Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: The Obama Deception

Excellent point wysi, I agree don't be drawn into these dramas.

Check the facts for yourself.

I have provided the Club of Rome website above.

Copenhagen UN summit on climate change is only a few weeks away.

There can also be a little/large sprinkle of bull**** in any published work.
Finding primary evidence is always the key.


The actors in the you-tube video do a good job in not sounding too extreme. Although some overact their part, most speak their thoughts in a manner that keeps the audience interested. The rotation from one selected comment or video footage to another would have taken the producers hours and hours to compile. As you say, finding primary evidence is always the key.
Re: The Obama Deception

The actors in the you-tube video do a good job in not sounding too extreme. Although some overact their part, most speak their thoughts in a manner that keeps the audience interested. The rotation from one selected comment or video footage to another would have taken the producers hours and hours to compile. As you say, finding primary evidence is always the key.

Exactly. Even the Scottish academic in the movie mentions the Alpha state that people enter into when they absorb the message of the Idiot box. Also, the score used in the movie seems quite emotive. What about using The Violent Femmes tracks like America is... or Old Mother Reagan. Just wouldn't have the same effect would it. :D
Re: The Obama Deception

Obama appointed US Manufacturing "Czar" (More Monarch than Trotsky-like of course :D) Ron Bloom shares his views on the free market and Mao Tse Tung.


Re: The Obama Deception

Republic of Fools

The Evil Empire


The US government is now so totally under the thumbs of organized interest groups that “our” government can no longer respond to the concerns of the American people who elect the president and the members of the House and Senate. Voters will vent their frustrations over their impotence on the president, which implies a future of one-term presidents. Soon our presidents will be as ineffective as Roman emperors in the final days of that empire.

Obama is already set on the course to a one-term presidency. He promised change, but has delivered none. His health care bill is held hostage by the private insurance companies seeking greater profits. The most likely outcome will be cuts in Medicare and Medicaid in order to help fund wars that enrich the military/security complex and the many companies created by privatizing services that the military once provided for itself at far lower costs. It would be interesting to know the percentage of the $700+ billion “defense” spending that goes to private companies. In American “capitalism,” an amazing amount of taxpayers’ earnings go to private firms via the government. Yet, Republicans scream about “socializing” health care.

Republicans and Democrats saw opportunities to create new sources of campaign contributions by privatizing as many military functions as possible. There are now a large number of private companies that have never made a dollar in the market, feeding instead at the public trough that drains taxpayers of dollars while loading Americans with debt service obligations.

Obama inherited an excellent opportunity to bring US soldiers home from the Bush regime’s illegal wars of aggression. In its final days, the Bush regime realized that it could “win” in Iraq by putting the Sunni insurgents on the US military payroll. Once Bush had 80,000 insurgents collecting US military pay, violence, although still high, dropped in half. All Obama had to do was to declare victory and bring our boys home, thanking Bush for winning the war. It would have shut up the Republicans.

But this sensible course would have impaired the profits and share prices of those firms that comprise the military/security complex. So instead of doing what Obama said he would do and what the voters elected him to do, Obama restarted the war in Afghanistan and launched a new one in Pakistan. Soon Obama was echoing Bush and Cheney’s threats to attack Iran.

In place of health care for Americans, there will be more profits for private insurance companies.

In place of peace there will be more war.

Voters are already recognizing the writing on the wall and are falling away from Obama and the Democrats. Independents who gave Obama his comfortable victory have now swung against him, recently electing Republican governors in New Jersey and Virginia to succeed Democrats. This is a protest vote, not a confidence vote in Republicans.

Obama’s credibility is shot. And so is Congress’s, assuming it ever had any. The US House of Representatives has just voted to show the entire world that the US House of Representatives is nothing but the servile, venal, puppet of the Israel Lobby. The House of Representatives of the American “superpower” did the bidding of its master, AIPAC, and voted 344 to 36 to condemn the Goldstone Report.

