Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Obama - World Saviour or Bush Baggage Carrier ?

This is a great moment for the USA, unfortunately it comes during a very bad moment for the USA.

Obama wont be able to fix things, no one can, but he just might change a few things to help shore up the future.

I agree that his foreign policy is a worry and if he gets too radical with his ideas, well.......remember JFK.

I think assassination is a huge risk, foreign policy or not. There are plenty of rednecks who'd like to take a shot just because he's black.

BA won't be able to perform miracles economically, and many people will see it as a disappointment but I hope he does as good a job as possible under the circumstances. Certainly anyone is an improvement after Bush.
Re: Obama - World Saviour or Bush Baggage Carrier ?

He's nothing but a poster boy. No one can do anything about the markets - they'll sort themselves out after a while on their own, simple as that :)

Careful. Wysiwyg reads these posts.

He may bring your words back to haunt you! ;)

Do you *really* believe what you said? If so, how long is 'a while'? :eek:
Re: Obama - World Saviour or Bush Baggage Carrier ?

Obama wont be able to fix things, no one can, but he just might change a few things to help shore up the future.

I agree that his foreign policy is a worry and if he gets too radical with his ideas, well.......remember JFK.

Remember, JFK was tied up with the Mafia.

Marilyn Monroe met JFK through her then boyfriend... from Chicago.

Perhaps BO will release secret documents from that too, in his new transparency mode, as well as on Vietnam?

Obama survived the mob unscathed. Is this part and parcel of his basketball skills - besides slam dunking? :D
Re: Obama - World Saviour or Bush Baggage Carrier?

Alfred meets Barack and Hillary.


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Geithner taking a page from the book of Big Daddy Obama: if Big Daddy can scream "no lobbyists" then hire a lobbyist, why can't Geithner?

Geithner Sets Limits on Lobbying for Bailout Money

We can't have lobbyists anywhere near bailout money, but a former Goldman Sachs lobbyist can be chief of staff for Geithner, right, right?

Ethics Order Affects Aide to Geithner
The new chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was a top lobbyist for Goldman Sachs Group Inc. until last year, and will have to recuse himself from some government duties under new White House ethics rules.
Re: Barack 2009!

Mr.Geitner is a crook, plain and simple, and he now heads Treasury, the world is in a recession and the head of the US Treasury is a crook.


You have some nerve saying this in public. Don't be surprised if he sues you for defamation and I'm sure he has some high powered lawyers working for him. Who do you have?!
Re: Barack 2009!

You have some nerve saying this in public. Don't be surprised if he sues you for defamation and I'm sure he has some high powered lawyers working for him. Who do you have?!

His lawyers will be VEEEEERRY busy tracking town the 100's of 1000's of folks on the Internets calling him names. ;)

Honestly! :rolleyes:
Nothing yet from Mr President on how he intends to deal with the second wave of mortgage defaults, forecast to exceed sub-prime, that are just starting to hit other areas of America and are set to continue for several years.
Will be interesting when this second package of US measures reaches the statute books, "The Obama Package".
Re: Barack 2009!

Mr.Geitner is a crook, plain and simple, and he now heads Treasury, the world is in a recession and the head of the US Treasury is a crook.

So be it, but don't try to whitewash Obama's role in this. **** sticks.

Barack Obama picked Timothy Geithner to save the U.S. economy.

Did Barack pick Geithner or was he earmarked beforehand???

Timothy Geithner was one of the guests at the Bilderberg conference last year and strangely, invitees make it into high places after their visit to this conference.

Timothy F. Geithner (2004, 2008), current President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Tony Blair, James Callaghan and Gordon Brown attended the conference and became Prime Minister following it.So there is some connection with the attendees and getting a backscratch and nod from the power brokers of the world.Bit like friends in high places.

Tony Blair (1993), former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Gordon Brown (1991), current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
James Callaghan (1963, 1966), former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

The Bilderberg Conference ....

