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Barack Obama!

President Obama seems to be backtracking on his "buy American" stimulus package. A quick but uncertain start and even the package may be held up. What next?

If Obama was one man show, he could do whatever he wants and providing he would not share the same destiny as J F K he could even get second term.

But reality is that government consist of quite bunch of democratically elected politicians and some of them might not be squeaky clean.

>Democratically elected< does not mean too much, Lebanon springs to mind.
President Obama seems to be backtracking on his "buy American" stimulus package. A quick but uncertain start and even the package may be held up. What next?

This is a tricky one isn't it?

Imagine if all countries did this... 'Buy Australian'... Sounds good in theory.

What if the Chinese did it too, and Europeans... would this improve their/our consumer crisis?

Producers earn money but so do the businesses that distribute it. It may be cheaper for consumers.
Don't trade agreements work both ways?

I remember well, Whitlam saying that subsidizing farmers to survive drought was a waste of taxpayers' money when the food could be imported cheaper. Give me Aussie food anyday! Except for US navel oranges in our summer and US cherries in our winter. ;)
Yesterday I needed kiwifruit. Produce of Italy!!
KRudd had his national gathering of minds to gather new ideas on where his gov't should focus its term.

Obama's ground-up approach not only involved people in the election, who had never got out the vote before, but raised unprecedented donated funds to ensure no PAC nor lobbyist owned a slice of his campaign.
Each supporter had a sense of ownership. If you feel you belong you will work for the good of the common goal of the group. America will be even more patriotic!

He used the millions of email-linked supporters to pay for the inauguration - except for the security etc.

Now he has these millions actively involved with his policies and their passage through the House and the Senate.

If an individual has ideas or criticisms, there is a structure to be heard.
They will know what is happening and can lobby their senator to vote it in/out.

Obama's genius in treating people 'the way they could be' has worked well.
He speaks to individuals and makes them feel vital and that 'they can'.
It projects confidence that something is being done and it can be seen to be done.

His philosophy is not to tell people what to think - but giving people something to think about.

His masterstroke of 'bringing people together' continues as Obama uses their 'social needs' as a tool:

The economic crisis is growing more serious every day, and the time for action has come.

Last week, the House of Representatives passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which will jumpstart our economy and put more than 3 million people back to work.

I hope to sign the recovery plan into law in the next few weeks. But I need your help to spread the word and build support.

It's not enough for this bill to simply pass Congress. Americans need to know how it will affect their lives -- they need to know that help is on the way and that this administration is investing in economic growth and stability.

Governor Tim Kaine has agreed to record a video outlining the recovery plan and answering questions about what it means for your community. You can submit your questions online and then invite your friends, family, and neighbors to watch the video with you at an Economic Recovery House Meeting.

Join thousands of people across the country by hosting or attending an Economic Recovery House Meeting this weekend.

The stakes are too high to allow partisan politics to get in the way.

That's why I've consulted with Republicans as well as Democrats to put together a plan that will address the crisis we face.

I've also taken steps to ensure an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability.
Once it's passed, you will be able to see how every penny in this plan is being spent.

You can help restore confidence in our economy by making sure your friends, family, and neighbors understand how the recovery plan will impact your community.

Sign up to host or attend an Economic Recovery House Meeting and submit your question for the video now:

Our ability to come together as a nation in difficult times has never been more important.

I know I can rely on your spirit and resolve as we lead our country to recovery.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

P.S. -- If you can't host or attend an Economic Recovery House Meeting, you can still submit your questions for Governor Kaine and then share the video with your friends and family this weekend.
Ah the hope and change:

The real Obama emerges. Anyone still think he is a different kind of politician?

The new rules need a transition phase.

Obviously the entrenched lobbyist activities involved high achievers who were sought to make things happen?

Just like the US getting out of Iraq... can't be done by the stroke of a pen.

When a Year 8 student presents with serious behaviour problems you cannot get them to solve them overnight.
They have taken 13 years to learn that it is acceptable for them to behave this way...
or - no-one suggested nor convinced them to behave otherwise.
Obama's genius in treating people 'the way they could be' has worked well.
Has it really, Doris? Could have fooled me!
Not a single Republican voted for his Bill in the House of Reps according to item on "PM" this evening. And he's talking until he must be blue in the face in an attempt to persuade Senators to pass the legislation, so far with zilch results.