In case you don’t know, the Goldstone Report is the Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. The “Gaza Conflict” is the Israeli military attack on the Gaza ghetto, where 1.5 million dispossessed Palestinians, whose lands, villages, and homes were stolen by Israel, are housed. The attack was on civilians and civilian infrastructure. It was without any doubt a war crime under the Nuremberg standard that the US established in order to execute Nazis.

Goldstone is not only a very distinguished Jewish jurist who has given his life to bringing people to accountability for their crimes against humanity, but also a Zionist. However, the Israelis have demonized him as a “self-hating Jew” because he wrote the truth instead of Israeli propaganda.

US Representative Dennis Kucinich, who is now without a doubt a marked man on AIPAC’s political extermination list, asked the House if the members had any realization of the shame that the vote condemning Goldstone would bring on the House and the US government. The entire rest of the world accepts the Goldstone report.

The House answered with its lopsided vote that the rest of the world doesn’t count as it doesn’t give campaign contributions to members of Congress.

This shameful, servile act of “the world’s greatest democracy” occurred the very week that a court in Italy convicted 23 US CIA officers for kidnapping a person in Italy. The CIA agents are now considered “fugitives from justice” in Italy, and indeed they are.

The kidnapped person was renditioned to the American puppet state of Egypt, where the victim was held for years and repeatedly tortured. The case against him was so absurd that even an Egyptian judge ordered his release.

One of the convicted CIA operatives, Sabrina deSousa, an attractive young woman, says that the US broke the law by kidnapping a person and sending him to another country to be tortured in order to manufacture another “terrorist” in order to keep the terrorist hoax going at home. Without the terrorist hoax, America’s wars for special interest reasons would become transparent even to Fox “News” junkies.

Ms. deSousa says that “everything I did was approved back in Washington,” yet the government, which continually berates us to “support the troops,” did nothing to protect her when she carried out the Bush regime’s illegal orders.

Clearly, this means that the crime that Bush, Cheney, the Pentagon, and the CIA ordered is too heinous and beyond the pale to be justified, even by memos from the despicable John Yoo and the Republican Federalist Society.

Ms. deSousa is clearly worried about herself. But where is her concern for the innocent person that she sent into an Egyptian hell to be tortured until death or admission of being a terrorist? The remorse deSousa expresses is only for herself. She did her evil government’s bidding and her evil government that she so faithfully served turned its back on her. She has no remorse for the evil she committed against an innocent person.

Perhaps deSousa and her 22 colleagues grew up on video games. It was great fun to plot to kidnap a real person and fly him on a CIA plane to Egypt. Was it like a fisherman catching a fish or a deer hunter killing a beautiful 8-point buck? Clearly, they got their jollies at the expense of their renditioned victim.

The finding of the Italian court, and keep in mind that Italy is a bought-and-paid-for US puppet state, indicates that even our bought puppets are finding the US too much to stomach.

Moving from the tip of the iceberg down, we have Ambassador Craig Murray, rector of the University of Dundee and until 2004 the UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, which he describes as a Stalinist totalitarian state courted and supported by the Americans.

As ambassador, Murray saw the MI5 intelligence reports from the CIA that described the most horrible torture procedures. “People were raped with broken bottles, children were tortured in front of their parents until they [the parents] signed a confession, people were boiled alive.”

“Intelligence” from these torture sessions was passed on by the CIA to MI5 and to Washington as proof of the vast al Qaeda conspiracy.

Amb. Murray reports that the people delivered by CIA flights to Uzbekistan’s torture prisons “were told to confess to membership in Al Qaeda. They were told to confess they’d been in training camps in Afghanistan. They were told to confess they had met Osama bin Laden in person. And the CIA intelligence constantly echoed these themes.”

“I was absolutely stunned,” says the British ambassador, who thought that he served a moral country that, along with its American ally, had moral integrity. The great Anglo-American bastion of democracy and human rights, the homes of the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights, the great moral democracies that defeated Nazism and stood up to Stalin’s gulags, were prepared to commit any crime in order to maximize profits.

