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Barack Obama!

Obama had the theme in his campaign of no lobbyists nor PACs and your quote shows he's walking the talk.

From the Politico:
Obama flashes irritation in press room

President Barack Obama made a surprise visit to the White House press corps Thursday night, but got agitated when he was faced with a substantive question.

Asked how he could reconcile a strict ban on lobbyists in his administration with a deputy defense secretary nominee who lobbied for Raytheon, Obama interrupted with a knowing smile on his face.

"Ahh, see," he said, "I came down here to visit. See this is what happens. I can't end up visiting with you guys and shaking hands if I'm going to get grilled every time I come down here."
Hmm, that may pretty soon be questionable.

Julia I forget who said he was talking to a leader in the Middle East in the past few days... and he said how Ireland had, after 800 years of fighting, from when the English tried to take possession, reached agreement.

The other guy said, 'They fought for 800 years? 800 years! ... That was a brief battle!'.

But you're right in being rational. Who knows what goes through the minds of psychotic, necrotic men.

Obama asserted 'they' were invincible. What wars could be invoked simply to prove him wrong? :eek:
From the Politico:
Obama flashes irritation in press room

OMG... He let the deputy defense secretary in... after he'd lobbied?

Well... He did lobby before Obama laid down his rule as President.

He had this rule for staff during his campaigns.

I'm interested in whether he succeeds in making this principle law- as he said- in keeping with the constitution.

How can this be argued? Will it succeed as another 'first'?
Will it be a retrospective law? Nah... Lincoln could not be defaced! ;)

But I am amused about the Blackberry. The first president in history to be 'allowed' to have one!

How many past presidents had this opportunity?? :D

Would GW have known how to work one?
OMG... He let the deputy defense secretary in... after he'd lobbied?

Well... He did lobby before Obama laid down his rule as President.

No, Obama said before the election that he would have NO Lobbyists in his administration. He lied. This man is a politician. Just one of many more lies to come with this bunch. Stop being such a groupie.
Just 3 days into his administration, Obama is alreadygranting waivers to his executive order

Obama admin gives waiver for Lynn
Posted: Friday, January 23, 2009 5:24 PM by Mark Murray
Filed Under: Obama WH Transition, White House
From NBC's Ken Strickland
The Obama administration has given an ethics waiver for Bill Lynn, a Defense Department nominee who is a former lobbyist.

In a written statement released moments ago, Armed Service Committee Chairman Carl Levin said the administration "has removed an obstacle to the confirmation of Bill Lynn to be Deputy Secretary of Defense by waiving the provisions of President Obama's Executive Order on Ethics Commitments that would have precluded Mr. Lynn's service."

*** UPDATE *** Yesterday, Levin said he would have to delay Lynn's confirmation process because as a former defense lobbyist for Raytheon, Lynn's service would conflict with the Administration's new ethics rules. Those rules prohibit former lobbyist from working in the area they once lobbied, unless a waiver is given.

Even with the waiver, Levin said today the committee "will continue to insist that Mr. Lynn comply with a strict set of ethics rules... including the requirement to recuse himself, for a period of one year, from any decisions involving his prior employer, unless specifically authorized to participate by an appropriate ethics official."

The move immediately drew criticism from Sen. John McCain, the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee. "I am disappointed in President Obama's decision to waive the 'revolving door' provisions of the executive order for Mr. Bill Lynn," he said in a written statement. "While I applaud the President's action to implement new, more stringent ethical rules, I had hoped he would not find it necessary to waive them so soon."

McCain also said he would need to ask Lynn "to clarify for the record what matters and decisions will require his recusal" before he decided to support his confirmation.
No, Obama said before the election that he would have NO Lobbyists in his administration. He lied. This man is a politician. Just one of many more lies to come with this bunch. Stop being such a groupie.

ZzzzDad are you sure this is not semantics?

He HAD no lobbyists in his campaign team

He NOW will have no lobbyists in his presidential team.

Those rules prohibit former lobbyist from working in the area they once lobbied, unless a waiver is given.

I know your mouth is full of sour grapes but please try to look for poignant points that will help your country rebound.
As in Barack's reaction to the press, there are serious issues to be faced.
He has no time for petty (even nasty) distractions - as he displayed time and time again against McCain.

My country and yours share similar values and lifestyles and ours is now sliding into the mire with job layoffs and businesses closing to avoid future failure or bankruptcy.

England has announced it is officially in recession. We aren't... yet.

But you have an intelligent man who has been collating good minds to stem, then turn the tide coming at us.

I am not a groupie. I 'found' the man before his first public utterance of trying for the job.

But I believe in him. I will say, OK... he's made a mistake... when he makes it.

Meanwhile, surely we debated out the flip flop concept. Semantics is a game leading nowhere.

