Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2009!

If there is annoyance, it is at the messianic nature of the campaign and the slobbering adulation from certain sections of "sheeple".

Only post on this topic, but oh god, and isn't that annoyance! :banghead:

Guess people have to look upto someone though, and his rhetoric is certainly persuasive. The man probably has some good values, but putting them into practice (especially considering he probably doesn't even begin to understand the complexity of many of the things he is talking about), will be an entirely different story! Unfortunately. :(

The world goes on, and Obama becomes the next victim of a bad spell in the global arena. Guess it will be blamed solely on Bush :rolleyes:
The media is driving me crazy with 24/7 Obama.

Hes a smarmy black politician...that's it, there will only be true change in America
when they elect a black man that's an atheist, single and dating white women and
admits to smoking crack and pot. :kiffer:
The media is driving me crazy with 24/7 Obama.

Hes a smarmy black politician...that's it, there will only be true change in America
when they elect a black man that's an atheist, single and dating white women and
admits to smoking crack and pot. :kiffer:

...and so blows my hypothesis in one fell swoop. :(

pic related - washington at the inauguration


  • obamacrowd2.JPG
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From ABC, 22 Jan. 09

President Barack Obama has vowed to forge a new era of government openness and froze the pay of top staff earning more than $US100,000 ($152,000) to show Americans their leaders could also tighten their belts amid economic crisis.
"For a long time now there's been too much secrecy in this city," said Mr Obama who was elected partly on a platform of purging big-time politics of influence peddling and corruption.
"The old rules said that if there was a defensible argument for not disclosing something to the American people, then it should not be disclosed.
"That era is now over," Mr Obama vowed at a swearing in ceremony for senior members of his White House staff in the Executive Office Building, across the road from the presidential mansion.
Mr Obama, who takes office amid the deepest economic crisis since the 1930s also sought to show his administration shared the sacrifice of Americans outside the US Government.
"During this period of economic emergency, families are tightening their belts, and so should Washington," he said.
"That's why I am instituting a pay freeze on the salaries of my senior White House staff.
"Some of the people in this room will be affected by the pay freeze, and I want you to know that I appreciate your willingness to agree to it," Mr Obama said.
Mr Obama also pledged to hold himself accountable to "a new standard of openness" introducing new requirements from presidents to keep as much information as possible available to the Americans.
He said that if he, or a former president, wanted to keep information secret they would have to consult the US attorney general and the White House counsel to see whether the move was permitted by law.
"Information will not be withheld just because I say so, it will be withheld because a separate authority believes my request is well grounded in the constitution."
The previous US administration of president George W Bush was repeatedly criticised for covering up information that did not need to be withheld and for seeking to ensure some data relating to previous presidencies was covered up.
Mr Obama also banned any gifts from lobbyists to his staff and sought to lay down in the law how they could operate.
"However long we are keepers of the public trust, we should never forget that we are here as public servants, and public service is a privilege," Mr Obama said.
"It's not about advantaging yourself, it's not about advancing your friends or your corporate clients. It's not about advancing an ideological agenda or the special interests of any organisation," he added.
Therefore "as of today, lobbyists will be subject to stricter limits than under any other administration in history," the new President said.
"And there will be a ban on gifts by lobbyists to anyone serving in the administration as well."

I would like to see it here including obscene superannuation for politicians and on ‘top jobs’ at Woolworths, Coles, all banks and you get the drift.

High prices brought crisis too, and high salaries and bonuses were part of the problem.

And all those hand picked geniuses brought on us this ugly mess, could we have our money back? Please.

But this is for another thread.

Shrinking economy must shrink everything and Obama looks to be heading in the right direction.
I would like to see it here including obscene superannuation for politicians and on ‘top jobs’ at Woolworths, Coles, all banks and you get the drift.

High prices brought crisis too, and high salaries and bonuses were part of the problem.

And all those hand picked geniuses brought on us this ugly mess, could we have our money back? Please.

But this is for another thread.

Shrinking economy must shrink everything and Obama looks to be heading in the right direction.

Thanks for your intelligent post Happy!

There is no hysteria in my joy this week - even if I'm wearing an inauguration Tshirt as I type!

Obama had the theme in his campaign of no lobbyists nor PACs and your quote shows he's walking the talk.

After two years of researching Obama I'm quietly ticking off the changes he envisaged and sought to set up.
He is no overnight wonder. He has spent over 20 years planning to get to this job.