Amb. Murray learned too much and was fired when he vomited it all up. He saw the documents that proved that the motivation for US and UK military aggression in Afghanistan had to do with the natural gas deposits in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The Americans wanted a pipeline that bypassed Russia and Iran and went through Afghanistan. To insure this, an invasion was necessary. The idiot American public could be told that the invasion was necessary because of 9/11 and to save them from “terrorism,” and the utter fools would believe the lie.

“If you look at the deployment of US forces in Afghanistan, as against other NATO country forces in Afghanistan, you’ll see that undoubtedly the US forces are positioned to guard the pipeline route. It’s what it’s about. It’s about money, its about energy, it’s not about democracy.”

Guess who the consultant was who arranged with then Texas governor George W. Bush the agreements that would give to Enron the rights to Uzbekistan’s and Turkmenistan’s natural gas deposits and to Unocal to develop the trans-Afghanistan pipeline. It was Karzai, the US-imposed “president” of Afghanistan, who has no support in the country except for American bayonets.

Amb. Murray was dismissed from the UK Foreign Service for his revelations. No doubt on orders from Washington to our British puppet.
its obvious obama is just another puppet president! forget his fancy words just look at his actions!
he spent trillions bailing out a parasitic banking system that started the rot in the first place, included in that taxpayer funded bailout was a $500 billion dollar bailout of non-us banking interests and the recipients of this huge amount of cash WERE NEVER AUDITED NOR REVIEWED BY CONGRESS.
when asked on the matter of which US banks received the bailout cash in a congressional hearing bernanke refused to say, when asked where the $500 billion in bailouts to foreign banks went he said HE DIDNT KNOW!!!
this from the head of the federal reserve bank, which by the way is privately controlled by a banking cartell NOT by the US govt yet can hand out trillions of dollars in cash with no govt oversight...
WHO re-instated bernanke as head of the federal resereve? you guessed it our old mate barrak obama... actions speak louder than words...
obama is a puppet controlled by, and looking after the interests of, the rockefeller/chase manhattan, goldman sachs, jpmorgan etc power brokers.
for those who doubt this and believe that obama is looking after the people consider this... of the trillions of dollars in economic stimulus/bailout spent by obamas government only $1 out of every $40 was spent on civillian projects such as emergency housing, food vouchers, welfare or infrastucture projects....
the vast majority went to the corrupt banking sector that caused the crisis in the first place! he's no humanitarian his actions are that of a puppet head of state! :mad:
if he was such a great guy he would have used those trillions of dollars to bailout the people losing their homes and jobs due to the corrupt US banking system!
why not offer those people a goverment backed, zero interest, long term loan so they could keep their home, pay it off bit by bit as they could afford to, and not get kicked out onto the street relying on welfare and soup kitchens to survive?
that would have been the action of a compassionate statesman concerned for the well being of his people!
instead what does he do? he lines the pockets of the filthy rich banking fraternity who created the GFC in the first place!
as i said before his actions speak louder than his slick rhetoric... beware the silver tongued devil... even dubbya, k.rudd and lil jackboot johnnie have nothing on this guy when it comes to sprouting gobbldygook to smokescreen blatant lies...
he scares me a little actually... already he's broken his election promises and noones batted an eyelid!
no taxes to be increased.... lie
decrease in overseas military activity...lie
more transparent government (5day period on conressional bill review)... lie
repeal the draconian patriot act... lie
theres more but you get the idea.... scary
Oh dear.

Looks like Mr ObamaSan lost some more marbles on his trip to the Pacific

US President Barack Obama, back from a tour of Asia, called for the United States to produce more goods to sell across the Pacific, touting trade as a way to revive the troubled US economy.

Facing rising unemployment and slipping poll numbers, Mr Obama assured the public that creating new jobs back home was his top priority on the week-long tour that took him to Japan, Singapore, China and South Korea.

"I travelled to Asia to open a new era of American engagement," Mr Obama said in his weekly radio address, recorded while he was in Seoul.

If he thinks a few overpaid, overweight American workers can compete on a global scale with a horde of underpaid, underweight Asian workers in the business of making goods for trade, he is clearly losing some screws in his brainbox.....