Help us know what YOUR POLITICIANS are doing to clean up the mess made by YOUR POLITICIANS. ;)
ZzzzDad are you sure this is not semantics?

Doris, I know you are a good person, and I'm sorry I called you a groupie. I want Obama to succeed. I have four children, I care about their future. He is now my President (something the radical leftists would have never said about GWB). I respect him because he is our President. However, granting a waiver to his executive order just a few days after making it is not a good decision. Surely this man that he is appointing is not that invaluable that he could not have appointed someone else instead. It doesn't look good.

Barack Obama is my President and I wish him well, but I will vigorously criticize him when he is wrong.
I respect him because he is our President. However, granting a waiver to his executive order just a few days after making it is not a good decision. Surely this man that he is appointing is not that invaluable that he could not have appointed someone else instead. It doesn't look good.

Barack Obama is my President and I wish him well, but I will vigorously criticize him when he is wrong.

ZzzzDad - always check the fine print... especially in Obama's transparent new rules.

In Barack's speech, setting the tone for his achievement hopes in this term, he said what matters is what works.
... If yes, we intend to move forward. If no, programs will end.
He said:
- spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day - because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government
Obama's new rules -
... ban lobbyists from working on issues they have lobbied for in the two years before entering government.

Don't you hate it when rules are black and white with NO option for grey?

But - a reasonableness valve was set in place - a waiver - IF warranted.

Obama's order also allows the administration to exempt people from the rules.

I'm sure it will come to light why Lynn is seen by Obama to be the best man for the job of deputy Pentagon chief.

Remember that Obama has chosen people, in all areas, with differing points of view so that he can be presented with all sides/perspectives from which to make a final decision. He will not tolerate 'yes' men.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates gave strong backing to Lynn, saying the former Pentagon comptroller came highly recommended and was the best candidate for the job.

Levin, the head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has said he supports Lynn's nomination:

Lynn would be held to previously existing ethics rules, which state that officials must get specific authorization to be involved in any decision related to their former employer for their first year in government.

"The decision of the administration to impose an additional set of requirements, and then waive them for this nominee, does not change the standards to which we hold all nominees."

The relationship between defense companies and the Pentagon has long concerned watchdog groups, particularly after a huge procurement scandal in 2004 sent a former top Air Force acquisition official and Boeing Co former chief financial officer to federal prison for ethics violations.
Thanks for airing this ZzzzDad. We'll have to watch Lynn to ensure he did deserve Obama's choice and support!
Re: Barack shuffling deckchairs on the Titanic.

Doris et al, Yes, I would admit that if I was shoved into the Oval Office with all the terrible problems, I'd start shuffling away at those deckchairs, indeed I would. But then I'm not there and sit back surprised that BO is doing that.

"What can I do to show I've hit the ground running", questions BO to his new and not so new White house staff.

His number one adviser says, "we've already found lots of little easy decisions for you to make Mr President, and that will allow you to make them thick and fast and put up a smokescreen around Afghanistan and the whole American financial system".
"That's just great and then I can deal with those two main items just like George the 43rd. In fact I'll give him a buzz this evening", said BO.
"No need Mr President, as it's all contained in that parcel on your desk marked 44", said his adviser 2.
"Thank the Lord for that - glancing at the contents - George the 43rd seems to have it all covered, YES, YES, YES, and he says I can pretend it was all thought up by me", said President Obama.
"Just like you did in that speech they told you off about Mr President", said advisor 3.
Yes, and they all laughed heartily and raised their glasses...
"Change has come to the United States of America". - President Barack Obama

I think it's great that America has a new President. The only question remains is what does "change" entail.

Here's a few suggestions if your not too swayed by the lobbyists in WashingMachine:

Why dont you start with creating an Untouchables unit, similar to the Elliot Ness one in the times of Capone, to expose and bring to justice those who have been involved in the fraudulent deals on Wall Street! I mean it might be tough to build this kind of group, but surely there are people out there on good 6 figure salaries who cant be bought FIND THEM, build a crew and make a plan!

Im very sure it will instill confidence in the average American who has lost their job as a result of the self-fantasizing and agrandizing hypnosis of those "grounded" ;) minds on Wall Street. Have them brought to justice through the rule of law and the administration of justice and duly tried for the crimes they have committed. You could put it on pay-per-view for 99 cents a day. Hint, hint say no more, say no more!

Mr.Obama you are the new Emperor and the bloodlust of sacrifice is growing by the minute of those who have lost their homes/jobs/source of income by the minute!

Bring these people to justice before the Rednecks blame you for everything thats gone down 6 to 12 months from now. Bush will be a forgotten hero by March! No :bs:! Really think about it Mr.Obama.

