Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Although I do think it is far too early to be awarding the peace prize to Obama, I must say it was priceless to watch the goons on Fox News choking as they made the announcement.

How ironic. The two groups most opposed to the award: Fox News and the Taliban.
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Obama wins Peace Prize while US space agency (NASA) commences bombardment of the moon.
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Long before the Nobel Peace Prize was debased and trivialised into an episode of American Idol, the failure beneath the soaring rhetoric of Barack Obama had been exposed. Even the secretary of the Nobel committee sheepishly admitted on Friday: ''Nominations for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize closed just 11 days after he [Obama] took office.''

Since then, the US President has knowingly propped up a corrupt and violent regime in Afghanistan led by a lying fraud. He has achieved nothing to prevent the continued building of Israeli settlements on the Palestinian West Bank. To hand the Nobel prize to someone whose credentials are in the potential rather than the execution confirms that the prize has degenerated into a beauty pageant.

Three times in the past eight years the starry-eyed progressives who run the prize have given it to leaders of the US Democratic Party - Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and now Obama. One of them, Carter, actively sowed the seeds of what would become a global jihad.


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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

haahahahaha @ the "obama" banner at the top right of this page

hows this work joe ?

i noticed on the diamond thread a while back there was a diamond sellers banner appaearing ....... do they just latch on after so many hits on a certain word ? or are they actually proper advertisers with a deal with you ?

if its none of my business thats cool just say so but it would answer some questions i have on how they keep targeting some email ads i get when i log on my mail pages
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

oh bugger its disapeared now ..... it was " obama cares .................stop him " or similar. was there briefly when i opened this thread

3 mins later .it is back
I believe he has enough bottle to bomb the Islamist terrorists into history.

Often these soft liberals when exposed to the realities of life and the enormity of the enemy make better commanders than those from the right.

Not with the Peace Prize hanging around his neck.
Not with the Peace Prize hanging around his neck.

He will ignore the Norwegians.

When was the last time you obeyed a Norwegian?

They are a rump nation on the edge of Russia. You wouldn't even call them Europeans. They are so up themselves they have disappeared up their arses.

Re: The Obama Deception

The sequal to the obama deception. Just downloading it now. Looks interesting!

Fall Of The Republic Exposes How Brand Obama Is Destroying America

Alex Jones’ highly anticipated documentary lifts the lid on how seductive tools of propaganda are being used to hypnotize the masses into accepting tyranny

Fall Of The Republic Exposes How Brand Obama Is Destroying America 250809top2

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Alex Jones’ highly anticipated upcoming documentary Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama boldly lifts the lid and unveils the fraud behind Brand Obama and how the globalists are using their newest, and slickest ever puppet to destroy the last vestiges of America’s freedom, Constitution and economy, all while helping the bankers loot the country clean.

The film exposes the agenda that Obama was put in place to accomplish, a world government allied with a bank of the world run by globalist eugenicists hell-bent on destroying America’s first world status and replacing it with a hollow shell of tyranny.

The mind control, the television programming, and all the media talking points that serve to reinforce the image of Brand Obama are laid bare, unveiling the naked ruth, as legendary author and documentary film maker John Pilger recently discussed, that Obama is nothing more than a corporate marketing creation, a skilled hypnotist using seductive tools of propaganda – race, gender and class – to hoodwink the masses into accepting his rhetoric while ignoring the contradiction of his actions.

The film exposes how Brand Obama says one thing – to make people buy into the brand – and then the real Obama does another.

The burgeoning police state, warrantless wiretapping, secret arrests, indefinite detention of citizens, torture, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Pakistan, have all been expanded under Brand Obama despite his promises to reverse them all.

The real question to ask is not which class Obama claims to represent or fight for, but which class Obama serves. Fall of the Republic leaves no room for doubt that the class Obama serves is the elite and it is their agenda he is diligently following.

In terms of focused research and factual content, Fall of the Republic dominates even The Obama Deception for hardcore evidence and documented material. The film proves how Obama was put in power to cement the gains of tyranny and oppression achieved under Bush while the masses slept, lulled into a deep hypnosis with empty promises of change, hope and progress.

The movie picks up from where The Obama Deception left off, highlighting how Obama has continued and expanded the socialized financial takeover introduced by Bush and how the bankster gangster cronies have made off with trillions in taxpayer’s money, bankrupting the future of the country for generations to come.