What has he done day one?
- talked by phone to Middle Eastern leaders
- given his intention to make political bribes illegal to implement his ethical government
- instigating the role-concept of service by politicians
... this role modelling will keep kids off the streets and enhance their self esteem and reduce crime.
- put a hold on Guantanamo trials for reorganisation and closure
- had closed-door talks with economic advisors

Obama's transparent government will be role modeling for other (world) governments too.
- hope for Africans especially.

The world should see his principles and methods embed what the common man would dare to hope politicians could do. Anyone who goes against integrity and transparency will be off his team. As has happened in the past.

My purpose for returning to this sector of ASF was to foster mature discussion of whether indeed Obama was the politician I knew instinctively he would be. If you wish to insult me again GG I will leave permanently. I have no desire to be in rude, denigrating company. My time matters.
Notable is Obama's attempts to dehype his presidency and tone down expectations. A good step.

I noticed that the crowd on inauguration day, seemed to be expecting messianic pronouncements and quotable one liners.... "I have a dream:|" or "ask not what your country can do for you" etc.

The fact that the crowd (and media) seemed underwhelmed by Obama's speech is a tremendous positive and starting off on the right foot IMO.

In fact, I think there are several quotable quotes, just not what many wanted to hear.

- had closed-door talks with economic advisors

This is the part that worries me though... which economic advisers? The predominantly Keynesian pork barrelers and vote buyers? Or from the more sensible and sound Austrian and Chicago schools. My fear is that the Keynesians will hold sway and this will ultimately frustrate the recovery and long term future growth of the US... and may even take it down altogether.
In the end! President Obama will realize that he, like others increasingly, just have to save their own, America that is.
In times of recession smiles, great speeches - fine rhetoric, dashing around the Whitehouse and all over the country. Just will do nothing to help unemployment or shore up the dwindling coffers of the Federal Government.
What bothers me is that the whole world is looking at Obama to change and fix everything, i dont think 1 president has ever had so much influence? and considering most governments are corrupt (yes incase you have been living in a box) this seems to be potentially a worrying thing as Obama could win support for perhaps things that shouldnt be passed (starting off with his $1trillion dollar stimulus package that they cant afford).

Only time will tell what he does and sometimes its hard to not believe that he means well (especially when you see him with his family etc..) but remember the U.S arent going to put someone in power who isnt going to play ball (perhaps thats why J.F.K got assasinated??).

If i was part of a corrupted organization and i wanted to have things done Obama would be my ideal candidate to push those things through).

Only time will tell
Am I being paranoid? Did Hillary really seem to be smirking as she announced, after a meeting with Obama today, that he wants her role as secretary of state to be based on diplomacy and development?

She has to adjust her attitudes from what she would have done as CofS.
Remember how she cynically charged that she would smash Iran whilst Obama would 'talk'?

She must do as her boss says - talk - or she'll be off the team. :cool:
Can Hillary work without the aggression she promised in her nomination campaign?

This is a first example of 'experts who have roamed the halls for years' having to change the way they do business! Cynics note. :cool:
What bothers me is that the whole world is looking at Obama to change and fix everything, I dont think 1 president has ever had so much influence? and considering most governments are corrupt (yes incase you have been living in a box) this seems to be potentially a worrying thing as Obama could win support for perhaps things that shouldnt be passed (starting off with his $1trillion dollar stimulus package that they cant afford).

Ageo this is what Wayne and other serious posters have also been incredulous about. Poignant point!

If you look at Obama in front of the camera, his demeanor is quite different from when aside with staff.
He purses his lips and his facial expression says more than words could. Don't do the wrong thing!

He has fought or side-stepped corruption without making enemies of the corrupt, in his life in Chicago.
He would remember ALL the self interested people he met on the way. Does he have the CIA on them? :D
BTW the CIA, FBI etc are all finally being merged with a google-type setup right now. 9/11 demanded this! :rolleyes:

He declared yesterday, as Happy quoted in #1499:

"For a long time now there's been too much secrecy in this city," said Mr Obama who was elected partly on a platform of purging big-time politics of influence peddling and corruption.

"The old rules said that if there was a defensible argument for not disclosing something to the American people, then it should not be disclosed.

"That era is now over," Mr Obama vowed at a swearing in of senior members of his White House staff.

Mr Obama also pledged to hold himself accountable to "a new standard of openness" introducing new requirements from presidents to keep as much information as possible available to the Americans.

He said that if he, or a former president, wanted to keep information secret they would have to consult the US attorney general and the White House counsel to see whether the move was permitted by law.

"Information will not be withheld just because I say so, it will be withheld because a separate authority believes my request is well grounded in the constitution."