He speaks to individuals and makes them feel vital and that 'they can'.
Well, on the evidence so far, maybe more like "they can indeed ignore his admonishments".

It projects confidence that something is being done and it can be seen to be done.
So far wishful thinking on your part, Doris.
This will sure make the high income potential candidates rush out to check and pay their taxes!

This reminds me of those footie stars who lost their contracts for being in a brawl - warning to others!

Doris , I fail to see where you are coming from with these statements.

It is reasonable to expect that a President should choose honest people for high office.

Obama had picked a number of crooks for, amongst others, the positions of Health and Treasury Secretaries. They were tax cheats. They committed offences against the public purse.

Are you implying that potential candidates are more likely in future to be honest in their affairs or that as appears more likely many of his picks are crooked and will be more likely to fess up and repay the state the monies they have filched.

The court of public opinion has decided that he has exhibited poor judgement in picking crooks in the first place for these important positions.

Has it really, Doris? Could have fooled me!
Not a single Republican voted for his Bill in the House of Reps according to item on "PM" this evening. And he's talking until he must be blue in the face in an attempt to persuade Senators to pass the legislation, so far with zilch results.

Well, on the evidence so far, maybe more like "they can indeed ignore his admonishments".

So far wishful thinking on your part, Doris.

Julia my words were directed at the people Barack's mass email was directed at.

It was an evaluation of the psychology at play, in the brilliant use of involving people on the ground.

If you have a boss who demands a hierarchy then the little man will work only for his pay.
If all workers have a share of the company they are more likely to put in much more effort.

Read again and look for the progressive use of 'ownership' success.

The house meetings, which were used to elucidate policy and get out the vote, drew in even more supporters.

When I signed up on Barack's National Team, in Feb 2007, there were some 230 of us... There are 3 million now.
Instant communication to supporters who can influence people who can influence the senators.

Read his email again:
I hope to sign the recovery plan into law in the next few weeks. But I need your help to spread the word and build support.

He needs the success of these housemeetings for people to know what is involved in the package and for them to canvass their senator to vote for it! Of course amendments will be made in the senate and this is also part of this weekend's agenda - for ideas and criticisms to be offered up and heard.

... government of the people - by the people - for the people. (Is that quoted right ZzzDad?)

After these house meetings - which will gather more people into 'owning' the government - it may double!

My point is the brilliant psychological strategy being used.

Maybe I was obtuse in my analysis presentation?

My friend in Orange County, having voted against the GOP rather than for Obama, is still suspicious about Obama's motives and she is watching like a hawk for signs of a hidden agenda - that he is following Hitler's format further.
Surely his 'transparency policy' should alleviate her concerns!

She still does not trust the mass hysteria which only Hitler has accomplished before.
Doris , I fail to see where you are coming from with these statements.

It is reasonable to expect that a President should choose honest people for high office.

Do you really think these busy high flying people do their own tax?
Even I just give my stuff to my accountant and she does it. She is the expert.

Are you implying that potential candidates are more likely in future to be honest in their affairs or that as appears more likely many of his picks are crooked and will be more likely to fess up and repay the state the monies they have filched.

I think they will be giving harsher instructions to their tax accountants!

Just as footie fools are more circumspect when they go to pubs after the games!
Do you really think these busy high flying people do their own tax?
Even I just give my stuff to my accountant and she does it. She is the expert.

I think they will be giving harsher instructions to their tax accountants!

Just as footie fools are more circumspect when they go to pubs after the games!

Doris that is a similar argument to a child telling the teacher that the dog ate the homework.

Surely you have put in a tax return?, it is the responsibility of the taxpayer to provide the information to the accountant to prepare the return. It is then signed off by the taxpayer.

I suppose though that being crooked in your tax return would not have the same gravity as signing off without reading an important treasury document. The Secretary of Treasury could always blame the bean counters if a few billion were missing for the Secretary of Health who would in any case be a few billion light for the same reason.

It still comes back to probity, and the Obama team has a smell about it, they can't be trusted to be honest in their affairs and the worry is they won't be responsible with Joe the Plumber's money either.

The Barack Obama stimulous package will go through as they dare not stop it with a new President in office. Games will be played and many have their own private agenda as to who they think should benefit from it. Just a few changes in the knobs and whistles and thats that, no worries really.
Obama's genius in treating people 'the way they could be' has worked well.
He speaks to individuals and makes them feel vital and that 'they can'.
It projects confidence that something is being done and it can be seen to be done.