The scale of your inquiry should be comparable but of course not limited to the scope of McCarthy, Ollie North, Watergate etc.. do something now or you will be facing one-term.

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower, l952-----


“The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it comes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group,”

Franklin D. Roosevelt


But then again if this is impossible for you and the lobbyists have your pocket like the pharmaceuticals industry have Hilary Clintons, well thats a real shame for equal and fair treatment of ALL that dwell on the planet.

If this is impossible save the diatribe for the "masses"
I'm sure it will come to light why Lynn is seen by Obama to be the best man for the job of deputy Pentagon chief.

What a crock of ****....excuse the language.

Secretary of Defense is none other than Robert Gates, directly implicated in the whole Iran-Contra thing but nobody even cares about that anymore, why should we care that a Reagan/Bush/Bush appointee from the heart of the neocon agenda is sitting in Rumsfelds seat.

Now they want to put a stooge from Raytheon (i.e. the military industrial complex) in charge of day to day at the Pentagon? Why exactly? No justification has been provided.

Gates got to stay on after Bush left. Even though there was a "mandate for change". Mandate for change, except where the guns are, right? Right?

Beware folks.

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence ”” economic, political, even spiritual ”” is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Who spoke these words? Not some youtube 2012 the world is gonna end crazy nutbar. No, actually it was US President and former General of the US Army Dwight D. Eisenhower on his Farewell Address.

Looks like his words have come to pass and then some.
If Obama put the prosecutions of Wall St on pay-per-view it might be possible to generate nsome money to fund the failouts.

What do you put in a $1,405 trash can?


Obama Bashes :eek: :p:Financial Giants for Squandering Bailout Money

One of Wall Street's biggest power players, Merrill Lynch's CEO John Thain, was abruptly ousted Thursday after it emerged he spend $1 million to decorate his office - including buying a $1,405 trash can.\

Dont be such a bully Mr.Obama! :banghead:
Hillary FTW

Barack has a snowball in hells chance of winning.

Lol, no stock tips from you thanks. ;)

No. It seems to be that Obama is actually quite unpopular with the african-american community. He is, and is regarded, as a silver bum. He wasn't exactly a child of hardship.

Lol, it seems to be to you. :rolleyes:

Obama has no chance.

The US only 1 year ago elected their 2nd black governor; the chances that they are capable of overcoming the colour issue enough to elect a black president are zero.

The republicans would love the democrats to put him up - that would be their best chance of winning next year.

Lol, zero? not even 0.05 of a chance. :eek:

Obama and Hillary, I Don't think they have the legs, they are the money mouths for the democratic party. Plus i don't think america will vote for either a female or black president just yet.

Anyway who ever it is, is going to get one hell of a mess to sort out, after the current guy.

Hmmm, legs are fine cactus. :cool:

Forget Barack Obama and Billary, they are nothing but CFR Shills who will continue endless wars, Ron Paul is the only candidate who should be President...

Hey Kimosabi, long time no seeee, lol ;)
Lol, no stock tips from you thanks. ;)
Lol, it seems to be to you. :rolleyes:
Lol, zero? not even 0.05 of a chance. :eek:
Hmmm, legs are fine cactus. :cool:
Hey Kimosabi, long time no seeee, lol ;)

How's your new book "How the win Friends and Influence People" going ?
Lol, no stock tips from you thanks. ;)
Lol, it seems to be to you. :rolleyes:
Lol, zero? not even 0.05 of a chance. :eek:
Hmmm, legs are fine cactus. :cool:
Hey Kimosabi, long time no seeee, lol

Great work Wysiwyg!

Now... who were the ones who had open minds and didn't reject Obama outright by thinking like Neanderthals?

Who... besides 2020?

Who continued to argue any case they could to down Obama without giving him a fair hearing?

Who finally listened and watched and read and saw the light - that he was intelligent and talented?

And after the fact...

Who watches his weekly press conferences and feels at last we have a US president worth listening to?

Who wants to hear what he has to say because he has something to say? :cool:

Who would now like to see him falter, fall and fail to satisfy their 'I told you so's!' Who would dare to?
Great work Wysiwyg!

Now... who were the ones who had open minds and didn't reject Obama outright by thinking like Neanderthals?

Who... besides 2020?

Who continued to argue any case they could to down Obama without giving him a fair hearing?

Who finally listened and watched and read and saw the light - that he was intelligent and talented?

And after the fact...

Who watches his weekly press conferences and feels at last we have a US president worth listening to?

Who wants to hear what he has to say because he has something to say? :cool:

Who would now like to see him falter, fall and fail to satisfy their 'I told you so's!' Who would dare to?
Oh FFS Doris.

Plenty were with BO to a greater or lesser degree, but only you and 2020 were drooling apostolic sycophants, who were behaving (and still are) like obedient slave/servant shills.

