Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

G'day lads, my names Gary but my mates call me Gary. You can call me Gary.

Happy to be here.

Haven't got any stocks currently, besides what's tied up in my super.

Have come into a bit of cash lately though and keen to invest it. All clean money, I swear.

Looking at the state of the world, I am leaning towards just buying a bunch of gold and burying it under my back verandah and leaving it there until I need it...

Might wait until the dust settles on the US election cycle before I hit the stocks. Would hate to buy in the day before they shoot a political candidate or something wild like that and watch my equity evaporate!

But I have no real clue what I'm doing so I'm keen to learn the ropes and see where the smart money is!

Cheers dudes.
G'day lads, my names Gary but my mates call me Gary. You can call me Gary.
Have come into a bit of cash lately ..Looking at the state of the world, I am leaning towards just buying a bunch of gold and burying it under my back verandah
I'm good at spade work, PM me your address and I'll come and help with the digging.

in fact, I'll do it all, you should spend your time coming up to speed on ASF , there's a wealth of info available when you master the Search function.

not Gazza
G'day lads, my names Gary but my mates call me Gary. You can call me Gary.

Happy to be here.

Haven't got any stocks currently, besides what's tied up in my super.

Have come into a bit of cash lately though and keen to invest it. All clean money, I swear.

Looking at the state of the world, I am leaning towards just buying a bunch of gold and burying it under my back verandah and leaving it there until I need it...

Might wait until the dust settles on the US election cycle before I hit the stocks. Would hate to buy in the day before they shoot a political candidate or something wild like that and watch my equity evaporate!

But I have no real clue what I'm doing so I'm keen to learn the ropes and see where the smart money is!

Cheers dudes.

Welcome to ASF Gary! You've somehow managed to find the best ASX based stock market community on the internet.

If you start having a poke around using the site search you are certain to dig up many discussions containing a lot of valuable and educational information. There's more than 20 years of content to explore here.

Feel free to just jump in and start posting in any threads that interest you, or start your own thread if you can't find one on a topic that you want to discuss.

if you have any questions about how things work, just yell out and I'm sure someone will lend a hand.
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just buying a bunch of gold and burying it under my back verandah and leaving it there until I need it...
DON't tell us that ( unless you want someone to dig up under your verandah .. .. old joke )

welcome ,

and so much to learn and maybe so little time before the next 'black swan '

Would hate to buy in the day before they shoot a political candidate or something wild like that and watch my equity evaporate!
something crazy like that is always a chance , so maybe don't dump it in all at once , ( even if putting it all in the same few stocks )

the market usually bounces around a bit , so if you miss one target wait a bit and see if something else arrives

you remember what suits YOU is the best strategy ( losing sleep over a choice you didn't really like , takes it's toll )
To be brutally honest Gary , nobody on a public sharemarket forum really knows what they are doing .
You won't find a George Soros in this place .

It's basically a plus and minus game . If you can keep the ledger in the positive then the tax bills will keep on a' comin.
When you stop hearing from our little buddies down at the ATO , well , you'll know it's time to give the game away and get a proper job .
To be brutally honest Gary , nobody on a public sharemarket forum really knows what they are doing .
You won't find a George Soros in this place .
Gary I would agree with dyna on this point, no one here is a professional trader, BUT, there are people that are much further along their learning path than you, so they may be able to help you find your way. Your first task should be to discover what type of trading or investing that suits your personality and goals and this forum should be able to help you with that. Hope this post helps to fire your own thoughts.
G'day lads, my names Gary but my mates call me Gary. You can call me Gary.

Happy to be here.

Haven't got any stocks currently, besides what's tied up in my super.

Have come into a bit of cash lately though and keen to invest it. All clean money, I swear.

Looking at the state of the world, I am leaning towards just buying a bunch of gold and burying it under my back verandah and leaving it there until I need it...

Might wait until the dust settles on the US election cycle before I hit the stocks. Would hate to buy in the day before they shoot a political candidate or something wild like that and watch my equity evaporate!

But I have no real clue what I'm doing so I'm keen to learn the ropes and see where the smart money is!

Cheers dudes.
I trust you enjoy and profit from ASF. Welcome.

re. Gold. this thread has been going since 2004 and gets posts nearly every day, if not every day.

Just go to the last page for the most recent post.

I've never known anyone called "Gary" let alone "Gary H" so you've made my day and I will call you Gary.