Interesting thoughts Doris.Perhaps you might like to read this person's thoughts about Obama.
The lead in to the story may be a little overdone-
President Obama has led a charmed life. Now it's time for him to resize his spectacular image and show that he can endure the everyday ups and downs of the Oval Office
Interesting thoughts Doris.Perhaps you might like to read this person's thoughts about Obama.
The lead in to the story may be a little overdone-

Doris , I was going to give you a bit of space this weekend but the crooks and the spouses of crooks appointed by Obama are crawling out of the woodwork like an army of dishonest helminths.

This from the Wall St.Journal and Reuters

Yet another cabinet nominee has tax problems, Reuters reports:

A Senate panel delayed its vote on Labor Secretary-designate Hilda Solis after the newspaper USA Today reported that her husband paid about $6,400 on Wednesday to settle tax liens that had been outstanding against his business for as long as 16 years.

That's Wednesday of this week--i.e., roughly 24 hours after the defenestration of Nancy Killefer and Tom Daschle.

It does beg the question of Barack Obama's judgement in picking crooks and the spouses of crooks for high office.

This has been the worst start of an Administration in American history. The appointments, the porkiest "stimulus" bill in history. He can't stand up to the likes of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. This is looking so much like a replay of Jimmy Carter - except worse. He really doesn't have a clue. I wish he did for the country's sake.
Julia my words were directed at the people Barack's mass email was directed at.
Well, all that's history now, Doris. No one cares.

But what people do care about is the future. Not shaping up too well right now.
To have picked several major appointees who are dishonest is a helluva bad start imo.
Well, all that's history now, Doris. No one cares.

But what people do care about is the future. Not shaping up too well right now.
To have picked several major appointees who are dishonest is a helluva bad start imo.

Julia did you read my post again as I urged? Out of context comments are irrelevant to my evaluation.

It was an evaluation of Obama's people strategy in using mass emailing.

The latest email, as I said in that post, was sent Tuesday.

It is not history... not yet! It is NOW.

... Marshalling the grass-roots to glean knowledge of the package and arming them to canvass their senators.

It is this weekend - today and tomorrow US time:

From: President Barack Obama []
Sent: Tuesday, 3 February 2009 4:03 AM
To: Doris *******
Subject: What recovery means for you

Doris --

The economic crisis is growing more serious every day, and the time for action has come.

Last week, the House of Representatives passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which will jumpstart our economy and put more than 3 million people back to work.

I hope to sign the recovery plan into law in the next few weeks. But I need your help to spread the word and build support.

It's not enough for this bill to simply pass Congress. Americans need to know how it will affect their lives -- they need to know that help is on the way and that this administration is investing in economic growth and stability.

Governor Tim Kaine has agreed to record a video outlining the recovery plan and answering questions about what it means for your community. You can submit your questions online and then invite your friends, family, and neighbors to watch the video with you at an Economic Recovery House Meeting.

Unprecedented transparency and accountability.

* He will appoint an aggressive Inspector General and a cabinet-level Oversight Management Board to make sure this money is spent wisely when this package, 'a down payment on the American Dream' is passed through the senate.

* When the package is signed 'goes live to show where your tax $ are going'.

He also uses his people skills in this video that is being shown in these house meetings this weekend:

This video, responding to voter questions, is also being shown at these house meetings.

The recovery package... "It's a work in progress. It's still cooking." AP - an hour ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — On his first big test, Barack Obama made some rookie mistakes and strategic missteps. But he still appears headed for a win on the centerpiece of his agenda, a huge economic recovery program, with the fresh striking of a bipartisan deal in the Senate.

* Put together by congressional Democrats in partnership with Obama... begun during Obama's transition.

* The administration decided against submitting its own detailed legislative package but stayed close to the process.

* In the Senate, an even larger package was considered, although the deal struck Friday pared it back some.

* The size and composition of the plan gave Republicans an opening to assert that Obama had given too much leeway to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Banking Committee Chairman Barney Frank. And they also could argue that, while Obama had offered to consider GOP suggestions for the package, none wound up in the legislation.

* In not sending his own legislation to Congress, Obama did the exact opposite of what President Bill Clinton did in 1993 when he tried to get Congress to swallow whole a detailed health care overhaul plan put together by a task force headed by his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton. That take-it-or-leave it approach alienated Congress.

