing communities to scale back or call off their festivities just weeks after it seemed as if Americans were about to enjoy an almost normal holiday season.
The number of Americans now in the hospital with Covid-19 is running at around 60,000, or about half the figure seen in January, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported.
While hospitalizations sometimes lag behind cases, the hospital figures may reflect both the protection conferred by the vaccine and the possibility that Omicron is not making people as sick as previous versions.
Covid-19 deaths in the US have climbed over the past two weeks from an average of 1,200 per day to around 1,500.

I wonder if CNN has the Covid-19 tracker on their screens? It's all Trumps fault hey...
ps @moXJO At 1.53am earlier, I hope you are getting some sleep?
Sleep patterns are out. Possibly due to bad management on my part.

Couple of new symptoms popping up when I wake:
Sore throat.
Lungs feel strained.

I'm thinking it's just from mouth breathing while I sleep as they both seem temporary.
I now have a blocked nose that's more consistent. Headache comes and goes, but is almost non existent.
You didnt quote this bit 2 paragraphs down....did you miss it?

CDC data already suggests that unvaccinated people are hospitalized at much higher rates than those who have been inoculated, even if the effectiveness of the shots decreases over time, he said.
It looks like it's a booster ad push in the form of an article. US media has lost its way totally. I'm not saying that boosters for at risk groups shouldn't be done. Just the scare and fear tactics being used are coming across as suss.

Do we have stats out of Africa on unvaccinated?

Even stats on the hospitalisations of unvaxed here?

I've seen a few deaths of vaccinated and unvaccinated but the few that I did see had underlying conditions.

This also popped up and NSW seemed it was considering it. The premier "PerTrump" will be drummed out before it's considered. It's a sneaky way to attack the healthcare system. Stir up the politics of "unvaccinated" to undermine the fortress wall and create a weak point.
I should clarify the above on unvaccinated.
Delta I think unvaccinated are hit harder and will be hospitalised.

Omicron I haven't seen figures yet as it's been a bit mixed with delta.

No, I try to never copy the whole articles (I'm sure there is a rule against this on ASF).

Sorry if it looked like l was hiding something (I wasn't) but l always leave a link for people to read the rest of the article. You can draw your own conclusions whatever that may be (I don't care).

I remember a German doctor saying similar things.

Anti-vaxxers should forgo ventilators, German doctor says

A German geneticist has said those who turn down the new COVID-19 vaccine should carry a note also refusing intensive care treatment. He also said medical decisions should not be left to conspiracy theorists.​
People who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine should not be able to access ventilators and other emergency measures if they become ill, a member of Germany's Ethics Council told the mass circulation Bild newspaper.​
"Whoever wants to refuse the vaccination outright, he should, please also always carry a document with the inscription: 'I don't want to be vaccinated!'" Wolfram Henn, a human geneticist, told Bild on Saturday. "I want to leave the protection against the disease to others! I want, if I get sick, to leave my intensive care bed and ventilator to others."​

I'm sure there have been more

You are going through a pretty torrid time at the moment. However, overall your posts indicate you are improving but slowly.

Best wishes to you and hope you get back to good health very soon. How are your sons going?
Even the famous (infamous?) doctor gets a mention.

Yeah its a pretty aggressive article against Peter McCullough especially given they are looking at the same VAERS data. They agree on the numbers, just not the allocation of what caused the numbers.

Its no surprise that David Gorski doesn't get along with Peter McCullough of course. Gorski has been partly funded by the NIH and the DOD for the past 20 years. Both are deeply intertwined in the Vaccine rollouts, whereas McCullough does not believe the covid vaccines have passed sufficient safety regulations.

Gorski is a known social media frequenter who does seem to enjoy stirring the ant-vax pot. I'm not sure whether that is to promote his online profile, or whether it maintains his funding arrangements from higher up the food chain. Both are reasonable assumptions I think.

Looking at the data/numbers presented, there were 3317 deaths listed (back in MAY 2021) on VAERS (CDC /US Gov. data)

Gorski is stating that causation cannot be proven for the 3317 Deaths post vaccine (remember this is in MAY 2021)

McCullough states that the data/deaths is far in excess of what can be considered safe and the vaccines should be pulled from the market.

Here we are 7 months later and I wonder how Gorski can dismiss the current Death rates post vaccine (High % within 48 hours)

As at 17th DEC 2021 ........ Well over 20,000 deaths registered with around 80% of those deaths within 1 week of vaccination

Comparison of the Flu vaccine deaths post vax (Blue) to Covid (Red)

Causation proven or not, those numbers are disproportionate and alarming.

The stupidity of masks, and why they'll do sfa stop the Moronic.

Why are you persisting @barney?
Australian data shows that whatever claims you are making have no reliable basis, and the sites you go to are rubbish.
The only thing I see as alarming is your continuing reliance of misinformation and an abysmal understanding of data.
Quick follow up on VAERS, for reference/comparison only

Inputting data into VAERS looks anything but simple and easy. Anyone suggesting so, in an attempt to undermine the reliability of the data, are likely uninformed or misinformed in my humble opinion

If in doubt about that statement, have a look at the VAERS site and navigate through what most VAERS Reports actually look like and the detail often required to submit.

Doctors say it takes about an average of 30 minutes to fill a report an event to VAERS, and it must be completed in one sitting. If you remain inactive for 20 minutes, ALL your input data is lost and you have to start from scratch

So when the anti-vax folk suggest that VAERS is likely under reported due to the time and detail required, I'd submit they are probably correct. Plus it looks a little imposing for average Joe off the street to be filling out without the assistance of a medical practitioner

This is ONE VAERS report of a poor individual who unfortunately died post vaccine, shows the detail


Huh? You are surely not suggesting that VAERS is rubbish misinformation??
You are going through a pretty torrid time at the moment. However, overall your posts indicate you are improving but slowly.

Best wishes to you and hope you get back to good health very soon. How are your sons going?
Cheers Belli. Probably reads worse than it is
Today I'm up and looking after a few others that have it. I feel ok today despite looking like hammered sht. Don't need panadol slight pain in kidneys.

Can confirm that the voost energy and paracetamol will get you on your feet. Tried it on the ones I'm looking after.
Possibly caffeine and paracetamol will work I'm guessing.
Seems to knock down the first day symptoms of the body aches and ease up the lethargy. I'm not saying it's healthy. It's just going to get you up and about.

Yeah maybe so but when you are in the thick of it, how you feel at the time is the overriding consideration.

Good to know your fighting spirit is returning.
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