I have been reserching stocks and different trading styles for a shorttime now and stumbled aross this web. WOW what a wealth of knowledge that the peopleon here share; I wish I found this years ago. I am investigating option trades and I am now begining to understand that I have missed out on potential dollars over the years. if anyone would like to guide me towards learning the option trade I would appreciate it. or is there any trading courses that are widely accepted thanks
I have been reserching stocks and different trading styles for a shorttime now and stumbled aross this web. WOW what a wealth of knowledge that the peopleon here share; I wish I found this years ago. I am investigating option trades and I am now begining to understand that I have missed out on potential dollars over the years. if anyone would like to guide me towards learning the option trade I would appreciate it. or is there any trading courses that are widely accepted thanks