* Obama stumbled by ceding the debate to Capitol Hill and not stepping out more to explain the bill to the public.

* A small percentage of this bill, the unnecessary spending, allowed Republicans — who have played politics on this from the beginning — to discredit it so public opinion is against it. "We can't just sit back and let them define us."

* After his original outreach to Republicans, Obama late last week changed his tone and derided Republican ideas for putting more tax cuts in. Such ideas "have been tested and they have failed... the scale and scope of this plan is right."

* He'll continue trying to regain momentum on economic policy... first prime-time news conference on Monday after Treasury Secretary Geithner outlines details for a new financial-sector rescue plan. Then he'll participate in town hall-style meetings in towns suffering particularly hard times — Elkhart, Ind., Monday and Fort Myers, Fla., Tuesday.

* Obama's courtship of Republicans only to be rebuffed by them = "an early lesson for President Obama and his team."

* Obama set a particularly high bar for himself by "promising to change the way Washington works."

... He promised to make it a less partisan, post-partisan place. And so he has to do this. Can he hit the sweet spot on the stimulus package with enough tax breaks and enough non-controversial spending to get the votes?
The recovery package... "It's a work in progress. It's still cooking." AP - an hour ago

* Put together by congressional Democrats in partnership with Obama... begun during Obama's transition.

* The administration decided against submitting its own detailed legislative package but stayed close to the process.

* In the Senate, an even larger package was considered, although the deal struck Friday pared it back some.

* The size and composition of the plan gave Republicans an opening to assert that Obama had given too much leeway to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Banking Committee Chairman Barney Frank. And they also could argue that, while Obama had offered to consider GOP suggestions for the package, none wound up in the legislation.

* In not sending his own legislation to Congress, Obama did the exact opposite of what President Bill Clinton did in 1993 when he tried to get Congress to swallow whole a detailed health care overhaul plan put together by a task force headed by his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton. That take-it-or-leave it approach alienated Congress.

* Obama stumbled by ceding the debate to Capitol Hill and not stepping out more to explain the bill to the public.

* A small percentage of this bill, the unnecessary spending, allowed Republicans ”” who have played politics on this from the beginning ”” to discredit it so public opinion is against it. "We can't just sit back and let them define us."

* After his original outreach to Republicans, Obama late last week changed his tone and derided Republican ideas for putting more tax cuts in. Such ideas "have been tested and they have failed... the scale and scope of this plan is right."

* He'll continue trying to regain momentum on economic policy... first prime-time news conference on Monday after Treasury Secretary Geithner outlines details for a new financial-sector rescue plan. Then he'll participate in town hall-style meetings in towns suffering particularly hard times ”” Elkhart, Ind., Monday and Fort Myers, Fla., Tuesday.

* Obama's courtship of Republicans only to be rebuffed by them = "an early lesson for President Obama and his team."

* Obama set a particularly high bar for himself by "promising to change the way Washington works."

... He promised to make it a less partisan, post-partisan place. And so he has to do this. Can he hit the sweet spot on the stimulus package with enough tax breaks and enough non-controversial spending to get the votes?

Doris, there is no argument that Obama has done his homework, consulted with his supporters and with his side of politics in the Senate. All would agree with you on this.

He has also kept in touch with his supporters and you in particular which must be gratifying.

There is more to being President than sending out emails and implementing policies agreed in advance with your own side.

He needs to be able to pick people to implement the policies. The Democrats have a long history of sleaze in Chicago which emanates from there outwards.

This has resulted in a dearth of suitable candidates to fill Leadership positions in his cabinet.

This lack of honest leaders is as big an impediment as not having policies in the first place.

And that is what is making his first few weeks a disaster for the US and the world.

The Global Crisis began with corrupt bankers and financiers and now the cure is being overseen by perceived crooks in high office.

Julia did you read my post again as I urged? Out of context comments are irrelevant to my evaluation.

It was an evaluation of Obama's people strategy in using mass emailing.
Doris, it's not people like yourself and the rest of the Obama fan club he needs to convince.

It's the Republicans. He can have people like you spreading the joyous message until you're blue in the face, but unless the Republicans agree to pass the legislation, it ain't going to happen.

And giving them the very valid ammunition of some of the Democratic appointees showing up as dishonest or at least dodgy isn't helping.