The difference is that many, while supporting Obama have the capability of original thought and the emotional capacity to analyze the Obama Parables for hyperbole and political BS.

For instance many support BO's social agenda but totally disagree with his fiscal and/or foreign policy agenda (and visa versa), and on balance, preferred him over the other guy.

People with puppy dog adulation of the man probably actually cost him votes, provoking a vomit inducing nausea whenever the "yes we can" quasi religious chanting started... totally sickening.

Doris, unquestioning fawning and slavish acceptance of all one man stands for, to the point of spinning negatives such as you are apt to do, is actually very dangerous... think Hitler and the ultimate result that is possible. (*Not suggesting for a moment that BO is a Hitler*) Fotunately, these days most educated people are sufficiently informed, sceptical and critical to not allow that to happen.

Bloody Hell!!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Re: Barack 2009!

Prawn- 'there are none so blind as those who will not see'!

1. He chose experienced people who will work in NEW jobs to his rules. He is the leader! It is his game now!

He thanked Bush for 'his service' to the nation then decried its flaws:

2. Barack is no-one's puppet except to the people who donated their meagre cash to fund his campaigns.

He studied Lincoln - even swore his oath today on Lincoln's bible - and one of the lessons he learned from old Abe was to not be a political puppet.

Voters will be threatening if his platforms are not implemented but as I stated yesterday, these campaign issues are the ones he will attack and use to kick-start the US economy - as he reiterated in his speech today:

I hope the ghost of 2020 was smiling at Obama's re-pledge for global health as underlined above. ;)

Your right Doris, he is the leader and has the power of the "colloseum" in his hands.

So why did he choose Geitner?

Mr. Geitner failed to pay Social Security self-employment taxes when he worked for the International Monetary Fund.

Don't forget Geitner also tried to claim overnight camp for his kids as a child care deduction.

Does the "change" mentioned frequently in his campaigns encompass ethics? :cautious:

Can Obama save Geitner?

Anyway, doesnt look like a great start so far! JMO ;)

Neanderthal? Do you mean these guys?


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Oh FFS Doris.

Plenty were with BO to a greater or lesser degree, but only you and 2020 were drooling apostolic sycophants, who were behaving (and still are) like obedient slave/servant shills.

The difference is that many, while supporting Obama have the capability of original thought and the emotional capacity to analyze the Obama Parables for hyperbole and political BS.

For instance many support BO's social agenda but totally disagree with his fiscal and/or foreign policy agenda (and visa versa), and on balance, preferred him over the other guy.

People with puppy dog adulation of the man probably actually cost him votes, provoking a vomit inducing nausea whenever the "yes we can" quasi religious chanting started... totally sickening.

Doris, unquestioning fawning and slavish acceptance of all one man stands for, to the point of spinning negatives such as you are apt to do, is actually very dangerous... think Hitler and the ultimate result that is possible. (*Not suggesting for a moment that BO is a Hitler*) Fotunately, these days most educated people are sufficiently informed, sceptical and critical to not allow that to happen.

Bloody Hell!!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Go Wayne !
Re: Barack 2009!

Great work Wysiwyg!

Now... who were the ones who had open minds and didn't reject Obama outright by thinking like Neanderthals?

Who... besides 2020?

Who continued to argue any case they could to down Obama without giving him a fair hearing?

Who finally listened and watched and read and saw the light - that he was intelligent and talented?

And after the fact...

Who watches his weekly press conferences and feels at last we have a US president worth listening to?

Who wants to hear what he has to say because he has something to say? :cool:

Who would now like to see him falter, fall and fail to satisfy their 'I told you so's!' Who would dare to?

Doris how do you know what he has to say until after he has said it, unless he has said it before and will say it again and repeat, although if he had not said it before and it was known he would say it then I suppose its ok, although it is oft that what should be said never is and if it were it were better off not being said so it is understandable that you would wish to know what he will say, if in your own mind it is what should be said to you, although wishing to know is not the same as knowing and what is said can be misconstrued and I could go on but I won't.

Wayne got it in one above, is it love or political assessment.

Your right Doris, he is the leader and has the power of the "colloseum" in his hands.

So why did he choose Geitner?

Mr. Geitner failed to pay Social Security self-employment taxes when he worked for the International Monetary Fund.

Don't forget Geitner also tried to claim overnight camp for his kids as a child care deduction.

Does the "change" mentioned frequently in his campaigns encompass ethics? :cautious:

Can Obama save Geitner?

Anyway, doesnt look like a great start so far! JMO ;)

Neanderthal? Do you mean these guys?

Mr.Geitner is a crook, plain and simple, and he now heads Treasury, the world is in a recession and the head of the US Treasury is a crook.

So be it, but don't try to whitewash Obama's role in this. **** sticks.
