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Best Share Trading Courses... What Do You Recommend?

24 June 2004
Hi Guys,

bit of a newbie, to the share trading game, been reading plenty of share trading and some tactic books, there seems to be a few courses out there, but there costing is many, but into the thousands...

can anyone suggest a good share trading education provider, but one that does not cost so many into the thousand of dollars....

a big thanks, for your replies in advance.

Re: Best Share Trading Courses... Whats Your Recom

I haven't taken any courses so far.

I usually just buy some books and self-educate.

I am a bit skeptical of some of these high priced courses. Sometimes you've just got to trust yourself and your judgement.
Re: Best Share Trading Courses... Whats Your Recom

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your reply, could you suggest any books, that you might think, that would be a good begineers guide?

Re: Best Share Trading Courses... Whats Your Recom

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your reply, could you suggest any books, that you might think, that would be a good begineers guide?


The first three that I bought were:

How The Stock Market Really Works by Martin Roth
Trading Tactics by Daryl Guppy
Trading With A Plan by Tony Compton and Eric Kendall

All are definitely worth reading.

Good luck!
Re: Best Share Trading Courses... Whats Your Recom

All of Guppys books are pretty insightful, but i find that if you "rich dad poor dad" by.... err forget but tahts the name, it'll help you even more. It's not so much about shares but money management in general.

My father took the "Day trader" course, he said it was really good BUT it was pretty expensive.

I'd start by reading books on the type of trading that you believe may suit you. And I'd focus on becoming profitable trading ordinary shares before moving into any leveraged instruments such as CFDs or Options. Go to a bookstore and get yourself the following three books:

1. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator - by Edwin Le Fevre
2. Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets - by Stan Weinstein
3. How I made 2 million dollars in the Stockmarket - by Nicolas Darvas

The philosophies, techniques and knowledge in these three books should let you find your edge to trade profitably.

There are no shortcuts and you will need to work on crafting a set of trading rules that suit you. Having said that, stay away from promoters and gurus selling trading courses. They're a waste of money.


I got all the answers you need.
No need to listen to anyone else.
Just deposit a cool $10,000 into my account and Ill show you how!!!
Some book store in SA has Cath Davey another one of her books selling on E Bay you can save about 15 bucks.
I did a course at Adelaide Currie Street TAFE there, about $900 all up but VERY well worth it. I learned a LOT.

In between that, I also do courses through the Australian Shareholder's Association (ASA) and attend their meetings, read as many books as I can from the local libraries, Money / AFR Smart Investor magazine and am looking forward to the ASA's conference - Prosper 2009 in SYD.

ASX Investor Hour seminars whenever I can, plus Australian Investors Association. I can certainly recommend the ASA.
I did a course(dont think the company any longer exist). It was heavily subsidised by FarmBiz at the time or I couldn't have afforded it. Very good instructor who explained things I couldnt grasp just from written material. Since then have found books by Guppy informative as they suit the way I think. This forum has provided useful tips for other reading matter as my skills expand. Read as much as you can get your hands on.
If any one's recently finished a share trading course and can recommend it, could you please let me know the name of it. I have been searching on the net for the last couple of weeks and found a few, but not sure what ones are decent and what aren't.
I've been trading for a year or so now and am looking to find out as much as possible in regards to all aspects of trading.


Nick Radge's The Profitable Trader.

Highly recommend it.


Stock Market Education Course

Hi All,

I just wanted to see if i can get some feedback on some of those companies out there that claim to teach you about the stock market for $8000.

I saw some closed threads on this but they where over a year old and out of date.

I have been looking at *************** which claim that for 8k they will have me making US$2000 per month in just 6 to 8 weeks.
I would appreciate any feedback if anyone has done this course before or had any dealings with this company.

while im here also if anyone wants some free basic stock market education i found this site wwwDOTinformedtradesDOTcom which offers free videos.
Re: Stock Market Education Course

Hi All,
I saw some closed threads on this but they where over a year old and out of date.

The points made in these threads, while maybe a year old, are still valid.
Promoters of these "courses" / "systems" will not show real results, which calls into doubt their credibility. Real results, provided to anyone who asks would provide real transparency and credibility, ya gotta ask why they are not forthcoming ...
Hi Timmy,

thanks for your reply, In regards to the Emini Trading course I don't want to pay for a system to make money. I want a course that teaches trading and what it is all about to a complete newbie, so i can then be independent and develop my own systems after. At the moment i hardly know what a Future Contract is and it is hard to find the right info on the net, don't get me wrong all the info is on the net free i know that but for a newbie like me i don't know what best practices are or what to search for. And when i find something on the net i also find 10 other thing that contradict it, so my question about these trading courses is weather they can bring a newbie up to an intermediate level by consolidating best practices and accurate information.

At the moment for example; a simple thing like what exactly does ZenFire or esiglanl do or provide? is hard to clarify because when i search the net the forums start talking about TT and esignal and all kinds of software platforms.

For questions like finding out what a futures contract is, go directly to the website of some futures exchanges. For example, try the education section of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, link here. I would humbly suggest that any website that contradicts the education components on the CME website can be safely disregarded.

so my question about these trading courses is weather they can bring a newbie up to an intermediate level by consolidating best practices and accurate information.
Well, best practices in futures trading, for example, will tend to be found in very profitable hedge funds, where traders can earn in the tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars. You will also find best practice trading in some proprietary trading operations (there is an active thread on ASF at the moment about proprietary trading groups, have a read of that). It is probably extremely unlikely that a trader earning tens or hundreds of millions of dollars is selling their best practices for $8,000 and promising you can earn $2,000 per month. Do you see my logic here?

At the moment for example; a simple thing like what exactly does ZenFire or esiglanl do or provide? is hard to clarify because when i search the net the forums start talking about TT and esignal and all kinds of software platforms.
Why not do your own research on the websites of esignal and ZenFire?

Chris, you sound very new. If so, take your time, go and buy some books, read and re-read them and re-read them again. You will find many experienced traders on ASF recommending books they find valuable. Take 6 months doing your preliminary research, save your $8,000 for trading with when you are ready; there are no shortcuts.
This is what I see when reading post like this. (Bold my substitutions)

If you cannot figure out how to pick up a golf club you aint smart enough to make money out of it. Seriously no wonder these companies spam so much there must be a bunch of lazy & silly punters just rolling through daily.
Thanks for the advice Timmy i will follow it and dig deep into the books and forums.

One more thing what are your thoughts of live trading rooms as a form of mentoring, do you think the monthly cost is justifiable?
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