The hypocrisy and underlying deceit of people like Al Gore, John P. Holdren and Obama himself are displayed in plain view as the cap and trade hoax is demolished and revealed to be nothing less than a total takeover of the American economy, its infrastructure, and a mandate to micromanage every aspect of every citizen’s private life.

Obama’s role in converting American from a free market, free Republic, to a command and control state-run oligarchy controlled by offshore banking interests is explored at length in the documentary.

In order to make this the most hard-hitting documentary we have ever released, the biggest budget ever allocated to a single movie was made available, primarily for the purpose of traveling all over the country to conduct no less than 19 separate sit down interviews for the film.

Personalities who will appear in the movie include Gerald Celente, Alan Watt, Jesse Ventura, climatologist Tim Ball, economist John Perkins, the Oath Keepers, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Webster Tarpley, Bob Bowman, Wayne Madsen and George Humphrey.

Fall of the Republic is an unprecedented two hour romp through the highly concentrated and brazen levels of tyranny and corruption displayed by Obama and his administration in the short period since they took office.

The end of the movie is encapsulated by the idea that the fight to maintain and restore a free Republic is a constant struggle against those who harbor the virus of evil in their souls.

Fall of the Republic will be available first exclusively for Prison members on October 21st. If you are not yet a member, click here to get your subscription and enjoy high quality streaming and download of the movie immediately upon its release. Pre-orders for the DVD will be taken on September 21st at the Infowars shopping cart.
Re: The Obama Deception

The sequal to the obama deception. Just downloading it now. Looks interesting!

I watched it last night.

Pretty much emphasises the same facts about the recent historical connections back to Bill Clinton btw Washington, The Fed, Global elites, Goldman Sachs & US Presidents. Mainly focuses on global elites, taxpayer-funded Wall St bailouts, Obamas push for a cap and trade system, Obama chairing UN meetings and the US unconstitutionality of it, the erosion of personal liberties of US citizens, carbon trading, historical fascist eugenics programs, Gore's links to Goldman Sachs and planning of carbon tax setups, snippets of US Congressional hearings, Skeptical Climatological Scientists & the Climate change scientific debate, the continuing problem of the quadrillion US Credit Default Swaps derivatives mess, the obsequious political puppets and their subservience to major global corporates and the general dumbing down of the American public.

The only thing that disappointed me is that there was a surface level recognition of the impact of the GFC players on the environment. Although Alex did show a clear connection between Gore and Kenneth Lay, but zero mention of billionaires linked to MadeOff like Ira Rennert and his polluting ways.

If you don't have a quick internet connection then I would just go to

If you want to read about the other side of the argument then go here

Re: The Obama Deception

WOW nice report! All the fun doomer topics! Cant wait. I have my youtube downloader working on it. 329MB so it taking awhile.
Re: The Obama Deception

I don't need to watch it to know its the usual Right wing, red neck, republican, reds under the bed, lets horde ammunition, new world order, conspiracy theory crap...this happens every time there a democrat in the white house. :rolleyes:
Re: The Obama Deception

I don't need to watch it to know its the usual Right wing, red neck, republican, reds under the bed, lets horde ammunition, new world order, conspiracy theory crap...this happens every time there a democrat in the white house. :rolleyes:

And you're telling us this because....

Max Keiser is a right-wing red-neck! LMAO!!!! :D As if...
I bet that's why the BBC gave him a season slot this year on BBC World! :confused:

Check this out So Cynical. I'm sure you'd better be interested.
Re: The Obama Deception

I don't need to watch it to know its the usual Right wing, red neck, republican, reds under the bed, lets horde ammunition, new world order, conspiracy theory crap...this happens every time there a democrat in the white house. :rolleyes:
Yes you have to be slightly paranoid and delusional to be drawn into these dramas. The usual suspects purport this stuff and the aforementioned personality criteria are their main target.
Re: The Obama Deception

Yes you have to be slightly paranoid and delusional to be drawn into these dramas. The usual suspects purport this stuff and the aforementioned personality criteria are their main target.

Excellent point wysi, I agree don't be drawn into these dramas.

Check the facts for yourself.

I have provided the Club of Rome website above.

Copenhagen UN summit on climate change is only a few weeks away.

There can also be a little/large sprinkle of bull**** in any published work.
Finding primary evidence is always the key.