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

So...Mr Peace sends another 30k troops off to fight ze enemies! :cautious:

Does anyone actually believe that he will withdraw in July 2011? I mean alot can happen between now & then...Call me cynical, but I dont have alot of reason to believe in a withdrawal as stated. (I can make a whole bunch of crazy promises for 18 months time too. Can I have 30k troops to see those ambitions realised?)

Anyway, just ahead of the Pees Prize, I figured it was interesting news.
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

To me the announcement of the additional 'surge', followed by an assurance that withdrawal will commence in, I think, 2011, seemed ill considered.

Seems a bit dumb to tell your enemies that "hey fellas, we're sending a lot more fire power over your way but if you can just hang in there for another year or so, we'll be gone, so don't worry about it too much".

Obviously the latter part of the message was intended to reassure the American population that withdrawal was part of the strategy, but it just seemed a bit peculiar to be giving the Taliban et al this advice.
Shock loss in Massachusetts ends Obama euphoria

At 9.20pm today, in Massachusetts, or 1.20pm on the Australian east coast, the era of Obamamania abruptly ended. The euphoria surrounding the elevation of Barack Obama to the American presidency was brought to a crashing end.

It didn't even last a year.

Tomorrow is the first anniversary of Obama's inauguration as President of the United State.

On the eve of that anniversary, the people of Massachusetts, the bluest of blue Democratic states, delivered a thunderous rejection of the Democratic Party and, by implication, the President.
Yeah, the Demos losing the Masshole seat is a huge blow to them. 31 years or something since anyone other than a Demo has held that state.
Yeah, the Demos losing the Masshole seat is a huge blow to them. 31 years or something since anyone other than a Demo has held that state.

Yep. A wake up call for the people that care (worldwide...they don't) about workers or businesses!
Special interest groups and lobbyists were targets of Obama in the election.

I can't believe the supreme court has granted this ruling enabling both!

I guess it's like our unions being granted use of top money for advertising for our elections.
But they are after jobs whereas spending money to buy people in power for your own ends is the goal here.

From: Mitch Stewart, []
Sent: Saturday, 23 January 2010 1:29 AM
To: Doris
Subject: A stampede

Yesterday morning, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations can spend freely in federal elections.

It's a green light for a new stampede of special interest money in our politics, giving their lobbyists even more power in Washington. Now, every candidate who fights for change could face limitless attacks from corporate special interests like health insurance companies and Wall Street banks.

While the GOP is celebrating a victory for its special interest allies, President Obama is working with leaders in Congress to craft a forceful response that protects the voices of ordinary citizens.

The Supreme Court decision overturned a 20-year precedent saying that corporations could not pay for campaign ads from their general treasuries. And it struck down a law saying corporations couldn't buy "issue ads" -- which only thinly veil support for or opposition to specific candidates -- in the closing days of campaigns.

The result? Corporations can unleash multi-million-dollar ad barrages against candidates who try to curb special interest power, or devote millions to propping up elected officials who back their schemes.

With no limits on their spending, big oil, Wall Street banks, and health insurance companies will try to drown out the voices of everyday Americans -- and Republicans seem ecstatic.

While opponents of change in Congress are praising this victory for special interests, President Obama has tasked his administration and Congress with identifying a fix to preserve our democracy -- and we need to show that the American people stand with him.

Add your name today:



Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
When narcissists don't get the praise they require (like a druggie) they get a bit unhinged. After Mass & other failures, we should start seeing some mental fireworks in the not too distant future. For entertainment's sake let's hope the meltdown is public. Good thing this guy doesn't have a nuclear arsenal at his fingertips, eh?
Great to see this special U.S.A. president, Barack Obama, coming to Australia next month. Despite the tight security and selected venues, I really hope he has a glimpse of the real Australia/Australians. Like away from the city hustle and bustle. :)
Hooray for the Big O coming to Oz :) He might even draw a bigger crowd of disciples than Pope!!

I can't wait to see the beaming grin on KRudd's face when they backslap.

All will be light and happiness.....