The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an unofficial annual invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of politics, business and banking.
Ah the hope and change:

The world has noticed the Obama hypocrisy on lobbyists
by Ed Morrissey

Too bad the American media hasn’t kept as close an eye on Barack Obama and his promises to clean up government as the Times of India has. Noting that Obama has already issues 17 exceptions to his no-lobbyist rules in the first two weeks of his inauguration, they wonder how it could worse:
It is easy to project yourself as a clean politician after making your debut in South Side Chicago with buddies like Rahm Emanuel. US president Obama has appointed more than 17 lobbyists after talking big on anti-lobbyist Governance and rooting corruption out of the American Government.
Dreams are dreams. Facts are facts. President Obama is surrounded by corrupt lobbyists ready to sell America cheap. …

Take the example of the newest exposure of doubletalk from Obama! After calling for clean Governance, he appoints a Treasury Secretary who “forgot” to pay for his ‘business tax’ for years! Tom Daschle, a top lobbyist in Washington, who has amended his U.S. tax forms to pay back taxes with interest, is now Obama’s best choice for America’s chief health official. …
Would you believe, Obama had to issue 17 waivers on his own rule in less than two weeks for allowing lobbyist enter his Administration and control Governance of America!
Well, that’s Hope and ChangeTM, isn’t it? When anyone has to issue more than a waiver a day on any standard, it ceases being a standard and becomes a joke. The no-lobbyist rule has become just that — an ironic joke on all of the saps who fell for Obama’s populist pap over the last two years.
Why do we have to go to the Times of India to hear how many exceptions to this rule Obama has invoked? If the Bush administration had publicly imposed such a restriction on itself and then quietly ignored it, we’d hear endless editorials about Bush’s hypocrisy and the influence of the rich and powerful on his administration. We heard exactly that when Dick Cheney assembled a group of advisors, without government positions or enforcement authority, to help him build an energy policy during the first term. Some watchdog groups went to court to force Cheney to reveal their names so that they could make that exact point.
But Obama appointing lobbyist after lobbyist to government positions, with enforcement power, despite his promise not to do that at all? Crickets chirp among the American media. I guess they’ve outsourced their Truth-to-Power divisions to India.

The real Obama emerges. Anyone still think he is a different kind of politician?
same way they closed their eyes and ears to ACORN...the group involved in the sub prime mess....obama was the lawyer that instigated the racist banks had to lend to the blacks...regardless of no income etc

and ACORN still benefits from all these bailouts.....wonder how much obama reaps from that deal alone....
aahhh chicargo...
this one carries far more baggage than any prior president
Ah the hope and change:

The real Obama emerges. Anyone still think he is a different kind of politician?

I noticed the lobbyists at Fraudie Mac and Flunky Mae paid him $100,000 in campaign contributions.

I have been impressed with this lady from Missouri though. Its well overdue, something had to be said.

McCaskill on corporate executives' pay: 'These people are idiots'

Sen. Claire McCaskill — steaming mad and not going to take it anymore — on Friday called Wall Street executives “idiots” and proposed limits on some of their salaries.

Her proposal would force companies taking federal bailout money to limit compensation for any employee to what the president of the United States currently earns: $400,000 a year.

“Is that so unreasonable?” the Democrat from Missouri asked. “It’s eight times the median household income in the United States of America. … I don’t think that sounds like a bad deal.”

The idea lit up blogs, Web sites and TV screens across the nation, with many applauding her attack on wealthy bankers and investors.

“They don’t get it,” McCaskill said on the Senate floor. “These people are idiots.”

The compensation cap would cover salary, bonuses and stock options.

Critics quickly struck back, calling the plan shortsighted.

“It’s a stupid idea,” said Woody Cozad, a lobbyist, commentator and Republican from Missouri. “I don’t defend anyone who’s at those companies now, but if they all need to be replaced, you’re not going to replace them with anybody very good for $400,000.”

If these people were so good, why do they need public money to survive? :bs:

I notice no-one from the Republicans has uttered a murmur on the issue.
I notice that President Obama is falling into the same traps as President Bush as he fails to check out his appointments to senior office. Is he appointing from the heart and checking later and coming to grief. A bit like buying a stock first and then researching it.

Obama: 'I screwed up' on Daschle appointment:

This will sure make the high income potential candidates rush out to check and pay their taxes!

This reminds me of those footie stars who lost their contracts for being in a brawl - warning to others!
ATM I am so grateful I live downunder!
Krudd's packages are pre-emptive for Aus.
Obama's is to provide a solution for the US:

Last night, President Obama recorded a series of national network and cable news interviews about the urgent need for an economic recovery plan.

President Obama discussed why we need an immediate effort to create millions of jobs while investing in long-term challenges like energy and health care.

He called for swift investment in job creation while continuing to assist those who are out of work, without health insurance, or in danger of losing their homes.
This will sure make the high income potential candidates rush out to check and pay their taxes!

This reminds me of those footie stars who lost their contracts for being in a brawl - warning to others!
President Obama seems to be backtracking on his "buy American" stimulus package. A quick but uncertain start and even the package may be held up. What next?