China will bust from 2 angles - falling consumption from it's customers, mainly the US, and the corrupted, shamble of a financial system the internal economy is based on due to the communist ideology.
So with the US system fatally flawed and the Chinese economy about to bust, sounds PRETTY BAD, but I don't buy it. Too much faith in the fundamental cycles as well as the Asian drive - and forget those silly graphs.
Good grief, smell the roses guys - the low labour rate, reasonably educated, high work ethic, resource rich economies of Asia wish to grow now and we're going along for the ride. The good people of Hollywood and the rest of the country will slowly settle into their new role of aging rager.
China will continue its astonishing growth. They will also evolve geopolitically as well as their internal reforms and processes. They can't afford a social upheaval so will probably avoid it. Hope so.