I like his Lincolnian tactic of justification via the constitution, as he presents laws that should have been!

- and Hanoi Jane would love this. I'd love to hear her comments on it!
I can imagine her soon demanding the Vietnam secrecy on her be unveiled.
She has to adjust her attitudes from what she would have done as CofS.
Remember how she cynically charged that she would smash Iran whilst Obama would 'talk'?

She must do as her boss says - talk - or she'll be off the team. :cool:
Can Hillary work without the aggression she promised in her nomination campaign?

This is a first example of 'experts who have roamed the halls for years' having to change the way they do business! Cynics note. :cool:

Probably shows what we knew already, that politicians do what they have to do.

She would probably make better choice saying ‘No thanks’ to the offer; after all she knew that it would bite her, but thick skin protects even if there is inconsistency, could call it personal policy change.
Our Garret seems to have done bit of a policy flip himself as current example from our backyard and he didn’t even cringe.

But don’t we have a lot of ordinary people doing things against their grain just to keep a job?
So it is the same, just bit more public.
Notable is Obama's attempts to dehype his presidency and tone down expectations. A good step.

I noticed that the crowd on inauguration day, seemed to be expecting messianic pronouncements and quotable one liners.... "I have a dream:|" or "ask not what your country can do for you" etc.

The fact that the crowd (and media) seemed underwhelmed by Obama's speech is a tremendous positive and starting off on the right foot IMO.

In fact, I think there are several quotable quotes, just not what many wanted to hear.

I agree fully with all the above! :eek:

He didn't have to stir and impress the crowd. They were ready, willing and able to listen.

He set out the sombre themes for his term with brevity, mild use of metaphors, hope and authority.

Did you see that China left out (censored) some important quotable quotes:-

The Chinese-language websites left out:

"To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist".

Silly me didn't think of Tiananmen's 20th anniversary this year - I thought Darfur, Burma, Zimbabwe, Kenya...
Probably shows what we knew already, that politicians do what they have to do.

But don’t we have a lot of ordinary people doing things against their grain just to keep a job?
So it is the same, just bit more public.

Yes. Politics means 'compromise for survival'.
Hillary was trying to show she was as tough/strong as a man... as a potential female president.

If she had been as nurturing, as parts of Obama's speech were, would she have been mocked as a woman?

She had long criticized Obama for being weak yet the solid, deep tone of his voice as he said:

for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.

... sent the message that he was was no wimp as he spoke for the most powerful nation in the world.
Is it even possible to be swayed by what a person says rather than by what sex they happen to be?

I think probably not in the local bar, but maybe in the election.

For some reason Obama's message got through, while Hillary's didn't. It isn't fair, but what do you do...

As a long time fan of Hillary - wow, now that would REALLY be America turning for the good (and I am male) - I would like for people to give her a chance at being the best possible Secretary of State.
All President Obama's decisions so far are well away from the economy and the serious Federal financial deficit. So far he's upset the Chinese who he needs to keep onside to fund the Treasury sales of debt. Early days but financial confidence is evaporating already.
All President Obama's decisions so far are well away from the economy and the serious Federal financial deficit. So far he's upset the Chinese who he needs to keep onside to fund the Treasury sales of debt. Early days but financial confidence is evaporating already.

How can you say that noirua?
You sound like you're chomping at the bit just as we and the rest of the world are.

Who can now say what happens in American politics does NOT affect us, so WHY should we be interested in them?

Obama's had closed meetings with his economic advisors... Issues for decisions:

There are bills before Congress shortly, on the bailout package.

One would think the economic team has its brief to assess the bills, and amendments, in preparation for debate.

Certainly the republicans seem to feel miffed and unimportant, judging by a Jim Lehrer interview I saw, but Obama has continually stressed this is a post-partisan era.

Does Rudd listen attentively to what our opposition has to suggest?
Will he look to learn from Obama's bailout strategy when it's decided?
For some reason Obama's message got through, while Hillary's didn't. It isn't fair, but what do you do...

As a long time fan of Hillary - wow, now that would REALLY be America turning for the good (and I am male) - I would like for people to give her a chance at being the best possible Secretary of State.

1. Well. If Obama were not in the competition she would have won!
But there was no competition - - just loyalty for her past hard work.

2. I honestly wish that Jill Biden had kept her mouth closed about this office... when she said:

Barack offered Joe the choice... but he preferred to stay home - work from home- for the first time in his career.

Hillary did not need to know this. Cruel. Some things do need to be kept secret IMO.